YOT of the scheme? ?l;il*l^,le,1r3,ure Theschem" *ri'[" r=;"";::r.::f ., rear to vear ori"iing lire insurance vear, offering verr, ,f"r;.'rffi;.?f:,i;lT":,,r;JHirffi lnsu.rance scheme, "",::"1:lT^!rj3 ,::::T., renewabre from :"l'Jsil: :g: r r : r. yd p re m u m p a y a b, e ? ['-15i|;;'"HXTi".1;18$,[:1il'*:nT[i:'#,0.g:r,,ypavab,e? reason' The premium subscriber.^" . H :n3iHi:Y"T:iff "" s oueucl"lo€ll: is Rs.330/- p"t inn '"' per um subscriber. Q3. How will th.e premium be paid? rhe premirT_*.1J. b"-;,#,}Jj no, the account n i h lfi '::3ll,ti[,I#;Jhl,t#munl-,,"0"1','n3]"i,ii'llfl:';?f ,,:,;J#ffi :?i;?;JflH*ff Q4. Who :i1':H.*";l"l;:SJ:ii;{i[f *iil.?tr,r/ administer the rhe schem. y:lr9 b; ;;f";;'.1 ff irr:?:nxillirJ:-",ffi :TH;;fr :fl rhrguoh Lrc and other Lire rnsurance iil;sr,1.t*,ix#1#Tu;;st#*:1t",,il,,n,t]H,#; such rife insurance'.orp5nv'rxr irpr*;r];;;'rh""Jtnur" Q5. Who will be eligible to subscribe? All savings bank-acc6"iff#.i1 tn." age entiiled to ioin. o me i" n t r ;;it ;:,: : r bank account oi; if, 1B to 50 for their subscribers. v9als in participating banks wi, be #H[ i* :,t i,1: ffi r f, : 5 f"H#i: Q6. What is th *:k:,". l ;1. :i,J i ffiJ j:itii:i5il:fl:i1"il",qrj'Jr: ffi:tr"1rifHir,"#:*,l[t*-*i'.;ldfi Subscribers who yvis.fr to continue beiond the first v il#*i*t*'lgfi#l; s ve,he r il[:i",3,",Tiif rHH if i::ffii submission orl serr-certificate i::'.,,ffi:*ri:i{ ryment !ff.:Jffired'[' of ful;;;;r1t*rflilTj of gooo heatth. ilfll.mndividuals gooo heiJil' who fail to join the scheme in rhe initiar year join in iff:[fi?J:XT#ilrlL;?:.,,::Tff,:lolission or a serr_certiricate or lso join accordingly. Q8. Can individu_als who leave the scheme lndividuals who exit rejoin? tf.,"..f.,"r" payin tn e a s n n ua i prem i um ;il;t,11il,ff : :T,? I J:nH i iiffiT,"# c scheme? ig-riri;; payable ,i'l .l.j?.:T ? g fitu re yea rs by Q9. who would be the Master poricy hotder for the sctreriez Participating Banks will be the Mastei policy hotoers. A simpte and subscriber friendly administration & .J."iT settlement process shall be finalized 'by -' .-t LIC -' I cnosen insurance company in consultation with the participating bank Q10. when can the assurance on life of the member terminate? The assurance on the life of the member shall terminate / be restricted any of the following events: accordingly on i' on attaining.age 55 years (age near birth day), subject to annual renewal up to tlrt date (entry, however, will not be possible 6eyond the age of 50 years). .. ii' account with the Bank or insuificiency of balance to keep the 9^P:::^:f tnsurance in force. iii' ln case a member is covered through more than one account and premium is received by LIC / insurance compiny inadvertently, insurance cover will be restricted to Rs. 2 Lakh and the premium shatl be liable to Oe iori"it"o. Q11. what i' ii' iii' will be the rore of the insurance company and the Bank? The scheme will be administered by LIC or any other Life lnsurance company which is willing to offer such a produit in partnership with a bank / banks. lt will be the. responsibility of :the participatin! oanr to recover the appropriate annual premium in one installment, as per the option, from the account holders on or before the due date through 'auto-debit' process and transfer the amount due to the insurance company. Enrollment form / Auto-debit authorization / Consent cum Declaration form in the prescribed proforma, as required, shall be obtained and retained by the participating bank. ln case of claim, Llc insurance .orprny may seek submission of the same. LIC / lnsurance Company also reserve the right to call for these documents at any point of time. / Q12. How woutd the premium be appropriated? a' lnsurance Premium to LIC /other insurance company: Rs.2ggl per annum per member; r b' Reimbursement of Expenses to BC/Micro/Corporate/Agent : c' Rs.30/- per annum per member; Reimbursement of Administrative expenses to participating Bank: Rs.11l- per annum per member. Q13' Will this cover be in addition to cover under any other insurance scheme the subscriber may be covered under? Yes. ** *** ** *********
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