
1. Drilling of borehole at Laaqi
2. Dam and underground tank
3. Provision of plastic tank
4. Construction of ECD class at Laaqi
5. Construction of dispensary at Laaqi
6. Construction of Laaqi – Antut Road
7. Establishment of range lands
8. Land demarcation
9. Organizing of cultural exposure tour
10. Construction of community social hall
11. Provision of seedlings
12. Provision of hybrid goats and poultry
13. Construction of Goat market
14. Provision of Soft loans for youths
15. Installation of radio calls
16. Establishment of AP camps / KPR
1. Drilling of borehole at Laaqi
2. Dam and underground water tank
3. Provision of plastic tank
4. Construction of dispensary
1. Drilling of borehole at Antut
2. Provision Water tank (plastic of masonry)
3. Construction of water Pan at Antut
4. Construction of dispensary at antut
5. Provision of Safety net- mosquito net
6. Construction of ECD classroom at Antut
7. Grading of Antut- Qate road
8. Grading of Antut – Laaqi Road
9. Establishment of Cattle ranch at Antut
10. Provision of tractor for farming
11. Supply of seedling and crop seeds(maize and beans)
12. Provision of Soft loans for youths and women
13. Shelter improvement for the village
14. Solar electrification at household.
1. Drilling of borehole at antut
2. Construction of dispensary at antut
3. Construction of ECD classroom
1. Construction of ECD classes
2. Establishment of Youth polytechnic
3. Construction of Staff house at ECD
4. Renovation at Qate dispensary
5. Construction of Maternity block at Qate dispensary
6. Fencing of Qate dispensary
7. Construction of Water storage tank
8. Construction of 2 water kiosk
9. Desilting of Kubi Tari water pan
10. Grading of Qate – Antut Road
11. Grading Qate village – Malka Arre Gabre Road
12. Construction Qate – Garba Road
13. Provision Financial support for women and youth groups
14. Construction of open air market
15. Restocking of cows, goats and chickens
16. Construction of Livestock market at Qate
17. Establishment of Vaccination center and cattle dip at Bori junction
18. Relief food i.e food for work
1. Water storage tank plus kiosk at qate
2. Renovation at Qate dispensary
3. ECD class
1. Drilling of borehole at junction
2. Provision of water tank and emergency water supply
3. Desilting of Qate water pan
4. Desilting of Illadu water pan at junction
5. Construction of dispensary at junction
6. Construction of ECD class at junction
7. Grading of Bori junction – Kob Road
8. Provision of farm equipment and seedling
9. Provision Animals feeds
10. Provision of grade cows and goats
11. Provision of Loans to youth and women
12. Construction of market stalls
13. Establishment of tree nurseries
14. Formation of tree planting association
15. Solar street light at junction village
16. Construction of community social hall
17. Construction of traditional gallery
18. Stadium construction
5. Drilling of borehole at junction
6. Construction of dispensary at junction
7. Construction of ECD classroom at junction
Dadach Lakole
1. Drilling of borehole at dadach lakole
2. Desilting at Dadach Lakole water pan
3. Construction of Underground water tank
4. Construction of dispensary at Dadach Lakole
5. Construction of 2 ECD classroom
6. Construction of ECD teachers staff quarters
7. Provision of Loan to youth and women
8. Entrepreneurship capacity building
9. Establishment of Tree nursery and planting of trees
10. Restocking of poor household with dairy animals
11. Animals feeds supply plus poultry feeds
12. Installation of 3 solar security light for Dadach Lakole
13. Construction of Community social hall
14. Provision of crop seeds and fertilizers (Resistance and tolerance seeds)
15. Grading of dadach Lakole – Garba Road
16. Grading of dadach Lakole – Adada Catchment Road
1. Drilling of borehole at dadach lakole
2. Construction of dispensary at dadach lakole
3. Construction of ECD classroom at dadach lakole
1. Fencing of Bori dispensary
2. Construction of staff house at Bori dispensary
3. Construction of ECD classroom at Bori
4. Feeding program for ECD children
5. Grading of Bori – Somare Road
6. Purchase of Tractors to support farming
7. Distribution of seeds on time
8. Provision of Farming tools to farmers
9. Construction of dam i.e. 50-100 m³ for irrigation – Green house
10. construction 2 water supply tank and 13 water kiosks
11. construction of 4 water trough
12. provision of Loan for youth and women
13. Contract for youth
14. Vaccination of animals
15. Construction of Cattle dip for livestock
16. Capacity building for animal health workers
17. Rural electrification for Bori (solar)
18. Survey and planning
1. Construction of ECD classroom at bori
2. Construction of 2 Water supply tank and 13 water kiosks kiosk
3. Construction of Dam for irrigation
1. Supply of 12 plastics water tank
2. Construction of 6 underground water tank
3. Construction of Water pan at Teso, Qilta, and El- raya
4. 2 Sand dam at Qaa Jillo Dambe and QAA Bae
5. Drilling of 2 borehole at Manqat and Qaa Qolati
6. Construction of Water supply tank plus kiosk
7. Desilting and expansion of Qilta Dam
8. Construction of 4 ECD classroom at Teso, Somare, Qilta and El- raya
9. Recruitment of ECD teachers
10. Establishment of youth polytechnic
11. Construction of dispensary at Teso
12. Expansion and equipping of existing Somare maternity
13. Supply of adequate drugs
14. Grading of Sessi – Somare Road
15. Grading of Teso – Qaa Shaba Road
16. Grading of Teso – Manqat Road
17. Grading of Somare – Bori Road
18. Provision of Soft loans for youth and women group
19. Construction of open air market shade at Somare
20. Construction of Somare livestock mini market
21. Training and equipping 25 animal health workers
22. Construction of livestock vaccination shade at Manqata
23. Renovation of Somare community social hall
24. Establishment of cultural gallery i.e. cultural museum at Somare
25. Installation of Street light at Somare
26. Installation of Security light at Somare
27. Establishment of Tree nursery at proposed water point
28. Initiation of Tree planting campaign
Priorities for Somare
1. Construction of Underground water tank at somare
2. Construction of Water pan at qilta
3. ECD classroom at somare
Priorities for Teso
1. Construction of dispensary at teso
2. Construction of underground water tank at teso
3. Construction of ECD classroom at El- raya
Installation of pipe and plastic water tank at every kiosk
2. Planting of trees
3. Supply of Water plastic tank for roof water catchment
4. Expansion of Holale dam
5. Facilitation of environmental conservancy (local)
6. Provision of energy saving jikos
7. Upgrading of Butiye dispensary to health center
8. Collection of garbage within butiye
9. Provision of mosquito net
10. Grading of Butiye old road
11. Grading of Teso – Butiye through Qaa Shaba
12. Grading of Qaa Qolati Road
13. Grading of Gora Magara – Holale Road
14. Restocking of oxen for cultivation
15. Check dam for Bura Jilitu and Holale
16. Provision of seeds, tools and equipment
17. Provision of fruit trees seedling
18. Provision of poultry and incubator
19. Training of youth in both agriculture and livestock
20. Group grants to support food security
21. Construction of 10 troughs at Holale shallow wells
22. Sand dams at Holale
23. Loans for businessmen and women plus youth
24. Construction of Livestock market in Butiye
25. Construction of ECD classes for Butiye primary, Holale primary and Deaf school
26. Recruitment of 3 ECD teachers
27. Establishment of traditional gallery
28. Construction of Social hall at Butiye chief compound
29. Provision of games materials
30. Street lights and 12 solar security lights
31. Extension of rural electrification
32. All public institutions to be connected to electricity
1. Pipeline extension and 20 water kiosk with 10000 liter tank
2. Upgrading of Butiye health center
3. Grading of Teso – Butiye Road (bridge)
1. Extension of water pipes and establishment of 15 water kiosk and 10000 liter water tank
at every kiosk
2. Planting of trees
3. Provision of plastic water tank for roof water catchment
4. Upgrading of Arosa dispensary
5. Cleaning service of Goromuda
6. Relocation of dumping site
7. Mosquito net and area spraying by public health officers
8. Grading Moyale Boys – Ali Power – Goromuda Road
9. Grading of Moyale Boys – Arosa – Old road
10. Grading of Moyale Old Road – Arosa dispensary – Arosa village Road
11. Grading of Moyale Boys – Main Road (New Road)
12. Check dam for Arosa
13. Restocking
14. Provision of fruit trees
15. Training for Goromuda youth in both livestock and agriculture
16. Grants to support food security
17. Provision of seeds, tools and equipment
18. Loan to youth, men and women
19. Rehabilitation of livestock market in Goromuda
20. Construction of 2 ECD classrooms at Arosa , Goromuda
21. Construction Standard stadium at Goromuda
22. Provision of sports material for youth
23. Establishment of Village polytechnic
24. Construction of Museum at Goromuda
25. Provision of rural electrification
26. Electricity at all public institutions
27. Installations of Street lights in Goromuda
1. Extension of water pipes and establishment of 15 water kiosk and 10000 liter water
tank at every kiosk
2. Upgrading of Arosa health center
3. Grading of Moyale Boys – Arosa primary – Arosa Road
1. Construction of water pan at laaqi
2. Provision of 10 plastic water tank for rain water harvest to laaqi
3. Renovation at Qate dispensary
4. Construction of ECD classroom at antuut, bori, el-raya
6. Construction of dispensary at junction
7. Construction of 2 Water supply tank and 4 water kiosks at bori
8. Construction of Underground water tank at somare
9. Construction of underground water tank at teso
10. Grading of Moyale Boys – Arosa primary – Arosa Road
11. Pipeline extension and 4 water kiosk with 10000 liter tank at goromuda and Butiye
TOTAL: 41,600,000