COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care In this issue: Introduction and background Drugs used in the management of chronic constipation Bulk-forming laxatives Osmotic laxatives Stimulant laxatives Faecal softeners Peripheral opioid-receptor antagonists 5HT4 – receptor agonists Managing constipation in pregnancy and breastfeeding Page 1 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 Glossary Chronic constipation Functional constipation Gastrocolic response IBS IBS-C Melanosis coli Myenteric plexus NNT OTC RCT Secondary constipation SmPC Volvulus Constipation lasting longer than 3 months Chronic constipation without a known cause. Also known as primary constipation or idiopathic constipation The occurrence of peristalsis following the entrance of food into the empty stomach Irritable Bowel Syndrome Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Constipation Dark brownish black pigmentation of the mucous membrane of the colon due to the deposition of pigment in macrophages Part of the enteric nervous system with an important role in regulating gut motility Number Needed to Treat Over The Counter Randomised Controlled Trial Constipation caused by a drug or medical condition. Secondary constipation is also known as organic constipation Summary of Product Characteristics A twisting or looping of the bowel resulting in obstruction; can be lifethreatening Successful completion of the assessment questions at the end of this issue will provide you with 2 hours towards your CPD/CME requirements. Further copies of this and any other edition in the COMPASS Therapeutic Notes series, including relevant CPD/CME assessment questions, can be found at: ● or ● GPs can complete the multiple choice questions on-line and print off their CPD/CME certificate at Pharmacists should enter their MCQ answers at Introduction and background Constipation means different things to different people and there is little shared understanding between patients and professionals about “normal” bowel function.1 There is a lack of consensus in general practice regarding the optimum management strategies for chronic constipation.1 What is meant by constipation? Constipation can broadly be defined as the passage of stools less frequently than the patient’s own normal pattern.2 Stools are often dry and hard, and may be abnormally large 3 or small. In the clinical consultation, if a person continues to complain about constipation after a discussion of what is normal and what is abnormal (especially with respect to frequency), they are asking for help in managing their problem. In children, the signs and symptoms of constipation may be different and may be poorly recognised. They can include infrequent bowel activity, foul smelling wind and stools, excessive flatulence, irregular stool texture, passing occasional enormous stools or frequent small pellets, withholding or straining to stop passage of stools, soiling or overflow, abdominal pain, distension or discomfort, poor appetite, lack of energy, an unhappy, angry or irritable mood and general malaise.4 What is meant by “normal”? Establishing what is ‘normal’ for a particular person, and whether or not the person has constipation, can be difficult. 5 Bowel habits vary widely. The commonest reported frequency of bowel movements is once per day,6,7 but a Swedish survey found that this was reported by only 20% of respondents.7 A UK survey identified that a frequency of less than three bowel movements per week was more common 6 in women than men. Definitions used for constipation The diagnosis of constipation is often arbitrary and is largely dependent on the patient’s perception of “normal” bowel function. Doctors often define constipation based on stool 8 frequency, but patients define constipation as a multisymptom disorder that includes infrequent bowel movements, hard/lumpy stool, straining, bloating, feeling of incomplete evacuation after a bowel movement and abdominal discomfort.9 The Rome III criteria were developed to provide a working definition of chronic constipation.10 The criteria highlight the difference between stool frequency and stool form and emphasise that infrequent bowel movements alone do not necessarily define constipation (See Box ONE). Although symptoms of constipation are assessed over the prior 3 months, patients must be symptomatic for at least 6 months prior to diagnosis.10 While these criteria stand as a guideline Box ONE: Rome III criteria10* Presence of two or more of the following symptoms: • Straining during at least 25% of defaecations • Lumpy or hard stools in at least 25% of defaecations • Sensation of incomplete evacuations for at least 25% of defaecations • Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage for at least 25% of defaecations • Manual manoeuvres to facilitate at least 25% of defaecations (such as digital evacuation, support of the pelvic floor) • Fewer than three bowel movements a week Loose stools are rarely present without the use of laxatives *Criteria have to have been met for the previous three months, with the onset of symptoms six months prior to diagnosis COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care ● January 2012 Page 1 for diagnosis, it should s be acknowledged tha at bowel habitts difffer across individuals; one person p may fe eel distraught and a unccomfortable ha aving only 2 bowel b moveme ents a week, while another ma ay find this fre equency to be normal. It iss useful to notte the differencce between ch hronic con nstipation and irritable bowe el syndrome with w constipatio on (IBS-C). Wherea as the hallmarkk symptom of IBS-C is abd dominal pain in i association with constipation, patients with chrronic constipation do not rep port pain as a predominant fea ature.10,11 Pracctically, howevver, many patie ents do not com mply with this tidy dichotomy. It is commo on to encounte er pattients who havve mild or mod derate abdominal discomforrt in chrronic constipation but who do d not report discomfort d as a pre edominant sym mptom. Similarly, patients with w IBS-C mayy havve abdominal pain on some e occasions bu ut not con nsistently. The ese variations in patient asssessment of abd dominal discomfort make it difficult to clea arly distinguish IBS S-C from chronic constipatio on. If in doubt,, ask the patie ent whether pain or discomfort d is a predominant feature or whether the "main problem" iss limited to the e constipation elf. Patients who w acknowled dge that abdom minal pain is a itse ma ajor factor are more likely to have IBS-C than chronic con nstipation. Tho ose principallyy concerned with w improving sto ool frequency or o form indepe endent of abdo ominal pain pro obably have ch hronic constipation.11 Ho ow common is s constipatio on? Constipation is a common, often chronic, dissorder estima ated a 10-15% % of adults in developed countries.12,13 The e to affect 1 con ndition occurs twice as frequ uently in wom men as in men14 15 and d is highly pre evalent in the elderly, e with up to 20% of tho ose living in the e community and a 50% of th hose living in an a institution reportiing symptomss.9,13 Constipation is also a common in i childhood. It is prevalent in aro ound 5–30% of o the child pop pulation, depe ending on the 4 critteria used for diagnosis. d Co omplications Chronic constipa ation may lead d to additional health problems. e following complications arre sometimes associated with The chrronic constipation:10,16,17 • Haemorrhoidss • Faecal impacttion • Volvulus • Ulcers of the colon c or rectum • Rectal prolapsse • Anal fissures • Faecal incontinence Fea atures requirring further re eferral It iss vital to scree en for “alarm fe eatures” when n evaluating any pattient with chro onic constipatio on, regardlesss of age. Any pattient reporting the signs or symptoms s liste ed in Box TW WO sho ould be referre ed for further investigation.11 Although the e pre edictive validityy of these feattures for malig gnancy is som mewhat unreliable, their pre esence should d never be ign nored. Wh hen does a pa atient with co onstipation re equire referra al to a specialist? s The e ‘alarm’ symp ptoms shown in Box TWO might m indicate ea serrious underlyin ng condition, and a specialist referral would d be Box TWO: T Signs and d symptoms th hat might indic cate 3 a serio ous underlying g condition: Box THREE: Caus ses of constip pation Die etary • Low L fibre, dietin ng, dementia, d depression, ano orexia, fluid depletion d Mettabolic • Diabetes D mellitu us, hypercalcae emia, hypokala aemia, hypothyroidism h , porphyria Neu urological • Parkinson’s P disease, spinal co ord pathology, multiple sclero osis Iatrrogenic • Aluminium A anta acids (e.g. procyclidiine, oxybutynin • Antimuscarinic A n) • Antidepressants A s (most commo only tricyclic an ntidepressants) • Antiepileptics A (e e.g. carbamaze epine, gabapen ntin, oxcarbazepine, o pregabalin, ph henytoin) • Sedating S antihisstamines • Antipsychotics A • Antispasmodics A s (e.g. Dicyclovverine, hyoscine) • Calcium C supple ements • Diuretics D • Irron supplemen nts • Opioids O • Verapamil V Paiinful anorectal conditions • Anal A fissure, ha aemorrhoids, ab bscess, fistula,, levator ani syndrome, s procctalgia fugax app propriate. In ad ddition, if dieta ary interventio on, laxatives and other approachess fail, referral to a specialistt may be 18 indicated. Wh hat causes co onstipation? Box x THREE sum mmarises the ccauses of chro onic constipation. Con nstipation mayy be primary o or secondary to t other mediccal con nditions, includ ding metabolicc, neurological or endocrine e dise eases. Furthe ermore, medica ation used in the t treatment of other conditions may cause se econdary cons stipation. The BNF lists over 90 00 drugs that rreport constipa ation as a side eeffe ect, and where e possible thiss should be ad ddressed first as a the likely aetiolog gy. The e impact and d economic bu urden of cons stipation Con nstipation mayy often be regarded as a triv vial medical pro oblem, but for people with ch hronic constipation the impa act on their quality of life is considerable and the e burden on hea althcare resou urces, in termss of medical ca are visits, GIrela ated procedure es, investigations and mediications, can be b sub bstantial.1 Quality of life In the t most severely affected individuals, chronic con nstipation is acccompanied b by very marked d impairment in i qua ality of life and d social functio oning.19 Chron nic constipationass sociated GI syymptoms signifficantly interfe ere with many asp pects of sufferrers’ daily livess, including mo ood (44%), mobility (37%), normal n work (4 42%), recreatio on (47%), and d enjoyment of life (58%).20 The impact of chronic constipattion f patients is comparable with w that for on quality of life for con nditions such as a COPD, diabetes and dep pression.21 Burden on healtthcare resources Cos sts associated d with constipa ation, including g direct costs suc ch as evaluatio on and treatment and indire ect costs such as worrk absenteeism m are high.22 In Northern N Irelan nd in the 12 m months to Septtember 2011 alm most 620,000 prescriptions p w were filled for laxatives, at a cos st of over £3m million - see Ta able ONE. • Unexplained ch hange in bowel habits h lasting lo onger than 6 weeks ht abdomen or the t pelvis • Palpable mass in the lower righ al bleeding witho out anal sympto oms • Persistent recta • Narrowing of sttool calibre o colon cancer, or inflammatorry bowel disease e • Family history of eight loss, iron deficiency d anae emia, fever, or • Unexplained we nocturnal symp ptoms ent constipation n that is unrespo onsive to treatm ment • Severe, persiste CO OMPASS Therap peutic Notes on the Manageme ent of Chronic Constipation C in Primary P Care ● January J 2012 Page e2 Table ONE: Number and cost of prescriptions for laxatives in Northern Ireland for the 12 months to September 2011 Class of laxative Bulk-forming laxatives Stimulant laxatives Faecal softeners Osmotic laxatives Peripheral opioid-receptor antagonists 5HT4-receptor agonists Total Number of prescriptions 55,552 167,756 741 394,118 £205,363 £779,195 £983 £2,279578 7 £189 387 618,561 £22,786 £3,288,093 Cost Assessing frequency, amount and consistency of stools Because most patients understandably lack a working knowledge of normative stool consistency, it is instructive to use the Bristol Stool Scale: ( Chart O4.pdf ) when asking patients to classify their bowel movements.10,23,24 The scale provides 7 prototypical stool forms. Patients with constipation typically point to type 1 and type 2 bowel movements as their predominant stool form. What should be advised about the role of lifestyle in preventing and treating constipation? Many guidelines recommend general lifestyle modifications before considering drug treatment. Traditionally, individuals with chronic constipation are told to increase dietary fibre intake in order to alleviate symptoms, but there is little evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) that this 25,26 However, observational approach is of any benefit. studies suggest a beneficial effect of dietary fibre in constipated patients.27,28 In general, the diet should be balanced and contain whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. This is recommended as part of the treatment for constipation. It is also recommended for general health and promoted by the 'five-a-day' policy. Fibre intake should be increased gradually (to minimise flatulence and bloating) and maintained for life. Adults should aim to consume 18–30g fibre per day. (As a guide, a medium-sized bowl of porridge contains around 2g of fibre; 2 slices of brown bread contain 2.5g of fibre). Although the effects of a high fibre diet may be seen in a few days, it may take as long as 4 weeks. Adequate fluid intake is important (particularly with a high fibre diet or fibre supplements), but can be difficult for some people (e.g. frail or elderly). Fruits high in fibre and sorbitol, and fruit juices high in sorbitol can help prevent and treat constipation. Fruits (and their juices) that have a high sorbitol content include apples, apricots, gooseberries, grapes (and raisins), peaches, pears, plums (and prunes), raspberries, and strawberries. The concentration of sorbitol is about 5–10 times higher in dried fruit. In addition, exercise and increasing fluid intake are often recommended to treat constipation, but again, there is insufficient evidence that these interventions help in chronic 27 constipation. Despite limited data supporting their use in clinical practice, the suggested lifestyle changes promote general health and 29-32 Another may improve bowel symptoms in some patients. behavioural modification to consider includes ensuring that patients spend an adequate amount of time on the toilet for bowel movements, preferably at a regularly scheduled time (typically in the morning to coincide with the body’s natural gastrocolic response). In children, NICE4 indicate that dietary interventions alone should NOT be used as first-line treatment for idiopathic constipation. Constipation in children should be treated with laxatives and a combination of: • Negotiated and non-punitive behavioural interventions suited to the child or young person’s stage of development. These could include scheduled toileting and support to establish a regular bowel habit, maintenance and discussion of a bowel diary, information on constipation, and use of encouragement and rewards systems • Dietary modifications to ensure a balanced diet and sufficient fluids are consumed Advise parents, children and young people that a balanced diet should include: • Adequate fluid intake • Adequate fibre. Recommend including foods with high fibre content. Do not recommend unprocessed bran, which can cause bloating and flatulence and reduce the absorption of micronutrients Drugs used in the management of chronic constipation A variety of treatment options are available for patients with chronic constipation, ranging from older over-the-counter (OTC) laxatives to more recently developed prescription drugs. A majority (96%) of patients who seek consultation for constipation will have already attempted self-medication with 33 OTC products. In spite of these different treatment approaches, there remains a substantial unmet need in the treatment of chronic constipation.34 Laxatives are divided into the following main groups: • Bulk-forming laxatives • Stimulant laxatives • Faecal softeners • Osmotic laxatives • Bowel cleansing preparations (not covered in this review) There are also newer agents for managing constipation that do not fit into any of these traditional groups: • Peripheral opioid-receptor antagonists • 5HT4-receptor agonists This simple classification disguises the fact that some laxatives have a complex action. Guidance about which laxative(s) to use in adults With the exception of relatively recent evidence comparing the efficacy of macrogols with lactulose (see later), there is limited clinical evidence on which to judge the comparative efficacy of individual laxatives. Therefore management of chronic constipation in adults is largely based on expert opinion.3 Begin by relieving faecal loading/impaction, if present. Set realistic expectations for the results of treatment of chronic constipation. Advise people about lifestyle measures and adjust any constipating medication, if possible. Exclude underlying causes (e.g. hypothyroidism, metabolic disease, anal fissure, haemorrhoids). Laxatives are recommended: • if lifestyle measures are insufficient, or whilst waiting for them to take effect • for people taking a constipating drug that cannot be stopped • for people with other secondary causes of constipation • as 'rescue' medicines for episodes of faecal loading The aim of treatment with laxative agents is to adjust the dose, choice, and combination of laxative to produce comfortable defaecation with soft, formed stools once or twice a day. Expert consensus opinion35 tends to favour starting treatment with a bulk-forming laxative. It is important to maintain good hydration when taking bulk-forming laxatives. This may be difficult for some people (e.g. the frail or elderly). If stools remain hard, add or switch to an osmotic COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care ● January 2012 Page 3 laxative. If stools are soft but the person still finds them difficult to pass or complains of inadequate emptying, add a stimulant laxative. Adjust the dose, choice, and combination of laxative according to symptoms, speed with which relief is required, response to treatment, and individual preference. The dose of laxative should be gradually titrated upwards (or downwards) to produce one or two soft, formed stools per day. Guidance on managing constipation in children All children and young people with idiopathic constipation should be assessed for faecal impaction.4 Use a combination of history-taking and physical examination to diagnose faecal impaction – look for overflow soiling and/or faecal mass palpable abdominally and/or rectally if indicated. If impaction is present, see the section on disimpaction if needed. If impaction is not present or has been treated, treat the child promptly with a laxative (even if the history of constipation is very short). Delays of greater than 3 days between stools may increase the likelihood of pain on passing hard stools leading to anal fissure, anal spasm and 36 eventually to a learned response to avoid defaecation. ® NICE recommend polyethylene glycol 3350 (Movicol Paediatric Plain) as the preferred first-line agent for the management of constipation in children.4 Ensure that an effective dose is used, by adjusting the dose according to response to treatment. (If the child has needed disimpaction, the usual dose is half the disimpaction dose). If this approach does not work, add in a stimulant laxative; or if this approach is not tolerated, substitute a stimulant laxative. If stools are hard, consider adding in lactulose or another laxative with softening effects, such as docusate. Do not use suppositories or enemas in primary care unless all oral medications have failed and preferably following specialist advice. Doses above the licensed maximum dose may be needed, so informed consent should be verbally obtained and documented.4 Continue medication at maintenance dose for several weeks after regular bowel habit is established – this may take several months.4 Children who are toilet training should remain on laxatives until toilet training is well established. Some children may require laxative therapy for several 4 years. A minority may require ongoing laxative therapy. Disimpaction in children Offer the following oral medication regimen for disimpaction if indicated:4 • polyethylene glycol, using an escalating dose regimen as the first-line treatment • add a stimulant laxative if polyethylene glycol does not work • substitute a stimulant laxative if polyethylene glycol is not tolerated by the child or young person. Add another laxative such as lactulose or docusate if stools are hard Please note: • do not use rectal medications for disimpaction unless all oral medications have failed and only if the child or young person and their family consent • administer sodium citrate enemas only if all oral medications for disimpaction have failed • do not administer phosphate enemas for disimpaction unless under specialist supervision in hospital/health centre/clinic, and only if all oral medications and sodium citrate enemas have failed Review children and young people undergoing disimpaction within 1 week. Start maintenance therapy as soon as the child or young person’s bowel is disimpacted. Reassess children frequently during maintenance treatment to ensure they do not become re-impacted and assess issues in maintaining treatment such as taking medicine and toileting. Tailor the frequency of assessment to the individual needs of the child and their families (this could range from daily Prescribing Notes: Laxatives 2 ► Before prescribing laxatives it is important to be sure that the patient is constipated and that the constipation is not secondary to an underlying undiagnosed complaint ► It is important for those who complain of constipation to understand that bowel habits can vary considerably in frequency without doing harm. Some people tend to consider themselves constipated if they do not have a bowel movement each day. A useful definition of constipation is the passage of hard stools less frequently than the patient’s own normal pattern and this can be explained to the patient ► Misconceptions about bowel habits have led to excessive laxative use. Abuse may lead to hypokalaemia ► The BNF recommends that laxatives should generally be avoided except where straining will exacerbate a condition (such as angina) or increase the risk of rectal bleeding as in haemorrhoids ► Laxatives are of value in drug-induced constipation, for the expulsion of parasites after anthelmintic treatment, and to clear the alimentary tract before surgery and radiological procedures ► Prolonged treatment of constipation is sometimes necessary contact to contact every few weeks). Where possible, reassessment should be provided by the same person/team. Please note: At the time of publication (January 2012), Movicol® Paediatric Plain does not have UK marketing authorisation for use in faecal impaction in children under 5 years, or for chronic constipation in children less than 2 years. Informed consent should be obtained and documented. Stopping laxatives Laxatives should not be stopped abruptly. Laxatives should be gradually withdrawn when regular bowel movements occur without difficulty (e.g. 2 - 4 weeks after defaecation has become comfortable and a regular bowel pattern with soft, formed stools has been established). The rate at which doses are reduced should be guided by the frequency and consistency of the stools. Doses should be reduced in a gradual manner in order to minimise the risk of requiring ‘rescue therapy’ for recurrent faecal loading. If a combination of laxatives has been used, reduce and stop one laxative at a time. Stimulant laxatives doses should be reduced first, if possible. However, it may be necessary to also adjust the dose of the osmotic laxative to compensate. The patient should be advised that it can take several months to be successfully weaned off all laxatives. It is common to get relapses and these should be treated early with increased doses of laxatives. Bulk-forming laxatives (ispaghula, methylcellulose and sterculia) How do bulk-forming laxatives work? Bulk-forming laxatives relieve constipation by increasing faecal mass which stimulates peristalsis. During treatment with bulk-forming laxatives, adequate fluid intake must be maintained to avoid intestinal obstruction.2,36 Proprietary preparations containing a bulking agent are often difficult to administer to children.36 Is there any evidence for the use of bulk-forming laxatives? There is a lack of high-quality data demonstrating the efficacy of bulk-forming laxatives. A systematic review found that ispaghula husk increased stool frequency; however, there were insufficient data on methylcellulose to provide evidence-based recommendations for its use in chronic constipation.11 Despite the lack of data, substantial clinical experience supports the use of these agents as a first-line intervention. COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care ● January 2012 Page 4 Ho ow quickly do o bulk-forming g laxatives work? w Pattients and/or carers c should be advised th hat the full effe ect of bulk-forming b la axatives may take some 2-3 3 days to devvelop.2,36 If aftter 2-3 days th he patient repo orts no relief of o the eir constipation n, the dosage and frequency should be inccreased to the maximum reccommended before b adding in/sswitching to an nother laxative e.16 In which patients are bulk-fo orming laxatiives particula arly use eful? Bulk-forming laxa atives are of particular p value e in those with h sm mall hard stoolss. Bulk-forming g laxatives are e also useful in the e management of patients with w colostomyy, ileostomy, hae emorrhoids, anal fissure, ch hronic diarrhoe ea associated with diverticular disease, d irritab ble bowel syndrome, and ass adjjuncts in ulcerrative colitis.2 Bulk-forming laxa atives are not appropriate fo or rapid relief of con nstipation, butt are a good option for long--term control.3 Are e there any situations s in which w prescriibing a bulkforrming laxative e would be co ontra-indicatted? Bulk-forming laxa atives are con ntra-indicated in patients witth diffficulty in swallo owing, intestin nal obstruction n, colonic aton ny, fae ecal impaction.2 Ma aintaining an adequate a intakke of fluids is important to avvoid the e possibility of intestinal obsstruction. Howe ever, this mayy be diffficult for some e people (e.g. the t frail or elderly).3 Wh hat are the sid de-effects off bulk-forming g laxatives? The ere is often initial discomforrt and abdomin nal distension upo on initiation off therapy with a bulk-forming g laxative.37 With W con ntinued use, th hese effects usually u decrease, particularly if the e agent is startted at a low do ose and gradu ually increased d. Alte ernatively, pattients with sub bstantial bloatiing might bene efit from m using methyylcellulose, an n inorganic bulking agent that is not n fermentable.11 Rarely, side-effe ects including obstruction o of the oesophag gus or colon c have be een reported.38,39 ® ® ® Isp paghula husk k (Fibrelief , Fybogel F , Isogel , Ispagell Ora range®, Regullan®) Isp paghula husk is a commonlyy used bulking g agent in the UK. The ere is publishe ed evidence of o its effectiven ness in the sho ortterm m treatment of o constipation (up to eight weeks), w but 2 limited evidence of its role in th he long-term.28 Neverthelesss, clin nical experiencce suggests th hat it remains effective even n with long-term usse.28 ® Me ethylcellulose e (Celevac 500mg tablets s) In adults a and chiildren over the e age of 12 years, 3-6 tabletts sho ould be taken twice daily. Ta ablets should be taken with at lea ast 300 ml of liquid. The dosse may be reduced as normal bow wel function iss restored. In children c aged 7-12 years, 2 2,36 tab blets should be e taken twice daily. d Caution n: It is recomm mended that Ce elevac® tablets s should d be broken in the mouth befo ore swallowing g. Celevvac® tablets sw well in contact with w water and should therefore be swallowed carrefully. It is not reccommended tha at these tabletss be taken befo ore going to be ed. Ste erculia Normacol® (stercculia) and Norrmacol Plus® (sterculia ( plus ngula*) are in the form of grranules. In adu ults, 1 or 2 fran sacchets or 1-2 he eaped 5ml spoonfuls, once or twice dailyy afte er meals. In ch hildren aged 6-12 6 years, givve half this am mount. The gra anules should be placed dryy on the tongue e and d without chew wing or crushing, swallowed d immediately with plenty of wa ater or a cool drink. d The granules may alsso be sprinkled onto o soft food succh as yoghurt,, followed by ple enty of liquid.2,36 (* Frangula F acts as a mild periistaltic stimula ant and aids th he eva acuation of the e softened fae ecal mass). Prescribing Notes: Bulk--forming laxaatives 2 ► Adequate A fluid d intake must be maintained d to avoid inte estinal obstrucction ► Preparations P t that swell in co ontact with liquid should alw ways be carefu ully swallowed with water an nd should not be take en immediately before going to bed Osmotic laxatives (lactulose, macrogols) Action motic laxatives include:40 Osm • poorly p absorbed sugars (lacctulose, sorbitol) • macrogols m (alsso known as p polyethylene glycol g preparations p ( (PEG)) • magnesium m sa alts Thrrough their osmotic actions,, these agents s retain water in i the intestinal lum men, which lea ads to softer sttools with a larrger volu ume and imprroved propulsion.40 How long do os smotic laxativ ves take to ha ave their effec ct? Osm motic laxatives may take a ffew days to ta ake effect and are nott suitable for ra apid relief of cconstipation. They T may be give en in divided doses d through hout the day. Adequate A fluid d inta ake should be encouraged.3 Ad dverse effects s Osm motic laxatives may cause fflatulence, blo oating, abdomiinal cramping, nause ea and diarrhoea with higherr doses.16,41 Lac ctulose is degrraded by colon nic bacteria to o low-molecula ar weiight acids thatt increase stoo ol acidity and osmolarity o and d lead to the accum mulation of fluid in the colon n. Macrogols are a less s likely than la actulose to pro oduce bloating g and flatulencce, as macrogols are e inert and nott degraded by y colonic cteria.42 bac Are e there any pa atient groups s in which os smotic laxativ ves ma ay be inappro opriate? • Osmotic O laxatives may lead d to electrolyte e disturbance and a fluid f overload,, they should b be used with caution c in patients p with renal r impairme ent or cardiac failure43 • Osmotic O laxatives may be ccounterproduc ctive in patientss with w constipation associated d with irritable bowel syndro ome 42 and a in patientss with severe bloating and fullness f Eviidence The e best-studied d osmotic laxattives are the macrogols m and d lacttulose, and the ere are well-designed RCTs s supporting th heir effe ectiveness in treating t chronic constipation n.44,45 While bo oth hav ve been found d to be effectivve, macrogols have been fou und to be b superior to lactulose for iincreasing sto ool frequency and a red ducing straining.45 Lac ctulose Lac ctulose has be een used for o over 30 years and a is one of the t most commonly used laxativess. Lactulose is s a semisyn nthetic disacch haride which iss not absorbed d from the gas stro-intestinal tract. Lactulosse can cause nausea, but th his can n be minimised d by administe ering lactulose e with water, frruit juic ce or a meal. Long L term use e of lactulose possibly p enh hances anticoa agulant effect of coumarins.2 Tria als have demo onstrated that lactulose is safe and is more effe ective than pla acebo11,46 but less effective than macrogols.47 Ma acrogols (also o called polye ethylene glyc cols)Table TW WO Ma acrogols are in nert, non-abso orbable, non-m metabolisable polymers of ethyylene glycol.2,366,48 Daily dose es of macrogols e effective in chronic constip pation by: are • normalising n fre equency of bo owel movemen nts (NNT=2.4)) • decreasing d strraining (NNT= =3.2) • improving i stoo ol consistencyy (NNT=3 to 4) In addition, a daily macrogols faccilitate disconttinuing other laxa atives (NNT=3 3.1).49 CO OMPASS Therap peutic Notes on the Manageme ent of Chronic Constipation C in Primary P Care ● January J 2012 Page e5 Compared with lactulose, macrogols are more effective in improving symptoms of chronic constipation; they have a better tolerability profile (due to reduced electrolyte disturbance) and are associated with a reduced need for rescue medication.45,47 In patients with refractory constipation taking macrogols daily, a stimulant laxative may be added every second or third day to improve treatment efficacy.50 Macrogols have been suggested to be more cost-effective than lactulose.51 Prescribing Notes: Macrogols ► Movicol® Liquid must not be taken undiluted and may only be diluted in water – see SmPC for further details ► Multi-ingredient products, such as macrogols, should be prescribed by brand52 Stimulant laxatives (bisacodyl, dantron, docusate sodium, glycerol, senna, sodium picosulfate) Stimulant laxatives include bisacodyl, sodium picosulfate, and members of the anthraquinone group, senna and dantron. Docusate sodium probably acts both as a stimulant and as a softening agent. This group also includes glycerol suppositories. How do stimulant laxatives work? Stimulant laxatives increase intestinal motility by stimulating the colonic myenteric plexus on their contact with the colonic mucosa, and by inhibiting water absorption, thereby inducing passage of stools.17,39,46,48,53 These agents usually produce an effect within 6 to 12 hours of ingestion and so are commonly administered at bedtime to produce an effect in the morning.16 Rectal preparations (suppositories/enemas containing phosphates or sodium citrate) can be used effectively to produce rapid evacuation (within 30 minutes) but should be used with caution in the elderly and debilitated.2 Glycerol suppositories act as a rectal stimulant by virtue of the mildly irritant action of glycerol.2,36 Both bisacodyl and sodium picosulfate are prodrugs that are converted in the gut into the same active metabolite, which causes the desired laxative effect. Is there an evidence-base for the use of stimulant laxatives? Although widely used, there is a limited evidence base supporting the use of stimulants in chronic constipation. The clinical data supporting the use of stimulant laxatives in chronic constipation are derived from studies which were often done in specific subsets of patient populations and had ill-defined endpoints.54-61 Placebo-controlled trials show that bisacodyl and picosulfate are more effective than placebo, but most trials are of short duration and quality is 17,39,46 In a recent 4-week placebo-controlled trial, variable. picosulfate improved bowel function, symptoms and quality of life.62 Practically speaking, however, many patients report clinically relevant benefits from these agents and symptom recurrence upon discontinuation. What adverse effects are associated with using stimulant laxatives? Gastrointestinal adverse effects Stimulant laxatives are generally well tolerated, but may induce abdominal pain.17,39,46,63 This can often be managed by dose titration.62 Stools should be softened by increasing dietary fibre and liquid or with an osmotic laxative before giving a stimulant laxative.2,36 Stimulant laxatives should be 2,36 avoided in intestinal obstruction. Table TWO: Macrogol laxatives as listed in the BNF Agent Macrogol Oral Powder, Compound (Non-proprietary). Brands include ® Laxido Orange, ® Molaxole Movicol ® ® Movicol Liquid ® Movicol -Half Formulation, dosage and administration 2 Licensed? Adult Child Sachets of powder to be dissolved Each sachet should be dissolved in 125ml water (approx half a glass) Cost YES Not licensed under 12 years £6.68 for 30 sachets (£0.22 per dose) YES Not licensed under 12 years £6.68 for 30 sachets (£0.22 per dose) YES Not licensed under 12 years £4.45 for 500ml (£0.22 per dose) YES Not licensed under 12 years £4.01 for 30 sachets (£0.13 per dose) NO YES – see BNF or SmPC £4.45 for 30 sachets (£0.15 - £0.30 per dose) Sachets of powder to be dissolved 1-3 sachets daily in divided doses, according to individual response For extended use, the dose can be adjusted down to 1 or 2 sachets daily Each sachet should be dissolved in 125ml water (approx half a glass) Concentrate for oral solution 25 ml diluted in 100 ml of water 1-3 times daily in divided doses, according to individual response Sachets of powder to be dissolved 2 - 6 sachets daily in divided doses, according to individual response For extended use, the dose can be adjusted down to 2 - 4 sachets daily Each sachet should be dissolved in 62.5ml water Sachets of powder to be dissolved ® Movicol Paediatric Plain Usual starting dose is 1 sachet daily for children aged 2 - 6 years and 2 sachets daily for children aged 7 – 11 years. The dose should be adjusted up or down as required to produce regular soft stools Each sachet should be dissolved in 62.5 ml (quarter of a glass) of water In adults, a course of treatment for constipation does not normally exceed two weeks, although this can be repeated if required Treatment of children with chronic constipation needs to be for a prolonged period (at least 6 – 12 months). However, safety and efficacy of ® Movicol Paediatric Plain has only been proved for a period of up to three months. Treatment should be stopped gradually and resumed if constipation recurs. COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care ● January 2012 Page 6 Me elanosis coli Senna products may discolourr the urine, an nd chronic use e ay cause mela anosis coli, a brown-black b piigmentation off ma the e colonic muco osa. This cond dition does nott lead to colon n can ncer and is revversible over time t after disccontinuation off use e. Tolerance/ intes stinal atony Stim mulant laxativves are only liccensed for sho ort-term use,3 but lon ng-term use is common and is justifiable in some circcumstances. For F example, in i children with chronic con nstipation, esp pecially where e withholding of o stool occurss, add ditional doses of a stimulantt laxative mayy be required and a lon ng-term use off stimulant laxa atives is some etimes necesssary. Hisstorically, there e have been concerns c that long-term use e of stim mulant laxative es may cause e a “cathartic colon” c marked by 6 dim minished motility from a “burrned out” myenteric plexus.64,65 However, this ha as not been co onfirmed in exxperimental udies nor in clinical practice..53,64,66,67 When used stu app propriately, stiimulant laxativves are not ha armful and are e ofte en both efficaccious and cosst-effective in many m patients with occasional or o chronic con nstipation.42 Wh hy are the ind dications for using dantro on limited? The e indications for f dantron are e limited by itss potential carrcinogenicity (based on rode ent carcinogen nicity studies) and d evidence of genotoxicity. Dantron should only be use ed to manage m consttipation in term minally ill pattients (of all age es).2,36 Faecal softeners s (arachis oil, liquid paraffin)) Ac ction Fae ecal softenerss are surface-a acting agents that function prim marily as dete ergents, that iss, they allow water w to interacct mo ore effectively with solid stoo ol, thereby sofftening the sto ool.48 Ev vidence Laxxatives which mainly soften or lubricate stools s appear to t be more effective e than placebo o in increasing g the frequenccy of bowel b movem ments and in ovverall symptom ms improveme ent, butt data are limitted.68 Pro oblems Alth hough faecal softeners s are relatively inexxpensive and well w tole erated, in patie ents with seve ere symptoms, or in patientss in whom other form ms of therapy have h failed, it is unlikely that sto ool softeners alone a will be ad dequate. Pro olonged use of o liquid paraffin should be avoided a because of anal a seepage of paraffin and consequentt anal irritation n afte er prolonged use. u Prolonged use has also o been asssociated with granulomatou g s reactions ca aused by abssorption of sm mall quantities of liquid parafffin (especiallyy from m the emulsio on), lipoid pneu umonia,69 and d interference with the absorptiion of fat-solub ble vitamins. Liquid L paraffin is con ntra-indicated in children un nder 3 years. Cau ution: Arachis s oil Do not use arachis oil in a patie ent with a pea anut allergy. Periph heral opioid-receptor antag gonists (methylnaltrexxone bromide e) Me ethylnaltrexon ne bromide (R Relistor®▼) Me ethylnaltrexone e is one of a new n class of medications; m it is a perripherally actin ng opioid-rece eptor antagonist that is licen nsed for the treatmentt of opioid-ind duced constipation in esponse to oth her pattients receiving palliative care, when re laxxatives is inade equate; it shou uld be used ass an adjunct to o existing laxative therapy.2 Metthylnaltrexone e does not alte er the ne e central analg gesic effect of opioids.70,71 Methylnaltrexo M is given g by subcu utaneous injecction. The e most commo on adverse efffects are abdo ominal cramping (~2 28%), flatulencce (~13%), nausea (~11%), and dizzinesss (~7 7%). Long-term m use of methylnaltrexone has h not been eva aluated.48 5HT4-recepttor agonists s (prucalo opride▼) Serrotonin (also known k as 5-hyydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) iss a key y regulator of GI G motility, sen nsitivity and se ecretion. Thrrough 5-HT4 re eceptors, 5-HT T triggers and d co-ordinates inte estinal peristallsis.72,73 Pruca alopride (Reso olor®▼) is the first selective, hig gh affinity 5-HT4 receptor ag gonist to unde ergo clin nical developm ment.74 Prucalo opride has bee en shown to enh hance colonic transit in heallthy controls and a in patientss with h chronic consstipation.75,76 In which w patientts is prucalop pride licensed? Pru ucalopride is licensed for the e treatment off chronic con nstipation in women, w when other laxative es have failed to pro ovide an adequ uate response e.2 Dosage and adm ministration The e recommende ed dosage in female adults s is 2mg adm ministered ora ally once daily;; exceeding th his dosage is not n exp pected to incre ease efficacy.777 The recomm mended startin ng dos sage of prucalopride in females aged > 65 6 years is 1m mg onc ce daily; thereafter, the dosa age can be inc creased to 2m mg onc ce daily, if nee eded. Prucalop pride does nott require dosa age adjustment in wo omen with mild d or moderate renal or hepa atic pairment. How wever, the reco ommended do osage in wome en imp with h severe renal or hepatic im mpairment is 1mg once dailyy. Imp portantly, mosst women who will benefit fro om treatment with h prucalopride e respond with hin four week ks. If the intakke of once-daily o prucalopride is not effective aftter four weekss of trea atment, the wo oman should b be re-examine ed and the ben nefit of continu uing treatmentt reconsidered d.77,78 The e evidence-ba ase for pruca alopride In three t identical pivotal trials, 1974 patients s with chronic con nstipation (pre edominantly wo omen) were trreated for 12 wee eks with place ebo, prucaloprride 2mg or prrucalopride 4m mg 68,79,80 onc ce daily (NB: 4mg 4 daily is no ot a licensed dose). d B Both dos ses of prucalopride resulted d in an average e of three spo ontaneous com mplete bowel m movements per week in app proximately 20 0% of patientss, compared with w 10% of pattients receiving g placebo. Bo oth active dose es of prucalopride gen nerated similar response rattes. Of note regarding g these trials:335 • trials t were sho ort (lasting up to 12 weeks) compared witth the t chronic na ature of constipation • trials t did not compare c the drug with existiing treatmentss • trials t did not specify s previou us laxative-use e as an inclusion criterion c Lon ng-term open--label follow-up p studies invo olving patients who o had previously participate ed in the origin nal trials have sho own that satisffaction with bo owel movemen nt was maintained for up p to 18 months of treatmentt. A total of 20% of patients p discon ntinued treatm ment during the e course of the studies due to inssufficient resp ponse.81 Wh hy is prucalop pride only licensed in wom men? The e drug company’s initial pro oposed therape eutic indication for prucalopride was w for the tre eatment of adu ults (both wom men d men) with ch hronic constipa ation in whom m laxatives fail to and pro ovide adequate e relief.35 How wever, most off the participan nts in the key trials were w women, a and subgroup analysis show wed that the drug mig ght not have a statistically siignificant effecct in male participantss. The Committtee for Medic cinal Products for Hum man Use note ed that the efficacy had not been dem monstrated su ufficiently in me en and therefo ore rec commended th hat it should be e licensed for use only in wom men. CO OMPASS Therap peutic Notes on the Manageme ent of Chronic Constipation C in Primary P Care ● January J 2012 Page e7 Contra-indications Prucalopride is NOT licensed in:82 • men • children and adolescents under 18 years of age • renal impairment requiring dialysis • intestinal perforation or obstruction due to structural or functional disorders of the gut • severe inflammatory conditions of the intestinal tract, such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis • pregnancy • breast-feeding Figure ONE: Cost comparison chart for laxatives (28 days treatment) (Prices taken from BNF 62) Senna tablets 15mg daily £1.34 Bisacodyl 10mg daily £1.83 Lactulose 20ml daily £2.55 Glycerol suppositories 4gm, 1 daily £3.27 Docusate 200mg daily £3.58 Ispaghula (Ispagel® sachets, 2 daily) £3.92 Sodium picosulfate oral solution 10ml daily Sodium citrate enema (Relaxit Micro-enema®, 1 daily) £5.29 £8.96 Patient groups requiring dosage £12.47 Macrogols (Movicol®, 2 sachets daily) modification82 Prucalopride 2mg daily £59.52 • women >65 years – 1mg daily initially, may be increased to 2mg daily if needed £0 £20 £40 £60 £80 • severe renal impairment – 1mg once daily (no dose adjustment necessary for patients In contrast, in 2011, the Scottish Medicines Consortium with mild to moderate renal impairment) (SMC) has recommended against the use of prucalopride for • severe hepatic impairment – 1mg once daily (no dose the second time. The SMC states that in the key trials, most adjustment necessary for patients with mild to moderate patients did not achieve the primary or the key secondary hepatic impairment) outcome measures and that the outcomes most relevant to the licensed indication are derived from post-hoc subgroup What are the adverse effects of prucalopride? analyses in women. The SMC stated that the company did In initial clinical trials, the adverse effects which were not present a sufficiently robust clinical and economic experienced more frequently by patients treated with analysis. prucalopride versus placebo include: • headache • nausea • diarrhoea • abdominal pain These effects resolved within a few days of continued treatment. Other unwanted effects included abnormal bowel sounds, anorexia, dizziness, dyspepsia, fatigue, fever, flatulence, frequent urination, malaise, palpitations, rectal haemorrhage, tremors and vomiting. During long-term follow-up studies, the most frequent adverse effects which resulted in study discontinuation were abdominal pain, diarrhoea, headache and nausea.81 Cisapride, a drug in the same class, was withdrawn from the UK market in July 2000 because it prolonged the Q-TC interval. However, prucalopride has been reported to be more selective than cisapride; clinical trials on prucalopride found the incidence of QT interval prolongation to be low and similar to that with placebo.68,79,80 Additionally, extensive cardiovascular safety assessments, including a study in elderly institutionalised patients, showed no arrhythmogenic 83 potential for prucalopride. The SmPC advises prucalopride should be used with caution in patients with a history of arrhythmias or ischaemic cardiovascular disease.82 What do national or regional guidelines say? In its 2010 Technology Appraisal of prucalopride, NICE recommends:84 • prucalopride is an option for symptomatic treatment for chronic constipation in women who have had inadequate relief with at least two laxatives (from different classes, at the highest tolerated recommended doses for at least 6 months) and for whom invasive treatment for constipation is being considered • prucalopride should be prescribed only by a “clinician with experience of treating chronic constipation”, and only after the clinician has carefully reviewed the woman’s previous laxative treatments • if treatment with prucalopride is not effective after 4 weeks, the woman should be re-examined and the benefit of continuing treatment reconsidered How much does prucalopride cost? See Figure ONE. The cost of 28 days treatment with prucalopride 1-2mg daily is £39 to £60 per patient compared with, for example, • around £4 for a typical formulation of ispaghula husk, • around £12 for macrogols • around £2 for a typical stimulant laxative Key points from the NICE guidance on prucalopride▼84 ► Prucalopride is an option for the treatment of chronic constipation only in women for whom treatment with at least two laxatives from different classes, at the highest tolerated recommended doses for at least six months, has failed to provide adequate relief and invasive treatment for constipation is being considered. ► If treatment with prucalopride is not effective after four weeks, the woman should be re-examined and the benefit of continuing treatment reconsidered. ► Prucalopride should only be prescribed by a clinician with experience of treating chronic constipation, who has carefully reviewed the woman’s previous courses of laxative treatments. Constipation in pregnancy and breastfeeding How should constipation in a pregnant or breastfeeding woman be managed? Constipation is quite common during pregnancy. For pregnant and breastfeeding women the emphasis lies in first-line use of dietary and lifestyle measures. The use of 3 laxatives should only be considered if these measures fail. Using laxatives in pregnancy If dietary and lifestyle changes fail to control constipation in pregnancy or breastfeeding, moderate doses of poorly absorbed laxatives may be used. Consider a bulk-forming laxative first. If stools remain hard, add or switch to lactulose or a macrogol. If stools are soft but the woman still finds them difficult to pass or complains of inadequate emptying, consider a short course of bisacodyl or senna.4 Occasional use of glycerol or bisacodyl suppositories is also an option. COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care ● January 2012 Page 8 • Bulk-forming laxatives, lactulose and macrogols are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and are therefore suitable for use during pregnancy • Bisacodyl is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (only about 5%). It has not been reported to cause teratogenic or fetotoxic effects and is therefore suitable for use during pregnancy. • Senna is partially absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract but does not appear to be teratogenic. Concerns have been raised that senna should be avoided in the third trimester because a stimulating effect on uterine contractions has been reported with other anthraquinone derivatives. However, this has not been reported with senna. • Glycerol suppositories are also suitable for use during pregnancy Laxatives that are not recommended: • Docusate is less preferred because there is a single case report of neonatal hypomagnesaemia after maternal overuse of oral docusate sodium. However, docusate could be considered in low doses if the recommended laxatives (above) are unsuccessful • Sodium picosulfate: there is less experience with its use in pregnancy, so it is therefore not recommended • Sodium citrate and sodium phosphate enemas should be avoided if possible during pregnancy, because they may cause fluid and electrolyte imbalances Reference List 1. Mihaylov, S., Stark, C., McColl, E., et al. Stepped treatment of older adults on laxatives. The STOOL trial. Health Technol.Assess. 2008; 12: iii-139. 2. RPSGB/BMA. British National Formulary. 62nd Edition. 2011. 3. MeReC. The management of constipation. MeReC Bulletin 2011; 21: 1-8. 4. NICE. 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The material must be re-used accurately in time and context, and must NOT be used for the purpose of advertising or promoting a particular product or service for personal or corporate gain. Any queries on re-use should be directed to Lynn Keenan (e-mail [email protected], telephone 02890 535629) With thanks to the following for kindly reviewing this document: • Professor BT Johnston. Consultant Gastroenterologist, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. • Dr TCK Tham. Consultant Gastroenterologist, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust. The editorial panel for this edition of COMPASS Therapeutic Notes: Ms Kathryn Turner (Medicines Management Lead, Health and Social Care Board). Dr Bryan Burke (General Practitioner) Miss Veranne Lynch (Medicines Management Advisor, Belfast LCG) Dr Ursula Mason (General Practitioner) Mrs Stephanie Sloan (Community Pharmacist) Dr Thérèse Rafferty (Medicines Management Information Analyst, HSCBSO). COMPASS Therapeutic Notes on the Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care ● January 2012 Page 10 COMPASS THERAPEUTIC NOTES ASSESSMENT Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care COMPASS Therapeutic Notes are circulated to GPs, nurses, pharmacists and others in Northern Ireland. Each issue is compiled following the review of approximately 250 papers, journal articles, guidelines and standards documents. They are written in question and answer format, with summary points and recommendations on each topic. They reflect local, national and international guidelines and standards on current best clinical practice. Each issue is reviewed and updated every three years. Each issue of the Therapeutic Notes is accompanied by a set of assessment questions. These can contribute 2 hours towards your CPD/CME requirements. Submit your completed MCQs to the appropriate address (shown below) or complete online (see below). Assessment forms for each topic can be submitted in any order and at any time. If you would like extra copies of Therapeutic Notes and MCQ forms for this and any other topic you can: Visit the COMPASS Web site: or or Email your requests to: [email protected] or Phone the COMPASS Team on: 028 9053 5661 You can now complete your COMPASS multiple choice assessment questions and print off your completion certificate online: • Doctors and nurses should submit their answers at: • Pharmacists should submit their answers at: Are you a Pharmacist? Community GP? Enter your cipher number: Nurse? Enter your PIN number: Title: Surname: Hospital Other (please specify) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr First name: Address: Postcode: GPs and Nurses: Complete the form overleaf and return to: COMPASS Unit Pharmaceutical Department HSC Business Services Organisation 2 Franklin Street Belfast BT2 8DQ Pharmacists: Complete the form overleaf and return to: Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Learning & Development FREEPOST NICPLD Belfast BT9 7BL COMPASS THERAPEUTIC NOTES ASSESSMENT Management of Chronic Constipation in Primary Care For copies of the Therapeutic Notes and assessment forms for this and any other topic please visit: or Successful completion of these assessment questions equates with 2 hours Continuing Professional Development time. Circle your answer TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) for each question. When completed please post this form to the relevant address shown overleaf. Alternatively, you can submit your answers online: • Doctors and nurses should submit their answers at: • Pharmacists should submit their answers at: 1 2 Constipation: There is robust evidence that individuals with chronic constipation should be a advised to increase dietary fibre intake in order to alleviate symptoms b Tricyclic antidepressants can cause constipation c Constipation can occur in up to 20% of elderly patients who live in an institution The diagnosis of constipation is often arbitrary and is largely dependent on the d patient’s perception of “normal” bowel function T F T T F F T F T F T F Laxatives in general: There is a wealth of robust evidence that underpins the use of laxatives in a chronic constipation The aim of treatment with laxative agents is to produce comfortable defaecation b with soft, formed stools once or twice a day Consider gradually withdrawing laxatives when regular bowel movements occur c without difficulty (2–4 weeks after defaecation has become comfortable and a regular bowel pattern with soft, formed stools has been established) d Prolonged treatment with laxatives is sometimes necessary T F T F 3 Osmotic laxatives: a Osmotic laxatives take around 12 hours to produce an effect b Macrogols are less likely than lactulose to cause bloating and flatulence c Lactulose is less effective than macrogols d Movicol® liquid should always be diluted with water before taking T T T T F F F F 4 Stimulant laxatives: Stimulant laxatives usually produce an effect within 6 to 12 hours of ingestion a and so are commonly administered at bedtime to produce an effect in the morning Stools should be softened by increasing dietary fibre and liquid or with an b osmotic laxative before giving a stimulant laxative c Long term use of stimulant laxatives should be avoided d Dantron should only be used to manage constipation in terminally ill patients T F T F T T F F T F T F T F T F 5 In regard to the newer agents used in the management of chronic constipation: Methylnaltrexone is a new oral agent licensed for the treatment of opioida induced constipation in patients receiving palliative care b Prucalopride is licensed in women only Prucalopride is an option for the treatment of chronic constipation only in women for whom treatment with at least two laxatives from different classes, at the c highest tolerated recommended doses for at least six months, has failed to provide adequate relief and invasive treatment for constipation is being considered Prucalopride should be continued for 12 weeks before a decision is made on d efficacy
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