VOL. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON .UTEK3-.&Sah?, PROPAGATION TABLE I “IDEAL”FEEDFOR EACHTYPEOF “CONIC”REFLECTOR Eccentricity Conic Surface Sphere Ellipsoid Paraboloid E Electric = 1 The author wouldlike to thank P. U T . Hannan Qf ITTheeler Laboratories,Inc.,forhelpfuldiscussions on thissubject. Electricfblagnetic Dipole ( E D = € AID) Dipole REFERENCES +Magnetic [ I ] I. Koffman, “Reflectiving surfaces formed by wire grids,” MEE Report, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, X. Y . , June 1961. [2] C. C . Cutler, “Parabolic-antenna design for microwaves,” Proc. IRE, vol. 35, pp. 1284-1294, November 1947. [3] E. M. T. Jones, “Paraboloid reflector and hyperboloid lens antennas,” IRE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-2, pp. 119-127, July 1954. [4] P. W . Hannan,n‘%licrowave antennas derived from the Cassegrain telescope, IRE Trans. o n Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-9, pp. 140-153, March 1961. (ED=M D ) Hyperboloid Plane 1< E < E= m Electric+Magnetic Dipole ( E D= € M D ) x Electric Dipole (Magnetic Dipole = 0) 1966 ACKKOWLEDGMENT Magnetic Dipole (Electric Dipole = 0 ) 0<€<1 JANVARY, polarization characteristics areexpressed in termsof the polarizationcharacteristics of elementalelectricand magnetic dipole radiators in the proper intensity ratio. Feed E=O e-14,NO. 1 The Geometrical Theory of Diffraction Applied to Antenna Pattern and Impedance Calculations Abstract-The geometrical theory of diffraction is applied to the calculation of the radiation pattern and impedance of a monopole antenna on a perfectly conducting circular ground plane of limited extent. In this calculation, the radiation problem is resolved into two components, one being the monopole contribution and one the edge contribution. The impedance problem is resolved into thecomponents of a reflection from the monopole in an infinite ground plane and a reflection from the circular edge as seen through the antenna. The known solutions of these individual components then permit the calculation of the overall radiation pattern and impedance by superposition. The techniques described are general and are considered applicable to a large class of similar radiating structures. s I.INTRODCCTION IKCE T H E introduction [ l ] of the geometrical theory of diffraction in the early1950’s, it hasbeen employedsuccessfully in the solution of various types of diffraction problems. In this paper, the theor\is applied to the problem of determining the radiation pattern and impedance of a monopole antenna operating over a finite perfectly-conducting circular ground plane (disk-monopole antenna). This configuration is shown in Fig. 1. The purpose of this present paper is not primarily to solve this particular problem, but rather to demonstrate the usefulness of the geometrical theory of Manuscript received June 21, 1965; revised September 20, 1965. The author is with Uleeler Laboratories, Inc., Smithtoan, N. Y . diffraction in the solution of a class of radiation problems, which arise often in practice. Simply stated, the geometrical theory of diffraction proposes that the total electromagneticfield, excited by sources, can be described in terms of a superposition of raysemanatingfromthesourcesandraysdiffracted from edges or other diffracting obstacles. T h e essential feature of the theory is t h a t i t is applicable t o all types of complicated problems, some of which are, in practice, impossible to solve rigorously. The approach is t o resolve a complicatedproblemintosimplercomponent problems, each of which have relatively simple rigorous solutions.Inthepracticalapplication of thetheory, there are available many known rigorous solutions of diffraction problems (e.g., n-edge, cone, cylinder, sphere, etc.) which then serve as basic building blocks for the construction of the solutions for the more complicated problems. One such problem is the determination of the characteristics of a disk-monopole antenna. In this paper, the radiation pattern and impedance of the monopole configuration mill be determined by means of the geometrical theory of diffraction. The pattern and impedance will beconstructedfromtherigoroussolutions of a monopole radiating in a n infinite ground plane and the diffraction by a straightedge excited by a magnetic line 40 LOPEZ: THEORY FOR ANTESNA PATTERir; KXD IMPEDBiiCE CALCULATION 41 PT= transmitted power. G =antenna power gain in direction of the edges. 1.k =received voltage. V , = transmitted voltage. V i= incident voltage in transmissionline. V ,=reflected voltage in transmission line. I? =antenna reflection coefficient. MONOPOL I ? , =antenna reflectioncoefficientfor a n infinite ground plane. I’,=antenna reflectioncoefficient component attributed to edge. J rol=antenna transmission coefficient for an infinite ground plane. Fig. 1. Monopole on a circular ground plane. Z = antenna impedance. Z , =antennaimpedanceforaninfiniteground source, since the solution to the latter problem is readily plane. available. (The magnetic line source and the monopole Z , =antenna impedance component attributed to produce the samefields in the near neighborhoodof the edge. edge as the source-to-edge distance approaches infinity. Zo=characteristic impedance of transmission line. If this distance is large in terms of wavelengths, the lz = height of monopole. fieldsin theedgeneighborhoods,and,therefore,the I ( x ) = current-distribution function of monopole. diffracted fields, are approximately the same for the two I(o) =base current or input current. cases.) 111. FAR-FIELDDIFFRACTION PATTERN OF A N EDGE The pattern calculationwill consist of a superposition of a ray emanating from the monopole itself and two Ls\ indicated in Section I, the problem of determining rays emanating from the edge of the circular ground the far-field pattern of a monopole radiating in a finite plane. In a similar manner, the impedance calculation circular ground plane can be constructed from the rigorwill be a superposition of areflectioncaused by the ous solutions of amonopoleradiatingin a n infinite monopole operating in a n infinite ground plane and a ground plane and the diffraction by a straightedge exreflectioncaused by the finitecirculargroundplane. citedby a magneticlinesource. Inthissection,the The magnitude and phase of the edge reflection mill be straightedgeproblemisreviewed. Thedetails of the determined by utilizing some common radar principles. solution can be found in the literature [SI ; for our purT h e diffraction problem of a straightedge excited by pose it is sufficient t o summarize the pertinent results. a magnetic line sourcewill be reviewed, since it is essenFigure 2 is a sketch showing the magnetic line source tial to the discussion. The radiation patternof the disk- and the diffracting edge. If, in the general solution of monopole antenna \vi11 then be calculated and compared this problem, thefar-field condition (kp>>kp’) is imposed, with experimental results. The impedance of the same thegroundplaneislargeinterms of wavelengths configuration mill be calculated and compared to a re(kp’>>l), and the time dependence is expGut), then the sult found in the literature. far-field diffraction pattern E@) is related to a complex Fresnel integral and may be summarized as follows: 11. LIST O F SPJiBOLS 1 p =distance from theobservationpointtothe E(0) = straightedge. 2 p’ =distance from the source point to the straightedge. p=angle measured into the shadow region from the shadow boundary with the origin at the straightedge. k = free-space propagation constant. X = free-space wavelength. E@) =ratio in the far field of the diffracted field to the value of the incident (geometrical optics) fields at the shadow boundary. p 3 dB=angle at which diffracted signal is down 3 d B This lastexpression is asymptotic to theFresnel integral from its shadow boundary value. and is a good approximationwhen 0 =antenna pattern angle. 4 =angle measured along the ground plane. P R=received power. IEEE TRLWSBCTIOWS ON AKTENNAS 42 PROPAGATION OBSERVATIONPOINTAT (p,p) P>>P' i' MAGNETIC LINE SOURCE SEMI-INFINITE PERFECTLYL CONDUCTING PLANE Fig. 2. EDGE SHADOW BOUNDARY Magnetic line source excitation of a straightedge. p" -7r ILLUMINATED REGION SHADOW REGION .5 1 3 x VOL. AP-14, hTO.1 JOTU-ARY, 1966 I t follows that the radiation pattern in any plane containing the monopole consists of the monopole pattern plus the patterns of the edge-diffracted signalswhen added in the proper relative phase. In this case, the characteristics of the edge-diffracted signals in the plane of interest are as described in Section I11 for the case of the two-dimensional straightedge problem. Figure 1 shows the pertinent rays in a plane containing the monopole; Fig. 4 shows the corresponding radiation patterns for each component. Thus, the problem is reduced to thesuperposition of the fields of three sources separated in space, and having different radiation patterns. [The patterns of the two edge sources are described in Section I11 andthe monopole(ordipole) pattern is found in many references, e.g., [7].] Figure 5 shows the measured and calculated patterns of the entire configuration for the case where the ground screen has a radius of three wavelengths and the monopole is a quarter wavelength long. It may be observed that there is good agreement betweenthe measured and calculated patterns, especially in the periodicity of the interferingsignalsand also in the pattern amplitude near 0 = 90'. However, in the0 = 0 and B = 180' directions thecalculatedsignalissignificantlylowerthanthe measured value. This is explainable by noting that in these two directions every point on the edge contributes a ray to the total field. These rays are all parallel and focus at infinity. This focusing action accounts for the increased signal level in these directions. I n this application of the theory, the focusing was not taken into account. In many applications, it is sufficient to determine the patterns to the degree shown in Fig. 5. However, if required, techniques are available to take the focusing action into account [9]. v. IMPEDANCE OF A 3,lONOPOLE ABOVE A FINITE CIRCULAR GROUND PLANE Another application of the geometrical theory of diffraction in the realm of antenna theory is in the calculation of antenna impedance. 4 s a n example, impedance -180 -140 -100 -60 -20 20 60 140 100 180 or the equivalent reflection is calculated for the same PATTERN ANGLE, p (degrees) configuration discussed previously. For this particular Fig. 3. Far-field diffracted-signal patterns of a straightedge excited problem, reflection concepts are employed since they are by a magnetic line source. more compatible with the geometrical theory. The calculation of reflection is converted from three dimensions Figure 3 shows the amplitude and phase patterns of to the calculationof the reflection for a two-dimensional the radiation pattern as indicated by (1), (2), and (4) antenna. Thisproblem is then treated as thespecial case for the case where p'=3X. Note the peak in the ampli- of a two-dimensionalradarantennawiththeedges tude pattern and the discontinuity in the phase pattern scattering energy back to the antenna. at the shadow boundary.As is expected for this problem, Figure 6 shows the ray geometryin the near neighborthe discontinuity in the phase pattern of the diffracted hood of straight and circular edges excited, respectively, by line and point sources. The rays to the right are signal is precisely what is required to counteract the amplitude discontinuity in the direct signal (geo- directly excited by the sources and those to the left are diffracted by the edges. The ratio of dB to dB represents metrical optics field). the ratio of power density incident at the edge to the Iv. RADIATION PATTERN O F A fi,lOHOPOLE ABOVE X power density of the diffracted wave and is directly reFINITECIRCULAR GROUND PLANE lated to the two-dimensional radar cross section of the The calculation of the radiation pattern for the con- edges. According to the geometrical theory of diffraction, this ratio is approximately the same for the two figuration under consideration can now be completed using the notionsof the geometrical theoryof diffraction. cases being considered, provided that Kp'>>l. 43 r EPUIPHASESURFACEFOR t / SOURCE EXCITED RAYS NOTE:PATTERNSAREPOLARPLOTS. Fig. 4. 20 0 1 EDGE Patterns and relativeorientationand location of three sources contributing to the totalfield. PATTERN ANGLE, , 1 40 1 1 60 1 1 IT 80 # 1 1 120 1 6 0 1 4 0 I 7 ' EOUIPHASE SURFACE \FOREOGEDIFFRACED WAVE EDGE-DIFFRACTED RAYS 8 {degrees) I SOURCE EDGE-DIFFRACTED RAYS I 180 I I I I EPUIPHASE SURFACE FOR SOURCE EXCITED WAVE - MEASURED CALCULATED CIRCULARGROUND PLnNE RADIUS ($1 = 3 i POINT SOURCE FOR EDGE-DIFFRKTED WAVE Fig. 6. Ray geometryfor straight and circular edges in the near neighborhood of the edges. Fig. 5. Measured and calculatedradiation patterns of a quarterwave monopole operating over a finite circular ground plane. The voltage ratio of received to transmitted signals is given by the square root of the power ratio and by the introduction of a phase factor. T h e monopole is next considered to act as a transmitting antenna which excites a uniform radial wave in The constant phase factor, n j 2 radians, is the residual the azimuth plane that diverges in the elevation plane. phase of a 3~/4-radian advance, introduced at the edges The circular edge acts as a target which reflects a unibecause of diffraction, and a delay of a/4 radians resultform radial wave in the azimuth plane that also diverges ing from thefocusing of the diffracted rays as they conin the elevation plane as itconverges on the monopole. verge to the origin. (This latter phase factor is identical Consequently, because of circular symmetry, only dito the difference t h a t exists between radial-waveguide vergence in one plane has to be considered in deterreflectioncoefficientsdefined at the origin and a t a mining the power ratio of the received to transmitted large radius.) signals. From antenna theory, this ratio is given by T h e reflection of the disk-monopole antenna at its PR G X 1 GX input port may now be calculated by adding the per- - -- - - . (7) turbation introduced by the edge of the ground plane PT 2irp' 2ir 2irpf 2 to the reflection of a monopole operating in a n infinite G/2np' =factor which converts transmitted power t o ground plane. For the case of the infinite ground plane, power density a t t h e edge (beam divergence the equivalent network is shown inFig. 7(a) ; it consists in the elevation plane and antenna gain). of a transmissionline of characteristicimpedance 20 X / 2 a = two-dimensional radar cross section of the feeding the antenna input port. The reflection and transedges. (Thisfactor is determinedbythe mission coefficients at the antenna port for the infinite rigorous solutionof the straightedge problem case are given by [SI, with the condition that kp'>>l.) 1 / 2 a p f =factor which converts edge-scattered energy to power density at the antenna(divergence in elevation plane). G x / 2 =effective height of the source antenna. Combining terms, (7) becomes PII PT Figure 7(b) shows the equivalent network for the case V R is an equivalent voltage source representing the contribution of the edge of a finite circular ground plane. 44 IEEE TR.LUSACl'IOKS O N AKTENhTAS APiD PROPAGATION JAXXJAFLY, 1966 VOL. 0 - 1 4 , NO. 1 Storer's result has been derived as an input impedance and is given by z = z,+ 2, TRANSMISSION LINE WITH CHARACTERISTIC IMPEDANCE where 2, is the impedance of a monopole operating in a n infinite ground plane and (a) -vi The agreementbetween the resultsof this present paper and Storer's may beshown by converting the Storer result to the following reflection coefficient: Fig. 7. Networks for a n antenna operating and finite ground planes. 011 infinite r reflection. Theantenna reflectioncoefficient is now given by the sum of the infinite ground plane andedgeinduced coefficients. r = r, + r,. = r, + r:. ',I is the edge induced coefficient according to Storer. Kote the r, are identicalfor the twocases. For the case of a quarter-wave monopole, (11) I?, is the portion of the edge reflected signal received by IASo I(x) = the antenna relative to the incident signal. I t correZ, = 36.59 sponds to the first reflection off the edge and, if the G = 1.64. antenna-to-edgedistanceislargeinterms of wavelengths, i t is the dominant edgeeffect. If the distance is I n order to makea comparison between the two results, small, multiple edge reflections have to be taken into the ratio of r,, derived in this paper to I'J, Storer's reaccount, but these are neglected in this case. Consider- sult, is determined to be ing the antenna as operating in the receive mode, the re 2Z,G received signal from the edge relative to the incident is -=-- 1.13. given by r: &60 The ratio is 1.13 n-here perfect agreement would have been unity. Considering thedifference in approach, this is reasonably good agreement. The phase is in exact From (8), solving for V Rand dividing both sides bl: .[Ii, agreement. Here again, it should be emphasized that this particuVR VT G h lar exampleof a monopole abovea circular ground plane 4 ; I -e x p j - kp'). (13) vi vi 2irp 2n was chosen for convenience and because a check was available in the literature. Actually, the concepts of twoIf (10) is substituted for V T / V ~ , dimensional antennas are not as widelyemployed as thoseforthetypicalthree-dimensionalantennas.In cases Ivhere ground planes with straightedges are employed, the geometricaltheory of diffraction canbe of antenna Finally, substituting this result for VRIT'; in (12), the applied in conjunction with the usual notions gain and effective area. For example, for the case of a edge reflection coefficient is monopole centered on a square ground plane, the dominant edge-inducedreflectioncomponentcanbecon2zz, G re = expj($ - 2kp'). (15) sidered as caused by four point scatterers located in the (2, Zd2 d &' plane of the ground plane, on lines perpendicular to the Equation (15) n:aJ- now be substituted in (11) for the edges and passing through the monopole, and at twice the edge distance from themonopole. For this case, the desired result. This result may be shown to be in good agreement effective area of the monopole is used in the calculation \\-ith the results derived by J. E. Storer from the solution andno focusing of the diffractedraysneeds t o be of an integral equation ([6], also summarized in [ 5 ] ) . considered. :( + IEEE TFL4XS.4CTIOX.5 ON A N T E N N % . S ANJJ PROPdGATION VI.CONCLUSION duced the writer to the geometrical theory of diffraction. The writer is also indebted t o N’heeler Laboratories, The objective of this paper has been to demonstrate Inc., and its staff for its cooperation and encouragement that the geometricaltheory of diffractionprovidesa in the completion of this work; in particular, several dissimple technique for calculating the radiation charactercussions with H. 137. Redlien were very helpful. The istics andimpedance of complicatedradiatingstrucexperimental work described herein and preparation of tures.In essence, i t resolves a difficultproblem into this paper were done at these Laboratories. component problems. The characteristics of the component problems are usually obtained from the literature or can be calculated and then combined to deterREFERENCES mine the characteristics of the initial problem. J. B. Keller, “The geometrical theory of diffraction,” 1953 Proc. For the radiation problem considered in this paper, Symp. on Microwave Optics, Eaton Electronics Research Lab., McGill University, Montreal, Canada. the basic components were the diffraction by a straightJ. E. Storer, “The radiation pattern of an antenna over a circular edge and the radiation by a monopolein an infinite ground screen,”J . Appl. Phys., vol. 23, p. 588, May 1952. A. R. Lopez, “Diffracted fields of a triangular rod excited by a ground plane. A simple array calculation was used t o non-uniform cylindrical wave,“ Report required for the MSEE combine the two components. For the impedance probdegree a t the Polq-technic Institute of Brooklyn, N. Y., 1963. R. W . P. King and T. T. \$Tu, The Scattering awd Diffvection of lem, the components were diffraction by a straightedge Wanes, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard U.P., 1959, p. 84. (Discusand the impedanceof the monopole in a n infinite ground sion of the geometrical theory of diffraction.) Y. Ohba, “On the radiation pattern of a corner reflector finite in plane. Radar principles were used to combine the two width,” IEEE Trans. on Antenmzas and Propagation, vol. AP-11, components to obtain the total impedance of the conpp. 127-132, March 1963. (Geometrical theory of diffraction applied to a corner reflector.) figuration considered. J. E. Storer, “The impedance of an antenna over a large circular screen,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 22, p. 1058, August 1951. XCKNOWLEDGMENT T h e work reported in this paper was stimulated by work on a report project required for the master’s degree atthePolytechnicInstitute of Brooklyn, S. Y. Dr. L. B. Felsen was the advisor for this project and intro- H. Jasik, Antenna Engineering Handbook. New York: McGrawHill, 1961, pp. 3-21. 3.1. Born and E. i1701f,Piimzciples of Optics. New York: Pergamon, 1959, pp. 577-2231. J. B. Keller, Diffraction by an aperture,” J . AppI. Phys., vol. 28, p. 435. (Focusing effect of parallel rays considered in this paper.) The SignalProduced in a Monopole Antenna by theGamma Flux from a Nuclear Explosion Absfract-A monopole antenna is considered to bebombarded by a flux of gamma rays propagating normally to theaxk of the antenna. As a result of this bombardment, electrons are scattered from the antenna, thuscharging the antenna positively.This induces a current in the load impedance of the antenna-appearing as if the antenna werereceiving a transient RF signal. An expression for thetime dependent voltage across the load impedance of the antenna is obtained by consideringthat every electron scatteredfrom the antenna never returns and that the antenna impedance and capacitance are their free-space values. Manuscript received July 1, 1965; revised August 19, 1965. Portions of this work are abstracted from a doctoral dissertation by C. D. Taylor, carried out under the supervision of R. H. Duncan a t the New Mexico State University. This work was supported by the United States Atomic Energy Commission. C. D. Taylor is with the Sandia Corporation, Albuquerque, N. Mex. R. H. Duncan is at theNew Mexico State University, University Park, N. Mex. 45 IKTRODCCTION A CCORDING to experimental observations, a transient signal is induced in a receiving antenna, or probe, by the high-density gamma flux emitted from a nuclear explosion. \lThen an object is irradiated by this flux, i t becomes positively charged because of electronsbeingscatteredfrom itbyvirtue of the Compton effect. -An attempt is made in this paper to explain the transient signal produced in an irradiated antenna by considering the temporal charging of the antenna to be exciting the receiving circuit. An exact treatment of the interaction of gamma rays with an antenna is not feasible. The electromagnetic field generated by the interaction is composed of two parts: that attributable to the antenna and thatgenerated by the space current of scattered electrons. How-
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