hi-vis & workwear product brochure 2015 Issue 5 email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 About Us Stand Stand Safe Safe Ltd Ltd is is proud proud to to be be aa leading leading UK UK supplier supplier of of hi-visibility hi-visibility clothing, clothing, workwear workwear and and accessories. accessories. Our Our aim aim is is to to bring bring cost cost effective effective garments garments to to the the trade trade and and commercial commercial sectors, sectors, whilst whilst maintaining maintaining the the highest highest level level of of quality quality standards. standards. All All our our high high visibility visibility clothing clothing has has been been tested tested and and certified certified by by SATRA SATRA to to EN471, EN471, EN20471, EN20471, EN343, EN343, GO/RT GO/RT and and EN1150 EN1150 standards standards where where appropriate. appropriate. We We specialise specialise in in the the stock stock supply supply and and manufacture manufacture of of our our own own branded branded WorkWear WorkWear && High High Viz. Viz. We We also also manufacture manufacture Outdoor Outdoor Leisurewear, Leisurewear, Camping Camping Equipment, Equipment, Leather/Canvas Leather/Canvas Belts Belts and and Pouches Pouches and and Promotional Promotional Items Items of of all all types. types. We We have have an an extensive extensive and and exclusive exclusive range range of of approved approved factories factories where where Quality Quality Inspections Inspections are are carried carried out out randomly randomly throughout throughout the the year year by by our our Senior Senior Directors Directors and and Garment Garment Technicians. Technicians. Key Contents QUALITY CONTROL Our Our quality quality control control is is extremely extremely comprehensive comprehensive and and is is meticulously meticulously carried carried out out through through all all stages stages of of production. production. Specialist Specialist staff staff are are employed employed with with the the sole sole purpose purpose of of checking checking the the quality quality of of our our products products at at source. source. Quality Quality control control is is carried carried out out randomly randomly throughout throughout the the year year and and also also at at specific specific stages stages of of production. production. AA final final inspection inspection is is then then made made of of the the finished finished product product before before shipment. shipment. pages pages 2-3 2-3 Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Vests Vests Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Reversible Reversible Bodywarmer Bodywarmer Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security T-Shirts T-Shirts Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security Polos Polos Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security LS LS Polos Polos Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security Sweatshirts Sweatshirts Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security Hoodies Hoodies Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security Fleeces Fleeces Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Bomber Bomber Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Softshell Softshell Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Security Security Parka Parka Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Security Security Bomber Bomber Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Parkas Parkas Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Polycotton Polycotton Trousers Trousers Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security Joggers Joggers NEW NEW Hi-Vis Hi-Vis && Security Security Over Over Trousers Trousers Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Rucksack Rucksack Workwear Workwear Work Work Trousers Trousers Overalls Overalls Softshell Softshell Bodywarmer Bodywarmer Clip Clip Belt Belt Knee Knee Pads Pads pg. pg.5 5 pg. pg.5 5 pg. pg.6 6 pg. pg.7 7 pg. pg.8 8 pg. pg.9 9 pg. pg.10 10 pg. pg.11 11 pg. pg.12 12 pg. pg.12 12 pg. pg.13 13 pg. pg.13 13 pg. pg.14 14 pg. pg.15 15 pg. pg.16-17 16-17 pg. pg.18-19 18-19 pg. pg.30 30 pg. pg.21-25 21-25 pg. pg.26-27 26-27 pg. pg.29 29 pg. pg.29 29 At At aa Glance Glance Symbol Symbol Guide Guide Hi-vis Hi-vis Fleece Fleecelined lined storm stormcollar collar Taped Tapedseams seams Articulate Articulatestitch stitch Waterproof Waterproof Double Doublestitch stitch Showerproof Showerproof Triple Triplestitch stitch YKK YKKzip zip Knee Kneepad padpockets pockets Heavy Heavyduty dutyzip zip External Externalphone phone pocket pocket 2-way 2-wayzip zip Internal Internalphone phone pocket pocket Concealed Concealedzip zip Colour Colourretention retention Concealed Concealedbutton button Abrasion Abrasionresistant resistant Cold Coldweather weather Protection Protection Machine Machinewashable washable Nail Nailpockets pockets GO/RT GO/RT3279 3279 (for (fororange orangehi-vis) hi-vis) Holster Holsterpockets pockets CE CErated rated Hammer Hammerloop loop EN343 EN343rated rated Concealed Concealedhood hood EN471 EN471rated rated Breathable Breathablematerial material EN20471 EN20471rated rated Elasticated Elasticatedwaist waist EN1150 EN1150rated rated pg. pg.30 30 pg. pg.30 30 About Us & Contents email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV001 Hi-Vis Vest Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Sleeveless Sleeveless Waistcoat Waistcoat INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 2:2 2:2 •• 22 band band && brace brace •• Front Front velcro velcro fastener fastener •• Black Black trim trim •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• 100% 100% knitted knitted polyester polyester •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 50 50 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed HI-VIS StandSafe’s StandSafe’s range range of of Hi-Vis Hi-Vis garments garments are are fully fully compliant compliant with with British British and and European European safety safety standards standards and and offer offer the the effective effective and and lasting lasting quality quality that that our our customers customers have have come come to to expect. expect. Our Our high high visibility visibility clothing clothing is is tested tested and and certified certified by by SATRA, SATRA, carrying carrying aa CE CE mark mark to to ensure ensure the the safety safety of of end end users. users. All All Personal Personal Protective Protective Equipment Equipment is is compliant compliant with with EN471, EN471, EN1150 EN1150 and and GO/RT GO/RT Railway Railway Group Group standards standards where where appropriate. appropriate. We We are are also also investing investing heavily heavily in in new new testing testing && certification certification to to meet meet the the new new EN20471 EN20471 safety safety standard. standard. SIZES: SIZES: S-5XL S-5XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester HV010 Hi-Vis Reversible Bodywarmer Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Gilet Gilet INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 2:2 2:2 •• Reversible Reversible bodywarmer bodywarmer inin navy navy •• Diamond Diamond quilted quilted with with zip zip fastening fastening •• Two Two hand hand warmer warmer pockets pockets inside inside && out out •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Yellow Yellow FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: M-3XL M-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester pages pages 4-5 4-5 Hi-Vis Vests & Bodywarmer email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV007 Hi-Vis T-Shirt HV004 Hi-Vis Short Sleeved Polo Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Crew Crew Neck Neck T-Shirt T-Shirt INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 2:2 2:2 •• Contrast Contrast round round neck neck collar collar && trim trim •• Cool Cool sports sports style style fabric fabric •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Polo Polo Shirt Shirt COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Yellow Yellow •• Orange Orange FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 2:2 2:2 •• Contrast Contrast collar collar && trim trim •• Three Three button button placket placket •• Cool Cool sports sports style style fabric fabric •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% cool cool dry dry polyester polyester SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% cool cool dry dry polyester polyester HV004 Security Short Sleeved Polo HV007 Security T-Shirt Security Security Crew Crew Neck Neck T-Shirt T-Shirt INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Round Round neck neck collar collar with with silver silver trim trim •• Cool Cool sports sports style style fabric fabric •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% cool cool dry dry polyester polyester Security Security Polo Polo Shirt Shirt COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Black Black INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Polo Polo collar collar with with silver silver trim trim •• Three Three button button placket placket •• Cool Cool sports sports style style fabric fabric •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Black Black FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% cool cool dry dry polyester polyester pages pages 6-7 6-7 Hi-Vis T-Shirt & Polos email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV031 Hi-Vis 2 Tone Polo HV009 Hi-Vis Sweatshirt Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Sweatshirt Sweatshirt Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Combi Combi Coloured Coloured Polo Polo INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 1:2 1:2 •• Contrast Contrast collar collar && trim trim •• Three Three button button placket placket •• Cool Cool sports sports style style fabric fabric •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange && Navy Navy •• Yellow Yellow && Navy Navy FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed •• Orange Orange • Yellow • Yellow SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% cool cool dry dry polyester polyester MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester HV009 Security Sweatshirt HV005 Hi-Vis Long Sleeved Polo Security Security Sweatshirt Sweatshirt Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Polo Polo Shirt Shirt FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 2:2 2:2 •• Contrast Contrast collar collar && trim trim •• Three Three button button placket placket •• Cool Cool sports sports style style fabric fabric •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 INFORMATION: INFORMATION: • Certified • Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 Class Class 3:2 3:2 •• Comfortable Comfortable soft soft touch touch fabric fabric •• Knitted Knitted cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Comfortable Comfortable soft soft touch touch fabric fabric •• Knitted Knitted cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Black Black MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% cool cool dry dry polyester polyester pages pages 8-9 8-9 Hi-Vis Polo & Sweatshirt email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV008 Hi-Vis Hoodie HV022 Hi-Vis Fleece Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Zipped Zipped Fleece Fleece Jacket Jacket Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Hooded Hooded Sweatshirt Sweatshirt INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 3:2 3:2 •• Two Two hand hand warmer warmer pockets pockets •• Matching Matching hood hood with with drawstring drawstring cords cords •• Comfortable Comfortable soft soft touch touch fabric fabric •• Knitted Knitted cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed AVAILABLE AVAILABLEAUTUMN AUTUMN2015 2015 HV022 Security Fleece Security Security Hooded Hooded Sweatshirt Sweatshirt MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester pages pages 10-11 10-11 •• Yellow Yellow MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester HV008 Security Hoodie SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL •• Orange Orange SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Two Two hand hand warmer warmer pockets pockets •• Matching Matching hood hood with with drawstring drawstring cords cords •• Comfortable Comfortable soft soft touch touch fabric fabric •• Knitted Knitted cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 3:2 3:2 •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• Zipped Zipped mobile mobile phone phone chest chest pocket pocket •• Elasticated Elasticated sleeve sleeve cuffs cuffs •• Fully Fully lined lined inside inside (black) (black) •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 Security Security Fleece Fleece Jacket Jacket COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Black Black INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• Zipped Zipped mobile mobile phone phone chest chest pocket pocket •• Elasticated Elasticated sleeve sleeve cuffs cuffs •• Fully Fully lined lined inside inside (black) (black) •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Black Black FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester Hi-Vis Hoodie & Fleece email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV002 Hi-Vis Bomber HV016 Security Bomber Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Bomber Bomber Jacket Jacket INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 3:2 3:2 •• Fleece Fleece lined lined storm storm collar collar && warm warm quilt quilt lining lining •• Studded Studded storm storm flap flap •• Concealed Concealed hood hood •• Elasticated Elasticated storm storm cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Fully Fully taped taped seams seams •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 Security Security Bomber Bomber COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed HV017 Security Parka Security Security Parka Parka Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Soft Soft Shell Shell Jacket Jacket MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 96% 96% polyester polyester // 4% 4% elastane elastane pages pages 12-13 12-13 •• Navy Navy MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% PU PU coated coated polyester polyester HV018 Hi-Vis Softshell SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL •• Black Black SIZES: SIZES: S-5XL S-5XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% PU PU coated coated polyester polyester FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-5XL S-5XL INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 2:2 2:2 •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• Zipped Zipped chest chest pocket pocket •• Elasticated Elasticated sleeve sleeve cuffs cuffs •• Contrast Contrast grey grey trim trim •• Weatherproof Weatherproof softshell softshell fabric fabric •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 20 20 INFORMATION: INFORMATION: • Fleece • Fleece lined lined storm storm collar collar && warm warm quilt quilt lining lining •• Mobile Mobile phone phone pocket pocket •• Studded Studded storm storm flap flap •• Concealed Concealed hood hood •• Elasticated Elasticated storm storm cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Fleece Fleece lined lined storm storm collar collar && warm warm quilt quilt lining lining •• Two Two front front pockets pockets with with storm storm flaps flaps •• Studded Studded storm storm flap flap •• Mobile Mobile phone phone pocket pocket •• Concealed Concealed hood hood •• Concealed Concealed elasticated elasticated storm storm cuffs cuffs && hem hem •• Fully Fully taped taped seams seams •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Black Black • Navy • Navy FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-5XL S-5XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% PU PU coated coated polyester polyester Hi-Vis Bombers & Parkas email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV023 Hi-Vis Polycotton Trouser HV012 Hi-Vis 2 Tone Parka Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Combi Combi Coloured Coloured Parka Parka INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 3:2 3:2 •• Fleece Fleece lined lined storm storm collar collar && warm warm quilt quilt lining lining •• Two Two front front pockets pockets with with storm storm flaps flaps •• Concealed Concealed hood hood •• Concealed Concealed storm storm cuffs cuffs •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape • This • This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Polycotton Polycotton Trousers Trousers COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange && Navy Navy •• Yellow Yellow && Navy Navy FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% PU PU coated coated polyester polyester INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 Class Class 1:2 1:2 •• 280gsm 280gsm durable durable heavy heavy duty duty hi-vis hi-vis trouser trouser •• Part Part elasticated elasticated waistband waistband •• Brass Brass YKK YKK zip zip fly fly •• Brass Brass button button •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets with with velcro velcro fastening fastening •• Knee Knee pad pad pockets pockets (StandSafe (StandSafe knee knee pads pads available available separately) separately) •• Mobile Mobile phone phone pocket pocket •• Two Two pant/hip pant/hip pockets pockets •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hihi viz viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: 30-44”W 30-44”W MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 80% 80% polyester polyester // 20% 20% cotton cotton HV003 Hi-Vis Parka COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Parka Parka (Coat (Coat // Traffic) Traffic) Jacket Jacket INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 3:2 3:2 •• Fleece Fleece lined lined storm storm collar collar && warm warm quilt quilt lining lining •• Two Two way way zip zip front front with with studded studded storm storm flap flap •• Concealed Concealed hood hood •• Concealed Concealed storm storm cuffs cuffs •• Fully Fully taped taped seams seams •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 10 10 Orange •• Orange Yellow •• Yellow COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-5XL S-5XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% PU PU coated coated polyester polyester pages pages 14-15 14-15 Hi-Vis Parkas & Polycotton Trousers email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 BRAND BRANDNEW NEWFOR FOR2015 2015 HV021 Hi-Vis Joggers Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Fleece Fleece Cuff Cuff Pants Pants INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Certified Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 1:2 1:2 •• Two Two zipped zipped hand hand warmer warmer pockets pockets •• Mobile Mobile phone phone pocket pocket •• Elasticated Elasticated waist waist && bottom bottom hem hem •• Reinforced Reinforced knee knee area area •• Adjustable Adjustable draw draw cord cord waist waist •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• Suitable Suitable for for print print && embroidery embroidery •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 20 20 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester BRAND BRANDNEW NEWFOR FOR2015 2015 HV021 Security Joggers Security Security Fleece Fleece Cuff Cuff Pants Pants INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Two Two zipped zipped hand hand warmer warmer pockets pockets •• Mobile Mobile phone phone pocket pocket •• Elasticated Elasticated waist waist && bottom bottom hem hem •• Reinforced Reinforced knee knee area area •• Adjustable Adjustable draw draw cord cord waist waist •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape on on Security Security Joggers Joggers •• Suitable Suitable for for print print && embroidery embroidery •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 20 20 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange •• Yellow Yellow pages pages 16-17 16-17 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Black Black •• Rifle Rifle Green Green (Hunting (Hunting // Fishing) Fishing) Hi-Vis & Security Joggers email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 HV006 Hi-Vis Over Trousers Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Over Over Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: • Certified • Certified to to BS BS EN471 EN471 class class 1:2 1:2 •• Two Two pant/hip pant/hip pockets pockets • Elasticated • Elasticated waist waist && adjustable adjustable boot boot access access •• Fully Fully taped taped seams seams •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hihi viz viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE AVAILABLEAUTUMN AUTUMN2015 2015 HV020 Security Over Trousers Security Security Over Over Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Two Two pant/hip pant/hip pockets pockets • Elasticated • Elasticated waist waist && adjustable adjustable boot boot access access •• Fully Fully taped taped seams seams •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hihi viz viz tape tape •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-5XL S-5XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Orange Orange Navy •• Navy •• Yellow Yellow Black •• Black pages pages 18-19 18-19 Hi-Vis & Security Over Trousers email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 WK001 Work Trouser Heavy Heavy Duty Duty Work Work Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: • 330gsm • 330gsm durable durable heavy heavy duty duty work work trouser trouser •• Triple Triple stitched stitched major major seams seams •• Brass Brass button button && YKK YKK zip zip fly fly •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets && hammer hammer loop loop •• Holster Holster pockets pockets •• Knee Knee pad pad pockets pockets (StandSafe (StandSafe knee knee pads pads available available separately) separately) •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets with with velcro velcro fastening fastening •• This This item item can can be be embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: 30-44”W 30-44”W MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton WORK TROUSERS Strong Strong build build quality quality and and rigorously rigorously tested tested materials materials characterise characterise the the StandSafe StandSafe workwear workwear collection. collection. Popular Popular across across all all physical physical trades, trades, active active lifestyles lifestyles and and outdoor outdoor pursuits. pursuits. pages pages 20-21 20-21 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Black Black Work Trousers email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 WK003 Cordura Work Trouser Heavy Heavy Duty Duty Work Work Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Durable Durable 330gsm 330gsm polycotton polycotton canvas canvas fabric fabric •• Cordura® Cordura® fabric fabric to to main main wear wear areas areas (kneepad (kneepad pockets) pockets) •• Kneepad Kneepad pockets pockets (StandSafe (StandSafe kneepads kneepads available) available) •• Triple Triple stitched stitched major major seams seams •• Brass Brass button button && YKK YKK zip zip fly fly •• Multiple Multiple tool tool pockets pockets •• Hammer Hammer loop loop •• Knife/ruler Knife/ruler pocket pocket •• Holster Holster pockets pockets with with tool tool slots slots •• Metal Metal d-ring d-ring to to hang hang keys keys and and other other accessories accessories •• Reflective Reflective trim trim •• Velcro Velcro fastening fastening •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: 30-44”W 30-44”W WK010 Contrast Work Trousers Heavy Heavy Duty Duty Work Work Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• 330gsm 330gsm durable durable heavy heavy duty duty contrast contrast stitched stitched work work trouser trouser •• Contrast Contrast colour colour triple triple stitched stitched major major seams seams •• Brass Brass button button && YKK YKK zip zip fly fly •• Knee Knee pad pad pockets pockets (StandSafe (StandSafe knee knee pads pads available available separately) separately) •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets && hammer hammer loop loop •• Holster Holster pockets pockets inin Standtuff Standtuff®® Oxford Oxford fabric fabric •• Standtuff Standtuff®® oxford oxford fabric fabric on on kneepad kneepad pockets pockets and and bottom bottom hem hem •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets with with velcro velcro fastening fastening •• This This item item can can be be embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: 30-44”W 30-44”W MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Black Black • Grey • Grey // Black Black pages pages 22-23 22-23 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: Black •• Black Camo •• Camo Work Trousers email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 WK005 Combat Trouser Combat Combat Style Style Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Durable Durable 240gsm 240gsm polycotton polycotton •• Double Double stitched stitched major major seams seams •• Knee Knee pad pad pockets pockets (StandSafe (StandSafe knee knee pads pads available available separately) separately) •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets •• Side Side adjusters adjusters to to allow allow waist waist size size adjustments adjustments •• Wide Wide belt belt loops loops •• Reinforced Reinforced rear rear for for extra extra durability durability •• Draw Draw cord cord to to trouser trouser hem hem •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 WK018 Cargo Trouser Hardwearing Hardwearing Cargo Cargo Trousers Trousers INFORMATION: INFORMATION: 240gsm cargo cargo kneepad kneepad •• 240gsm work trouser trouser work Double stitched stitched major major seams seams •• Double Multiple pockets pockets && mobile mobile phone phone holder holder •• Multiple Wide opening opening front front accessory accessory pockets pockets •• Wide Knee pad pad pockets pockets (StandSafe (StandSafe knee knee •• Knee pads available available separately) separately) pads Side combat combat thigh thigh pockets pockets with with •• Side ruler pocket pocket ruler This item item can can be be embroidered embroidered •• This Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 •• Carton FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: 30-44”W 30-44”W FIT: Relaxed Relaxed FIT: MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton SIZES: 30-44”W 30-44”W SIZES: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton MATERIALS: COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Navy Navy •• Camo Camo pages pages 24-25 24-25 Work Trousers email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 WK002 Zip & Stud Overall Heavy Heavy Duty Duty Work Work Overalls Overalls INFORMATION: INFORMATION: • Zip • Zip && stud stud fastening fastening •• Durable Durable 200gsm 200gsm polycotton polycotton •• Two Two zipped zipped chest chest pockets pockets •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets •• Action Action back back for for free free movement movement •• Reinforced Reinforced elasticated elasticated waist waist •• Improved Improved protection protection && functionality functionality •• Ideal Ideal as as corporate, corporate, work work && leisurewear leisurewear •• Suitable Suitable for for print print && embroidery embroidery •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton AVAILABLE AVAILABLEAUTUMN AUTUMN2015 2015 WK006 Stud Front Overall Heavy Heavy Duty Duty Work Work Overalls Overalls INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Stud Stud front front fastening fastening •• Durable Durable 240gsm 240gsm polycotton polycotton •• Two Two chest chest pockets pockets •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets •• Action Action back back for for free free movement movement •• Reinforced Reinforced elasticated elasticated waist waist •• Improved Improved protection protection && functionality functionality •• Ideal Ideal as as corporate, corporate, work work && leisurewear leisurewear •• Suitable Suitable for for print print && embroidery embroidery •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 25 25 FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Black Black •• Navy Navy •• Royal Royal Blue Blue pages pages 26-27 26-27 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: Camo •• Camo Overalls email: email: [email protected] [email protected] tel: tel: +44 +44 (0) (0) 1204 1204 363 363 515 515 WK009 Hooded Softshell Hardwearing Hardwearing Softshell Softshell Jacket Jacket INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Breathable, Breathable, waterproof, waterproof, windproof windproof •• Detachable Detachable hood hood •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets •• Waterproof Waterproof zip zip pockets pockets •• Chin Chin guard guard •• Adjustable Adjustable sleeve sleeve cuffs cuffs •• This This item item can can be be printed printed or or embroidered embroidered •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 20 20 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: •• Black/Grey Black/Grey FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 96% 96% polyester polyester // 4% 4% elastane elastane Non-hooded Non-hooded version version WK014 Flannel Bodywarmer Extra Extra Padded Padded Work Work Gilet Gilet MODERN DESIGNS StandSafe’s StandSafe’s constantly constantly revised revised varieties varieties of of work work clothing clothing respond respond to to the the desires desires and and demands demands of of the the ever ever changing changing work work environment. environment. Our Our innovative innovative design design team team are are constantly constantly updating updating our our products products and and can can offer offer bespoke bespoke solutions solutions tailored tailored to to your your requirements requirements pages pages 28-29 28-29 INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Flannel Flannel lined lined body body with with quilted quilted padding padding • Tartan • Tartan checked checked lining lining •• Full Full length length zip zip front front with with studded studded storm storm flap flap •• Multiple Multiple pockets pockets • Wind-breaker • Wind-breaker arm arm holes holes •• Stand-up Stand-up collar collar •• Ideal Ideal as as corporate, corporate, work work && leisurewear leisurewear •• Suitable Suitable for for print print && embroidery embroidery •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 20 20 COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: Black •• Black Navy •• Navy FIT: FIT: Relaxed Relaxed SIZES: SIZES: S-3XL S-3XL MATERIALS: MATERIALS: •• Shell: Shell: 65% 65% polyester polyester // 35% 35% cotton cotton •• Lining: Lining: Flannelette Flannelette •• Filling: Filling: 220g 220g polyester polyester Softshell & Bodywarmer WK012 Workwear Clip Belt Size Guide Premium Premium Workwear Workwear Belt Belt Measure Measure Up Up Right! Right! INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Made Made from from reinforced reinforced polyester polyester && elastane elastane for for maximum maximum comfort comfort •• Antique Antique effect effect snap snap buckle buckle clip clip •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 80 80 A A Here's Here's aa helpful helpful guide guide to to check check your your size size for for ordering ordering purposes. purposes. Please Please remember remember this this is is only only aa reference reference guide. guide. Your Your personal personal specifications specifications could could be be different. different. 1. 1. Get Get someone someone else else to to take take the the measurements measurements 2. 2. Take Take them them inin body-tight body-tight underwear underwear 3. 3. Measure Measure tight tight against against body body 4. 4. Make Make sure sure measuring measuring tape tape isis firmly firmly extrended extrended when when measuring measuring inside inside leg leg MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 50% 50% polyester polyester // 50% 50% elastane elastane B B A. A. Body Body Length Length Top Top of of head head to to bottom bottom of of foot foot WK025 Kneepads INFORMATION: INFORMATION: •• Lightweight Lightweight •• Hardwearing Hardwearing •• Designed Designed to to fit fit StandSafe StandSafe trousers trousers with with kneepad kneepad pockets pockets •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 50 50 C. C. Waist Waist Waist Waist width, width, horizontally horizontally at at naval naval height. height. IfIf you you have have aa large large stomach stomach it’s it’s better better to to use use your your seat seat measurement. measurement. IfIf measuring measuring for for an an overall, overall, the the waist waist measurement measurement must must be be taken. taken. E. E. Inside Inside Leg Leg Crotch Crotch to to bottom bottom of of foot foot HV015 Hi-Vis Rucksack TROUSERS TROUSERS Hi-Vis Hi-Vis Backpack Backpack pages pages 30-31 30-31 E E D.Seat D.Seat Measure Measure at at widest widest point point MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% EVA EVA MATERIALS: MATERIALS: 100% 100% polyester polyester D D B. B. Chest Chest Measure Measure around around the the fullest fullest part part of of the the chest. chest. Place Place the the tape tape high high up up under under the the arms arms and and make make sure sure that that the the tape tape isis well well up up at at the the back back across across the the shoulder shoulder blades. blades. Hardwearing Hardwearing Knee Knee Pads Pads INFORMATION: INFORMATION: • Multiple • Multiple pockets, pockets, including including side side mesh mesh pockets pockets for for water water bottle bottle •• Adjustable Adjustable shoulder shoulder straps straps •• Padded Padded back back for for comfort comfort •• Secure Secure headphone headphone sockets sockets •• Capacity Capacity 25 25 litres litres •• Retro-reflective Retro-reflective silver silver hi-viz hi-viz tape tape •• Carton Carton quantity: quantity: 30 30 C C XS XS SS M M LL Waist Waist(UK (UK/inches) /inches) 28 28 30 30 32 32 34 34 36 36 XL XL XXL XXL 3XL 3XL 4XL 4XL 5XL 5XL 6XL 6XL 38 38 40 40 42 42 44 44 46 46 Waist Waist(Euro) (Euro) 42 42 46 46 48 48 50 50 52 52 54 54 56 56 58 58 60 60 62 62 Leg* Leg*(UK (UK/inches) /inches) 30 30 32 32 Leg* Leg*(Euro/cm) (Euro/cm) 76 76 81 81 TOPS TOPS // JACKETS JACKETS // OVERALLS OVERALLS COLOURS COLOURS AVAILABLE: AVAILABLE: XS XS SS M M LL XL XL XXL XXL 3XL 3XL 4XL 4XL 5XL 5XL 6XL 6XL Approx ApproxChest Chest(UK/inches) (UK/inches) 36/38 36/38 38/40 38/40 42/44 42/44 44/46 44/46 46/48 46/48 48/50 48/50 50/52 50/52 52/54 52/54 56/58 56/58 60/62 60/62 Approx ApproxChest Chest(Euro/cm) (Euro/cm) 90/96 90/96 96/102 96/102 127/132 127/132 132/137 132/137 137/142 137/142 142/147 142/147 107/112 107/112 112/117 112/117 117/123 117/123 123/127 123/127 Yellow •• Yellow Accessories & Size Guide | high visibility | workwear | PPE | outdoor | leisurewear | corporatewear | uniforms | private label stand out www.standsafe.co.uk Stand Safe Ltd | Unit 35 Waters Meeting | Britannia Way | The Valley | Bolton | Lancashire | BL2 2HH | UK email: [email protected] tel: +44 (0) 1204 363 515 fax: +44 (0) 1204 363 516 |
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