HyperSync with Elinchrom, Canon and Pocketwizard Camera Ge Yo Ne a r u e d You have the option of using a broad range of cameras. In this tutorial I used the Canon 5D mark III. Even though the 5D Mark III has a slower shutter than most cameras, it still seems to be a great performer for HyperSync. 5D mk II also works well, a camera I used before upgrading. The lens I used in the pictures that you will see is a 24-70 2.8 Mk II. Elinchrom Quadra These are great to use on location, are lightweight, durable, have high power output and can use all of Elinchrom`s modifiers. You need the Elinchrom Quadra Hybrid (better battery), and the S-head. The S-heads have longer flash duration, which is needed. The A-heads are very good in studio environments, but the S-heads work best with HyperSync. Pocketwizard HyperSync is made available by Pocketwizard. To make it work you will need a set of ControlTL transmitter/receivers. When using the Quadras I use the FlexTT5 and MiniTT1. You will also need a regular synch cable to attach the FlexTT5 to the Quadra. Those are very durable (I lost one in water and it still works). #5 Strobe Rules S tyle : D rama , soft , natural ? before using the flash. D ecide #Shutter and Synch speed your style Underexposed (flash (more balanced) or 1 To happens when the camera’s trigger is released. f l a s h ). 2 W hen A p e r t u r e /ISO: A f f e c t s t h e f l a s h p o w e r , Depth of Field, Mood of the pictu re and some effect on the ambient. S h u tt e r : A f f e c t s the style/mood of Size of modifier: flash A n X- s i z e d size of the modifier in modifier 50 c m C hange 1/200 s e c , away w i l l Most c a m e r a s h av e enough time to fire the d u r at i o n ) a n d t o e x p o s e t h e w h o l e f r a m e . 3 A b o v e 1/200 s e c you will often get black banding. Before t h e f i r s t c u r ta i n h a s c r o s s e d o v e r , t h e s e c o n d c u r ta i n s ta r t s . The parts of the fa s t e r t h e s h u tt e r t h e fa s t e r t h e s e c o n d T h i s w i l l r e s u lt i n picture , leaving the rest e x p o s i n g o n ly in the dark . 4 S peedlights deal with this by sending pulses o f f l a s h b e f o r e t h e f i r s t c u r ta i n o p e n s . These give a softer quality of light than the same modifier two meters away . (flash c u r ta i n s s ta r t s . r e l at i o n t o t h e s u b j e c t a f f e c t s t h e q u a l i t y o f the light. a maximum sync speed around has the picture. The c u rta i n w i l l t h e n using flash below maximum sync speed , the first curtain opens a n d c l o s e s b e f o r e t h e s e c o n d c u r ta i n c l o s e s . the the ambient exposure and A m o v e f r o m t h e t o p t o t h e b o tt o m o f t h e s e n s o r b e f o r e i t c l o s e s . i s m o r e p r o m i n e n t ), s o f t N at u r a l ( f i l l c r e at e a p i c t u r e t h e s e n s o r m u s t b e e x p o s e d t o l i g h t , w h i c h the size and / pulses stops after the second has closed. o r t h e d i s ta n c e a n d t h e q u a l i t y w i l l c h a n g e . The camera registers this as a continuous light. This affects the flash power and drains a lot of energy. Inverse Square Law: The power output on t h e s t r o b e f o l l o w s t h e I n v e r s e S q u a r e L aw . Moving from one to two meters decreases the p o w e r w i t h 75%. (P o w e r = 1/ s i z e 2 ) T h e o r y Canon 5D mk III 24-70 2.8 mk II Pocketwizard FlexTT5 & MiniTT1 A: 6.7 ISO: 1000 S: 500 Elinchrom Ranger RX S head Elinchrom 150cm Octabox C-Stand Sandbags What does HyperSync mean? HyperSync uses special camera communication to trigger a normal flash before the first curtain opens. It can also eliminate the delay introduced by a typical radio trigger. The timing can be optimized for some flashes based on the user’s wishes. Doing that you can limit the banding entirely or at least diminish it, even up to 1/8000th . Elinchrom Quadra with Pocketwizard. My experience with the Elinchrom Quadras and the Elinchrom Ranger RX series has been very good. When travelling light I always carry the Quadra`s, but if more power is needed, I use my Rangers. Another good thing about the Quadras is the possibility to use all of Elinchrom`s modifiers. From my personal experience I know they are durable, easy to setup and very reasonably priced. I have had one of my octaboxes for 5 years, with a lot of rough usage. Remember that you need the S-heads with longer flash durations. The A-heads are too fast to work perfectly with HyperSync. Easy setup: In this setup connect the FlexTT5 and MiniTT1 to your computer. Go to Advanced then Misc. Select your camera then Apply. Go to HyperSync/HSS > P2 HyperSync flash ... then use the default number 7. If you have another setup go to HyperSync Setup on wiki.pocketwizard.com Why HyperSync? ︙︙ More power ︙︙ Overpowering the sun ︙︙ Freeze Actions ︙︙ Broader range of modifiers ︙︙ Batteries last longer compared to Speedlights ︙︙ Shallow Depth of Field with strobes I often use the Quadras for portrait shoots. In this setup I used the Quadra as the main light, underexposing the background. The sun worked as a back-light that separated the subject from the environment. The Quadra with the Elinchrom Deep Octa was placed camera right to shape the subjects face. Canon 5D mk III 24-70 2.8 mk II PW FlexTT5 & MiniTT1 A: 5.6 ISO: 100 S: 1000 Elinchrom Quadra S-head Elinchrom Deep Octabox Elinchrom stand U sing high power strobes in daylight is no problem with HyperSync. In this picture the goal was to demonstrate the possibility to freeze droplets, which are fast moving objects. The strobe in this picture is an Elinchrom Ranger RX. I used it since I needed more power and could put the strobe further away. The strobe is placed camera right, and I used an Elinchrom long throw reflector. Canon 5D mk III 24-70 2.8 mk II PW FlexTT5 & MiniTT1 A: 2.8 ISO: 400 S: 1000 Elinchrom Ranger RX S-head Elinchrom Reflector C-stand S ports photography is what I love the most, especially when the person is in action. To be able to freeze the person, create drama and compete against the sun you need power. The Quadra S-head with the hybrid pack made it possible. Since the sun was about to set I didn´t need the Ranger RX in this situation. The strobe is camera left, almost touching my shoulder. Canon 5D mk III 24-70 2.8 mk II PW FlexTT5 & MiniTT1 A: 5.6 ISO: 200 S: 1000 Elinchrom Quadra S-head Elinchrom Deep Octabox Elinchrom Stand Canon 5D mk III 24-70 2.8 mk II PW FlexTT5 / MiniTT1 / ST4 A: 5.6 ISO: 800 S: 1000 Elinchrom Quadra Elinchrom Ranger RX 2x S-heads Elinchrom Standard Reflector Elinchrom Long Thrower Elinchrom stand C-stand MARIUS WALLIN E X P L O R E Y O U R V I S I O N G R O W Y O U R H E A D STA R T wallinmarius I am a photographer from Norway, specializing in sports, action and portrait/ headshots photography. My passion in photography is to grow and keep exploring. I hope this new information will inspire you to explore and hopefully grow your professional career. If you have any questions please drop my a note. I will continue making tutorials, both written and on YouTube. mariuswallin.com Someday you may see me fulfilling my dream, shooting for Nike or Redbull ;) mariuswallin mariuswallinphotography mariuswallin
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