REPORT OF THE BUDGET PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS HELD IN KARGI WARD ON 5/2/2015 INTRODUCTION The meeting started by the welcome address by the area chief later on invited one of the elders to start the meeting by prayers. The chief thereafter invited all members present including those from kargi location, South-Horr location and Kurukum sub-location. The members present introduced themselves.This was later on followed by the Kargi ward Administrator Mr of the team to guide the budget public participation process who included; a) b) c) d) Mr.Muma Arbelle-chief officer Admin,co-ord and ICT Mr. Joseph Mirgishan-Director Cohesion Mr.Lokope Tioko-ASS.Director public participation Mrs. Jane Jillo-Principal officer MR.Muma Arbelle informed the members present the objective of the visit i.e. budget consultation to create awareness on the process. He said that the county Government has two function; 1.Resouce sharing 2.Empowering the people in decision making. He also elaborated on the county government structures which consists of 47counties and the National Government.Marsabit County Government has 10departments.The County headed by the Governor-Deputy Governor-CECS-Directors. Besides there is the county assembly headed by the speaker and his deputy and the MCAs.Mr Muma also informed the members that the budget been proposed must improve the life of common mwananchi.Project that are normally proposed are fully implemented 90%. Mr.Gambare the MCA Kargi Ward said that Kargi did well in 2013-2014 budget despite a few challenges. During that financial year Kargi ward was allocated approximately KE.SH 60Million.He said that during that financial year the projects concentrated more in Kargi than in South-Horr.He informed those present that they should present the needs that affect the mwananchi within their areas. He suggested that contracts should be awarded to the local contractors for implementation. He decried of the many uncompleted projects and others which have installed and others behind schedule. Mr.Mirgishan Joseph Director cohesion took through the members the budgets since the inception of the county. KARGI WARD 2013-2014 FINANCIAL YEAR ALLOCATED AMOUNT WAS KESH 63MILLION 1. ROADS- Kargi-Fallam “ Kargi-Korr 2. HEALTH-Maternity [ -Outpatient [ 3. WATER BOREHOLE [ KESH 23million KESH 11million ] KESH 4.2million ] KESH 7.0million ] KESH 6.0million 4. EDUCATION [ ] KESH 3.6million 5. WARD ADMIN OFFICE [Kargi] KESH 4.3million 6. ARGE [WATER ] KESH 6.0million KARGI WARD 2014-2015 FINANCIAL YEAR ALLOCATION a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. ECD[South-Horr] Irrigation Scheme[S/Horr Patient Ward[Disp] Kargi Market Kargi Water borehole[kiosk] Fallan-S/Horr Road Kampinye Maji Baraza Park TOTAL AMOUNT KESH 3.0million KESH 6.0million KESH 5.5million KESH 7.0million KESH 4.0million KESH 8.0million KESH 6.0million KESH 3.0million KESH 43.0million Besides this, Mr.Mirgishan informed that the county has to invest in other economic sectors that might not be captured in the ward development projects. This flagship projects include; a. b. c. d. e. f. Improvement of Marsabit Hospital Construction modern market in Marsabit town Tarmacking of Marsabit Business center Upgrading of Marsabit Stadium to National standards Improvement of Bakuli water supply Construction of Abattoir in Marsabit He also informed the members that the formular used by CRA to distribute fund countrywide is the one used to distribute funds in the wards. Therefore he called upon the members to rank their priorities according to the needs and demand of the mwananchi.After the group had been given the opportunity to discuss among themselves, they came with the following rankings according to their priorities. A.KARGI RANKING 2015-2016 1. WATER a. Kambinye water piping 10,000/b. Dakhane dam and Gangeisa pan-@7000 totaling 14,000/c. Improving of existing water dams 9 @4000000 totaling 36,000,000/2. Education-establishment of girls’ secondary school and 3 more ECDs @1500000 total 4500000 3. Health-improvement of already existing facility in Kargi and laboratory-10,000,000 4. Social protection-children’s homes 15,000,000/- 6. Relocation and construction of Kargi airstrip. 5,000,000 7. Establishing cultural center. 7,000,000 8. Construction of a modern slaughter house. 9. Fencing of the graveyard 2,000,000 10. Agriculture and livestock-veterinary office, drugs and agro vet 7,000,000 B.SOUTH-HORR RANKING [2015-2016] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Health-dispensary in arge-10,000,000 Borehole in serichol 6,000,000 Water-rehabilitation of S/Horr system in Arge. 8,000,000 Education-nursery in Ilpulei. 1,500,000 Education-teacher and furniture in the old nursery in Sokotei.-1,500,000 C.KURUKUM RANKING [2015-2016] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Kurukum dispensary 9,000,000 Construction of road from kurukum to yeel. 7,000,000 Construction of Yeel water borehole. 6,000,000 Renovation of airstrip in Kurukum. Construction of teachers houses in Kurukum primary school. Construction of two classrooms at Kurukum primary. Fencing of Kurkum primary school. AFTER A LENGTHY DELIBERATIONS THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS WERE PRIORITES FOR FUNDING IN THE FY 2015/2016 KARGI/SOUTH HORR WARD. S/NO PROJECT NAME WATER 1 Kambinye water catchment ESTIMATED COST 2 3 4 10,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 5 6 7 8 Dakhane and gangeisa water pans Borehole at Serichoi Protection and desilting already existing 5 water pan HEALTH Kurkum dispensary Arge dispensary EDUCATION Girls secondary in kargi ECD at lpulei south horr 8,000,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 1,500,000 ROADS 9 kurkum to yeel road 7,000,000 10 Rellocation and construction kargi air strip 4,000,000 GRAND TOTAL 67.5 MILLION NOTE THAT THE ESTIMATE COST NEEDS TO BE REVIEWED.
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