Human Capital. Simply Managed. Essentials Overview

Human Capital. Simply Managed.
Essentials Overview
Why Choose Mangrove?
Your Human Capital is Simply
Managed with Mangrove:
Payroll Administration
Tax Reporting
HR Management (HRMS)
Paperless New Hire On-boarding
Email Alerts and Notifications
Employee Self Service
Unlimited Document Storage
Benefits Management
Online Benefit Enrollment
Benefit Carrier Exports
Manager Self Service
Standard Reports Library
Adhoc Report Writer
TPA Managed Services
COBRA Administration
Commuter Reimbursement
Mangrove Software is a provider of cloud (Software as a Service - SaaS)
Human Capital Management (HCM) applications and Benefit
Administration services designed for small to mid-market organizations.
Founded in 1994, the company develops, sells, and implements HR,
Payroll, and Benefits software solutions. Mangrove HCM is an easy-touse, fully-integrated HR Payroll application uniquely designed to help
companies streamline, manage, pay, and analyze their workforce.
Safe. Secure. Certified.
Mangrove’s application suite provides thousands of companies the
ability to streamline their HR, payroll, and time keeping processes
through the use of state-of-the art technology. As an additional peace
of mind to clients, Mangrove offers a nationally recognized third-party
assurance audit designed to examine data protection, privacy,
confidentiality, and reporting standards. This certification is called an
SSAE 16 SOC 1 Type 2 audit, a standard that is highly coveted in the
human capital management industry.
Anytime. Anywhere. Everywhere.
Did we mention the flexibility of Mangrove’s applications? Our
application is deployed in the cloud, so our system is compatible with
most browsers, devices, and operating systems. This makes it easier to
get your job done faster and easier without the restriction of being tied
to a desk.
With Mangrove, Your Human Capital is Simply Managed.
Regardless of your size or industry, Mangrove is here to help you streamline and take your
business to the next level of operational efficiency. Your Human Capital Management (HCM)
application should be able to grow without additional integrations, hassles, or timely
spreadsheets. Mangrove can do that for you and so much more... and we have the awards to
prove it.
Mangrove Software © 2015 All Rights Reserved.
One Single Point of Entry. Unlimited Possibilities!
Go Green with Mangrove!
With paperless on-boarding, employees enter their personal data into the system upon hire. There is no need for endless
copies or forms to fill out. Their information can be easily updated or changed in Mangrove’s Employee Self Service.
What does this mean for HR?
SAVINGS! Save time and money! This means no manual data entry, no deciphering messy handwriting and no lost
paperwork. This means no filing cabinets full of outdated paper or wasted time trying to locate unnecessary documents.
Everything is right at your fingertips!
The information in the Employee Master file is carried through every aspect of your HR process: payroll, taxes, W2s, benefits,
and so much more!
Emails, Notifications, and Alerts
Need to communicate with your employees quickly? Send your emails and notices through your Mangrove system! Open
enrollment, employee recognition, changes to the employee handbook, general company announcements can all be made
through one, easy to use HR system!
Payroll. Simply Managed.
Payroll is more that just time…. its your money.
Mangrove provides a user-friendly payroll solution with simple
navigation. Features within the application include:
Did You know….
According to the Small Business
Administration, small business owners
spend approx. 35-45 % of their time
handling HR tasks?
Intuitive and user-friendly wizard
Automated tax filing and reporting
General ledger reporting
In-depth, real-time reports
According to IRS approx. 40% of small
business owners that do not outsource
are fined an average of $845 each
year by the IRS for inaccurate tax
The Outsourcing Institute estimates that
companies that outsource HR and payroll
functions experience a cost savings of
at least 9%?
This is another reason to choose
Additional partners and services that
easily integrate into your Mangrove
payroll system:
Time and Attendance
401K Management
Workers Compensation
Tax Credits and Incentives
Paycard Solutions
Mangrove Software © 2015 All Rights Reserved.
Getting Your Employees Paid Is Easy...
From direct deposit to check printing services, Mangrove does all of the
work for you, so you can get back to the thing that matter most—your
Automated Tax Filing and Reporting
Distributing, filing, and tax reporting is easy with Mangrove. We have you
covered on tax jurisdictions – whether it is federal, state, city, local or
school district taxes, we have them all.
HR. Simply Managed.
Benefits Management
All of your employee’s benefits eligibility and
deductions are taken care of with Mangrove. No
need for additional calculations or
spreadsheets. No need to double check
formulas or spend hours collecting paperwork
or completing manual data entry. Everything is
carried over into payroll and ESS.
Self Service. Simply Managed
Online Benefit Enrollment
Employee engagement is all about the connection to a company and
feeling empowered in their environment. With Self Service, we put
the em”power”ment into the hands of the employees and help HR
get back to focusing on the business.
Your employees know their healthcare
requirements, so why not put the responsibility
of data entry (without the hassle of completing
paperwork) into their hands. They input their
personal information such as:
Employee Self Service (ESS)
With Mangrove’s web-based Employee Self Service, your employees
can make changes to their personal HR information without taking
valuable time away from HR:
Update Personal Information :
 Address
 Change in martial status or life changing qualifying event
 Resume, certifications, or skills
 Beneficiaries
 Dependents
Company Announcements and Document Management
 Review important information on the dashboard
 Up-to-date calendar for important dates such as holidays and
 Upload documents such as employee handbook and policies
Payroll and Timesheets
 View/print paycheck stubs
 View accruals and request time off
 Change tax exemptions
 Download W2s
Spouse, dependents, beneficiaries
Coverages and/or declines
Benefit Carrier Information
Mangrove can export files and create reports
for your carriers so your benefits are in the loop
with your benefit elections.
Manager Self Service (MSS)
Empower your managers to stay “in the know”
with your employees and manage head count.
With the Manager Self Service, your
management team can:
Approve weekly time sheets or time off
Review employee PTO, LOA, sick time, etc.
Send private messages to direct reports
Mangrove Software © 2015 All Rights Reserved.
Reporting. Simply Managed.
Business Intelligence is Not Just About the Numbers...
With Mangrove reporting tools, you can rest assured that you have a 360 view into your business. You have
access to:
 Standard Reports that contain over 400 reporting tools that help you evaluate your workforce
 Adhoc Report Writer - write and save your own reports that are unique to your business
With our easy-to-read grids, charts and graphs, you can make informed business decisions without leaving the
security of the cloud.
 Real-time reporting
 Create heat maps, charts, graphs, data modeling and more!
 Full insight over all employee data including compensation and hours worked, etc.
 Ability to create reports across multiple tax IDS in one report
 Export and share your data with a click of the button
TPA Managed Services.
Mangrove’s benefit administration solutions are designed for the next generation of human resource management. Our
simple yet flexible HR solutions improve operational efficiency and ensure compliance for your entire workforce.
COBRA Administration
Mangrove’s solution maintains strict compliance while leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide seamless Cobra
administration. We offer hold harmless and full indemnification with 100% liability protection– so you are 100% covered, no
matter what.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
FSAs allow employees to set aside money from each paycheck before payroll taxes are deducted. This gives employees
more take-home pay, while your organization pays less in FICA and FUTA payroll taxes. Mangrove’s FSA is a win-win for
both employers and employees.
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA)
HRAs allow employers to offer more choices and provide better benefits per dollar. HRAs let employees see where they are
spending their health dollars so that they can make more-informed healthcare decisions. With Mangrove’s HRA solution,
organizations can deduct the cost of the HRA as a business expense – improving your bottom line.
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
Mangrove’s HSA solution is a practical solution to reduce an employer’s healthcare expenses while maintaining flexible
choices with greater tax advantages. Our 24/7 web access allows for a transparent view into the inner workings of the true
cost of healthcare – flexible enrollment, contribution and reporting tools, and more!
Commuter – Parking and Transit Reimbursement
Take the pain out of reimbursing expenses. Mangrove’s Commuter accounts allow employees to use tax-free dollars to pay
for transit, parking, and travel expenses. Employees contribute to their account through pre-tax payroll deductions and can
access those funds using their Mangrove Benefits (MasterCard™) Card.
Mangrove Software © 2015 All Rights Reserved.