Menu Hand blending to ensure quality, consistency and freshness using the finest quality Organic, Fair Trade,
Shade Grown, Kosher Coffee’s , Tea’s, Mushroom Elixirs, Chai’s, Mocha’s and Hot Chocolates. Using only the finest Co2
extracted medical Marijuana that is strain specific. A wonderful healthy alternative to smoking and most edibles. Fully
activated Sodium Free (excluding Chocolate drinks) – Gluten Free – Sugar Free (excluding chocolate drinks), Soy Free(Tea
only) Lab tested. All blends are available in (5) servings.20 mg variety bags or single servings in 80 mg, 120 mg, 160 mg.
Coffee Blends –Instant no brewing,
Instant Just pour into a cup and pour hot water over. Migraines, insomnia,
Hormonal issues, body pain, digestion, stress, shingles, anti inflammatory
Urban Myth, Twyla Lite, Freudian Couch, Humming Taosian - Decaffeinated/Indican Relaxing Blends
Social Security, Army Intelligence, Tibetan TaterTots, Rothko Pomegranate - Caffeinated/Sativan Active Blends
Tea Blends – brew bags
Green Tea Blends - –Active Blends - Caffeinated / sativa; immune boosting anti oxidants, cancer prevention, natural antibiotic,
heart disease hormonal issues
IntensiTea –Big Green Tea - Jasmine, Oolong, Gunpowder ; auto immune, cancer prevention
DeiTea- Lemon green tea - lemon grass, Myrtle ; hormonal inbalance, migraines, immunity boost, skin clarification, allergies
DiviniTea- Cabernet grape skins, cocoa nibs, acai berry; immunity, cancer prevention, anti- depression
Herbal Tea Blends – Relaxing Blends, Indica/ Herbal
SereniTea – Nutty pomegranate flavor with a grand floral aroma and botanical palate - Red and Green Rooibos, Berry Fruit, flower
petals – Herbal/Indican; control allergies, pain relief, improve skin, light colds, aids digestion and stress relief
SubtleTea –Tangerine Ginger - Ginger root, hibiscus flower, schizandra berry, licorice root, rosehips ,citrus essential oils and peel ;
digestive aid, blood infusion, immunity boost
DiviniTea - Bordeaux grapeskins, acai berries, macai berries, vanilla bean, cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg; immunity boost,
Chai Tea Blends
God’s Eye Chai – Herbal/Indican sweet soothing Chai, great honey steamer drink– Rooibos, cinnamon, cardamom, star anise,
ramon nut,cloves ; Relaxing Blend
Third Eye Chai – caffeinated/Sativan – Sweet and Spicy Chai - Black Tea ,cardamom, Almonds; Cancer prevention, immunity boost,
stabilizes blood sugar levels, Active Blend
Good Karma Always Tastes Good! Sip & Circumnavigate!
Ordering Contact [email protected] 303-800-8509
Mushroom Elixirs – Tea with Osha, Pau De Arco, Gingko Biloba, Reishi Mushroom, Shitake Mushroom, Turkey Tail
Mushroom ;
Anti-tumor, Anti-microbial, Immunomodulating, Anti-oxidant, Hepatitis B and C, anitmalarial, HIV inhibitor, blood pressure and
Cholesterol reduction, thrombosis, candida, chemotherapy symptom alleviation, pneumonia, tuberculosis, alzheimers, nausea, sinusitis,
asthma, tinnitis
ImmortaliTea – Caffeinated/Sativan- Earthy robust black tea blend - Black tea, Active Blend
TranquiliTea – Herbal/Indican- gentle and earthy - Chamomile, Peppermint, Ginger Reishi , Relaxing Blend
Chocolate Drinks –Instant
Corona De Cocoa – Caffeinated/Sativan -Classic Mocha – Coffee, Chocolate, Sugar; depression, Active Blend
Double Crown – Caffeinated/Sativan -Minty Mocha – Coffee, Chocolate, Peppermint, Sugar ; depression, Active Blend
Triple Crown – Indica-Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate – Chocolate, Salt, Caramel, Sugar; stress relief, insomnia, Relaxing Blend
VarieTea & Variety Coffee Packs are available (5)servings, each 20 mg dose mixed variety of Indica/Herba Relaxing Blends or
Caf/Sativa Tea Active Blends, Coffee or Tea 100 mg total in package.
V Mocktails – Virgin Cannabis Infused Cocktails
Available in Party Packs (5) servings , 1 of every flavor in 20mg single serving doses, 100 mg Total per Pack.
Lemon Drop
Good Karma Always Tastes Good! Sip & Circumnavigate!
Ordering Contact [email protected] 303-800-8509