includes 2 foursome fees, logo in advance ads, your banner at tournament, logo on sponsor board, Tee & Green Signage (2 signs) Concession Carts Signage Keep Manatee Beautiful, Inc. P.O. Box 14426 Bradenton, FL 34280 Event Sponsor…$1,500 Address Correction Required Sponsorship Opportunities Sponsor…$1,000 includes 1 foursome fee, logo in advance ads, name on concession carts, name on sponsor board Golf Hole Sponsor…$600 includes 1 foursome fee, name on sponsor board, Tee & Green Signage (2 signs) Tee or Green Sponsor…$500 includes 1 foursome fee, name on sponsor board, Tee or Green Sign (1 sign) Mulligan Stick Sponsor…$350 includes advertisement on each stick’s flag distributed to each foursome Tee, Green or Golf Contest (Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive, Putting Contest) Signage Sponsor…$250 includes 1 sign at location & name on sponsor board (no foursome included) Keep Manatee Beautiful Federal Tax ID #65-0250760. A copy of the official registration SC-08994 and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll free within the state (800) 435-7532. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval or recommendation by the state. Keep Manatee Beautiful retains 100 percent of the contributions received for its nonprofit purposes. 21st Annual Keep Manatee Beautiful Golf Tournament FRIDAY, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 8, 201 2015 TARA GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 6602 Drewry’s Bluff Bradenton, FL 34203 (941) 758-7961 Complimentary Beer Sponsored by Michelob Ultra & Beverages by Pepsi Cola Company PROCEEDS MAKE VISIBLE ENVIRONMENTAL ENHANCEMENTS Golf Tournament Information Date: Friday, May 8, 2015 Location: Keep Manatee Beautiful, a nonprofit organization and local affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, is dedicated to promoting community awareness and involvement in litter prevention, recycling and beautification throughout Manatee County. Keep Manatee Beautiful’s team of more than 8,000 volunteers is making visible improvements with the programs and events below. PROGRAMS Adopt-A-Highway, Road & Shore Adopt-A-Spot: Landscaping Boaters’ & Anglers’ Pledge Cigarette Litter Prevention Clean Builders Graffiti Hurts Leave Your Mark Keep America Beautiful Schools Monofilament Recovery & Recycling Storm Drain Stenciling/Marking Trash Trackers 6602 Drewry’s Bluff Bradenton, FL 34203 941-758-7961 Attire: Collared shirt, no denim, soft spikes only Format: Four-Person, Best-Ball Scramble Deadline for Entry: April 24, 2015 Entry Fee includes: Greens fee, cart, range balls, team photo, goody bag, lunch buffet and awards presentation Contests include: Low Gross & Runner-Up, Low Net & Runner-Up, Closest to the Pin, Longest Drive Men’s & Women’s, Dice Roll & Putting Contest. Golf Tournament Schedule 7:30 a.m. Registration Begins & Snacks Complimentary Range Balls Buy Mulligans/Raffle Tickets Putt for Prizes 8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start & Contests Team Photos on Hole #9 12:30 p.m. Awards with Snacks Cash Bar Raffle Prizes EVENTS America Recycles Day at SandBlast Arbor Days: Tree Plantings Awards: Business & Community Recognition Earth Day Festival International Coastal Cleanup Golf Tournament Great American Cleanup Sponsorship Form (details on back) Event Sponsor $1,500 Concession Carts Signage Sponsor $1,000 Hole Sponsor $600 Tee or Green Sponsor $500 Mulligan Stick Sponsor $350 Tee, Green or Golf Contest Signage Sponsor $250 Foursome Only Entry Fee ($80 each includes lunch) $320 Team Registration Form: individual maximum handicap - 27, team maximum handicap - 72 Team Name as to read on sign: _________________________________________ Team Captain: ____________________________ Handicap/Index ______________ Player 2 __________________________________ Handicap/Index ______________ Player 3 __________________________________ Handicap/Index ______________ Player 4 __________________________________ Handicap/Index ______________ Contact Information: Name _______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Registration Information To register for play or to be a sponsor, please complete the registration form and make payment by mail or on our website to: Keep Manatee Beautiful, Inc. P.O. Box 14426 Bradenton, FL 34280 Visit our website to see tournament sponsors and team photos _____________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________ E-mail _____________________________________________ Make payable by mail or on website to: Keep Manatee Beautiful, Inc. P.O. Box 14426 Bradenton, FL 34280 For more information, please contact 941-795-8272 FAX 941-795-3490 [email protected]
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