MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AGROHA (HISAR) HARYANA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No. Tender/15/Pur/______/ Dated ____/____/2015 TENDER NOTICE Foreign & Indian Medical Journals Tenders are invited from firms for supply of Foreign & Indian Medical Journals for the period from 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015 to Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha. Tender form with terms & conditions can be obtained from our college on payment of Rs. 1000/- in shape of cash/DD on any working day upto 13.04.2015 at 11:00 AM. Tender documents along with security money Rs. 25000/- in the shape of Demand Draft/ Cash Deposit Receipt/ Fix Deposit Receipt on any nationalized bank in favour of ‘Director, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College Agroha’ payable at Agroha/ Hisar should be deposited in the office of the Medical Superintendent, Medical College Agroha latest by 13.04.2015 upto 01:00PM & same will be opened on 15.04.2015 at 11:00AM in the office of Medical Superintendent at MAMC, Agroha. If any of the above dates are holiday the same will be extended to next working day. Information is also available on our college web site. Website : E Mail : [email protected], [email protected] Phone No. : 01669281193,194 Ext 233 DIRECTOR MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AGROHA (HISAAR) HARYANA MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AGROHA (HISAR) HARYANA -----------------------------------------------------------------------------No. Tender/________/______ Dated ___/___/2014 Terms & Conditions Tender for Foreign & Indian Medical Journals. 1. This tender is for one year from 01.01.2015 to 31.12.2015 which can be extended further for a period of three months with the prior permission of the competent authority. 2. Tender received after schedule of date & time will not be accepted. 3. Comparative rate will be notified only after preparation & approval of comparative statement by the committee constituted by the Director. 4. The over all discount (in %age) offered along with the list of Journals may kindly be quoted. 5. Rates to be quoted inclusive of Excise Duty, Sales Tax, Vat (if applicable) postage, transportation, insurance, and any incidental charges/ Tax on F.O.R. Destination basis (MAMC Hospital, Agroha ),should be quoted for each of the items. No Taxes or any other charge will be paid separately on quoted rates. There should be no overwriting in the rates quoted. The rate quoted in price column should be for the unit and specification given. The tenderer is strictly prohibited to change/alter specification or unit size quoted. 6. Tenderer who are downloading tender form, from website need to enclose Bank Draft of Rupees 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand Only) payables at Agroha (Hisar) in the name of the Director, Maharaja Agarsen Medical College, Agroha. 7. Tenderer are required to furnish valid printing license. In case the period of license expires or cancelled during the tender period due to any reason, no. supply order will be placed after that date. 8. Authorize Suppliers are required to furnish valid authorization letter for the complete period of tender. In case the period of authorization letter expires or cancelled during the tender period due to any reason, no supply order will be placed after that date. 9. The tenderer are required to submit detail information of the printing press and authorized dealer in prescribed form attached as annexure (1). An undertaking to the effect that no dues of arrears of Central or state taxes are outstanding against the printing press will have to be submitted along with tender form (Annexure-II). 10. The tenderers will be required to submit a declaration that he has not quoted lower rate than of quoted in this tender in any institute or organization in Haryana (Annexure-III) 11. Tenders of the Firm/ manufactures will be rejected if he is black listed by any competent authority or is involved in any criminal proceeding pertaining to manufacture, supply or due to any dispute pending before any count or legal forum. A undertaking of negativity of the above shall to be provided by the tenderers (Annexure- IV) 12. Journals supplied by you should be strictly in accordance as per our supply order. 13. No payment will be made till the complete supply is received for a particular order. 14. Tenderer must agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of the tender. Any default or breach of contract or supply of goods not conforming to the standards shall render the tender to be rejected / cancelled and forfeiture of Earnest money. The tenderer must sign with rubber stamp on every page of the tender. All page must be numbered. 15. Haryana Government & Govt. of India undertaking need to attach certificate pertaining to that from competent authority 16. 17. Amendment of Bidding Documents- At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Medical Superintendent may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding documents by amendment. All prospective bidders who have received the bidding documents will be notified of the amendment in writing, which will be binding on them. In order to allow prospective bidders reasonable time within which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, the Purchaser, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of bids. CONDITIONAL BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Modifications and Withdrawal of Bids- The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after the bid's submission, provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Medical Superintendent prior to the deadline prescribed for submission of bids. The Bidder's modification or withdrawal notice shall be prepared, marked and dispatched in a sealed envelope. A withdrawal notice may also be sent by Email or fax but followed by a signed confirmation copy, post marked not later than the deadline for submission of bids. No bid may be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of bids. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the deadline for submission of bids and the expiry of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the bid form. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the Bidder's forfeiture of its EMD. 18. Clarification of Bids- During evaluation of the bids, the purchaser may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing and no change in price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. No Bidder shall contact the Medical Superintendent on any matter relating to its bid from the time of the bid opening to the time the contract is awarded. If the Bidder wishes to bring additional information to the notice of the Medical Superintendent it should be done in writing. Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Medical Superintendent in its decisions on bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid. 19. All purchase will be made by competent authority as per store purchase rules of the state govt and their orders issued from time to time. Any order issued by higher authority will be followed. Recommendation of the purchase committee of the hospital will be followed. Invitation of tender does not mean any commitment to make purchases of all or any item listed in the tender. 20. Supplies of Item will have to be F.O.R. Medical College, Agroha. No extra charges will be paid for local freight etc. In case of any breakage, theft or any loss to the goods during transit the responsibility of the loss will be of supplying firm. Financial loss if any will be recovered accordingly. 21. All supplies will have to be made within stipulated period as mentioned in the order. In case the firm fails to comply with the order, the order will stand cancelled. The superintendent will be empowered to make purchases from the next firm, other firms or local market. The difference in the rates will be recovered from E.M.D. or bills of the first approved firm. 22. All supplies should be made of approved firms only, the material supplied by Sister Concern firm will not be accepted. 23. Any claim for hike in prices of the material used in printing will not be allowed during the tender period. 24. Payment will be made by bank draft or banker cheque and bank commission thereon will be borne by the supplier from the amount of the bill. No advance payment will be made. 25. The institution reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof in public interest. The tendering authority also reserves the right to make any addition or alteration in the terms and condition of the contract. 26. For any legal recourse the judicial jurisdiction will courts in Hisar, Haryana. The contract shall be governed by the Laws of India. 27. The Payment of supplies will be made in two installments. First after the receipt of 50% supply of all the Journals (Jan. to June) and second at the end of supply of rest of issues of all the Journals on receipt of Bills along with all documentary proofs regarding prices in case not found printed on Journals. 28. You will supply free Online Journals along with Print Journals where ever the Publisher is providing free Online Journals with the Print Journals. You will also supply the list of Indian and Foreign Medical Journals, which are being provided free online with the Print Journals immediately. DIRECTOR MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AGROHA, (HISAAR) HARYANA. From, Specimen of forwarding letter ______________________ ______________________ To, DIRECTOR MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE , AGROHA (HISAR) HARYANA Sir I am submitting tender for the period _____________ for supply of Medical Journals to the Maharaja Agrasen Medical College Agroha, as invited vide advertisement dated___/___/_______ published in _____________________news paper. I accept all the terms and condition given in tender, I have not added any terms & condition. Enclosures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Signature of Tenderer 6. Declaration 1. I/We are citizen of India. 2. I/We are competent to contract as per Indian contract act. 3. 4. 5. 6. I/We are not debarred for supply of Items by any Institution /office of Haryana state. I/We will be responsible for losses made for supply of poor quality of Items. I have not added any terms & condition other than given in this tender, even if any terms and condition are added then it should be treated as cancelled. I/We have not quoted lower rate than that quoted in this tender in any office, institution or organization in the Haryana state. Date:____/____/_____ E-Mail Address : Phone No : Mobile No : Place:- Signature of Tenderer Name : Address: (Annexure-I) INFORMATION OF PUBLISHER/ AUTHORISED DEALER/ STOCKIST 1. 2. 4. Registered Name : _________________________ Address Registered office : _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Branch Office _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ ------------------------------------------Telephone No. : _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Email Address : _________________________ 5. Bank Account No. & Branch : _________________________ 6. TIN or PAN No. : _________________________ 7. CST No. : _________________________ 8. LST Number : _________________________ 9. Service Tax No. : _________________________ 3. Specimen of Declaration/Undertaking (To be submitted in Letter Pad) Signature with Rubber Stamp (Annexure-II) DECLARATION We …………………………………………… (Name of Agency) having its registered office at …………………………………………….(full address), declare that we have not quoted lower rates than that of quoted in this tender in any institution in Haryana. Signature with Rubber stamp (Annexure-III) UNDERTAKING We …………………………………………… (Name of Agency) having its registered office at …………………………………………….(full address), undertake that we have submitted up to date return and had no dues of Central and State Taxes. Signature with Rubber stamp (Annexure-IV) UNDERTAKING We …………………………………………… (Name of Agency) having its registered office at …………………………………………….(full address), undertake that our firm has neither been blacklisted by any competent authority nor any criminal proceeding pertaining to manufacture, supply, quality of manufacturing items or due to any dispute pending before any court or legal forum. We also undertake that we has not convicted for violation of provision of Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1940 and rule there under. Signature with Rubber stamp MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AGROHA (HISAR) LIST OF REQUIRED INDIAN JOURNAL FOR SESSION 2015-16 Sr. No. Name of Journal Department 1 Indian Journal of Medical Reasearch Common for All Departments 2 JAPI Common for All Departments 3 Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (WHO) Common for All Departments 4 Medical Journal Armed Forces India Common for All Departments 5 PG Medical Journal Common for All Departments 6 WHO Technical Report Series Common for All Departments 7 Journal of the Anatomical Society of India Anatomy 8 Indian Journal of Physical Antropology & Human Genetics Anatomy 9 Journal of Indian Medical Essentials Anatomy 10 Lung India Anatomy 11 Indian Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Physiology 12 Indian Journal of Physiology Physiology 13 Physiology Physiology 14 All India Opthalmological Society Journal Ophthalmology 15 Delhi Opthalmologcal Society Times Journal Ophthalmology 16 Rajasthan Opthalmologcal Society Journal Ophthalmology 17 Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice Ophthalmology 18 Indian Journal of Pharmacology Pharmacology 19 Indian Journal of Clinical Pharmacology & Therepeutics Pharmacology 20 Indian Drug Pharmacology 21 Drug Today Pharmacology 22 Pharma Times Pharmacology 23 Indian Journal fo Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Forensic Medicine 24 Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine Forensic Medicine 25 Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology Forensic Medicine 26 Indian Journal of Expermintal Biology Biochemistry 27 Indian Journal of Biochemistry & Biophysics Biochemistry 28 Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry Biochemistry 29 Indian Journal of Medical Biochemistry Biochemistry 30 Indian Journal of Bio-science Biochemistry 31 Indian Journal of Surgery Gen. Surgery 32 Indian Journal of Oncology Gen. Surgery 33 Indian Journal of Urology Gen. Surgery 34 Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery Gen. Surgery 35 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia Anaestheisiology 36 Journal of Anaesthesialogy and Clincial Pharmacology Anaestheisiology 37 Journal of Anaesthesialogy and Critical Care of Asian Archievs Anaestheisiology 38 Indian Journal of Community Medicine Community Medicine 39 Indian Journal of Preventive Social Medicine Community Medicine 40 Indian Journal of Public Health Community Medicine 41 Indian Journal of Otolaryngology ENT 42 Indian Journal of Otology ENT 43 Indian Journal of Rhinology ENT 44 Indian Journal of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery ENT 45 Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology Pathology 46 Indian Journal of Cancer Pathology 47 Indian Journal of Cytology Pathology 48 Indian Journal of Orthopaedics Orthopaedics 49 Delhi Journal of Orthopaedics Orthopaedics 50 Fogsi Journal of Obst. & Gyane Obs. & Gynae 51 Clinical Obst. & Gynaecological Obs. & Gynae 52 Fadaration of Obst. & Gynae Obs. & Gynae 53 Indian Journal of Clinical Practice Skin & V.D. 54 Indian Journal of Dermotology, Venrology & Laprology Skin & V.D. 55 Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology Microbiology 56 Indian Journal of Clinical Microbiology Microbiology 57 Medical Micro & Immunology Journal Microbiology 58 Indian Journal of Paediatrics Paeditrics 59 Indian Academy of Paediatrics Paeditrics 60 Indian Journal of Cardiology Medicine 61 Indian Journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences Gen. Medicine 62 Journal International Medcial Sciences Acadamy Gen. Medicine 63 Current Medical Journal Gen. Medicine 64 Cardiology Clinics Gen. Medicine 65 Clinical Diabetes Gen. Medicine 66 Indian Hearth Journal Gen. Medicine 67 Post Graduate Medicine Gen. Medicine 68 NEJM Gen. Medicine 69 Indian Journal of Radiology Radiology 70 Donald School Journal of Ultrasound in Obst & Gynae Radiology 71 Investigative Radiology Radiology 72 Physical Therapy Orthopaedics 73 Physiotherapy Orthopaedics 74 Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Physical Theraphy Orthopaedics 75 Nightingale Nursing Times Nursing MAHARAJA AGRASEN MEDICAL COLLEGE, AGROHA (HISAR) LIST OF REQUIRED FOREIGN JOURNAL FOR SESSION 2015-16 Sr. No. Name of Journal Department 1 Lancet Common for All Departments 2 Nature Common for All Departments 3 Journal of Anatomy Anatomy 4 Acta Anatomica (Cells Tissue Organs) Anatomy 5 Annals of Human Biology Anatomy 6 Tissue and Cell Anatomy 7 British Journal of Anaesthesia (BJA) Anaesthesia 8 Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia Anaesthesia 9 Anaesthesia & Analgesia Anaesthesia 10 Journal of Applied Physiology Physiology 11 Journal of Physiology Physiology 12 Eye Opthalmology 13 American Journal of Opthalmology Opthalmology 14 British Journal of Pharmacology Pharmacology 15 Journal of Forensic & Legal Medicine Forensic Medicine 16 The American Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology Forensic Medicine 17 Annaul Review of Biochemistry Biochemistry 18 Biochemistry Biochemistry 19 British Journal of Surgery Gen. Surgery 20 American Journal of Surgery Gen. Surgery 21 Annals of Oncology Gen. Surgery 22 Archieves of Surgery Gen. Surgery 23 Burns Gen. Surgery 24 Endoscopy Gen. Surgery 25 Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Gen. Surgery 26 Pancreas Gen. Surgery 27 The Journal of Urology Gen. Surgery 28 The Surgeon Gen. Surgery 29 Anaestheisiology Clinics of North America Anaesthesia 30 Epidemiology Community Medicine 31 International Journal of Public Health Community Medicine 32 Reviews in Environmental Science & Biotechnology Community Medicine 33 Archieves of Otorhinolaryngology ENT 34 Laryngoscope ENT 35 Journal Laryngoscope and Otology ENT 36 CU. Opin. In Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery ENT 37 Amercian Jouranl of Pathology Pathology 38 Pathology Case Review Pathology 39 Stem Cell Research Pathology 40 Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery Orthopaedics 41 Orthopaedics Clinics of North America Orthopaedics 42 International Journal of Rehablitation Research Orthopaedics 43 Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Orthopaedics 44 Manual Therapy Orthopaedics 45 Pain Orthopaedics 46 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Obst. Gynae 47 Asian Journal of Obstetrics & Gyanacology Obst. Gynae 48 Obstetrics & Gynaecology Obst. Gynae 49 Clinics Obstetrics & Gynaecology (Elserier) Obst. Gynae 50 British Journal of Dermatology Skin & VD 51 International Journal of STD & AIDS Microbiology 52 Internatonal Journal of Medical Microbiology Microbiology 53 American Academy of Paeditrics Journal Paediatrics 54 American Journal of Perinatology Paediatrics 55 American Heart Jouranl Gen. Medicine 56 Tuberculosis Gen. Medicine 57 Diabetes Gen. Medicine 58 Endocrinology Gen. Medicine 59 British Medical Journal (BMJ) Gen. Medicine 60 Radiology Clinics of North America Radiology 61 American Journal of Neuroradiology Radiology 62 Emergency Radiology Radiology 63 Radiographics Radiology
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