Mount Carmel News This Week April 19 - April 25 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Saturday Contemporary Service in the Fellowship Hall, 9:00am-9:45am Sunday School (some adult classes begin at 9:45am) 10:00am-10:45am Preschool Choir, 9:40am-10:00am Classic Worship in the Sanctuary, 11:00am-12:00pm Called Church Conference, Recommending a New Student Minister, 9 & 11am Chapel Hill/Carrboro Crop Hunger Walk, Registration 1:30pm, Step-Off 2:30pm Brook Campbell & Matthew Russell’s Wedding Shower, Fellowship Hall, 3:00pm Children and Youth Meet, 5:00pm Men’s Breakfast Fellowship Hall, 6:00am Ladies Bible Study, 6-7:00pm Wednesday Night Supper, Activities, and Church Conference, 6:00-7:30pm Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal, 7:30pm God Calls Leaders, Bible Study, Ruth Sunday School Class, 7:00pm M&M Day, 8:00am-1:00pm Ralph Smialowicz Memorial Service, 4:00pm Upcoming Events Apr 26 Wedding Shower for Rachel Weaver and Daniel Potter, Fellowship Hall, 12:30-2:30pm Apr 29 Children’s Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser, 6:00pm Master Plan Update Discussion, 6:45pm May 01 Church Women United May Friendship Day, First Baptist Church, Chapel Hill, NC, 10:00am May 03 Zac Campbell Ordination Service, 11:00am May 04 Women on Mission Morning Group, Fireplace Room, 10:30am May 10 Mother’s Day Leadership Deacon’s Meeting, Fireplace Room, 7:30pm May 11 Nancy Williams Hundley Circle, Fireplace Room, 7:00pm May 12 XYZ - TBD Administrative Deacon’s Meeting, 7:00pm Congregational Care Deacon’s Meeting, 7:00pm Ministry Deacon’s Meeting, 7:00pm May 17 Murdoch Day, 12:30pm-4:00pm Prayers for Our Congregation Concerns: Brian Atkins; Ben Berry’s mother, Helen Berry; Jewell Blackwood; Nancy Blackwood; Paul and Joyce Brimfield’s daughter-in-law, Monisha; Manna and Roger Chapin’s friend, Erwin Rijkeboer; Jamie Cheek’s sister-in-law, Cory Hooker; Dan & Ann Cowen; Jim Diggs; Will Diggs; Roy Fagerberg; Sharon Hart; Sarah Henderson’s mother, Glynn Knight; Edward Horton: Emily Hunter; Charlotte Kilpatrick’s son, Gutherie; Cutler and Cheryl Kornegay and family, friends of Will Potter; Kathern Locklear and her great niece, Latoya Oxendine; Eunice Mitchem; Rick Moore; Taffy Moore; Catherine Patterson; Valerie Potter; Dick Richardson’s sister, Ann; Jesse Riley; Ken Samuelson’s brother; Mary Jo Tilley’s daughter, Laura; Dominick Tomaro; Deane Wray & Doug Wray's sisters, Betsy Gunner and Moree Poe. Care Facilities: Laura Bell (Galloway Ridge Care Facility); Joan Ely (Brookshire Senior Living, Hillsborough); Dot Fields (Arbor Walk Apt 6130, 5705 Fayetteville Rd, Durham, NC 27713); Bruce and Alice Martindale (Carolina Meadows); Bill Moffitt and Hilda Moffitt (Carolina Meadows); Kathryn Royster’s aunt, Doris Upton (Brian Center, Lincolnton, NC); Betty Wiker (Carolina Meadows). Hospital: UNC, Ally Hoffmeister (Lauren Robertson’s sorority sister). Deaths: Family of William Allen, friend of Jennifer Jamerson. Family of Wilma Hardee. Church Notes New Bible Study: The Bible Study God Calls Leaders is a resource for your faith. The story line in the Bible provides a key to understanding what God was doing with special people. This study is a biographical survey of the Bible. Call Jan Russell, 919-942-2400. CROP Hunger Walk Today, Registration 1:30 p.m. Step off 2:30 p.m. Preparations for the 4 mile Chapel Hill/Carrboro CROP Hunger Walk are taking shape for this spring. Routes for 2 mile and 1 mile walks are options as well. All routes begin and end at the Carrboro Town Commons. Please make note of the date and plan to join our Mount Carmel team. The more walkers we have, the more successful the event will be. Walkers ask church friends, neighbors and relatives to make donations to support their participation. The money helps fund the efforts of the Inter Faith Council and Church World Service to end hunger at home and around the world. T-shirts for sale for a modest price when signing up walkers. Wedding Shower: You are invited to a shower for Brooke Campbell and Matthew Russell, today in the Fellowship Hall, 3:00pm. They are registered at Bed Bath & Beyond and Belk. Wedding Shower: You are invited to a shower for Daniel Potter and Rachel Weaver on Sunday, April 26, in the Fellowship Hall, 12:30-2:30pm. They are registered at Macy’s and Target. Wednesday Night Menu: Chef’s choice. May Newsletter: If you have anything for the May newsletter it needs to be in the church office by Thursday, April 23. Church Women United Chapel Hill - Carrboro Unit: May Friendship Day, Friday, May 1, 10:00am, First Baptist Church, 106 N. Roberson St. Chapel Hill. Worship Program, Journey of the Caregiver, presented by University United Methodist Church Women. Lunch following the program, please bring a salad to share. Invite a friend.
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