Cessna 172 RG – Main Points Speeds: Stall (0/30%) Rotation Take-Off Steepest: Take-Off Norm Climb: Norm Climb: Cruise 55% (ECO): Cruise 65%: Cruise 75%: Best-Glide (no-/flaps): Approach Flaps/no-Fl.: VNO: VLO: VNE/VLE: VFE: CrossWind Max: 48/40kt 90/75km/h 55kt 100km/h 63kt 115km/h 70kt 130km/h 85kt 160km/h 116kt 215km/h 127kt 235km/h 136kt 250km/h 73kt/67t 65-70kt / 70-75kt 145kt 140kt 164kt 100kt (130kt with 10%) 15kt 28km/h PG/2700 PG/2700 PG/2700 25/2500 23/2300 [@6000ft] 24/2400 [@6000ft] 25/2500 [@6000ft] Mass: Mass max: 1202kg (empty 1697,81lb -> 772kg) (empty: 772kg, full fuel 175, ~250kg passengers + luggage) Luggage max: 90kg Distances (guidance values only): Rotation: TakeOff (50” obstacle): Landing (after touch) Landing (50” obstacle) 360m 600m 210m 450m Fuel/Range (guidance values only): Total/Maximum (Usable): Consumption/Range: 66 gal (62 gal) / 250 l (235 l) 10-12 gal/h (40l/h) -> 5-6h Procedures/Checks: Climb-out: UFRLC U F R L C Under Flaps Red Lights Cowl Undercarriage (when runway too short to land), gear-up (apply break before pulling up) Flaps-up (check speed) Reduction 25/2500 at convenience Cowl flaps adjust if necessary Descent: FRMC F R M C Fuel Rech Mix Cowl Both or more FULL fuel heating, rechauffe -> if reduced power Mixture enrich as required close (check if required) cowl flaps Downwind: AFRUMPSSS A F R U M P S S S Auto Fuel Rech Under Mix Power Speed Speed Sec auto-pilot OFF fuel tank (enough, select BOTH or more FULL) rechauffe carb, fuel heating (in case applicable) undercarriage, gear down and locked mixture power, propeller set pitch (avoid high noise – see short final) Flaps Switches (landing lights) Security (seat belts, items stored away, etc.) Base RBG / MPG Red, Blue, Green Mixture, Prop Gear - runway's clean runway's clear Short Final: PRUC P R U C Prop Rech Under Cowl propeller to full RPM put rechauffe back (pushed) check again gear (say out loud; “gear check”) cowl flaps, open motor/capot flaps Start-Up: - Alternator OFF (to be tried if it works better this way) - One/Two injections + ¼ inch - Pump (normally NO - only check if working before) –required in case of heat (gas) (plane manual claims to put the pump when engine is warm) - Start (On Both)/Alternator ON/Oil Check - Lights Pre-Start Checks: - After warm-up: Magneto (1800), Rechauffe, Succ, Pitch (3x), Mixture (1-3x), Ralenti - Alternator CHECK - and usual: VVRPTCC (verrière, volets [10deg], réch., pompe [not on!], transpondeur [auto], cowl, comp) Variable Pitch: - Propeller (Blue nob) selects propeller/engine RPM - Throttle (Black) controls manifold pressure (and indirectly controls propeller pitch (through the action of the prop governor) - Take-off: maximum RPM/power is achieved (not the case for fixed-pitch prop) - Prop oil thickens at low temperatures -> change prop setting every 15min? (from time to time?) - Idle throttle causes flat pitch (high drag airplate) - Higher MP with same RPM causes more torque (and p-factor) - Loss of oil pressure -> FLAT pitch (high RPM, high drag) - Lower cruise RPM: less noise and better for turbulences Increase/Reduce Power - Increase: Mixture/Propeller/Throttle (from RIGHT to left) - Decrease: Throttle/Propeller/Mixture (from LEFT to right) Logbook: - Marking down fuel + times, legs, etc. - Time from transponder (take-off/land) Leaning and Fuel Procedure: - EDM 700: o Buttons: Left: Step (STP) Right: Lean-Find (LF) o Switch: EGT mode FF mode All o Manuel mode: press STP o Automatic mode: press LF then STP o Percentage/Normalized view: hold LF for 5s o Leaning Procedure 1 (Rich of Peak!): Pre-lean below 50deg of estimated peak –T (???) Wait 30s for temperatures to stabilize Tap LF (exhaust T of the hottest Cyl left) Lean at ~5deg/s Lean-find will get active once you have a 15deg rise in EGT Stop leaning when you see ‘LEANEST’ on the display Left: T of first EGT to Peak • Tap LF then you see the delta-T to Peak While column flashes, enrich until you’ve reached the desired EGT (???) o Procedure 2 (Lean of Peak!): Tap LF and then immediately hold STP and LF until you see “LEANL” Lean at ~5deg/s Lean-find will get active once you have a 15deg rise in EGT “LEANEST” will be displayed when the 1st cylinder peaks • Display will change Continue leaning until the last EGT peaks -> “RICHEST” The display shows the delta-T to Peak for the last Cylinder Hold LF button: peak of the richest on the left, spread on the right (change of fuel flow from the 1st and the last EGT to peak) o Fuel options: When EDM switches on: put FUEL (STP for no change, LF for add) Add: press LF (“FILL+”) then STP • Press STP (“ADD” and “0”), hold LF (press to decrease), then STP Instruments: Auto-Pilot: - To follow GPS: the GNS430 needs to display ‘GPS’ in the lower part - If the GNS430 displays ‘log’ then the autopilot follows the LOC (button CDI for changing) Pre-Flight Check: Inside Landing Gear Down Control Wheel Lock -> REMOVE Ignition OFF, Keys REMOVED, AVIONICS OFF Master ON CHECK Fuel Quantity Landing Gear – GREEN Master OFF Liquids Drain check (3 locations): Left/Right Wing + below motor Oil check: not lower than 5 -> long distance top-up to 8 Pull drain next to oil Next to Door and Way back Baggage door closed & locked -> Landing gear box -> Free of anything Back ? Rudder Gust Lock Wing Tie-Down Right Aileron check freedom and belts Check Tire/Breaks Wing Tie-Down Visual check of fuel-quantity (check closed lid) Nose Static source openings (both sides) Engine Oil level (no flight <5, long distance ~8) strainer drain (4s) Propeller & Spinner Gear (nothing inside) Tire. Strut and Brake Nose Tie-Down Left Aileron check freedom and belts Pitot tube cover Fuel tank vent opening Stall warning Check Tire/Breaks Wing Tie-Down Visual check of fuel-quantity (check closed lid) Tires: CHECK PRESSURE -> 4 (+/- 0.1) Useful: Swiss/EU Flying Procedure Leaving/Coming-Back to La Cote (LSGP): Fill Swiss declaration http://zollairport.ch/Fluganmeldung/ZollAnmeldung/ZollForm.php?ad=LSGP&la=FR - - maximum 24h before minimum 2h before landing (return) minimum 1h before take-off (departure) to be activated by phone +41(0)22 363 0990 o if not reachable: Daniel Girardet: 078 708 28 44 Jean Vuille: 079 401 27 42 Pierre Baumgartner: 079 225 51 08 template: aller (1875GVGMI) et retour (1876GVGMI) Arriving/Leaving from Annemasse (LFLI): Fill French (Lyon) declaration http://mbrugger.web.cern.ch/mbrugger/Documents/Annemasse_preavis_vol.docx - minimum 4h before arrival/departure to be sent to CLI: [email protected] Flight-plan required: Fill French (Lyon) declaration Common Details: - Id: HB-CFB V, G, 01, Type: C72R L Equipment: S, F, V / C Depart: LSGP (La Cote) Date/Time (UTC!) N0110 VFR Route: o A Destination LFLI (Annemasse) Duration: e.g, 0020 (HHMM) Alternatives: LSGG (Geneve) , LFLP (Annecy) DEP/: La Cote DEST/: Annemasse EET/: (estimated arrival points and time, e.g, EET/LFFF0200) Autonomie: 0500 Persons: X - Colour: White/Red Pilot: Markus Brugger (0041764873415, [email protected])
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