Practical Outline Part I – Learning about SPSS

STATS 1000 / STATS 1004 / STATS 1504
Statistical Practice 1
Practical Week 11
Multiple Linear regression
Practical Outline
In this practical, we will
• Get multiple scatter-plots.
• Recap how to look at correlations between variables.
• Look at how to perform multiple linear regression in SPSS.
Part I – Learning about SPSS
The dataset we will use is the cheese.sav. This is described in Appendix A. Load
this dataset into SPSS. It should look like this:
Scatter-plot matrices
To look at the relationship between the response variable taste and the predictor variables acetic, H2s and lactic, we are going to produce a scatter-plot
• Select Graphs > Legacy Dialogs > Scatter/Dot...
• Select the Matrix Scatter, then click Define
• Move taste, acetic, H2S and lactic into Matrix Variables:
• Click OK
Describe the relationship between taste and the predictors
Correlation between response variable and the predictor
Next we will example the correlation between the response variable taste and the
predictor variables acetic, H2S, and lactic. This is done thus:
• Select Analyze > Correlate > Bivariate...
• Put taste, acetic, H2S, lactic into Variables:
• Click OK
Which predictor variables have a statistically significant correlation with taste?
Fitting a multiple linear regression model.
To fit the multiple linear regression with taste as the response variable and
acetic, H2S, and lactic as predictor variables do the following steps:
• Select Analyze > Regression > Linear
• Put taste into Dependent:
• Put acetic, H2S, and lactic into Independent(s):
• Click OK
This should give the following output:
Can any of the predictors be removed from the model?
Using a P-value cutoff of 5% find the smallest model.
Part II – Exercises
There are no exercises this week, please feel free to work on the assignments.
Part III – Appendix
Cheese dataset
As cheddar cheese matures, a variety of chemical processes take place. The taste
of matured cheddar is related to the concentration of several chemicals in the
final product. In a study of cheddar cheese from the LaTobe Valley of Victoria,
Australia, samples of cheese were analysed for their chemical composition and were
subjected to taste tests. The variable Case is used to number the observations
from 1 to 30. taste is the response variable of interest. The taste scores were
obtained by combining the scores from several tasters. Three of the chemicals
whose concentration were measured were acetic acid, hydrogen sulphide, and lactic
acid. For acetic acid and hydrogen sulphide (natural) log transforms were taken.
Thus, the explanatory variables are the transformed concentrations of acetic acid
(acetic) and hydrogen sulphide (H2S), and the untransformed concentration of
lactic acid (lactic).