CONFIDENT PARENT D! L I H C Y P HAP SUMMER TERM APRIL – AUGUST 2015 Delivering Parenting Programmes in Hammersmith and Fulham Welcome to RENT CONFIDENT PA ! D L I H C Y HAPP p through funding Urban Partnership Grou has established by the Big Lottery Fund PPY CH ILD’ ‘CONFIDENT PARENT HA for parents/carers of This is a 3 year project ith age living in Hammersm children 0-18 years of nce ct offers a range of evide oje pr e Th . m lha Fu d an mmes along with based parenting progra d d support for parents an information, advice an parenting skills. carers to build positive Monika’s Story I have a gorgeous 3 year old son. He is very sweet and entertaining, truly fantastic company to spend time with. However he n would regularly display tantrums, aggressio and tears. I constantly felt worried and embarrassed to about his unpredictable behaviour. I came ed decid and hear about the About Boys Course to attend. The program gave me a thorough insight into how boys think, communicate express emotions. We were provided with a range of tools and strategies, and I find we are so much more relaxed around each other. I enjoyed the d course so much I decided to go on and atten another course. CONFIDENT PARENT HAPPY CHILD being parented H Meet other parents and make friends H Make parenting and family life more enjoyable and less stressful PL A NN ED IG NO RI NG F I R ST . . . T H E N . . . CONFRONTATION there I thought I had good parenting skills I felt d up is always something new to learn, so signe child H Support your child to learn and grow H Reflect on your own experiences of P R A IS E Initially a friend told me about the Strengthening Families Strengthening ugh Communities parenting programme. Altho H Build positive relationships with your development ATTENTION Debbie’s Story THE BENEFITS OF H Feel more confident H Learn parenting skills and strategies H Gain a greater understanding of child and M OD EL LIN G L IC AES LO G EQ UE NC CO NS FAMILY RULE DIS CU SS IO NS TIME OUT QUIET TIME INCENTIVES & CONTRACTS to the 13 week course. this As parents we don’t always get it right, but parenting programme supported me to make some positive changes and build healthier relationships. Since taking part in the programme I have gone on to complete facilitator training and s had the opportunity to deliver two 13 week parenting programmes as a volunteer. This has done a lot for my self - esteem and confidence. SUMMER TERM 2015 TRIPLE P AND TEEN TRIPLE P A 6-8 week ‘Positive Parenting Programme’ supports parents to make small changes that will have a positive long term impact on their child’s behaviour. Parents are introduced to a range of strategies to enhance parent child relationships and manage children’s misbehaviour. Suitable for parents who have a child up to 11 years of age. Triple P Teen is aimed at parents with a secondary school aged child CENTRE Randolph Beresford Children’s Centre Family Centre Annex New Zealand Way W12 7DE COURSE DETAILS Limited crèche available for children under 5 years of age DATES / TIMES Every Thursday starting 30.04.2015 9.30-11.30am CONTACT Claire Sweetman 0208 746 1808 07823 403 177 [email protected] STRENGTHENING FAMILIES STRENGTHENING COMMUNITIES [SFSC] A 13 week programme for parents who have a child between 3 – 18 years of age. The programme takes parents through a range of different strategies to manage children’s behaviour and enhance parent child relationships. In addition to this the impact of family, cultural and community influences and violence within society are also explored. Masbro Childrens Centre 87 Masbro Road W14 0LR COURSE DETAILS Limited crèche places available for children under 5 years of age DATES / TIMES Every Wednesday starting 29.04.2015 9.30-12.30pm BITE-SIZE WORKSHOPS One off 2 hour workshop for parents on a range of topics. CENTRE I feel so much more confident in my parenting role, the course allowed me to make friends and not feel alone CENTRE PROGRAMME OF PARENTING COURSES COURSE DETAILS DATES / TIMES CONTACT Lena Gardens Primary School Lena Gardens W6 7PZ Positive Parenting For parents who have a child at Lena Gardens Primary School 12.05.2015 9.15-11.15am James Lee Nursery School Gliddon Road W14 9BH Transition to Primary School For parents who have a child at James Lee Nursery School 18.06.2015 9.30-11.30am Natasha Hamilton 020 8741 8877 OR Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] Masbro Brook Green 49 Brook Green W6 7BJ High Risk Situations For Lone parents. Limited crèche available for children under 5 years of age. 24.06.2015 1-2.30pm Marina Kopanja 07716 253275 [email protected] James Lee Nursery School Gliddon Road W14 9BH E-safety For parents who have a child at James Lee Nursery School 02.07.2015 9.30-11.30 Natasha Hamilton 020 8741 8877 OR Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] I am so much more aware of how I respond and feel less worried about difficult situations FAMILY LINKS NURTURING PROGRAMME A 10-week programme for parents of children aged 0-11, offering a range of positive parenting strategies to manage behaviour and improve the parent-child relationship and also supporting parents to improve and develop their own and their child’s emotional wellbeing. CONTACT Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] CENTRE Flora Gardens Children’s Centre Dalling Road W6 0UD COURSE DETAILS Limited crèche places available for children under 5 years of age DATES / TIMES Every Tuesday starting 28.04.2015 12.30 – 3pm CONTACT Contact Aba Oppon 020 8741 7892 [email protected] SUMMER TERM 2015 ABOUT BOYS COURSE 0-5 A 4 week group for parents who have boys between 0-5 years of age. The course supports parents to have a better understanding of boys, increased confidence in addressing their boys needs and practical techniques to support boys to listen and accept boundaries and discipline in order to get the best from them. CENTRE West London Action for Children offers a range of counselling and therapy services for families in Hammersmith and Fulham. Please call to discuss your needs or for more information. CONTACT James Lee Nursery School Gliddon Road W14 9BH For parents who have a child at James Lee Nursery School Every Thursday starting 30.04.2015 9.30-11.30am Natasha Hamilton 020 8741 8877 OR Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] Edward Wood’s Community Centre 60-70 Norland Road W11 4TX Limited crèche available for children under 5 years of age Every Monday starting 01.06.2015 10-12pm Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] Lena Gardens Primary School Lena Gardens, W6 7PZ For Parents who have a child at Lena Gardens Primary School Every Tuesday starting 09.06.2015 9.15-11.15am Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] The whole course was brilliant and really helped to reassure me, it was great to hear from other parents CENTRE Masbro Children’s Centre 87 Masbro Road, W14 0LR Masbro Children’s Centre 87 Masbro Road, W14 0LR SPECIALIST PARENTING SUPPORT COURSE DETAILS DATES / TIMES Intensive Interaction Communication Course For parents who have a child with special educational needs who access Jack Tizard and Queensmill Schools. 09.07.2015 9.30-3pm Parents Active Weekly session for parents who have a child with special needs Every Tuesday 10-12pm WEST LONDON ACTION FOR CHILDREN: PARENTING GROUPS DATES / TIMES COURSE DETAILS PROGRAMME OF PARENTING COURSES CONTACT Ushma Bal 020 7605 0191 [email protected] CENTRE DATES / TIMES CONTACT West London Action for Children 15 Gertrude Street SW10 0JN Breathing Space An 8 week mindfulness-based group that supports parents to manage their mood, discover new and helpful ways of thinking and making time for themselves. Every Thursday starting 07.05.2015 10-12pm West London Action for Children 15 Gertrude Street SW10 0JN Dads Matter A 6 week forward looking solution focused group for dads, step dads and male carers of children up to 12 years of age Every Wednesday starting 13.05.2015 18.30 - 20.30pm 0207 352 1155 [email protected] West London Action for Children 15 Gertrude Street SW10 0JN ParentPlay A 10 week group to help parents/ carers develop play skills and strengthening family relationships Every Wednesday starting 29.04.2015 10 – 12pm 0207 352 1155 [email protected] West London Action for Children 15 Gertrude Street SW10 0JN ParenTeen A 6 week group for parents of young people up to the age of 18 – helping parents to increase confidence and optimism. Every Monday starting 11.05.2015 10-12pm 0207 352 1155 [email protected] 0207 352 1155 [email protected] I - 2 - I PARENTING SUPPORT CENTRE Nandini Ganesh 0208 237 7028 nandini.ganesh@ COURSE DETAILS The Meanwhile Family Therapy Service Masbro Centre 87 Masbro Road W14 0LR COURSE DETAILS One to one Triple P parenting support for parents who have a child of primary and secondary school age DATES / TIMES Ongoing, contact service for more details CONTACT 0207 605 0800 07970 892087 [email protected] CONFIDENT PARENT D! L I H C Y P P A H Shepherds Bush RICHMOND WA Y MASBRO CENTRE MI Y AD O N RO AD MA SB TH E RO LS RO BL D RO A Goldhawk Road B LY Kensington Olympia Olympia D THE R Hammersmith Hammersmith Ushma Bal PARENTING PROJECTS & PERFORMANCE MANAGER Masbro Centre • 87 Masbro Road London W14 0LR Tel: 020 7605 0191 E-mail: [email protected] Visit our website at Masbro An Urban Partnership Group enterprise
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