Excellence, Integrity, Resilience, Respect Newsletter No 9 April 13th, 2015 Principal’s Chat Welcome to term 2. I hope that you all had a relaxing and re-energizing break, ready for an action packed term 2. An update on what has been happening over the past few weeks: Maldon Primary School was well represented at the Maldon Easter Parade – we had 25 students dressed in the theme “What I want to be when I grow up”. We also had our school values on display. A very big thank you to Nicole for organising and coordinating on the day. THIS WEEK AT M.P.S. Uninterrupted week-no extra-curricular activities scheduled before 2.15pm Wednesday 15th April Sport meeting 9.15am Friday 17th April Friday Fundraiser Assembly 2.45pm 4D star class UPCOMING EVENTS Wed 22nd- Fri 24th April Grade 3/4 Camp Wednesday 22nd April School Council 6.30pm Our garden committee have also been busy over the holidays. Felicity has been busy finalising the front garden with some lovely native and cottage plants. We can’t wait for them to grow. To finalise our front garden we are just waiting on the arrival of a couple of seats. On the last day of term all our students participated in a dance-athon. We were blown away by the generosity of both our school community and the wider community with their kind donations to the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. To date we have raised $1414.05 from the dance-a-thon and casual clothes day with a few more students yet to return their forms/ sponsorship money. Wednesday 29th April Grandparents/Friends day Sunday 3rd May Working Bee Friday 8th May Mother’s Day celebration Wednesday 20th May Parent Forum with Lyn Watts, 6.30pm Thursday 21st May Pupil Free Day Wed 3rd-Fri 5th June Grade 5/6 Camp Thursday 13th August Parent Forum with Lyn Watts, 6.30pm Friday 14th August Pupil Free Day WHAT’S HAPPENING THIS TERM? Uninterrupted weeks This term we are introducing our uninterrupted weeks. As part of the school review conducted at the end of last year we talked about optimising learning time. In order to do this we have designated 5 weeks of every term as uninterrupted weeks meaning that we have no interruptions to learning e.g. excursions, events, special guests etc. prior to 2.15pm. The aim is to optimise learning time as the first three hours of the days are the most beneficial for learning. We will let you know in the newsletter when we have our uninterrupted weeks. This week is our first uninterrupted week for term 2! Camps This term is a very busy one for camps. Our grade 3/4 ‘s are heading to Anglesea next week for three days and grade 5/6 will be travelling to Queenscliff for three days on June 3rd. School bus Last term an expression of interest was sent out to all families in regards to the school bus service. As mentioned in previous newsletters the information received was being collated and further information would be shared as it came to hand. Investigations into bus routes, roads, surfaces etc. have also been conducted. A new bus route has been proposed and the next step in the process, before it can go to the DET for approval, is that we get an idea of who would be using the proposed new route and what stops they will get on at. If you indicated that you would be interested in travelling on the school bus, and you are eligible to do so, then further information regarding the proposed route has been sent home today. Building works We are in the beginning stages of our building works to expend the $500,000 grant we received last year. This week I am meeting with the architects and project managers from the Education Department to investigate the next steps in the process and the needs of our school. Keep an eye out for information in regards to this in coming newsletters. Kind regards Jodie What’s happening in the classroom? Our teachers have been busy planning and preparing for term 2. Here is a brief overview of what is happening in classrooms this term. Liz- Literacy Coach In Term 2, all classes will continue with their CAFÉ reading work, focusing particularly on identifying student needs and then using small group teaching for working on the strategies of Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding vocabulary. Teachers have planned their Speaking and Listening program based on AusVELS, the national curriculum taught in Victorian schools. Classes will be learning varied text forms, such as social writing, writing to persuade, writing descriptions and recounts. Samples of work will be collected for inclusion in the students’ individual portfolios. In May, Year 3 and 5 students will be undertaking NAPLAN (National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy), which involves pen and paper tests on reading, grammar and punctuation, writing and mathematics. This is just one part of our whole school assessment program for literacy and numeracy. I will continue to support teachers within the classroom and with planning, two days per week. Bernadette – Grade Prep Reading: We are following the CAFÉ menu and learning comprehension, accuracy, fluency and exploring the concepts of print. These are in the room on the WALT (We Are Learning To) board and on the CAFÉ menu display. Writing: We are focusing on the initial letters in words, and beginning to use whole words that we recognise. We are learning about full stops and capital letters. We are working on how to hold a pencil and how to form each alt do letter correctly. Maths: Each topic is taught for three weeks. We are learning length, capacity and mass; addition concepts; shapes and objects (2D and 3D) and time including days of the week and o’clock. Inquiry: Our Inquiry is My History and All about me. We are looking at our personal history, our families and how families remember and celebrate important events. John- Grade 1/2 This term in 1/2 J we will be exploring History through the Gold Rush. We will examine the ways gold shaped our region and even have a go at mining for our own gold! Our CAFÉ Reading program and routines are fully established and we will continue developing our Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion of Vocabulary throughout the term. I will continue conferences with students setting their own personal ‘Medals & Missions’. As part of writing we will be producing several mediums, such as invitations, apologies, personal correspondence and telephone conversations. In the second half of the Term we will explore nursery rhymes and fairy tales and have a go at writing our own ‘Fractured Fairy Tales’. Come and check out our Writer’s Notebooks and see what each of our personal ‘Writing Goals’ are. We are kicking off maths this term with Subtraction, then moving onto patterns, time, shape and location. These topics should make for some great display on our ‘Wall of Fame’ in the hallway. We are currently busy planning an excursion for later on in the term and details of this will be provided to parents very shortly. It is going to be a super busy term in the 1/2 classroom! Helen – Grade 2/3 This term our class will be learning all about the gold rush in Australia and students may even get the chance to dig for gold themselves (if they can earn their mining license that is!) In maths, we will be looking at subtraction strategies as well and patterns and time. In writing, we will be convincing others to agree with our point of view by writing wonderful persuasive texts, as well as learning to write entertaining stories and poems. Grade 3’s will be heading to camp in week two to Anglesea Costal Lodge. It is going to be a very busy and productive term and I am looking forward to all of the fantastic learning and new experiences we will be a part of in 2/3H. Danica – Grade 4 Wow! What a busy time term one was and 4D can’t wait to share all of our highlights as the star class for assembly this week. Term two will be just as busy starting off with our camp to Coastal Forest Lodge in Anglesea in the second week of term. We also have district netball happening in May so we will be working on our netball skills during our P.E time. This term our inquiry unit is Community and Remembrance which will focus on the contribution Indigenous Australians have made to our local community and days of celebration in Australia and around the world. We will also be investigating different types of packaging as part of our science inquiry. Our maths topics will include subtraction, multiplication and angles and shapes. Term two will certainly be exciting and very busy. As the new term begins please remind your child that their reading diary must be completed every night and netbooks are to come to school every day FULLY charged. Brett – Grade 5/6 This term we will be taking a look at what colonial life was like in Australia in the late 1800’s and late 1900’s. We’ll also be making inquiries about solids, liquids and gases which will extend into term 3 for more indepth investigations. With ANZAC Day just around the corner, students will learn about the landing of Gallipoli (100 years ago) in WWI and how that has contributed to Australia’s freedom. The students are getting very excited about their school camp in Queenscliff where they’ll learn about marine life at the beach, and participate in mountain bike riding and canoeing just to name a few activities. In literacy, we will be continuing our CAFÉ reading program to learn valuable reading strategies, writing from the heart using our Writer’s Notebooks and preparing for NAPLAN by focusing on persuasive and narrative text forms. In numeracy, we will cover the following concepts: addition & subtraction strategies, fractions & decimals and multiplication strategies. Our ‘Young Leaders’ will continue to follow their passions and endeavour to make positive change within the school and local community through various projects and the class will practise their netball skills in preparation for the district netball tournament happening in May. So once again another jam packed term full of fun, learning & discovery in 5/6B! Mary – Performing Arts The Performing Arts curriculum is developmental and hands on learning. The learning activities apply the elements, principles and conventions of music, dance, drama and circus throughout the school. Prep students will continue to respond to music through songs, chants, rhymes, percussion, movement and dance in a play based environment. Grade 1-2 students will continue with these activities as well playing tuned percussion, exploring creative dance and developing primary circus skills in juggling and spinning plates. Grade 3-4 students will start learning music notation and playing the recorder this term as well as continuing with singing, percussion, dance, drama and circus exercises. Grade 5-6 students will continue with learning musical notation and apply it to tuned percussion whilst learning to compose their own pieces. They will also be given the opportunity to play their pieces on recorder. All students will work towards end of term performances in front of their peers and broader school themes will be applied wherever suitable. Young leaders: Young Leaders Friday FUNdraiser Please leave orders with your classroom teacher. Available each Friday are: Homemade Sausage rolls $2.50, Juice Box $1.50, Popcorn $1.00 Healthy tip from the Healthy Heroes Drink your milk! Think you are getting a boost from your morning cereal? Up to 40% of the vitamins in cereal dissolves in the milk. If you don’t drink the leftover milk you are not getting the fancy pants nutrients! Wanted: Clean carpet to cut into 40cm squares for use in our Performing Arts Program. If you can help please let the office know. Office Info Grade 3/4 camp payment and forms: The 3/4 camp consent form and medical information forms were due back at the office on the last term. If you are yet to return your forms please do so by WEDNESDAY so that we can advise the camp providers of dietary requirements, allergies etc. If you have misplaced your forms they can be found on the school website www.maldonps.vic.edu.au. A reminder to all families that the final camp instalment of $110 is due this Friday 17th April. If you have elected to pay for the camp in full payment is also due on Friday 17th April. Please see Debra at the office if you have any concerns regarding payment. Grade 5/6 camp: The $75 deposit for the grade 5/6 camp is due this Wednesday 15th April. We ask that all families return their slip and deposit promptly so that planning for the camp is not delayed. If payment is an issue please see Debra at the office to arrange an alternative payment plan. Term 2 netbook instalment due: Families who have students in grades 4 to 6 are reminded that, if you have elected to pay for the netbook by instalment, the second netbook instalment of $25 is due this Friday 17th April. Payment for camps and excursions: Are you tired of trying to find the right cash for excursions? Did you know that you don’t have to? Some families have paid a bulk amount e.g. $100 onto their account which the office then allocates to excursion costs as they arise. These families then only need to fill in and return their excursion permission forms as soon as they receive them - how easy is that? If you would like to place a bulk amount on your account you can do so with cash, cheque or by using BPay. BPay details for your family are available from the office. As an alternative to a bulk payment you could setup a regular BPay, e.g. $20 per fortnight, to build up funds in your account to cover future expenses. At the beginning of the year a document was sent home outlining the proposed activities and costs scheduled for the 2015 school year. Whilst costs are only approximate it gives families an idea of a bulk amount they could pay onto their account to cover 2015 excursions and activities. The figures given below are for costs associated with terms 2, 3 and 4. Prep: $77 Grade 1: $132 which includes the camp experience day Grade 2: $177 which includes the camp Grade 3: $79 for excursions, $260 for camp Grade 4: $59 for excursions, $260 for camp Grades 5 and 6: $99 for excursions, $280 for camp School Community Class contacts: The role of the class contact is to support the classroom teacher in a variety of ways such as finding parents to go on excursions, assisting with costumes for the school concert, helping out in the classroom etc. It is also a terrific way for you to be more involved with your child’s class. We are looking for 2015 class contacts for all 5 classes. Please let the office or your child’s teacher know if you are interested in being a class contact for 2015. Sport meeting: The next sport meeting will be held this Wednesday 15th April at 9.15 in the staff room. Please feel free to attend as the more members and ideas the better. Grandparents day: Our 2015 Grandparents day will be held on Wednesday 29th April. More information will be available with next week’s newsletter. Fresh Fruit Friday: This week’s volunteers are: Millie Ousley and Patricia Gilbert Friday 24th April volunteers are: Bryan McMullan and Nicole Funston Extra curricula catch up Dance-a-thon: Congratulations to all students who participated in the dance-a-thon and raised over $1400 for the Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal. Special mention to the following for their awesome fundraising efforts: Anthony-$156, Hugo-$105, Stella R-$100, Ethan-$90, Liam A-$80, Doyle family-$80, Hamilton family-$75, Mason family-$72, Joel-$70, Layne family-$55 and Gardiner-Trott family-$51. It is not too late to return money and forms so if you have any sitting on your bench at home please drop it in to the office by Friday of this week. Easter Parade: We had a great turn out of about 25 kids all dressed up in the theme “What I want to be when I grow up”. We had doctors, rangers, chefs, teachers, nurses, footballers and bike riders – a huge and wide variety. Thank you to everyone who was involved - it is fantastic for the school to be involved as there are hundreds and hundreds of people watching the parade and it is wonderful for them to see what the school is about and that we are involved in supporting local community events. Community
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