Christopher M. Drupieski Curriculum Vitae Office: Schmitt Academic Center, Room 542 Phone: 773-325-4221 Email: [email protected] Web: DePaul University Department of Mathematical Sciences 2320 N Kenmore Ave Chicago, IL 60614–3210 Academic Appointments ◦ DePaul University, Department of Mathematical Sciences - Assistant Professor of Mathematics 2012–present ◦ University of Georgia, Department of Mathematics - VIGRE Postdoctoral Research Associate 2009–2012 Education ◦ Ph.D. in Mathematics, University of Virginia (Advisor: Brian Parshall) 05/2009 ◦ M.S. in Mathematics, University of Virginia 05/2008 ◦ B.A. with Honors in Mathematics and Physics, McDaniel College 05/2004 Graduated College Scholar and Summa Cum Laude Teaching Experience ◦ DePaul University - MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT MAT 110: 111: 130: 140: 150: 215: 261: 303: 310: 311: 471: 472: 473: Foundations of Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers I Foundations of Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers II Precalculus Discrete Mathematics I Calculus I Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Multivariable Calculus II Theory of Numbers Abstract Algebra I Abstract Algebra II Group Theory Fields and Galois Theory Rings and Modules 2012–2014 2013–2015 2015 2013 2012 2013, 2015 2015 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2013, 2015 ◦ University of Georgia - Math Math Math Math Math 2250: 2260: 3200: 4000: 5003: Calculus I for Scientists and Engineers Calculus II for Scientists and Engineers Introduction to Higher Mathematics Modern Algebra and Geometry I Algebra and Problem Solving for Elementary Teachers 1 2009 2010 2010 2012 2011 Last updated: June 17, 2015 Christopher M. Drupieski Curriculum Vitae - Math 8080: Lie Algebras 2011 ◦ University of Virginia - Math Math Math Math Math Math 121: Applied Calculus I 122: Applied Calculus II 131: Calculus I 132: Calculus II 213: Ordinary Differential Equations (recitation section) 231H: Calculus III Honors (recitation section) 2005 2006, 2009 2006 2007–2008 2005 2004 Research Interests Representation theory and cohomology of algebraic groups, Lie algebras, finite groups of Lie type, Lie superalgebras, algebraic supergroups, quantized enveloping algebras, polynomial functors, and related algebraic structures. Publications Submitted for publication - Polynomial superfunctors and universal extension classes for algebraic supergroups. Preprint available online at Published or accepted 11. Bounding the dimensions of rational cohomology groups. Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory, Develop. Math. 38, Springer, 2014, pp. 51–69. (joint with C. Bendel, B. Boe, D. Nakano, B. Parshall, C. Pillen, and C. Wright) 10. Universal extension classes for GL2 . Algebr. Represent. Theor. 17 (2014), no. 6, 1853–1860. 9. Cohomological finite generation for restricted Lie superalgebras and finite supergroup schemes. Represent. Theory 17 (2013), 469–507. 8. Cohomology rings for quantized enveloping algebras. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 141 (2013), no. 11, 3739–3753. 7. On projective modules for Frobenius kernels and finite Chevalley groups. Bull. London Math. Soc. 45 (2013), no. 4, 715-720. 6. First cohomology for finite groups of Lie type: simple modules with small dominant weights. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 365 (2013), no. 2, 1025–1050 (joint with UGA VIGRE Algebra Group). 5. Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type. J. Algebra 360 (2012), 21–52 (joint with UGA VIGRE Algebra Group). 4. Cohomology for infinitesimal unipotent algebraic and quantum groups. Transform. Groups. 17 (2012), no. 2, 393–416 (joint with Daniel Nakano and Nham Ngo). 3. Differentiating the Weyl generic dimension formula with applications to support varieties. Adv. Math. 229 (2012), 2656–2668 (joint with Daniel Nakano and Brian Parshall). 2. On injective modules and support varieties for the small quantum group. Int. Math. Res. Not. 2011 (2011), 2263–2294. 2 Last updated: June 17, 2015 Christopher M. Drupieski Curriculum Vitae 1. Representations and cohomology for higher Frobenius–Lusztig kernels. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 215 (2011), 1473–1491. Grants, Fellowships, Awards - DePaul University CSH Faculty Summer Research Grant ($4200) Geometry of Lie superalgebras 2015 - Elsevier Foundation Mathematical Sciences Sponsorship Fund travel grant ($1500) Groups, Representations and Cohomology; Sabhal M` or Ostaig; 23–26 June, 2015 2015 - AMS-Simons Travel Grant ($4000) Cohomology for Lie superalgebras and finite supergroup schemes 2013–2015 - DePaul University CSH Faculty Summer Research Grant ($4200) Finite-generation problems for cohomology rings 2013 - MAA Project NExT (New Experiences in Teaching) Fellow 2010–2011 - NSF Grant OISE–0813052, East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes ($5637) Representations and cohomology for algebraic and quantum groups 2008 Undergraduate awards (while a student at McDaniel College) - Phi Beta Kappa 2004 - Dr. Clyde A. Spicer Award (outstanding senior in Mathematics) 2004 - Harry C. Jones Physics Scholarship 2003 - David Brian Cross Award for Achievement in Mathematics 2002 - H. Samuel Case and Susan Snodgrass Case Award for Excellence in Scholarly Research 2002 - Barry M. Goldwater Memorial Scholarship 2002 - Kappa Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Honor Society 2002 - Lowell R. Duren Mathematics Award 2001 - Sigma Pi Sigma, National Physics Honor Society 2001 Conference Presentations - Workshop on Representations, Support, and Cohomology; Bielefeld University Title TBD 12/2015 - Groups, Representations, and Cohomology; Sabhal M`or Ostaig Universal extension classes for algebraic supergroups 06/2015 - Southwestern Group Theory Day, University of Arizona Finite-generation for cohomology rings of finite supergroup schemes 03/2015 - AMS Central Section Meeting, Special Session on Groups and Representations Finite-generation for cohomology rings of finite supergroup schemes 03/2015 - Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop 2014, University of Georgia Polynomial superfunctors and universal extension classes for algebraic supergroups 05/2014 - Cohomology in Lie Theory, University of Oxford Cohomology for restricted Lie superalgebras and finite supergroup schemes 06/2013 3 Last updated: June 17, 2015 Christopher M. Drupieski Curriculum Vitae - Seattle Summer π-School and Workshop, University of Washington Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type 08/2012 - AIM Workshop on Cohomology Bounds and Growth Rates 1- and 2-cohomology for algebraic groups and finite groups of Lie type 06/2012 - Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop on Categorification of Quantum Groups Support varieties for irreducible modules of small quantum groups 04/2012 - AMS Southeastern Section Meeting, Special Session Projective modules for Frobenius kernels and finite groups of Lie type 03/2012 - AMS Central Section Meeting, Special Session Some quantum analogues of results from Lie algebra cohomology 10/2011 - Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop on Algebraic and Finite Groups Comparing algebraic and finite group cohomology 06/2011 - Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special Session Cohomology rings for quantized enveloping algebras 01/2011 - SE Lie Theory Conference on Homological Methods in Representation Theory On injective modules and support varieties for the small quantum group 05/2010 - AMS Central Section Meeting, Special Session Cohomology rings of infinitesimal algebraic and quantum groups 04/2010 - Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special Session Cohomology of finite-dimensional quantized enveloping algebras 01/2009 - AMS Central Section Meeting, Special Session Adjoint actions on integral forms in quantum groups 10/2008 Seminar and Colloquium Presentations - DePaul Math Club, DePaul University 05/2015 - Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia 04/2015 - Mathematics Colloquium, Northern Illinois University 03/2015 - Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, Loyola University Chicago 11/2014 - North Central Math Circle, North Central College 02/2014 - Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, DePaul University 01/2014 - Algebra Seminar, University of South Alabama 11/2013 - Mathematics Colloquium, University of South Alabama 10/2013 - DePaul Math Club, DePaul University 10/2013 - Mathematics Colloquium, University of Oklahoma 09/2013 - Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia 03/2013 - Graduate Seminar, University of Virginia 03/2013 - DePaul Math Club, DePaul University 02/2013 - Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, DePaul University 10/2012 4 Last updated: June 17, 2015 Christopher M. Drupieski Curriculum Vitae - Algebra & Combinatorics Seminar, Loyola University Chicago 09/2012 - Mathematics Colloquium, Ohio University 02/2012 - Mathematics Colloquium, DePaul University 02/2012 - Mathematics Colloquium, Loyola University Chicago 01/2012 - Algebra Seminar, University of Georgia 01/2012 - Algebra Seminar, Christian-Albrechts Universit¨at zu Kiel 06/2011 - BIREP Seminar, Universit¨ at Bielefeld 06/2011 - Undergraduate Math Club, University of Georgia 01/2011 - Algebra Seminar, University of Georgia 08/2010 - VIGRE Graduate Seminar, University of Georgia 11/2009 - Algebra Seminar, University of South Alabama 10/2009 - Mathematics Colloquium, University of South Alabama 10/2009 - Algebra Seminar, University of Georgia 08/2009 - Graduate Seminar, University of Virginia 09/2008 - Undergraduate Mathematics Seminar, McDaniel College 09/2008 - Algebra Seminar, University of New South Wales 08/2008 - Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia 09/2007 - Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia 11/2006 - Algebra Seminar, University of Virginia 11/2005 Service ◦ Department of Mathematical Sciences, DePaul University - Colloquium Coordinator Library Liaison Master’s in Pure Mathematics Committee Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Website Committee (Chair, AQ 2014–present) Assistant Professor Search Committee Visiting Assistant Professor Search Committee 2014–present 2014–present 2012–present 2012–present 2013–present 2013–14, 14–15 SQ 2014 ◦ College of Science and Health, DePaul University - CSH SharePoint Approvers Group 2014–present ◦ University Service, DePaul University - Academic Integrity Board - University Conduct Board - Science as a Way of Knowing working group 2015–2018 2013–present 2013 ◦ Advising 5 Last updated: June 17, 2015 Christopher M. Drupieski Curriculum Vitae - Academic advisor to undergraduate mathematics majors as assigned by the department chair (three advisees between 2013–2015) - Secondary Ph.D. advisor for University of Georgia student Nham Ngo 2009–2012 ◦ Additional service - Science Fair Judge, Beaubien Elementary School, Chicago IL 2014 Professional Activities ◦ Conference organization - Local organizer for Algebra, Geometry, and Combinatorics Day 11 (ALGECOM) - Special Session, AMS Fall Central Section Meeting 10/2014 09/2014 ◦ Journal refereeing (2012–present) - Advances in Mathematics Algebras and Representation Theory Applied Categorical Structures Journal f¨ ur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (Crelle’s Journal) Journal of Algebra Journal of Lie Theory Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra Mathematische Nachrichten ◦ Article reviews (post-publication) for Mathematical Reviews ◦ Professional affiliations - American Mathematical Society (AMS) - Mathematical Association of America (MAA) - TeX User’s Group (TUG) 2004–present 2009–present 2009–present 6 Last updated: June 17, 2015
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