SCENE 2 SoNg 3: Keep Your Head in the game

Milliner Matt:
(to Ima)
Ima, is a policeman’s hat the kind you are going to make?
Milliner Marsha: (to Hatless Hank)
Hatless Hank*, is that the kind of hat you want?
Do you want to cook and bake?
Hatless Hank:That was tasty but I can see
That a baker’s hat is not for me!
Ima:No, although each one of those hats looks mighty fine,
None can hold a candle to the brand new hat of mine.
Hatless Hank:I would wear most any hat as a last resort,
But I think I’d rather have a hat from my very favorite sport.
Umpire: Did somebody say sports? Batter Up!!!
* “Henrietta” on recording
Song 3: Keep Your Head in the Game
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HATS! – Script