SPRING 2015 - Maranatha Christian Academy

Students may start wearing shorts starting Monday, March 30. Remember: 6” in-seam, please.
Principal’s Corner
Maranatha had a strong representation at the Area
Mathematics Olympics held in late February and in the
Re-enrolling early is very important to seSpelling Bee held in late January. Now we are gearing up
cure a seat next year. It will also help our
for the Art Festival and the Speech Meet schedule for this
planning. Please send in your re-enrollment
Friday, March 27.
form as soon as possible. Re-enrollment fees
In the Math Olympics, fourth graders Isaac Blackford
are $365.
5th, and Malakai Rehfeld ranked First Place in ReaSCHOLARSHIP FUNDS AVAILABLE
Parents, don’t let finances keep your children from returning to soning! In Fifth Grade, Seoyeon Han ranked Fifth Place in
Maranatha next year. Contact the secondary school office (631- Reasoning as well! Blake Higginbotham, a Third Grader,
ranked in Fourth Place among the contestants. Our Mara0637) if you need financial aid.
natha students competed against a record number of participants from 15 schools. We are proud of those who attempted the competition. Their efforts are worthy of menCLASSROOM EASTER PARTIES
Classroom Easter parties will be
In the Area Spelling Bee held in late January, Fifth
Wednesday, April 1. You will be
Grader Josie Pool placed high enough in her grade level
contacted if you have signed up to
competition to be eligible for the Spell Off against students
help. If you would still like to help,
in 5th through 8th grade. Congratulations!
contact your classroom teacher.
We are all blessed as we enter the spring of the school
year. The weather has turned warmer and children may
begin to wear shorts to school on March 30. This is also
Olivia Bertoch’s, Principal for a Day, decree for pajamas to be worn that day. It will be a very interesting survey
of how many choose to wear shorts and how many choose
to wear their pajamas over their shorts at the North camThursday, April 2
North Campus
15000 West 63rd, Shawnee, KS 66216
Grades K-3
9:00-10:00 a.m.
8:30-9:30 a.m. (at South)
RSVP: (913)631-9286 or Email: [email protected]
by March 25
South Campus
6826 Lackman Rd., Shawnee, KS 66217
Grades 4-6
10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
RSVP: (913)631-1715 or Email: [email protected]
By March 25
Students will be dismissed at 12;15 p.m. Grandparents may take their grandchild with them after the
morning event.
Grandparents’ and Grand-Friends’ Day will be held in
conjunction with Boosterthon’s Fun Run on April 2nd. Invitations to the grandparents who might likely be able to
come support our runners in the Boosterthon FunRun and
worship with the kids following the run should be mailed as
soon as possible!
The entire Academy will participate in the Boosterhon
FunRun or Color Run in one capacity or another on April
2nd. Those in Track, according to KAHSA rules prevent
those participating in Track in the MS/HS level from running in the FunRun, but they will be out in force to cheer on
the younger runners! One Academy events like Boosterthon bring the Body of Christ closer together through encouragement, faith, and discipleship.
Gingie Watt
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The Elementary Eagle
Tuesday, April 21
6:45-8:15 @ North; 7:00-8:30 @ South
Our Spring Open House will be on Tues., April 21, Classroom work as
well as Art & Science projects will be displayed. Come join us and see
what good work our students have done!
We will also have a book fair at both campuses.
Welcome to making this summer a memorable one for your child. We are
excited to have you join us! There is so much to explore and do during summer it will be an adventure! Eagle's Camp Soaring is our summer program designed to keep children active over the eleven weeks of the summer break.
Day camp activities will be playful in nature and mind enriching. At Camp
Soaring you will experience rich and diverse events and activities, different
than the academic school year. Recreation is the key word during these weeks; play is the primary method we
will use to stimulate the campers intellectually, physically, socially, as well as biblically. Summer ‘school’ like
activities, games, excursions and free play will inspire creativity, build relationships, stimulate communication,
promote problem solving and develop leadership skills. Special event sport camp weeks will give your child the
opportunity to try their wings in new activities. Swimming, and going to many of our outstanding local parks are
a part of each week, too.
Sports Camp
Thinking about how to get your child enrolled in the fabulous age group Sports Camps at Maranatha? This
summer you can do both in the same week! Attend Eagle’s Camp Soaring the same week as the sports camp
your child wishes to attend and it is included in the weekly fee. Our Camp Supervisors will make sure your child
gets to the Sports Camp location and returned to the Eagle’s Camp location safely and in a timely way.
The same cost every week of $150.00, 7 AM – 6 PM, pays for the fun! $50 per month deposit will reserve your
child’s place. Save your child's place in as many camp weeks per month as you wish and see how we help our
children soar!
Registration is open now! You can find the weekly schedule & registration forms online at mca-eagles.org.
They will also be located at the front desk of the North & South elementary offices.
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The Elementary Eagle
Olivia Bertoch, Principal for a Day!
MCA, get ready for a fun filled school day with Third Grader, Ms. Olivia, in charge on
Monday, March 30 at our NORTH campus only.
First of all, Ms. Olivia, as she wishes to be called, has declared the attire for the day to
be !pajamas! What does she mean, "Wear your pajamas to school today!"? For your comfort and
warmth, wear your pajamas over regular school clothes. Bathrobes are allowed, but please wear
regular shoes for recess time. Before school starts, those wearing pajamas may ‘Silly Dance’
to rocking out music in the designated area for the Dance. As school begins, Ms. Olivia will organize a Pajama Parade. Students wearing their pajamas will parade with the teachers leading them
around the area. Parade music will keep us moving.
The Eagle will fly in to lead us along the parade route! Parents and friends are welcome to line the
parade route for entertainment and pictures.
Ms. Olivia will be visiting all the classrooms to make an important announcement and encourage you
to gather your sponsors for Boosterthon's FunRun. She will read to the Kindergarteners, direct the
office staff, have lunch with friends, meet with Mr. Schultze, and observe an important drill. It promises to be a day full of new experiences for Ms. Olivia! Please welcome her.
One Academy Grade to Grade Buddy Events
The goals and purpose of the One Academy Buddy Program are:
To build relationships and form strong bonds with our younger students
To mentor younger age groups in faith, service and Christian character
To share accomplishments and achievements, enrichment opportunities in the higher grades over the
13 years attending Maranatha Christian Academy.
Boosterthon will be one of many events that mentor grades will encourage participation and effort in younger
age groups to run as many laps around the 1/16 mi (110 yard) track as possible during the time limit. Older
students hopefully will inspire the younger students to gather sponsorships for the laps they run by demonstrating how it is done.
Recently, sixth graders shared homemade board games with third graders and toured the locations at South
campus that the third graders would use as fourth graders. Pi Day for Third and Fifth Grade brought levity to
the study of math on March 13 as Sir Cumference and His Round Table Knights solved the mystery of figuring
out the circumference of a round object. Third and fifth graders enjoyed Pie and Ice Cream at the South campus in celebration of National Pi Day, which really was on March 14, but we couldn’t wait!
Next third graders will read stories to the kindergarteners and build a craft project with them. In early May the
Third grades will be guided by Fourth Grades through the differences in fourth grade from third grade, especially during the first weeks of school and what Fourth Graders think are the highlights of the grade to look forward to.
While K – 3 experience Chapel together at North, the 4th – 6th graders have attended the Secondary (MS/HS)
Chapels on three occasions so far this year. This has given a preview to the sixth graders particularly. The
heartfelt faith expressed by our talented and sincere High School worship leaders give a Biblical view to our
younger students of what school may be like for them, sharing God’s Word, with the older Maranatha Christian
brothers and sisters in Christ.
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The Elementary Eagle
The ACSI Area Math Olympics were held Fri., Feb. 27, at Plaza Heights Christian Academy in Belton, MO. The following students participated: Computation:
3rd Gr., Sarah Boles, Riley Martin, Cooper Wilcox, 4th Gr., Gavin Hudnall, Tucker
Peterson, 5th Gr., Rebekah Fitsum, Rex Robinette, 6th Gr.; Addison Pelham,
Macie Redick; Reasoning: 3rd Gr., Blake Higginbotham, 4th Gr., Isaac Blackford,
Caden Pinter, Malakai Rehfeld, 5th Gr., Joseph Goodman, Seoyeon Han, Suhyeon
Kim, 6th Gr. Luke Oster, Annika Pinter, Will Schoenfeld.
ACSI Math Students: Front row, LtoR: Malakai Rehfeld, Sarah Boles, Cooper Wilcox, Riley Martin; Middle
row, LtoR: Seoyeon Han, Caden Pinter, Isaac Blackford, Tucker Peterson, Gavin Hudnall; Middle row, LtoR: Blake
Higginbotham, Rebekah Fitsum, Suhyeon Kim, Rex Robinette, Joe Goodman; Back row, LtoR: Addison Pelham,
Annika Pinter, Macie Redick, Will Schoenfeld, Luke Oster Way to go, students!
The following MCA 4th-6th Grade students will be participating in the ACSI Speech Meet at
Summit Christian Academy on Fri., March 27: 4th Gr.: Isaac Blackford, Nicholas Classen, Simon
Esh, Malakai Rehfeld, Ollieauna Reid, Sadie Wilson; 6th Gr.: Neymara Freeman, Caitryn Hudnall,
Alyssa Jimenez, Alexandria Lundquist, Annika Pinter, Isabella Stephens.
The following MCA 3rd-6th Grade students will have their artwork displayed at Summit Christian Academy on Friday, March 27: 3rd Gr.: Jessica Alexander, Sabrina Sharpe, Laine Sramek,
Griffin Wiley; 4th Sienna Alexander, Emersen Brown, Macie Hartwick, Ollieauna Reid, Zeniah
Shofar, Brennan Walla, Sadie Wilson; 5th Gr.: Rebekah Fitsum, Emily Friesen, Brooke Gourley,
Seoyeon Han, Reece Higginbotham, Elena Rodriguez, Christian Ryan; 6th Gr.: A.J. Belcher,
Hope Chapin Henry, Tank Dehnert, Kymora Freeman, Zach Fuller, Caitryn Hudnall, Adele Kim,
Christian leRoux, Will Schoenfeld, Faith Webb
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The Elementary Eagle
We love our Volunteers!
If you have volunteered in anyway,
please come to a Volunteer Chapel in your
honor on Wednesday, April 29, in the
sanctuary at Cross Points Church.
Yes, we love our Volunteers!
Lives are changed when you open your home and heart to host a Korean exchange student. Experience a new culture and share your own with a student who may be experiencing
America for the very first time. These young Korean ambassadors range from 4th through 8th
grades. Our Korean students arrive ready to learn and embark on a new adventure. KoAm encourages your family to share in this adventure by applying to be a KoAm host family for the new
2015-2016 school year.
Hosting a KoAm exchange student is much like having an adopted son or daughter, a semester
or a year at a time. KoAm students arrive with round-trip airline tickets, complete medical insurance, tuition, school fees and personal spending money for the duration of their stay. The exchange students show appreciation to the host family with a monetary gift and reimburse expenses.
For more information, please contact National Coordinator, Mrs. Haewon Park at 800-5216640 or by email at [email protected]. Please visit KoAm's website at http://
www.koameduall.org and click “Become a Host Family”.
Saturday, May 2
6:00 p.m. in the North Gym
$40 per couple,
$15 for extra girl
Invitations will be coming home soon; you
will be able to purchase tickets on line.
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The Elementary Eagle
Meaningful Assessments in Elementary School
From April 8 - 17, Maranatha teachers in K, 1st, 3rd and 5th grades will be giving the Terra Nova 3,
ACSI version, which includes a test on Bible knowledge. This type of test is called a standardized test
because of its standardized administration, timing, and norms.
In Kindergarten and First, the students will be given a Primary Test of Cognitive Skills, while the 3rd
and 5th students will take the InView Test. These meaningful assessments do more than measure
achievement. Meaningful assessments provide direction to instruction. The PTCS and InView tests
map students' strengths, reveal hidden abilities, and point the way to new learning opportunities.
Terra Nova 3, ACSI Edition Scores, percentiles, and Scaled Scores are accurate measures of our students' performance on the day the tests are given, relative to the latest (2011) national norms and ACSI norms. Test items have been tested with students across the nation and evaluated by a large sample of educators for validity and grade level appropriateness.
Bible Knowledge Assessment
The Bible test allows Christian school teachers and leaders to evaluate the teachings of the Bible curriculum. The section assesses our students' beginning knowledge of God's Word in the Bible. The
test gives us a view of the students' understanding and application of scripture. Being able to analyze
the responses, gives credence to the spiritual growth and biblical knowledge that our students demonstrate year to year. This is important to our parents and teachers.
Terra Nova 3, ACSI Edition PLUS Tests include word analysis, language mechanics, vocabulary, computation in math, and spelling. Baseline and diagnostic data is obtained in the results of the PLUS,
InView Test In 3rd and 5th Grades
InView is a cognitive-abilities assessment that identifies skills and abilities important for academic success. Instead of achievement, cognitive skills of inductive and deductive reasoning, i.e. critical thinking
skills, quantified and indexed. The scores provide a highly reliable measure of overall academic aptitude, which, in conjunction with achievement scores, indicate if students are achieving their full potential, and demonstrating it in this test.
Primary Test of Cognitive Skills (PTCS) assesses verbal, spatial, memory and concept skills in young
children. Students who take the PTCS are not limited by time to complete any of the four sections.
Results of the Terra Nova 3, InView and PTCS will be available at the beginning of the summer. If received in time from the source of scoring, you parent reports will be mailed along with the fourth quarter's report card.
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The Elementary Eagle
The MCA 9th grade high
school girls helped the 4th-6th
grade girls make Valentine
cards for Children’s Mercy
Hospital patients.