Final Exam Spring, 2015 G-number - Gmu

Introductory Biology II
Final Exam
Spring, 2015
Instructions: There are 100 questions. Write down the best answer for each one. Please make sure that you fill
out your scantron correctly. In case of discrepancy, the answer on the scantron will be considered your answer.
When you're finished, please hand in your scantron. You may keep the exam. Good luck!
Material covered by exam I:
d___1) Which of the following would be found in epithelial tissue?
a) muscle cell
b) nerve cell
c) bone cell
d___2) Blood is what kind of tissue?
a) epithelial b) contractile
b___3) A lizard is a/an:
a) endotherm
c) liquid
b) ectotherm
d) connective
c) megatherm
a___4) To get rid of extra heat:
a) blood is moved to the skin
c) neither - blood flow is not affected by heat.
b) blood is moved away from the skin
c) human
d) caterpillar
d___6) An autotrophic organism:
a) mosquito b) blue whale
c) human
d) oak tree
c) Vitamin C
a___8) Tube that takes food into the stomach:
a) esophagus b) cartilage rings
c) epiglottis
e___9) Which is not added by the pancreas?
a) amylase
b) buffer
c) lipase
e) nervous
d) microtherm
c___5) An example of a bulk feeder:
a) mosquito b) blue whale
c___7) Scurvy is caused by insufficient:
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
d) skin cell
d) Vitamin D
d) bronchi
d) nucleases
e) elephant
e) Vitamin E
e) tongue
e) bile
a___10) An animal with a four part stomach would be a/an:
a) herbivore b) carnivore
b___11) Equilibrium is never reached in a:
a) same current system
b) counter current system
d___12) A tracheal system is used to breathe with in:
a) fish
b) salamanders
c) frogs
d) insects
d___13) This group of animals has evolved a one way system of moving air through their lungs:
a) humans
b) fish
c) earthworms
d) birds
e) crabs
b___14) True or false: the impulse to breathe is directly triggered by low oxygen levels:
a) True
b) False
a___15) Hemoglobin picks up oxygen in areas with:
a) high oxygen concentrations
b) low oxygen concentrations
c) oxygen concentrations do not affect hemoglobin
d___16) If you smoke, on average you will die about how many years earlier than a person who does not
a) 2 b) 5 c) 10 d) 14
e___17) Smoking can cause all of the following except:
a) lung cancer
b) premature wrinkling
d) increased blood pressure & bad cholesterol
c) emphysema
e) there are no exceptions on this list
a___18) The single biggest cause of preventable deaths in the United States is:
a) smoking
d___19) An open circulatory system is found in:
a) humans
b) dogs
c) cats
d) insects
a___20) In the fetus (human), most of the blood from the right ventricle goes to the:
a) body
b) left ventricle
c) right atrium
d) lungs
e) left atrium
b___21) True or false: heart sounds are caused by the contractions of the ventricle:
a) True
b) False
c___22) A typical, average, systolic blood pressure is:
a) 40
b) 80
c) 120
d) 160
e) 200
b___23) The AV node triggers contractions in the:
a) atria
b) ventricles
c) neither
a___24) Platelets are part of the:
a) living component of blood
b) non-living component of blood
b___25) Fibrinogen changes into fibrin with the help of:
a) prothrombin
b) thrombin
c) pepsin
d) pepsinogen
Material covered by exam II:
d___26) A pathogen might be a/an:
a) bacteria
b) virus
c) parasite
b___27) Histamine:
a) shrinks blood vessels
d) all of the above
b) expands blood vessels
e) a & b
c) does not affect blood vessels
b___28) Interferon is usually used to defend against:
a) bacteria
b) viruses
c) parasites d) venoms
b___29) A molecule that can cause an immune response is known as a/an:
a) antibody b) antigen
c) erythrocyte
d) monocyte
a___30) True or false: cytotoxic T-cells can destroy infected body cells:
a) True
b) False
d___31) Type I diabetes is caused by:
a) a virus
b) a bacteria c) parasites
d) the immune system ( = autoimmune disease)
e___32) A disease caused by a virus:
a) Malaria
b) Sleeping sickness
c) Diabetes, type I
d) Allergies
c___33) Structure that surrounds the glomerulus
a) distal tubule
b) proximal tubule
c) Bowman's capsule
a___34) Increasing levels of ADH
a) save water
b) release water
c) do not affect water gain/loss
d___35) A hormone that is not found in the anterior pituitary:
a) GH
b) TSH
d) ADH
e) obesity
d) collecting duct
e) MSH
d___36) Hormone that is released by the thyroid:
a) GH
b) TSH
c) insulin
d) thyroxine
d___37) Insulin is made by the:
a) alpha cells of the liver
b) alpha cells of the pancreas
d) beta cells of the pancreas e) none of the above
c___38) Hormone that can suppress the immune system:
a) oxytocin b) melatonin c) corticosteroids
d) glucagon
e) melatonin
c) beta cells of the liver
e) thyroxine
a___39) An animal that lays eggs (like a bird) is termed:
a) oviparous
b) viviparous
c) ovoviviparous
d___40) The epididymis:
a) adds nutrients to sperm
b) makes sperm
c) makes prostaglandins
d) stores sperm
b___41) True or false: the oviducts (= fallopian tubes) are lined with flagella:
a) True
b) False
b___42) True or false: the corpus luteum contains the mature egg after ovulation:
a) True
b) False
c___43) Ovulation is caused by:
a) the decrease in LH
b) the progesterone plateau
c) the LH surge
b___44) True or false: estrogen causes the uterine lining to become thinner:
a) True
b) False
a___45) Take the signal out of a neuron:
a) axons
b) dendrites c) astrocytes d) nerve cell body
c___46) Help maintain the blood/brain barrier:
a) barrier cells
b) modulated cells
c) astrocytes
d) phagocytes
d___47) During an action potential:
a) K+ ions rush in, followed by Na+ ions rushing out.
b) K+ ions rush out, followed by Na+ ions rushing in
c) Na+ ions rush out, followed by K+ ions rushing in
d) Na+ ions rush in, followed by K+ ions rushing out.
b___48) The action potential can move at speeds of up to 150 m/s in:
a) Squid
b) Humans c) none of the above
a___49) True or false: humans have chemical synapses:
a) True
b) False
a___50) True or false: if the voltage at the axon-hillock reaches -55 mv the neuron will fire (start an action
a) True
b) False
New material:
d___51) A disease that can shut down pain receptors:
a) flu
b) malaria
c) sleeping sickness
a___52) The hammer, anvil, and stirrup:
a) amplify sound mechanically
c) conduct sound directly to the semi-circular canals
d) leprosy
e) cold
b) are found in the inner ear
d) close off the Eustachian tubes
c___53) Structure(s) that helps to equalize the pressure in the middle ear:
a) sinuses
b) nasal cavity
c) eustachian tubes
d) pinna
d___54) Healthy humans can hear sound frequencies in what range?
a) 10 - 500 Hz
b) 20 - 1,000 Hz
c) 500 - 50,000 Hz
e) 20,000 Hz - 200,000,000 Hz
e) cochlea
d) 20 - 20,000 Hz
d___55) At night, a bat can tell of the following about an insect except its:
a) location
b) speed
c) size
d) color
e) texture
e___56) The utricle and saccule are used to detect:
a) sound
b) volume
c) pressure
d) frequency
e) balance/movement
a___57) True or false: humans and dogs have approximately the same number of different kinds of
smell receptors:
a) True
b) False
a___58) True or false: when a fly is walking across your food it is tasting the food with its feet
a) True
b) False
d___59) Controls the amount of light entering your eye:
a) cornea
b) lens
c) retina
d) pupil
d___60) Nocturnal animals have this lining their choroid:
a) cornea
b) lens
c) sclera
d) tapetum
e) tapetum
a___61) At night, which cells do you use more:
a) rods
b) cones
c) squares
d) ellipses
e) stems
a___62) True or false: The right side of both eyes goes to the right side of the brain:
a) True
b) False
a___63) True or false: many birds (for example pigeons) can sense the magnetic field of the earth:
a) True
b) False
d___64) A smooth sustained muscle contraction is known as:
a) botulism b) tuberculosis
c) malaria
d) tetanus
e) polio
a___65) Allow for rapid, powerful contractions but not much endurance:
a) fast fibers
b) slow fibers
c) medium fibers
d) painfully slow fibers
c___66) Between the dura mater and the pia mater of the meninges:
a) intermediate mater
b) doesn't mater
c) arachnoid membrane
d___67) A reflex is a response that does not involve the:
a) spinal cord
b) gray matter
c) white matter
d) inverse mater
d) brain
d___68) The superior olive:
a) is a superior brand of olive oil
b) evaluates stereoscopic vision
c) sorts sensory information
d) determines the direction of sound
e) evaluates the emotional content of information
a___69) True or false: the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body:
a) True
b) False
d___70) A signal from the motor cortex goes to the appropriate motor neuron and to the (pick best
a) frontal lobe
b) hypothalamus
c) parietal lobe
d) cerebellum
d___71) The reticular formation determines:
a) emotional content
b) direction of sound
d) alertness levels
e) reading ability
c) stereoscopic vision
c___72) If you do very well on this exam, you have successfully put a lot of information into your:
a) immediate memories
b) short term memories
c) long term memories
c___73) Plant tissue type that covers surfaces:
a) connective
b) contractile
c) dermal
d) vascular
e) ground
a___74) True or false: some plants can get to over 4000 years old:
a) True
b) False
c___75) Secondary xylem forms from:
a) apical meristem b) cork cambium
c) vascular cambium
a___76) True or false: population density is defined as the number of individuals/unit area:
a) True
b) False
b___77) True or false: if you want to know how many turtles are living in a particular pond you need to catch
and count every one of them:
a) True
b) False
a___78) Many kinds of fish live in large schools. This type of dispersal pattern would be:
a) clumped
b) uniform
c) random
a___79) A mathematical growth model that describes a population that grows very rapidly without limit:
a) exponential
b) poisson
c) normal
d) logistic
e) hyperbolic
e___80) Carrying capacity can be affected by all of the following except:
a) food
b) territory
c) weather
d) predation e) there are no exceptions on this list
b___81) Squirrels will run under the tires of your car at any age. They have what kind of survivorship curve?
a) type I
b) type II
c) type III
d) type IV
e) type V
d___82) Currently, the world wide human population is about:
a) 6.2 million
b) 1.1 billion
c) 3.4 billion
d) 7.2 billion
e) 24.3 billion
a___83) True or false: the average person in the United states uses far more resources than the average person
in India:
a) True
b) False
c___84) The population of a country with an “upside down” growth pyramid is:
a) growing
b) stable
c) declining d) impossible to tell
c___85) A country with a very fast doubling time:
a) United States
b) Italy
c) Afghanistan
d) Russia
a___86) True or false: a more diverse community has a higher relative abundance of each species:
a) True
b) False
a___87) True or false: two species in the same place cannot coexist if they are competing for the same
a) True
b) False
d___88) An example of mutualism:
a) sea otters eating sea urchins
b) tape worms living in your gut
c) two species of barnacles in the same place
d) acacias feeding ants, which defend the acacia
b___89) True or false: disturbance is always bad for a community:
a) True
b) False
c___90) A snake eats a mouse. How much of the total energy in the mouse does the snake actually get?
a) 1%
b) 2%
c) 10%
d) 100%
e) 200%
e___91) A type of biome characterized by dry grasslands and scattered trees. Contains many animals such as lions
and elephants.
a) temperate grasslands
b) deserts
c) chaparral d) polar ice e) savanna
e___92) Economic reasons to conserve include all of the following except:
a) food
b) medicine c) recreation
d) clothing
e) religious
b___93) Major threats to conservation include all of the following except:
a) habitat destruction
b) legal hunting
c) overexploitation
d) introduced species
e) environmental factors (e.g. pollution)
c___94) The destruction of the woods at George Mason University has been largely due to (pick best answer):
a) introduced species
b) global warming
c) urbanization
d) desertification
e) poaching
d___95) Desertification is most severe in:
a) The U.S. b) Europe
c) Australia
d) sub-Saharan Africa
e) South-east Asia
a___96) True or false: One reason the passenger pigeon is extinct is due to competitions, during which the
objective was to shoot as many birds as possible in one day:
a) True
b) False
e___97) An animal that was introduced into the United States because an American Doctor had an obsession
with Shakespeare:
a) gray squirrel
b) prickly pear cactus
c) rat
d) horse
e) starling
d___98) Air quality alerts in Northern Virginia are due primarily to:
a) CO2
b) Carbon monoxide
c) acid rain
d) ozone
e) oxygen
e___99) The single most important thing one can do if one is trying to preserve an organism:
a) protect it through legislation
b) control predators
c) manage wild areas for food or shelter
d) place it in a zoo
e) study the organism
b___100) True or false: The number of lions in the Nairobi National Park has increased dramatically in the last
30 years:
a) True
b) False
Please put your name and G-number on the scantron before you hand it in.
You may keep your exam.
Your score on the final should be available on blackboard by tomorrow.
Final grades will be available only through PatriotWeb (hopefully by the weekend).
I hope you didn't find today too horrible. Have a great summer!