F.No. 9-2/2015 MDM 2-1 Governm'ent of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of School Education & Literacy MDM Division **************** •• Subject: . . Shastri Shawan, New Delhi Dated 15th May, 2015. Minutes of the meeting of Programme Approval Board - Mid Day Meal held on 27.03.2015. The meeting of Programme Approval Board Mid-Day Meal to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 in respect of State of Karnataka was held on 06.02.2015 at New Delhi under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (SE&L), Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource & Development. 2. A copy of the minutes of the above meeting is enclosed for information & necessary action. P_~:04'~ (Rajebv Kumar) Under Secretary to the Govt. of India Tel. 011-23386169 Fax: 011-23382394 1. Senior Advisor (Education) NITI Aayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi. 2. Shri Yogendra Tripathi, Joint Secretary & Financial Advisor, Ministry of HRD, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. 3. Joint Secretary (ICDS), Ministry of Women & Child Development, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 4. Shri Deepak Kumar, Joint Secretary, Department of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi -:2:5. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour Shram Shakti Bhawan New Delhi. 6. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. 7. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Development of North-Eastern States, Vigyan Bhawan, Annexe, New Delhi- 110003. 8. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, yth Floor, Shastri Bhavan New Delhi. 9. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. 10.Dr. Pitam Singh, Joint Advisor(HRD), NITI Ayog, Yojana Bhawan, New Delhi 11 Shri M. Mohisin, Commissioner of Public Instruction, Education Department, Govt. of Karnataka 12.or. K.S. Uma Mani, Nodal Officer, MI, Centre for Human Resource Development, ISEC, Karnataka, Bangalore, Karnataka •• • •• -:3:13Vice Chancellor. NUEPA, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. • • 14.Economic Advisor (Education), SE&L, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. • 15.Director NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi. 16. Dr (Mrs) Prema Ramchandran Director, Nutrition Foundation of India, C-13, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi- 110016. 17. Shri Biraj Patnaik, Principal Advisor, Office of Supreme Court Commissioner, B-68, 2nd Floor, Sarvodaya Enclave, New Delhi - 110001. 18. Shri O.P. Dani, Chief General Manager (Sales), Food Corporation of India, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. 19. Shri J.H.Panwal, Joint Technical Advisor, Food & Nutrition Board, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Jeevandeep Building, New Delhi. 20.Shri P.N. Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI, 16-20, Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi. 21.Dr. C.GV Murthy, MI Professor of Education, RIE, Mysore, Karnataka -:4:22. Ms. Poonam Singh, Associate National Professor & Nodal Officer Centre For Good Governance, New Delhi Copy also to: 1. PPS to Secretary • (SE&L). 2. PPS to Joint Secretary(EE.I). 3. Dir (GP) / DS(BDS) 4. US(SA) / US(AO) / SO(KLA) / DS(VKN) / DS(HK). / SO(NR) / SO(RKJ). • • • GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL EDUCATION & LITERACY MID-DAY MEAL SCHEME ************** Minutes of the Programme Approval Board for Mid-Day Meal (PAB-MDM) meeting held on SthFebruary, 2015 to consider the Annual Work Plan & Budget-2015-1S of Karnataka. .. ' The meeting of the Programme Approval Board for Mid-Day Meal Scheme was held in New Delhi on SthFebruary, 2015 under the Chairpersonship of Ms. Vrinda Sarup, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy (SE&L). Government of India. The agenda before the PAB-MDM was: a) To review the status and progress of the implementation of Mid-Day Meal (MOM) Scheme for the State of Karnataka. b) To consider the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP&B) 2015-16 proposal of Karnataka for MOM Scheme. The list of participants of the meeting is enclosed at Annexure-/. 2. Secretary (SE&L), Government of India welcomed the members of PAB-MDM and other participants. The representatives of the State were asked to highlight the achievements in the implementation of the scheme during 2014-15, best practices followed in the State, constraints, if any, in the implementation of the programme and their proposals for 2015-16. 3. Shri. R.K. Khatri, Secretary, Public Instructions, Department of Education, Govt. of Karnataka could not attend PAB-MDM meeting on 6th February 2015 due to administrative reasons, instead he attended the PAB-MOM meeting on 17.4.15 in Delhi. On 6thFebruary 2015, Shri M. Mohisin, Commissioner of Public Instructions, Department of Education, Govt. of Karnataka attended the meeting and briefed the PAB members on the highlights of the scheme and made a presentation on the performance of Mid - Day Meal Scheme in the State and the initiatives taken by the State to improve its effectiveness. He informed that Chief Minister, Education Minister and Additional Chief Secretary of the State are monitoring the scheme at regular intervals. He further mentioned that "Ksheera Bhagya Yojana" has been introduced i.e. distribution of 150 ml hot milk on alternate days in a week since 2013-14, to control anaemia and malnutrition. He further informed that through etransfer head cooks are paid RS.17001- and helpers Rs.16001-per month including Central share in their bank account. Oal, Oil and Salt is centrally procured through KFCSC and is delivered in all the schools. LPG is used in 96% (53407) schools. Kitchen Gardens are maintained in 16,191 schools and a small portion of budget exclusively for development of kitchen gardens in schools has been reserved by State. He further mentioned that Rs. 473.55 Lakhs was received as contribution by community for providing meals in lieu of MOM, additional food items and other materials. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director MOM, Government of India presented an analysis of the performance of the State in the implementation of Mid-Day Meal Scheme during the first three quarters of the year 2014-15 i.e. April to December, 2014. 1 4. Performance of the Scheme during last three years The radar charts given below, are a summary of performance of State on important parameters under Mid Day Meal Scheme during last 3 years. 2014-15 9.6 9.9 10.0 Institution 9.9 9.1 LPGW~-_ Toilet Facility ~/8.0 9.9 Drinking Water 10.0 \Foodgra in Util. 5.5 Inspection B.B 6.5 10.0 School Health 10.0 Annual D.E 7.3 10.0 5.7 20J.3·14 9.9 9.6 9.5 9.9 9.7 10.0 . ,..-\ Foodgra in UtiL .C("'- 10.0 Inspection 5.7 , " \ Payment to FCI 10,0 ~o.o School Health ~ , YPayment to CCH 8.1 10.0 ~ . r"- MME 6.3 Kitchen Shed 8.1 Kitchen Oevices 10 9.9 2012·13 8.1 10.0 Institution 9.8 LPG_J.O ~..,.<;hildren 9.2 9.9 Toilet Facllitv~",-_,. 10.0 Drinking Vv'ater . / '{oodgrain Uti!. r Inspection (- 8.4 10.0 ~ :' 4 .,-' -;' ..:;. Payment I ---i-. -7 School Health Cooking 5.3 to Fel Cost 10.0 6.3 / 'Payment to CCH 10.0 -\ 10.0 6.2 . "'MME 7.7 TA" - ---- -~Kitchen Shed 6 Kitchen Devices 10.0 6.4 .9 The overall analysis of the performance of the scheme in the concerned three years shows that State has improved in the area of utilization of cooking cost, regular payment to Cook-cum-helpers, utilization of MME funds, Utilization of Transport assistance inspections etc. On the contrary the performance has gone down on vital parameters like coverage of children, utilization of food grains, Payment to FC!. (13%) 5356 kitchen-cum-stores are yet to be constructed. Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy, Government of India advised the State to take corrective measures for the improvement and effective implementation of the scheme. 4.1 Areas of Concern: The Appraisal has revealed the following areas of concern i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) 5. 55% Utiliz.ation of Food Grains. Food grains are not utilized as per norms. Monitoring Institution (MI) has reported that cooking cost in advance is not received regularly in 44% of schools in Chamarajanagar, 18% schools in Ramnagar, 19% schools in Bangalore rural, and some schools in Kodagu, Raichur ,Udupi, Mysore, Hassan, Tumkur, Chitradurga, Baliari, Haveri and Chikbaliapur, The delay is up to 1 to 6 months. 100% payment to FCI not made upto Dec 14. MI reported that remuneration is not paid regularly to cook -cum-helpers in 68% of schools in Chamarajanagar, 77% schools in Ramanagar, 22.5% schools in Bangalore rural, 71% schools in Chitradurga, and in Haveri payment of honorarium is irregular in all the visited schools. Schools in kodagu, Raichur, Udupi, Mysore, Hassan also have thesame problem. In Chamrajnagar 21% and in Chitradurga 16% of the schools no separate kitchen cum store for cooking and in Bangalore rural in 8% of schools pucca kitchen is constructed but not in useas reported by MI. MI noticed in Ramnagar that in 13% of schools, hot cooked meals were not served and the interruptions varied from 2 to 15 days. Interruptions found in Bellary Haveri, Ramnagar, Mandya and Chitradurga also. Social Audit is yet to be carried out. High Mismatch of Data in AWP&B and MIS-MDM portal esp. in coverage off working days, children, CCH engagement and LPG usage 190 Institutions were not covered under MDM in the 1st three quarters. Inadequate cooking utensils, in Bellary Chitradurga ,Haveri and inadequate food grain storage bins in Chitradurga, Beliary, Koppala and Haveri as reported by MI. Issues Discussed in the meeting: i) e-transfer of funds to school from District and other stakeholders Joint Secretary (EE-I) Govt. of India mentioned about the delay in receiving funds especially cooking cost at the school level and payment of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers ranging between one to six months. He further added that for timely release of funds to schools the State must devise a mechanism to transfer funds directly to school from State or District and avoid the Taluk level. Secretary SE&L, Government of India advised the State to examine the modality of transfer of funds to schools directly from State or District for smooth implementation of MDMS. Commissioner, Government of Karnataka informed that the release of funds from the Centre and State, up to the level of school is operated on the time schedule prepared for the year 2014-15. The funds are being released on quarterly basis in advance (3Months) through treasury to Taluk treasury and in turn to school accounts. He further added that an order has been issued in 2013 for transfer of cooking cost directly from the Districts to the schools through e-transfer. The payment of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers including NGOs I SHGs I Trust I centralized kitchens etc. is also made through e-transfer in their bank accounts. 3 •• Commissioner, Govt of Karnataka assured to discuss the modality of transfer of funds to schools directly from State or District with the State Finance Department and find out the solution. ii) Construction of Kitchen-cum-stores, Director MOM Government of India mentioned that out of the total sanctioned (40477) kitchen-cum-stores, 5356 (13%) kitchen-cum-stores are yet to be completed and 1242 (3%) kitchen -cum-stores are in progress. He further mentioned that the State ha.s submitted a proposal of 3153 kitchen-cumstores in FY 2014-15 which was approved but the funds could not be released as the State could not provide the Physical and financial progress of Kitchen-cl/m-stores s<!nctione" in FY 2012-13 for 3906 kitchen-cum-stores for which financial assistance of Rs. 15967.44 lakhs was released. This year also the State has submitted the proposal for 877 kitchen-cum-stores. Secretary SE&L Government of India mentioned that additional funds for already sanctioned kitchen-cum-stores cannot be given. She advised the State Govt to follow the example of Tamil Nadu or Odisha who is contributirig additional funds from State resources to complete the kitchen-cum-stores. She further suggested the State officials to change the design to meet the cost of construction of the kitchens and complete all sanctioned kitchen-cumstores. The State Government was also advised to provide the physical and financial progress report as desired by this department so that funds could be released for 3153 kitchen -cum-stores sanctioned last year and also for 877 approved this year and complete the construction for all the sanctioned kitchen-cum-stores in a time bound manner, to avoid escalation of costs. Commissioner, Government of Karnataka assured to complete all the sanctioned kitchens during the current financial year i.e. 2015-16 and furnish the progress report of the Kitchen-cum-stores to the Ministry. iii) Quality of food Served by NGO Akshaya Patra Director MOM Government of India raised concern on NGOs, covering more than 90 kms to reach the schools for serving MOM. About10 lakh children are covered by the Akshaya Patra in the State. He mentioned that the Joint Review Mission has also highlighted the issue of distance covered by NGO for serving mid-day meals in the schools and recommended for reduction of distance norms upto 20 kms in order to maintain the quality of meals. He further informed that in some districts NGOs are serving mid day meals in rural areas also which is against the MOM guidelines. Secretary SE&L Government of India mentioned that when the temperature of the cooked food is not maintained as per standards, the quality of food deteriorates and there is a risk of food becoming stale thus non palatable. She advised the State officials to check the quality of food served by NGOs in an Abhiyaan mode and check the temperature of the food. The possibility of bacterial infection in the cooked food is the implication of long distance covered. From this perspective, the State Govt should decide transportation/ distance norms for NGOs for serving MOM. The State should resolve the 4 problem and send a detailed report withlfl a month to the Ministry. She further mentioned that NGOs cannot serve in the rural areas hence the State should explore other options such as cluster kitchens or any other alternative arrangements and communicate to the Ministry. Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka assured to undertake the drive for checking of quality of meals especially the temperature of the delivered meals served by NGOs and submit the report to the Ministry within a month. As regards cluster kitchens in rural areas the State assured to find out the solutions and discontinue NGOs serving in rural areas. iv) Decline in coverage of children and Low utilization of Food Grains Joint Secretary (EE-I), Government of India drew attention to the decreasi~ coverage of children. He mentioned that the State should revisit menu or explore other reasons for increasing utilization of Food grains per child. Secretary, Government of Karnataka informed that the enrolment in the schools is declining due to the opening of private public schools in the State. He added that Rs.2 per child as allowance has been linked to the attendance. This will boost up enrolment and attendance in the schools. The reason for low utilization of food grains is that in Bangalore Urban, especially in Govt aided schools, children are from affluent section of the society and bring their lunch boxes from homes, others who are taking MOM, eat less than 100gms of rice. To tackle this problem Department has introduced revised menu from January 1st 2014, additional calories to the normal diet, cereals have been added in menu as per taste of children. Under Ksheera Bhagya Yojana: 150ml of hot Milk is given to all children from 1 to 10th Std in Govt and aided. Schools thrice a week. Secretary SE&L Government of India advised the State to improve the quality of wheat based preparations and make it according to children likings and as per local taste. She advised FCI officials present in the meeting to look into the quality aspect of Rice which should be FAQ for MOMS and further advised Sate officials to take corrective steps to avoid interruptions. The State official assured to take corrective measures for improvement and make all efforts for regular serving to children. v) Payment of transportation assistance Director MOM Government of India, mentioned that only 57% of Central assistance towards Payment for Transportation Allowance has been utilized by the State upto December 2014. Secretary SE&L Government of India advised the State officials to make timely payments to transporters who deliver food grains up to the school door step. The State official assured to settle all bills upto January 2015. vi) Pending Payment to FCI Director MOM Government of India informed that the State Government has made 88% payment of cost of food grains to FCI till December 2014. As per FCI Statement outstanding position against issue of foodgrains under MOM 5 • • Scheme is Rs. 1203.29 (25%). The State officials were advised to clear all' the pending bills and make the payment-of cost of food grains to FCI through e-transfer I RTGS to avoid unnecessary delay. Commissioner, Government of Karnataka assured to do the needful at the earliest. vii) 190 Institutions not covered under MOM The State officials informed schools with Zero enrollment, KGBV, Residential Schools, Schools having very less enrollment and schools where Food is supplied from temples and other organizations are among 190 such schools which are not covered under MOMS. But the total number of existing schools in the State will be 55873 for FY 2015-16. ~liii) . ..' Qualitative Initiatives The State Government informed about various steps undertaken to ensure serving of quality meals to children which are as follows: a) Testing of food Samples by Accredited NABL Labs.Secretary, Govt of Karnataka informed that MME allocation at the rate of 1.8% will be released to the districts for testing the food sample of schools in reputed labs in the districts viz Bangalore, Gulbarga, Belgaun and Mysore. b) Training of Cook-cum-helpers Commissioner, Government of Karnataka informed that Training of cooks and helpers is conducted once in a year to strengthen the MOM scheme. So far 117842 Cook cum Helpers have been trained. 30 Cooks were trained by Institute of Hotel Management. All cooks have been provided Apron. c) Introduction of Ksheera Bhagva Yojana Government of Karnataka has introduced Ksheera Bhagya Yojana: 150ml of hot Milk is given to all children from 1 to 10lhStd in Govt and aided Schools alternative days since 01-08-2013. Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF) is supplying the Whole Milk powder. ix) Monitoring of the Scheme a) Technological Intervention Secretary SE&L Government of India, mentioned that this department is in process of Introduction of IVRS based monitoring mechanism. The need of the hour is to use technology to monitor MDMS on real time basis. She advised the State Government to collect the mobile numbers of all the teachers in the State and also advised the State to finalize other components which are State specific so that they can be incorporated in the standardized template designed by GOI. It was also advised that officers should study the IVRS system followed by UP and Bihar Govt. Secretary, Govt of Karnataka 6 assured to collect the mobile numbers of teachers and finalize the State specific template so that technology can be used to monitor the Scheme on real time basis. b) Social Audit of the Scheme Commissioner Govt of Karnataka informed that Bellary and Bijapur districts have been selected and consultation with RDPR department is going on and assured to conduct social audit during 2015-16. c) Social Equity Secretary, Govt. of Karnataka, informed that no case of discrimination on the t. basis of caste, gender or religion in cooking, serving and ~ting of MOM has been reported in the State. x) Committed liability of the State Government It was informed by State Governrnent representative that there is no committed liability in respect of any components of MOMS of the previous years and 2014-15. xi) Suggestion by the State The State requested to increase the Transport assistance, rate of MME from 1.8% to 3%, Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers from existing Rs.1000/-. And Cooking cost in the schools having less than 50 students. The State further requested this Ministry for supply of coarse grains through FCI. Director (MOM), Govt. of India informed that the proposals for enhancement of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers, transport assistance and MME is under consideration and the State would be inforrned after approval of the competent authority. Secretary (SE&L) advised the state to top up the Transport assistance, honorarium to CCHs, cooking cost as some of the other States are doing. As regards supply of coarse grain, she mentioned that FCI is not procuring coarse grain at present. 7 .• 6. PAS-MDM approvals for the year 2015-16 Based on the achievement during 3 quarters of FY 2014-15, the PAB-MDM for FY 2015-16 approved the following number of children, number of school days etc. for quantifying the Central assistance for Karnataka :No . 1. (A) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 • Components State's Proposal for FY 2015-16 . No. of Schools & No. of Children Primary No. of No. of Schools Children Gov!. + Local Bodies 21,819 234 Govt Aided 2943622 39 Madarsas/Maqtabs 53 Special trainina Centres 2032 .. rOTAL(A) (B) 1.6 1.7 1.9 Upper Primary Gov!. + Local Bod ies Govt Aided Madarsas/Maqtabs TOTAL (B) GRi;i'NiIil;UOJ; A!11,(~1 ff{iiJj 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3. 3.1 PAS-MOM Approvals for 2015-16 .~ No. of Schools No. of Children 2944000 2945654 21,819 234 39 53 22145 27,150 1767944 6,550 28 ',·33,:728. 1767944'. 55873 4713598 27,150 6,550 28 33,728 55873 22~45 2032 "2946032 1770000 - 1770000 4716032 :. No. ofWotking da.ys . Primary Upper Primary NCLP No ofCook~clm-HelI!ers Approved for 20 14-15 235 235 313 235 235 114653 114653 Additional Proposal for 3189 3189 117842 117842 313 3.2 3.3 2015-16 3.4 Total Cook-cum-helpers 2015-16 4. 4.1 4.2 Drought 419842 Primary 419842 304795 Upper Primary 304795 4.3 48 48 Working Days 4.4 13068 Pry Cook-cum-helpers 13068 Pry I 28325 (Drought) for 2 months 15257 U.Pry 128325 15257 U.Pry 5. Kitchen cum Stores 877 877 6. Kitchen Additional Nil Nil Devices Replacement 12447 10997 for 2009-10 Durrng 2014-15, 114653 Cook-cum-helpers were approved. The State has proposed 117842 cook-cum-helpers for FY 2015-16. State has submitted the proposal for Drought I . 8 7. Submission of proposals for additional requirement of funds for covering children over and above PAB-MDM approval for 2015-16 It was clarified that the quantification of resources is only an estimate for release of Central Assistance during 2015-16 under the MDM Scheme. The MOMS provides that every child attending the eligible institution, is to be covered under the Scheme and shall be served mid day meal on all school days. In case the State Gov!. finds that the average number of children availing mid day meal and the working days are more than the approved numbers by PAS-MOM, they may approach the GOI at any time with justification for additional Central Assistance. 8. Dissemination of the approvals by State Governmetit • •• The State is advised to disseminate the approvals of the resources to all the field functionaries in the State and districts, so as to enable all the eligible institutions to ensure that every child attending the eligible school must be served hot cooked mid day meals on all school days irrespective of the approvals of PAS-MOM. 9. Admissible Allocation of resources The release of Central Assistance for the financial year 2015-16, would be as per the funding pattern under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. Total outlay of Rs. 78871.93 Lakh (including both Central and State share) for Karnataka for Financial Year 2015-16 has been worked out on the basis of number of children & number of working days approved by the PAS-MOM and as per proposed revised norms after revision of cooking cost by 7.5% w.e.f. 1st April, 2015 . The order for revision of cooking cost by 7.5% or any other enhancement for the financial year 2015-16 will be issued separately after approval of the Competent Authority. Thus, the present rate of cooking cost will continue till further orders. The Component-wise approval of funds for 2015-16 can be seen at Annexure-II. 9 Annexure-} List of Participants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. •• 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. MsVrinda Sarup, Secretary (SE&L), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Shri J. Alam, Joint Secretary (EE.I), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Shri.Thiru P.M. Sasheer Ahamed, Principal Secretary, Govt of Tamil Nadu. Shri Gaya Prasad, Director (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Shri S.D. Shivani, Deputy Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Shri V.M. Xavier Chrisso Nayagam, Commissioner, Social Welfare & Noon Meal Programme Department, Govt of Tamil nadu . Shri M. Mohisin, Commissioner of Public Instruction, Education Department, Govt of Karnataka. Smt Sandhya Rani, Commissioner, Department of School Education, Andhra Pradesh. Shri T. Chiranjeevulu, Director, Department of School Education, Govt of Telangana. Shri G. Gopal Reddy, Director, MDM, Gov!. of Telangana. Dr. J. H. Panwal, Joint Technical Advisor, Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India, Shastri Shavano Shri.Seliasetty, Joint Director, Mid Day Meal. Ms. Pooja Kulkarni, State Project Director, SSA, Govt of Tamil nadu. Shri.Subodh Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Department of School Education, Govt of Tamil nadu. Dr. N.K. Sahu, Economic Adviser. Shri R. Surender Reddy, Additional Director (SE), Department of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. Dr. Pitam Singh, Joint Adviser (HRD), NITI Aayog, YojanaShavan, Parliament Street, New Delhi. Shri. Mukesh Kumar, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Rural Development Shri Rajeev Kumar, Under Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Shri. Arnab Dhaki, Under Secretary (MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Dr. S.K, Chauhan, Under Secretary, NCTE, Hans Shavan, New Delhi Shri K.L. Ahuja, Section Officer (MDM 2·1), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Smt Sunita Sharma, Section Officer ( Desk MDM), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Shavan, New Delhi. Prof. V. Rajeswari, Nodal Officer, MI, Department of Education, Mother Teresa Women's University, Tamil nadu, Kodaikal. Dr. K.S. Uma Mani, Nodal Officer, MI, Centre for Human Resource Development, ISEC, Karnataka, Sangalore. Dr. T. Vijaya Kumar, Associate Professor & Nodal Officer, MI, National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad. Dr. C.G. V Murthy, MI, Professor of Education, RIE, Mysore. Smt Pranati Panda, Professor, NUEPA, New Delhi. Smt Raj Rani, Professor, DTE, NCERT, New Delhi. Shri.Jayakumar S., DSERT, Director. Dr. K. Pandu Ranga Swamy, Professor, SCERT, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad. Shri K. Narayan Reddy, Lecturer, SCERT, Andhra Pradesh. Shri C. Malar Vizhi, AD (NMP), 010 SW&NMP, Tamil nadu. Dr. S. Vincent De Paul, Reader. Shri V. Salamurucian, Joint Director. Dr. V.C. Rameswara Murugan, Director. Shri J Inbarj, Reader. Shri.Varada M. Nikalje, Assistant Professor. Shri P.N. Khorwal, Manager (Accounts), FCI. 10 Annexure-II Karnataka QUANTIFICATION OF CENTRAL ASSISTANCE FOR 2015-16 by 7.5% w.eJ. 1st April, 2015) $ (As per revised norms after revision of cooking cost 10 1 S.No Food ora ins . Stage " Primary (@l 100 gms) Upper Primary (@IS0 gms.) STC (@lIS0 oms.) 1 2 3 TOTAL 4 Drought Primary (@ 100 gms) Upper Primary (@IS0 oms.) Total Grand Total (Including Drouoht) 4.1 4.2 in MTs. Wheat Rice Total (l\1Ts) 9685.76 59498.24 69184.00 53033.63 62392.50 95.40 131671.90 294>1000 1770000 235 235 2032 4716032 313 9358.87 14.31 19058.94 81.09 112612.96 419842 48 282.13 1733.11 2015.24 304795 48 329.18 1865.35 2194.53 611.31 19670.25 3598.46 116211'.42 4209.77 135881.67 724637 5440669 10.2 Cost of Food Grains, Cooking cost, Hon. to CCH, SI. No. Quantity Approval by PABMDM No. of No. of Children Working days MME and Transport Assistance Amount admissible Component/norm (Rs. In lakbs) I. Primary I Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for Rice, @ Rs. 4150 per MT for wheat 2 Unit cooking cost Rs.3.86 per day / per child for 2944000 X 235 days Transportation Cost @ Rs. 750.00 MT 3 3763.61 26705.02 518.88 (2944000 X 235 days x 0.000 I MT x Rs. 750 ) 4 Honorarium to 117842Cooks-cum-helpers @ Rs. 1000/- per month per cook-cum-helper (PY+ U PY) X 10 months) 11784.2 5 Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8% of 596.07 I) cost of foodgrains, 2) cooking cost, 3) cost of transportation 4) Honorarium to cook-cum-Helpers) TOTAL Primary {1+2+3+4+5} 11 43367.78 r- II. 1--- - Upper Primary .--------- I Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for Rice, @ Rs. 4150 per MT for wheat 2 Unit cooking cost Rs.5.78 per day / per child for 1770000 X 235 days Cost transportation @ Rs. 750.00 MT 1-- 3 3384.79 24041.91 467.94 (1770000 x 235 days x 0.00015 x Rs.750) 4 5 - 1) 2) 3) 4) 1 2 3 394.29 cooking cost, cost of transportation Honorarium to cook-cum-Helpers) {1+2+3+5} Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for Rice, @ Rs. 4150 per MT for wheat Unit cooking cost Rs.5.78per day / per child for 2032 for 313 days Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) of 1.8% 0.60 GRAND TOTAL(I+I1+I1I) I Non -Recurring Central Assistance Kitchen cum Store (877) as per plinth area norms II Kitchen Devices new (0) X Rs.5000 III 36.76 0.72 TOTAL STC (1+2+3+4} ... 5.18 Cost transportation @ Rs. 750.00 MT I) cost of food grains, 2) cooking cost, 3) cost of transportation 10.3 28288.94 STC (2032x 313 days x 0.00015 x Rs.750) 4 t--. cost of food grains, TOTAL Upper Primary III. --- Honorarium to Cook cum helpers (mentioned in Primar;t) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8%of 71699.97 4137.60 NIL Kitchen Devices 10997 units for replacement 549.85 4687.45 Total non recurring Grand Total for recurring assistance 43.26 and non-recurring central 12 76387.42 • --~.----.- ...SI. No. . .. Component/norm i _ -------.-l----.------·---. Amonnt admissible __ .___ (Rs. In lakbs) lOA Drought Primary I Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for Rice, @ Rs. 4150 per MT for wheat 2 Unit cooking cost Rs.3.86 per day / per child for 419842X 48 da;rs Transportation Cost @ Rs. 750.00 MT (419842 X 48 days x 0.0001 MT x Rs. 750) Honorarium to 28325 Cooks-cum-helpers @ Rs. 1000/- per month for 2 months (py+ UPY) . 3 4 5 Management 1.8% of I) 2) 3) 4) • Monitoring • 109.63 - 777.88 15.11 .- 566.5 •• - and Evaluation (MME) 20.38 cost of food grains, cooking cost, cost of transportation Honorarium to cook-cum-Helpers) TOTAL Primary(Drouoht) {l+2+3+4+5) Upper Primary (Drouoht) I Cost of Foodgrains @Rs. 5650/- per MT for Rice, @ Rs. 4150 per MT for wheat 1489.50 2 845.62 3 4 5 119.05 Unit cooking cost Rs.5.78 per day / per child for 304795 X 48 days Cost transportation @ Rs. 750.00 MT (304795 x 48 days x 0.00015 x Rs.750) Honorarium to Cook cum helpers (mentioned in Primary at S.no 4) Management Monitoring and Evaluation (MME) 1.8%of 16.46 -- 13.87 I) cost of food grains, 2) cooking cost, 3) cost of transportation 4) Honorarium to cook-cum-Helpers) TOTAL Upper Primary(Drouoht) {l+2+3+5} Total (Drought Primary and Upper Primary ) Grand Total (Regular and Drought including Non 995.00 2484.51 Recurrillo, 78871.93 ) C. Drought Rs. 2484.51 Lakh D. Non-recurring Rs.4687.45 13 Lakh Requirement of Funds for 2015-16 . (Rs. in lakh) Component Recurring As per existiri~ Normal 71699.97 Drought 2484.51 norms 4687.45 Non- recurring - ' .. Total 78871.93 $: Subject to approval of enhancement of cookmg cost by 7.5% by competent authortty. The release of Central Share of Annual Work Plan & Budget 2015-16 would fund sharing pattern under the Mid Day Meal Scheme. --000-- 14 • be as per the • • •
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