On optimal dividend problem for an insurance risk models with surplus-dependent premiums Zbigniew Palmowski Joint work with E. Marciniak ANZAPW 2015 Zbigniew Palmowski 1 / 17 Cramér-Lundberg model Rt = x + pt − Nt X Ck k=1 Zbigniew Palmowski 2 / 17 Cramér-Lundberg model Rt = x + pt − Nt X Ck k=1 where x > 0 - initial capital Zbigniew Palmowski 2 / 17 Cramér-Lundberg model Rt = x + pt − Nt X Ck k=1 where x > 0 - initial capital {Ck }k∈N - i.i.d. claim sizes with d.f. F Zbigniew Palmowski 2 / 17 Cramér-Lundberg model Rt = x + pt − Nt X Ck k=1 where x > 0 - initial capital {Ck }k∈N - i.i.d. claim sizes with d.f. F {Nt }t≥0 - independent Poisson process with intensity λ Zbigniew Palmowski 2 / 17 Cramér-Lundberg model Rt = x + pt − Nt X Ck k=1 where x > 0 - initial capital {Ck }k∈N - i.i.d. claim sizes with d.f. F {Nt }t≥0 - independent Poisson process with intensity λ p - premium rate Zbigniew Palmowski 2 / 17 Cramér-Lundberg model Rt = x + pt − Nt X Ck k=1 where x > 0 - initial capital {Ck }k∈N - i.i.d. claim sizes with d.f. F {Nt }t≥0 - independent Poisson process with intensity λ p - premium rate Zbigniew Palmowski 2 / 17 Surplus-dependent premium Risk process before dividend payments soleves SDE: Z 0 Zbigniew Palmowski t p(Rs )ds − Rt = x + Nt X Ck k=1 3 / 17 Surplus-dependent premium Risk process before dividend payments soleves SDE: Z t p(Rs )ds − Rt = x + 0 Nt X Ck k=1 where p is deterministic Lipschitz continuous positive function We assume that: Z ∞ e−qt p(rtx )dt ≤ Ax + B 0 for some A, B ≥ 0 where rtx = x + and that Rt → ∞ Zbigniew Palmowski Rt 0 p(rsx )ds P − a.s. 3 / 17 Dividend problem Regulated risk process Xtπ satisfies: Xtπ Z =x+ 0 t p(Xsπ )ds − Nt X Ck − Lπs k=1 for some π admissible strategy where Lπt denotes cumulative amount of dividend payments up to time t Zbigniew Palmowski 4 / 17 Dividend problem Regulated risk process Xtπ satisfies: Xtπ Z =x+ 0 t p(Xsπ )ds − Nt X Ck − Lπs k=1 for some π admissible strategy where Lπt denotes cumulative amount of dividend payments up to time t Remark ! In this model for p 6= const it is not true that: Xtπ = Rt − Lπt Zbigniew Palmowski 4 / 17 Value function We want to maximize the mean of discounted cumulative dividend payments collected up to ruin time taking into account penalty of at the ruin: Z T −qs π e dLs + Ex e−qT w (XTπ ) ; T < ∞ vπ (x) = Ex 0 where: T = T π := inf {t ≥ 0 : Xtπ < 0} - ruin time q - discounted rate w - penalty function Ex - expectation w.r. Px (·) = P(·|X0 = x) Zbigniew Palmowski 5 / 17 Value function We want to maximize the mean of discounted cumulative dividend payments collected up to ruin time taking into account penalty of at the ruin: Z T −qs π e dLs + Ex e−qT w (XTπ ) ; T < ∞ vπ (x) = Ex 0 where: T = T π := inf {t ≥ 0 : Xtπ < 0} - ruin time q - discounted rate w - penalty function Ex - expectation w.r. Px (·) = P(·|X0 = x) Goal: Find value fnction v and optimal strategy π ∗ s.t. v(x) = sup vπ (x) = vπ∗ (x) π∈Π Zbigniew Palmowski 5 / 17 Barrier strategy a Zbigniew Palmowski 6 / 17 Verification theorem HJB equation: max Ak(x) − qf (x), 1 − k 0 (x) = 0 for x ≥ 0 k(x) = w(x) for x < 0 R∞ where Ak(x) = p(x)k 0 (x) + 0 (k(x − y) − k(x)) λdF (y) is full generator of risk process R and k 0 is a density of k Zbigniew Palmowski 7 / 17 Verification theorem HJB equation: max Ak(x) − qf (x), 1 − k 0 (x) = 0 for x ≥ 0 k(x) = w(x) for x < 0 R∞ where Ak(x) = p(x)k 0 (x) + 0 (k(x − y) − k(x)) λdF (y) is full generator of risk process R and k 0 is a density of k Verification theorem Let π be an admissible dividend strategy such that vπ is absolutely continuous ultimately dominated by some affine function. If HJB equation holds for vπ then vπ (x) = v(x) for all x ≥ 0. Zbigniew Palmowski 7 / 17 Idea of the proof For any closed interval I ⊂ [0, ∞) we define: TI := inf{t ≥ 0 : Rt ∈ / I}. By G we denote the family of function g such that n o g,TI −q(t∧TI ) M := e g (Rt∧TI ) , t ≥ 0 is a supermartingale and that g 0 (x) ≥ 1 for x > 0 g(x) ≤ w(x) for x < 0 and g is dominated by some linear function Zbigniew Palmowski 8 / 17 Dual representation Theorem v(x) = min g(x) g∈G Zbigniew Palmowski 9 / 17 Barrier strategy a Zbigniew Palmowski 10 / 17 Barrier strategy We define + + lim Ex [e−qτy , τy+ < τ0− ]/E0 [e−qτy , τy+ < τ0− ] y→∞ h i − Gq,w (x) = Ex e−qτ0 w(Rτ − )I{τ − <∞} Wq (x) = 0 0 where τa+ = inf{t ≥ 0 : Rt > a}, τ0− = inf{t ≥ 0 : Rt < 0} Zbigniew Palmowski 11 / 17 Barrier strategy We define + + lim Ex [e−qτy , τy+ < τ0− ]/E0 [e−qτy , τy+ < τ0− ] y→∞ h i − Gq,w (x) = Ex e−qτ0 w(Rτ − )I{τ − <∞} Wq (x) = 0 0 where τa+ = inf{t ≥ 0 : Rt > a}, τ0− = inf{t ≥ 0 : Rt < 0} Then for x ∈ (0, a): h i W (x) + q Ex e−qτa I{τa+ <τ − } = 0 Wq (a) Zbigniew Palmowski 11 / 17 Barrier strategy Theorem Let d.f. F of claim size has density. For a barrier strategy πa we have: Wq (x) 0 Wq0 (a) 1 − Gq,w (a) + Gq,w (x) x ≤ a va (x) = vπa (x) = x − a + v (a) x>a a Moreover va is continuously differentiable for all x ≥ 0. Zbigniew Palmowski 12 / 17 Denote: Hq0 (y) := Wq0 (y) 1 − G0q,w (y) Optimal barrier Let a∗ = sup a ≥ 0 : Hq0 (a) ≤ Hq0 (x) for all x ≥ 0 where Hq0 (0) = limx↓0 Hq0 (x). Zbigniew Palmowski 13 / 17 Denote: Hq0 (y) := Wq0 (y) 1 − G0q,w (y) Optimal barrier Let a∗ = sup a ≥ 0 : Hq0 (a) ≤ Hq0 (x) for all x ≥ 0 where Hq0 (0) = limx↓0 Hq0 (x). Theorem Suppose that Hq0 (a) ≤ Hq0 (b) for all a∗ ≤ a ≤ b. Then the barrier strategy at a∗ is optimal, that is v(x) = va∗ (x). Zbigniew Palmowski 13 / 17 Example Assume that claim size has exponential distribution with intensity µ Let p(x) = c + x describing investments of the surplus into a bond with a fixed interest rate >0 Functions Wq i Gq,w solve: AWq (x) = qWq (x) for x ≥ 0 Wq (x) = 0 for x < 0 and AGq,w = qGq,w (x) + ω(x) for x ≥ 0 Gq,w (x) = w(x) where Z for x < 0 ∞ w(x − z)dF (z) ω(x) = x Zbigniew Palmowski 14 / 17 Example We have: limx→∞ Wq (x) = +∞ and limx→∞ Gq,w (x) = 0 It means that optimal value function under mild conditions is a linear combination of two Gerber-Shiu functions: unstable one that disappears on negative half-line and tends to infinity at infinity (corresponding to dividend payment, Wq in our notation) and stable one disappearing at infinity (corresponding to penalty payment, Gq,w in our notation). Zbigniew Palmowski 15 / 17 Example Denote: s1 (x) = U q + 1, λ+q + 1, µx + µc (x + c) λ+q exp(−µx) and Γ(q/+1) 1 µ (λ+q)/ (x + c)(λ+q)/ exp(−µx − µc Gu(x) = Γ((q+λ)/(1+)) )× Z x Z ∞ Z ∞ (0) − U (x) U (x) M (v) − M (x) U (v) + M U (v) u(v) dv, U (0) 0 x 0 where U (u) and M (u) are Kummer functions and ∂ λ ( ∂x + µ) ω(x). Then u(x) = − p(x) Gq,w (x) = s1 (x) + Gu(x), Moreover, Wq (x) = M Zbigniew Palmowski q + 1, λ+q + 1, µx + µc (x + c) λ+q exp(−µx) 16 / 17 Example We have: Gq,w (x) = s1 (x) + Gu(x), Wq (x) = M q + 1, λ+q + 1, µx + Hence: Hq0 (x) = µc (x + c) λ+q exp(−µx) Wq0 (x) 1 − G0q,w (x) 00 and we can identify optimal barrier a∗ solving Hq (a∗ ) = 0. Zbigniew Palmowski 17 / 17 THANK YOU for Your Attention ! Zbigniew Palmowski 18 / 17
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