Matrix Multiplication and Inverses 3 4 7 and B = . Find AB and BA (if they make sense). 2 5 1 7 −11 −1 26 Solution. AB = and BA = . Notice that it is not true that AB = BA. 14 9 −9 17 −2 1. Let A = 1 2. Let A = 1 2 and B = 3 4 . Find AB and BA (if they make sense). Solution. AB = [11] and BA = 3 4 6 . 8 4 1 and B = 0 2 1 . Find AB and BA (if they make sense). 0 Solution. BA = −6 2 , but AB is not defined. 1 3. Let A = −3 0 4. If A is an n × m matrix, what is In A? How about AIm ? (Recall that In denotes the n × n identity matrix). Solution. We know that In A is the matrix of the composition S ◦ T , where S : Rn → Rn is defined by S(~x) = In ~x and T : Rm → Rn is defined by T (~x) = A~x. This composition is (S ◦ T )(~x) = S(T (~x)) = S(A~x) since T (~x) = A~x = A~x since S sends every vector to itself So, the matrix of S ◦ T is A, which means that In A = A . Here’s another way of thinking about things. Let’s think about what happens when we multiply In A by a vector ~x: (In A)~x = In (A~x) = A~x since In times any vector is the vector itself So, multiplying any vector ~x by In A is the same as multiplying it by A. Therefore, In A must be equal to A. Similarly, if we multiply IAm by any vector ~x, we have (AIm )~x = A(Im ~x) = A~x since Im ~x = ~x. So, multiplying any vector ~x by Im A is the same as multiplying it by A, which means that AIm = A . −3/5 5. The matrix of reflection about the line y = 2x in R is A = 4/5 2 4/5 . Find A2 . 3/5 Solution. Of course, you can calculate this, but it’s much simpler to think about this in terms of composition: A2 is the product AA, which means “do A, then do A again”. If we reflect and reflect again, we’ll have done nothing: every vector ends up exactly where it started. So, A2 must be the 1 0 identity matrix . 0 1 1 6. Recall that a n × m matrix A is invertible if the system Ax = b has a unique solution for all b in Rn . If A is invertible, what can you say about rref A? Is the converse true? Solution. By definition, an n × m matrix A is invertible if A~x = ~y has exactly one solution for every ~y in Rn . Let’s imagine solving the linear system A~x = ~y using Gauss-Jordan; we do this by row-reducing the augmented matrix A ~y . If A~x = ~y has exactly one solution, then the system has no free variables, so every column of rref A must have a leading 1. On the of 0s, then we can pick some ~y so that other hand, if rref(A) has a row consisting entirely rref A ~y has a row of the form 0 · · · 0 1 . This would mean that the system A~x = ~y is inconsistent. Since we are told this doesn’t happen, we can conclude that rref(A) does not have a row consisting entirely of 0s. That is, every row of rref(A) must have a leading 1. The only way that every row and every column can have a leading 1 is if A is a square matrix (n × n) and rref A = In . So far, we’ve figured out that, if A is invertible, then rref A = In . Conversely, if rref A = In , then it n is certainly the case that A~x = ~y has exactly one solution for every ~y in R : when you row reduce A ~y , you’ll end up with In ∗ , which has exactly one solution. 3 7. (a) The matrix 7 2 is invertible; find its inverse. 5 Solution. When we want to find the inverse of a matrix A, we essentially want to solve the system A~x = ~y to write ~x in terms of ~y .(1) As usual, we solve this using Gauss-Jordan, i.e., by y row-reducing the augmented matrix A ~y . If we write ~y = 1 , then we have: y2 y ÷3 3 2 y1 1 23 31 → −7(I) 7 5 y2 7 5 y2 y1 2 1 3 3 → ÷ 13 0 13 − 7y31 + y2 y1 1 23 − 23 (II) 3 → 0 1 −7y1 + 3y2 1 0 5y1 − 2y2 → 0 1 −7y1 + 3y2 So, ~x = 5y1 − 2y2 5 = −7y1 + 3y2 −7 which shows that A −1 5 = −7 −2 y1 , 3 y2 −2 . 3 Note: From now on, we will write this calculation in a slightly different way; the entries of the right most column in the augmented matrix are all linear combinations of y1 and y2 , so we can instead keep track of the coefficients of y1 and y2 . That is, instead of row-reducing the 3 2 y1 , we can think of y1 and y2 as 1y1 + 0y2 and 0y1 + 1y2 and row-reduce matrix 7 5 y2 3 2 1 0 . If we row-reduce, then we end up with 7 5 0 1 1 0 5 −2 . 0 1 −7 3 (1) More precisely, we want to write ~ x as B~ y for some matrix B; the matrix B is the inverse of A. 2 The right side of this is the inverse A−1 . So, the general method here is: to find the inverse of an n × n matrix, row-reduce the matrix A In to end up with In A−1 . = 7 . = 13 3 2 p 7 3 2 Solution. We can rewrite the system as = . Since we’ve seen that is 7 5 q 13 7 5 −1 p 3 2 7 invertible, the system has a unique solution, = . Using our answer to (a), this q 7 5 13 5 −2 7 9 p 9 . is equal to = . So, the system has a unique solution, = −7 3 13 −10 q −10 (b) Solve the linear system 3p 7p + 2q + 5q 8. Let A be an invertible n × n matrix. What is A−1 A? How about AA−1 ? Solution. If T (~x) = A~x, then we know T −1 (T (~x)) = ~x for all ~x ∈ Rn . In matrix form, this tells us that A−1 A~x = ~x = In ~x for all ~x ∈ Rn , so A−1 A = In . Similarly, T (T −1 (~y )) = ~y for all ~y ∈ Rn , so AA−1 = In . 9. If A and B are invertible n × n matrices, express (AB)−1 in terms of A−1 and B −1 . Solution. Intuitively, we know that AB means “do B, then do A”. To undo this, we need to first undo A (by doing A−1 ), then undo B (by doing B −1 ), so the inverse of AB is B −1 A−1 . (A useful way of remembering this is to think, “I put on my socks, then my shoes. When I take them off, I take off my shoes, then my socks.”) 1 10. Let A = 0 0 1 1 0 1 1. 1 (a) A is invertible; find its inverse. Solution. the augmented matrix As explained in the solution of #7(a), if we row reduce A I3 , we will end up with I3 A−1 . So, let’s row reduce A I3 : 1 1 1 1 0 0 −(II) 1 0 0 1 −1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 −(III) → 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 → 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 So, A−1 1 = 0 0 2 (b) If B = 0 0 0 3 0 −1 0 1 −1. 0 1 0 0, find all 3 × 3 matrices X which satisfy the equation AXA−1 = B. 5 Solution. If we multiply the equation AXA−1 = B by A−1 on the left and A on the right, we 3 get A−1 (AXA−1 )A = A−1 BA (We’ve colored the A−1 and A just to make clear that we did the same thing to both sides of the equation.) Since matrix multiplication is associative, we can re-arrange the parentheses in this expression (as long as we don’t change the order of the matrices): (A−1 A)X(A−1 A) = A−1 BA Since A−1 A = In , this simplifies to just X = A−1 BA 2 Since we already found A−1 , it is straightforward to compute this, and we find that it is 0 0 −1 −1 3 −2 . 0 5 v1 w1 11. (a) Just for fun. Show that the area of the parallelogram defined by two vectors ~v = and w ~= v2 w2 in R2 is |v1 w2 − v2 w1 |. ~v w ~ Solution. There are lots of ways to do this, but here’s one. If we let θ be the angle between ~v and w, ~ then the area of the parallelogram is k~v kkwk ~ sin θ. After all, half of the parallelogram is a triangle (shown in yellow below), and if we think of the vector w ~ as being the base of the triangle, the height of the triangle (shown in blue below) is k~v k sin θ: ~v w ~ θ On the other hand, we know that we can express the angle θ using the dot product formula 4 ~v · w ~ = k~v kkwk ~ cos θ. So, we can manipulate this: area of parallelogram = k~v kkwk ~ sin θ p = k~v kkwk ~ 1 − cos2 θ p ~ 2 (1 − cos2 θ) = k~v k2 kwk p = k~v k2 kwk ~ 2 − (k~v kkwk ~ cos θ)2 p = k~v k2 kwk ~ 2 − (~v · w) ~ 2 q = (v12 + v22 )(w12 + w22 ) − (v1 w1 + v2 w2 )2 q = v12 w12 + v12 w22 + v22 w12 + v22 w22 − (v12 w12 + 2v1 w1 v2 w2 + v22 w22 ) q = v12 w22 − 2v1 w2 v2 w2 + v22 w12 p = (v1 w2 − v2 w1 )2 = |v1 w2 − v2 w1 | (b) Can you use the result of (a) to find a simple way to determine whether a 2 × 2 matrix a c b is d invertible? Solution. We have seen that vectors ~v1 , . . . , ~vn form a basis of Rn ⇐⇒ the matrix ~v1 is invertible. So, a b a b is invertible ⇐⇒ , form a basis of R2 c d c d · · · ~vn Geometrically, we have an easy way to tell whether two vectors form a basis of R2 (see #6(d) on the worksheet “How much data do you need to determine a linear transformation?”): a b , are not collinear (that is, they are not in the same line) c d a b ⇐⇒ the area of the parallelogram defined by , is not 0 c d ⇐⇒ ⇐⇒ |ad − bc| = 6 0 by (a) ⇐⇒ ad − bc 6= 0 5
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