MEGr{Ar-AyA BAsrN MANAGEMENT AGENCY Omruel HQRTSHILLONG 'dr !!& Pk 036+2522921 L{BDA Far 0364252292I trr'"i& mbdashillong@gmailcom ADVERTISEMENT 4/2fil"/AqJ Dated Shillong -+. 'fh ll_:fr-,gO The Megbalaya Basin Managonent Agency (MBMA) implernents the Sate's flagship programme rhe Integrated Basin Development and Livelihood Promotion Progme (IBDLP). The Meghalaya- Livdihood & Accss to Markets Project (Megha LAMP), an ExrcmallT Aided Project (EAP) is - integnl prrt cf IBDLP w.ith MBMA as '-he rmplernenang agenry. MBI4A invites applications h IS m prescrihed fcrm, from digible candidates for rhe fallawmg contracttrd posts: I. s[ Post- Name ofPost E4etience Pre{quisite Qualifioaims L"ocations No l.I Asistmt Mmsr (Agnculture Engrneering ) 3 Cfhree) Years of experience in Natural Resource Conservation rnvolvrng engrneering strucn res/or rn Rurai Developmenr r' projects I Graduare/PostGraduare I in Agriorlture Headquarter Districts Mon6ly FmoLmot 20ftr0/- Engrneeriry/BSc. involving conservation structures and practices. (Agri)/BSc (Forestry) r' Personnel whohave si,peiaimuated from Govemment ftom Soil & Wata Conservation/Agriculane ,/Hortia{ture/Forest Departments and have relevant expertise may also apply' t.2 Assistant Managm r' (Firnnce & Accounts) ForGraduate/PostGraduate, 3 Graduate/ (ILree) Years ofpost qualiEcation Post Gaduate Commerce/ Accounts or qualified Shillong commercial organizattons / CA/ CMAI CS,/ (lnterrnediate). Candidate must be familiar with devdopment proiectsr/ organizations comp,uterized accounting. experience in finance and accormts in aO,ON/- as mplcmoiing projccrs in devdopment sector as partner agancies. { For Professionall;, q,:alfied (CA /CMA /CS/ Candidates (Intermediare)), 2 (Two) years of post gua-lification experience is rcquired. r' In case of exceptionally deserving a relaxation of upto 6 candidates mon*rs experlence be allowed Assistant .3 Manager (Satistical Data Analysis) 3 (Three) Yrr of experience in dara mining/ managing 7'staristicatiy aniyang/ nttpreang Graduate/Post Gaduare in Sratistics/Economicsl data and reponing resulr using specialized Commerce or equivalent. statistical compoter program€s and prtsenting Candidaes witL srong rcserrch resrdts formats. in nlmr:icd and graphic aneli'rical *nd probl*n solving skill ,/report writing and presentadon methods/electronic &ta processing and good oral and written comrmmication will be prdenedPersonnel who have superannuated from Government from Statrstrc/ liconomics /Finance Departmenrs and have rdevant expertise may Shillong aoftrtr/_ t.4 Prognmme Associate (Grs) developmort I-2 Y-x in GIS related works irl rural or forestry or environment or discipline with Post related discipline with dernonstrated corrperence Diploma in Remote Sensing/ Grs or Shillong in GIS based mapping a Certificate course in GIS. Uanciirietes with qualilications in (will involve geogaphy, ceftography, foresry, touring within (*P* the States) eduadonal Ga&atd Post mvironment scierice Programme Associate (Admiuistratim) 1.5 2 (fwo) Graduate or a in any relevant social extensive will be prefierred rzw/ r500o/ i7ir00 qualiGcaiors) in admini*mdon fimction in public, privare or doelopmot sector. Experience in doormenr/ file Graduate nxmagernent and tracLing, electronic mad management and filing, supporting proftrremenr of office logistics, service ma&rgement, accounting, comnerce coilnacts aod fleet nvmagement would be wide range of desirable. functions with minimal zupervision. years experience Vt ,t/, Graduate or Post Graduate in any discipline Preference wilJ be givm to candidates with qualilficadons in or offrce managemenL Candidate must be capable of carrying out Slrillong tzcf,/O/ rsooo/ I7000 a (*Po administrative educational qudifications) 1.6 Intern rProgramme Graduate Associate / / Post Gn:aduate rn Media W"b Daign / Print Daign / Comrnunicadon Design Conrnnrnication /Cootent / Shillong /Videographer writer. Deserving educational candi&ts wirh relevant expaimce of I-2 years will be r2.C[,O/ 15000/ I7000 fufno designated gualficadons) as Programme Associates. 1.7 Drivr 3 (Tbiec) Yeats of similar experience in Govemmen(Stare or Gntral)/PSU (State or Class VIII passed and above and Shillong ro0oo/- should possess a valid &iving license Cartral)/Sociaies set up by Government (State and or Central),/SPV or agencies set up Govemment (Sate or Centrai) previous ernployer. Experience certificate from 1. Notification and Prescribed application form can be downloaded &om the \f,ebsite, or can be obtained free of cost from any of the Office of &e Deputy Cornmissioner & Chairman, Basin Development Units (BDUs) Headquarters at the I I districts Headquarters. 2. All positions 3. Application forms duly filled in can be submitted at tre Office of Deputy Commissioner & Chairman, Basin Development Unit EKH District, Shillong and WGH District, Tura respectively upto 5:fi) PM on are being offered on contract. Details in this regmd may be seen in the notification. 6e July,2015 (P.f?r,{As) Deputy Chief Executive Officer Meghalaya Basin Management Agency Meghalaya State Housing Financing Cooperative Society Ltd. Campus Nongrim Hills , Shillong-793003 Telephone Nos-(03 64p 5?2992/ 25?292 I MEGT.I,ALAYA BASIN IvIANAGEMENT ACfiNCY (I,{BMA) HQR:SHILLONG r'L. l\1A/, -r<trorT f rL vdw4d22/-L Fax O3642522921 Frnail: [email protected] NOTIFICATION . l td a +i7{ltt/jlL +t^ DatedSbillonsth.ll-$q,^9z0rs The Meghalaya Basin Management Agency G\AMA) implements the State's flagship programme the Integrated Basin Develop-".ir *d Livelihood Promotion Programme (IBDLP). The Meghalaya * Livelihood & Access to Markets Project (M"gh, LAMP), an Extemally IvIBDA Aided Project (EAP) is an integral part of IBDLP with MBMA as the implementing agency. MBMA invites applicatiors in prescribed form, from digible candidates for the following contraccual posrs: I. st Pose Name Eryerieoce o,f Posc Pre-requisfue No I.I Cl,.liff -dm" t"ocatims Monthly Emohrment Assistant Manager 3 (Agnorlmre Engrneering) Resource Conservation involving Gtrec) YeaG of { experience in Natural engineering stmctures/or in Rural Devdopment proj ects I Disricts Graduate/Post Graduate in I Agricuhure Engineering/BSc Headquarter 2@OO/- (Agri.)/BSc (Foratry) / involving conservation suuctr.tres and prectices. Personnel who trave superanmrateti irom Government fromSoil & Water Conservadon/Agriculmrer/Honi a:ltac /Forest Dcprftrcnts Aird have rdevant expenise may also aPPly- r.2 AssistantManager (Finance For Gmduate/Post Graduatg Gra&nte/ Post Graduate in Commerce/ & Accounts) 3(fhtc) Accounts or qualfied as CA/ ClilA/ CS/(Imerrnediate). Candidate rnrusr be Yean ofpost qualfi cetion experience in finance and accounts in familiar wirl Shillong computerized accounring. commercial organrzations / devdopment projects/ oqgamzatiols ;mplonenting projects in devdopmeot secror as partner agencies. For Professionally qualified Crrrdidaes (CA /Cl,f,A /CS/ (Intermediate)), 2 (Two) of post qualificetion yean exp<rience is rcquiredLn case of exceptionally deserving candidates a rdaxation months in ofupto 6 experience may be allowed. I-3 (ftrec) Assistant Manager 3 (Statistical Data Analysrs) *--g/ Years of experience in data '/ managing/suristically Graduate/Post Graduate in Shillong 200m/- Sadstics Economics/Cormerce analping/mterprering dara and repordng or equivalenr Candidares with result using specialized staristical computer strong anal;,tical and problem programmes and presenting research results solvrng skill in numericai and graphic l-omars. presentation metho<is/decronic /report wriring and data processing and good oral md wdtten commrmication will be prdi:ri.ed. r' Personndwhohave srperannuated from Government from Stadstic/Economics ,/Finance Departrnents end have rdevant expertise may also apply. r.4 Programrne Associate (GIS) I-2 Years iu GIS related works in rural development or forestry or environment or Cnaduacd Post Graduate in any discipline with Post Crraduate Diploma in Remote related discipline with demonstrated Sensrng/ GIS competence in GIS based mapping Candidates with qualiGcations in geography, c a Cerdficate course in GIS. cartographp forestry, environment or relevant social science will be p tdexred. a Shillong (will involve extmsive t2ooo/ 50oo/r7en touring within rhe (* Po States) educational quaiification) L5 Programme (Administmtion) 2 Pwo) year experiorce in administradon fimction in public, privare or development sector. Experience in doomerrt/ file Crraduate or Post Graduate in ary discipline. Preference will be given to fixrnagernent and tracking, dectronic meil menagernent, accotmting, corlnnefce or managernent anci fili"g, supponing procurement fimctions, managerrrent of offi." -rrog*ent- Can<iidate musl be capable of carr),ing out a wide range of adrninistmtive fimctioos with minimal ofEce logisticg seryice cmtracts md fleet rnenagatntrrt s+.:!d be desirable. r.6 candidates widr tzooo/ Shillong r5000/r7000 qualifications ir (*Po educational quaification; sL?ereision, lntern/Program Associate Crraduate/Post Crraduate in Media / Web / Prinr Desrgn / Dorgo / Conrrnrmication Desgn Shillong r2ooo/ rSooo/r7000 (^P* tutr"" Commrmication/Videographer/Content educationel writer. Deserving candidates witrh rdevant experiorce of l-2 years qualification ) will be designated as Programme Associates. 1.7 Driver or Central),/Socretres ser up by Govemment VIII passed and above and should a valid &i"i"g license and Experience ceruficate liom previous (State or Central)/SPV or agencies ser up anployer. 3 (Threc) Yeaa of similar experience in Governmen(State or Central)/PSU (Stace Class Shillong I possess Government (Srate or Central) 2.Place ofPosting: 2.I I Selected Candidates fot the posts at Sl I.I will be posted at err/ of tfu Basin Devdopmem Units (BDU, hedquarters at the I I districts headquata and posts at SLiz to SLI.7 above wili be posteci at the iocation mentioned against the poss . 3. Good Communicatron skills, written and oral as wdl as familiariry with Word Processing, Spread Sheets and Presenration software are essenti:l tor all positions. 4. Experience cetificate from previous *ryI"y(O clcarry $ating nature of dudes petforurcd, shoutd be ettached along with the fot all positions. 5. Staffalready working with MBDA/MBMA" who repoaing ofiicer. 6. The are otherwise "liSbl., can also applp Their applications must be rogred t6rough their montlly consolidated emolument will addidonally indude House Rent Allowance (HRA), Mobile Allowance, erc as may be admissible from time to tirne, 7. Age C*lrirr./Eligihlirr Applicants should be beween 2I-45 yeus as on OI.OI2OIS.Upper age limit mey be r,elaxed b5 Candidates No age limit i1 -*e of rerired pe6on who are qnlified fot tle post ar SII.I S. S[I.3. 8. Period y* for ercqtional deserving ofContracr Selecred candidates shall be given a one year contracl The contract shall be renewed zubjecr to the sarisfaction of MBMA. A deailed document of terms and conditiors of engagement would be provided to the selected candidates and a deed agreement would have to be signed by rhe sdected candidates wirh dre MBDA/MBMA ro rhat effect. 9. Prescribed Applietioa Form: Prescribed aPPlication form can be downloaded from MBDA websire, www.mbda.govin or can be obtained free of cost from any of the Office of the D"Prty Commissioner & Chairman, Basin Devdopmenr [lnir, Headquarrers at the I I District Headquarters. -! ! I0. Submission ofApplicrtion I0.I Application fotms: &r, forms duly filled in can be submiced at rhe Office of &e Deputy Commissioner & Chaiflnan, Basin Development EKH District at Shillory and WGH District, Tute respectively up to 5i00 PM on 66 July2OIS the Iast date for zubmission Unit, '& of applications. One passport size photograph should be submitted along with the ap,plication form at the BDUs, Acknowledgements will be iszued on submission of forms at the BDUs. I0.2 Online Submission - Scanned copies of the duly filled application forms and armexure may be zubmtted to [email protected] dearlv indicatins Aoolicarion for the oost of (Name of the oost) in the subiect line. Hard cooies mav be send by post/courier thereafter address to Human Resource Section, Meghalaya Basin Development Authority (MBDA), C/o Meghalaya Sate Housing Financing Cooperative Society Ltd, Campus, Nongrim-793003-Each application would be ad<nowledged and only rhis acknowledgemerrt will constinrte proof of submission II. Fomut of ttre Sdmio Process: All candidates who have the pre-requisite quali&catioq experience in accordance wirh I above will be called for assessmenL In case the candidate is not found qualified for the post applied, He/She may be strordisted/recommended for a lower post as the case may be. The date time and venue will be comrmrnicated to the candidates" Candidates are advised to deady indicate their Conact number and email address to faciliete faster Communication MBDA/MBMA reserves the right to conduct any additional test et eny time during dre recnritrnent process. P.I?dfAs) Deputy Chief Executive Offrcer Meg[alaya Basin Managernent Agency Meghalaya State Housing Financing Cooperative Society Ltd Campus Nongrim Hills, Shillong-7 93003 Telephone No s<0364)252299212522921 MEGFIALA^YA BASIN DEVEI .OPhGNT AUTHORITY (}{BDA) HQR:SHILLONG Fax:O36S252292I Email mbmashillong(A.qmailcom PRESCREED APPLICATION FORM FOR APPLYING FORRECRUITMENT TO MBDA I. Name of the Candidate Paste recent passport size Z. Complete Address: 3. Date of Birrh and Age as on 0I.01.2015: 4. Name ofthe post being applied for: photograph Name ofpost Sl no I ')\ Location Tick only one Assistant Manager (Agnculcure Ensineerins) fusiiiani Manager (Fiiance & Aecounts) fusistant Manager (Statistical Data Analysis) 3) 4) Programme Associate (GlS) s) Programme Associare (Aciministration) Intern/Program fu sociate 6) Driver 7) Emplopnent Recotd rncluding tesearch exoerienc-e: exPe (Smfting Currenri with supporting documenrs to be enclosed) Name of tire Otganizaaon Period oiEmpiopnent From: 6. Pre- requisite qualificatlons for the F*arnination Passed Designauoa To: posu (Srarung withl-atest/Last Year Nature of wo,ri< qualiE.cation with supporring documents to be enclosed) Name of the College/Univesity Division % ofMark 7. Any Other qudi&cations(rnduding Training courses attended, Diplomas, Software cotrses, etc) CourseArcuded Name of&e Instiurcion D11ation@om,*,/ry To Grade/Division ^n /w 8. Relevant Expedence for the post being applied fot: 9. Addresses for Comrrnrnicarion I0. E-mail: lI. Mobile: 12. Telephone. Declaration: I hereby dedare drat the infornation ftmished above is tnre to the best of my knowl"dg. any information is found to be hlse/misleading Date: I m"y be liahle to I be disquali:&ed from the recruiunerrt process. Signanre ofcandidate understand that if
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