Pregnancy and Parturition Fuller W. Bazer and Neal L. First J ANIM SCI 1983, 57:425-460. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: 5 Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION 1 Fuller W. Bazer 2 and Neal L. First a University of Florida, Gainesville 32611 and University of Wisconsin, Madison 53706 Summary The establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in domestic animals requires interactions between the developing conceptus and the maternal system. These interactions are essential for maintenance of the corpora lutea (CL), conceptus development and placentation, regulation of uterine endometrial secretory activity, placental transport of nutrients and gases, regulation of uterine blood flow, achievement of immunological "privilege" for the conceptus, stimulation of development of the maternal mammary glands and various other effects on the physiology and endocrinology of the materhal and conceptus systems. Interactions between the conceptus and maternal systems are also responsible for initiating parturition. All of these events are discussed, on a comparative basis, with respect to current knowledge obtained from studies of domestic farm animals and, where appropriate, data from laboratory species. (Key Words: Pregnancy, Parturition, Conceptus, Physiology, Endocrinology.) Introduction Ovulation is the culmination of numerous endocrinological and physiological events and usually occurs between 30 and 45 h, depending on the species of farm animal, after onset of estrus and the ovulatory surge of luteinizing hormone (LH). If ova are not fertilized or if embryonic development is abnormal, the estrous cycle continues, seemingly uninterrupted, to allow subsequent opportunities for mating and establishment of pregnancy. If fertilization is achieved and embryonic development is normal, conceptus-maternal interactions occur that result in: (1) maintenance of corpora 1The authors wish to thank Julie Busby for typing and arranging the manuscript and Jan Lohse, Budi Nara, Bill Thatcher, Dan Sharp and Mike Fields for their review and helpful suggestions. 2Dept. of Anita. Sci., Univ. of Florida. a Dept. of Meat and Anita. Sci., Univ. of Wisconsin. 425 lutea (CL) and production of progesterone, (2) continued development of the uterine endometrium, (3) implantation and establishment of conceptus membranes to allow nutrient partitioning (homeorhetic effect, Bauman and Currie, 1980) between the conceptus and maternal system during pregnancy and (4) parturition. Subsequent discussion will consider current and future research related to conceptus development, mechanisms whereby the eonceptus prevents regression of corpora lutea and allows establishment of pregnancy, endometrial function, conceptus development and parturition. Establishment of Pregnancy General. After fertilization, embryos spend a short period near or at the ampullary-isthmic junction of the oviduct before entering the uterus at: 48 to 56 h after ovulation in pigs (Dziuk, 1977); 72 to 96 h after onset of estrus in cows (Robinson, 1977); 72 h in ewes (Robertson, 1977) and about 144 h in the mare (Nishikawa and Hafez, 1974). Unfertilized ova are not transported into the uterus of the mare (see Ginther, 1979). Speculation has centered around production of a humoral agent by equine embryos that affects oviductal motility. Pig (Murray et al., 1971; Pope and Day, 1972) and sheep (Winterberger-Torres, 1956) embryos fail to develop beyond the early blastocyst stage if confined to the oviduct. Failure of embryos to develop beyond the early blastocyst stage may be due to either the absence of essential factors for embryonic development in the oviduct or the presence of embryotoxic or embryostatic factors. Brackett (1981) indicated that studies of oviductal fluid composition led to development of excellent culture media that allow in vitro fertilization and development of mammalian embryos. While embryos of several species can be cultured through later stages of development to become biastocysts, it is only in one strain of mice that one-cell fertilized eggs will reliably become blastocysts in vitro. This inability to JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE, Vol. 57, Suppl. 2, 1983 Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 426 BAZER AND FIRST develop in culture may be due to inadequate cuhure media and conditions or deficiencies in eggs resulting from in vitro fertilization. It has recently been shown that one-cell fertilized eggs from a hybrid strain of mice, where development does not continue, can be induced to develop by microinjection of cytoplasm from two-cell eggs of an inbred strain that does undergo full development in culture (Harris et al., 1982). It is likely that a true synthetic oviductal fluid (SOF) will be developed to enhance progress in studies of in vitro fertilization, embryo culture and transfer and embryo manipulation. Pig. Mating occurs during estrus, which lasts for 24 to 72 h, and, if the female becomes pregnant, a gestation period of 114 to 115 d follows. Hormonal events associated with the first 14 d of the estrous cycle and pregnancy are essentially identical. After that time, however, functional CL must be maintained for the duration of pregnancy. Loss of CL function at any stage of gestation leads to abortion within 24 to 36 h (Belt et al., 1971). Plasma progesterone (P4) levels of 30 to 40 ng/ml on d 12 to 14 of pregnancy decrease to 10 to 25 ng/ml by d 25 of pregnancy (Guthrie et al., 1974; Robertson and King, 1974; Knight et al., 1977), and then remain fairly constant until about d 100 of gestation. Then, P4 levels decline slowly to parturition (d 114 to 115), when they decrease abruptly to less than 1 ng/ml. There are several key events in conceptus development during pregnancy. The pig embryo moves from the oviduct into the uterus at about the four-cell stage, i.e., 60 to 72 h after onset of estrus. The embryo reaches the blastocyst stage by d 5, and the zona pellucida is shed (hatching) between d 6 and 7. The exposed blastocyst expands from .5 to 1 mm diameter at hatching to 2 to 6 mm diameter on d 10 and then elongates rapidly to the filamentous form by d 16 (see Geisert et al., 1982b). Between the 9 to 10 mm spherical stage and the 100 to 200 mm long filamentous stage, pig blastocysts elongate at a rate of 30 to 45 mm/h, apparently by cellular remodelling and not cellular hypertrophy (Geisert et al., 1982b). However, continued elongation and growth of the conceptus from 100 to 200 mm to 800 to 1,000 mm on d 14 to 16 does involve cellular hyperplasia (Geisert et al., 1982b). Coincidental with initiation of blastocyst elongation there is initiation of estrogen production that results in a marked increase in total recoverable calcium, proteins, PGF 2a, PGE2 and plasminogen activator (Geisert et al., 1982a,c; Fazleabas et al., 1982) in uterine secretions. However, the factor(s) responsible for initiation of blastocyst elongation are not known. Failure of blastocyst elongation may lead to death of the embryo early in gestation or compromise placental development (see Perry and Rowlands, 1962; Knight et al., 1977). Rapid expansion and development of the allantois occurs between d 18 and 30 of gestation. Fusion of the chorion and allantois takes place between d 30 and 60 of pregnancy and by d 60 to 70, placental development is complete. The pig blastocyst is said to undergo a central type of implantation; however, there is no invasion of the maternal uterine endometrium and the term "placentation" is more appropriate. Placentation in the pig involves interdigitation of microvilli on the surface of the trophoblast and epithelial cells lining the uterine endometrium. Because placentation is superficial in the pig, as it is in the cow, ewe and mare, the direct transfer of nutrients or histotroph from endometrial surface and glandular epithelium to the chorioallantois occurs at least through the second trimester of gestation. Plasminogen activator (PA) is involved in invasive growth of cells (Ossowski et al., 1973), e.g., those of trophoblast, and is produced by pig blastocysts (Mullins et al., 1980). Pig blastocysts transplanted to an eetopic site, e.g., uterine stroma (Samuel and Perry, 1972) or kidney capsule (Samuel, 1971) are highly invasive. Within the uterine lumen, however, pig blast0cysts do not undergo invasive implantation. Fazleabas et al. (1982) purified and characterized progesterone-induced protease inhibitors secreted by the pig uterine endometrium which are believed to protect the uterus from proteases, such as PA, released by trophoblast. It is possible that the PA may act within the conceptus to promote cellular remodelling during blastocyst elongation, but is prevented from affecting the uterus due to uterine production of protease inhibitors that appear to coat and be taken up by trophectoderm (Fazleabas et al., 1982). Pig blastocysts produce estrogens (see Flint et al., 1979) and estrogen (E) synthesis begins at the 10 mm spherical stage (Fischer, 1981; Geisert et al., 1982a). Estrone sulfate (El 804) in maternal plasma indicates that E secretion by Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION the pig conceptus is triphasic with peaks on d 10 to 12 (Stoner et al., 1981), 16 to 30 (Robertson and King, 1974; Stoner et al., 1981) and 60 to term (Robertson and King, 1974; Knight et al., 1977). Pig conceptuses also secrete a number of proteins, beginning as early as d 10.5 of pregnancy, which change both qualitatively and quantitatively as gestation progresses. Between d 10.5 and 12 of pregnancy a group of low molecular weight proteins (M r 20 to 25 k; pI 5.6 to 6.2) are most prominent. Then, between d 13 and 16 the qualitative changes are marked and the major product is a basic protein (M r 35 to 50 k; pI -8.0; Godkin et al., 1982b). This basic protein may be one initially proposed to have chorionic gonadotrophin-like activity by Wise et al. (1980); however, more recent data failed to confirm the preliminary evidence (P.T.K. Saunders, personal communicaton). Chorioallantoic tissues from d 20 to 35 of gestation also secrete proteins that differ from those produced earlier in pregnancy. A high molecular weight glycoprotein (50% carbohydrate; Mr>660,000) is also produced by pig trophoblast between d 13 and 16. Prostaglandins, PGF2a and PGE2, are produced by pig blastocysts and probably make a substantial contribution to the uterine luminal milieu of pregnancy (Zavy et al., 1980; Geisert et al., 1982a; Lewis and Waterman, 1982). Plasma estradiol (E2) and estrone (El), both free and conjugated forms, change during pregnancy in pigs; however, E1SO4 is the predominant E during pregnancy. This hormone increases from d 16 (60 pg/ml) to d 30 (3 ng/ml), decreases to d 46 (35 pg/ml), increases slightly to d 60, and then increases steadily to parturition (3 ng/ml; Robertson and King, 1974). Knight et al. (1977) reported the same pattern for unconjugated E1 and E2 in uterine vein and peripheral plasma and amniotic and allantoic fluids. The CL of pigs must be maintained and secrete P4 if pregnancy is to be established and maintained to term (du Mesnil du Buisson and Dauzier, 1957). In the pig, therefore, "maternal recognition of pregnancy" signals are those, presumably from the conceptus, that prevent the uterus from exerting a luteolytic effect on the CL. A theory has been developed relative to a mechanism whereby an agent (E) produced by the embryo prevents PGF2a secretion from the uterine endometrium into the uterine venous drainage, where it could gain access to the CL and cause luteolysis (Bazer and Thatcher, 427 1977). The following assumptions were made: (1) PGF2a is synthesized and secreted by epithelial ceils of the uterine endometrium; (2) PGF2a can move either into the uterine lumen (exocrine direction) or toward the endometrial stroma and associated vasculature (endocrine secretion); (3) the direction of movement of PGF2a is determined by local concentrations of E established by the trophoblast (chorion) in the pregnant pig and (4) PGF2a is the uterine luteolysin in swine. Prostaglandin F 2a is luteolytic in pigs and PGF2a is produced by the uterine endometrium (see Bazer et al., 1982). Studies of utero-ovarian vein plasma concentrations of PGF indicated that they are elevated during the period of luteolysis in nonpregnant gilts; however, no significant changes were found in utero-ovarian vein plasma concentrations of PGF in pregnant gilts between d 12 and 25 of gestation (see Bazer et al., 1982). The 13,14 dihydro-15 keto PGF2~ (PGFM) metabolite of PGF2a has also been studied, but in peripheral plasma of nonpregnant and pregnant gilts by Shille et al. (1979) and Terqui et al. (1979). Their results support those previously noted for utero-ovarian vein plasma PGF in that PGFM in peripheral plasma was elevated during the period of luteolysis in nonpregnant gilts, but was not elevated in pregnant gilts between d 12 and 20 of gestation. Kidder et al. (1955) reported that injection of diethylstilbestrol (DES) on d 11 of the estrous cycle led to prolonged CL maintenance. Frank et al. (1977) found that utero-ovarian vein basal PGF concentrations, PGF peak concentrations, and number of PGF peaks were lower between d 12 and 20 after onset of estrus in gilts treated with estradiol valerate (E2V; 5 mg/d) on d 11 through 15 after onset of estrus compared with control gilts. The reduced utero-ovarian-vein PGF levels in E2V-treated gilts were associated with an interestrus interval of 146.5 d compared with 19.0 d for control gilts. The theory of maternal recognition of pregnancy in pigs (see Bazer et al., 1982) is based on evidence that E, produced by blastocysts from about d 12 to 30 of pregnancy or injected as E2V, reduces the release of PGF2a, in an endocrine direction. The precise mechanisms whereby E prevents secretion of PGF2a in an endocrine direction, i.e., toward the uterine vasculature is not known. In pregnant gilts, however, PGF2a secretion is in an exocrine Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 428 BAZER AND FIRST direction; it is sequestered within the uterine lumen and prevented from entering the uterine venous drainage and affecting the CL. That the luteostatic effect of E is at the level of the uterus in swine is supported by several lines of evidence: (1) removal of the uterus from otherwise intact gilts, without hormone therapy, allows for prolonged CL maintenance; (2) CL of pregnant gilts (Diehl and Day, 1974) and E2V-treated gilts (Kraeling et al., 1975) are susceptible to the luteolytic effect of PGF2t~; (3) production of PGF2tx by endometrium from pregnant gilts is similar to that for nonpregnant gilts (Zavy et al., 1980) and (4) LaMotte (1977) concluded that PGF2tx is secreted into the uterine lumen and transferred from there to uterine venous circulation. Other evidence suggests a direct effect of embryonic factor(s) and steroids on luteal function in pigs (Ball and Day, 1982; Chakraborty et al., 1972). The fate and role of PGF20I sequestered within the uterine lumen of pregnant gilts have not been extensively studied. Walker et al. (1977) reported that conceptus membranes, especially the amnion, have a high capacity for metabolizing PGF2~ to PGFM, which is believed to be biologically inactive. On the other hand, Kennedy (1980) suggests that PGF is required for implantation. Cow. Chang (1952) described blastocyst elongation in cattle. Bovine blastocysts are spherical on d 8 to 9 (.17 mm diameter), oblong or tubular by d 12 to 13 (1.5 to 3.3 mm by .9 to 1.7 mm) and then filamentous between d 13 to 14 (1.5 x 10 mm), 14 to 15 (2 x 18 ram), 16 to 17 (1.8 x 50 mm) and 17 to 18 (1.5 x 160 mm). By d 17 to 18 the bovine blastocyst occupies about two-thirds of the gravid uterine horn. It then occupies the whole gravid uterine horn by d 18 to 20 and extends well into the contralateral uterine horn by d 24. Shemesh et al. (1979) reported that bovine blastocysts from d 13, 15 and 16 of pregnancy produced P4, some testosterone and limited quantities of E2-17~, Eley et al. (1979c) also found conversion of androstenedione to E2-17/3 by d 15 to 17 bovine blastocysts. Extensive metabolism of P4 and androstenedione to 5~-reduced metabolites by bovine blastocysts has also been reported (see Thatcher and Bazer, 1983). Bartol et al. (1982) demonstrated production of a high molecular weight glycoprotein (Mr>720 k) and major low molecular weight proteins (M r - 24 to 40 k; pI 4 . 6 - 7 . 5 ) by d 16 to 24 bovine blastocysts. Production of PGE 2 and PGF2a by d 16 and 19 bovine blastocysts in vitro is extensive (Lewis et al., 1982). This is consistent with higher levels of PGE 2 and PGF2tx in uterine flushing from pregnant vs nonpregnant cattle on d 16 and 19 after onset of estrus (see Thatcher and Bazer, 1983). In the pregnant cow, plasma P4 concentrations of about 10 ng/ml are maintained from around d 14 to 16 of gestation to term. Estrone sulfate, the major form of E in the pregnant cow, is present in highest concentrations in allantoic fluid. Eley et al. ( 1 9 7 9 a ) r e p o r t e d allantoic fluid E 1SO4 concentrations to increase from d 33 to 111 of pregnancy. Robertson and King (1979) extended these observations and indicated an increase in Et SO4 in allantoic fluid from d 41 to 132 followed by a sharp decrease on d 170 and a second increase between d 200 and 250, followed by a decrease to term (< 100 ng/ml). The presence of a developing embryo in the bovine uterus allows for CL maintenance for the duration of pregnancy. Northey and French (1980) reported that pregnant cows from which embryos were removed on d 17 and 19 had interestrus intervals of 25.0 -+ 1.2 and 26.2 +- .6 d compared with those having embryos removed on d 13 (20.2 + . 8 d) or not mated (20 to 21 d). Amoroso (1952) indicated that before attachment of the bovine conceptus, there is increased edema, vascularity and glandular hypertrophy of the uterine endometrium. Fusion of the trophoblast and endometrium is followed by a gradual erosion of the endometrial surface epithelium (Melton et al., 1951; Amoroso, 1952). Elongation of bovine blastocysts is most rapid between d 16 and 20 of gestation. The trophoblast cells are either columnar or giant cells. The columnar cells accumulate lipid material between d 16 and 25 of gestation (Greenstein et al., 1958), which coincides with increasing amounts of PGF in the uterine lumen (Bartol et al., 1982). Lewis et al. (1982) demonstrated synthesis of PGF20I from arachidonic acid by d 16 and 19 bovine blastocysts. Bovine blastocysts recovered on d 15, 16 and 17 of pregnancy can convert androstenedio n e to E2 in vitro (Eley et al., 1979a). The physiological importance of this observation is not known. As indicated earlier, E have a luteolytic action in the cow whether administered in the unconjugated (Greenstein et al., Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCYAND PARTURITION 1958; Wiltbank et al., 1961) or conjugated (E1SO4) form (Eley et al., 1979b). Extensive metabolism of androstenedione to 5~reduced compounds by the conceptus, and the role of these compounds in regulating the bovine endometrium warrants further study (Eley et al., 1979c). Thatcher et al. (1979) reported that E2-17/3 given iv on d 13 of the estrous cycle caused an acute increase in plasma PGFM levels at 6 h postinjection, and complete luteolysis occurred earlier in treated vs control heifers. Using this approach, the antiluteolytic effect of the bovine conceptus was tested (see Thatcher and Bazer, 1983) using crossbred beef. heifers. Pregnant animals received E2-17/3 on either d 18 or 20 and nonpregnant cows were treated on d 18. The PGFM response to E2-17/3 challenge was lower in pregnant compared with nonpregnant cows. Results suggested that the conceptus alters the temporal pattern of secretion of PGF2t~ in response to E2-17~ and are consistent with in vitro observations that endometrium from d 17 pregnant cows synthesizes less PGF2t~ than that from nonpregnant cows. Considerable research is needed to establish maternal recognition of pregnancy mechanisms in the cow. Ewe. Sheep blastocysts are basically spherical between d 4 (.14 mm diameter) and 10 (.4 mm diameter) and then elongate to the filamentous form b y d 12 (1.0 x 33mm) a n d 1 4 ( 1 . 0 x 68 mm) according to Bindon (1971). Chang and Rowson (1965) reported that d 15 sheep blastocysts were 150 to 190 mm long x 1 mm diameter and located in one uterine horn, while the trophoblast extended through the uterine body and into the contralateral uterine horn by d 16 to 17. Data concerning steroid production by sheep blastocysts is circumstantial. Steroid production by ovine blastocysts between d 12 and 15 of pregnancy has not been established. Ellinwood (1978) measured E2 -17B and E1 in utero-ovarian vein plasma on d 13, 15 and 17 of the estrous cycle and pregnancy. These E values were not significantly different, but El concentrations were consistently higher for pregnant ewes. In contrast, Reynolds et al. (1982) reported no El or E2 differences in uterine arterial and venous blood between pregnant and nonpregnant ewes on d 11, 13 and 15 after onset of estrus. Sheep blastocysts secrete proteins of which one major protein is a high molecular weight glycoprotein (Mr>660,O00) and the other 429 major protein, ovine trophoblast Protein 1 (oTP1), is of low molecular weight (Mr - 17k; pI - 5.5) and secreted between d 12 and 21 of pregnancy (Godkin et al., 1982a). Martal et al. (1979) found a "protein" termed "trophoblastin" in homogenates of sheep blastocysts, which may be comparable to oTPl and suggested that this protein, when infused into the uterine lumen, caused prolonged CL maintenance. Godkin et al. (1982a) reported that oTPl is taken-up by uterine epithelial cells. But, there is no evidence that oTPl directly stimulates progesterone production by luteal cell suspensions or luteal slices, although it does appear to bind to luteal cell membranes. There is no evidence that oTPl has prolactin-like activity. These results are consistent with those of Ellinwood (1978), which indicated no LH or prolactin-like activity in homogenates of sheep conceptuses collected between d 14 and 15 of pregnancy. Available data on the ovine uterus-CLhypothalamic-pituitary axis is extensive and has been reviewed recently by Horton and Poyser (1976). As with other farm animals, the ovine uterine endometrium appears to control CL life span in nonpregnant females (Wiltbank and Casida, 1956). McCracken (1971) obtained evidence that PGF2a was released into the uterine vein of the ewe and elevated levels were temporally associated with CL regression. Goding (1974) reviewed evidence for and against the proposition that PGF2a is the ovine uterine luteolysin and concluded that PGF2 'v does serve that role. The question of how the embryo prevents luteal regression is applicable to the ewe. A functional CL is required for at least 60 d of the 145 to 150 d gestation period. After that time, placental Pa production is adequate to allow maintenance of pregnancy (Casida and Warwick, 1945). Moor and Rowson (1966a,b) removed embryos from mated ewes between d 5 and 15 of pregnancy. No effect of the embryo on the interestrus interval was detected until d 13 of gestation. About one-third of the ewes from which embryos were removed between d 13 and 15 had interestrus intervals greater than 25 d. The pregnancy rate for nonmated ewes to which embryos were transferred on either d 12, 13 or 14 was 60 to 67, 22 and 0%, respectively. These data indicated that the conceptus influences CL maintenance between days 12 and 15 of pregnancy. Continuous intrauterine infusion Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 430 BAZER AND FIRST of homogenates of 14- to 15-d ovine embryos also extends CL life span in sheep (Moor and Rowson, 1967; Ellinwood, 1978); however, infusion of the homogenate into the uterine vein was not effective (Ellinwood, 1978). In comparing utero-ovarian vein plasma for differences in PGF20~ concentrations between pregnant and nonpregnant ewes, results have been conflicting (see Bazer et al., 1981b). This may be due to PGF2a production by the conceptus that masks changes in endometrial PGF20I production during pregnancy. There are data to indicate that PGF20t in utero-ovarian vein plasma and PGFM in peripheral plasma are markedly lower in pregnant vs nonpregnant ewes (see McCracken et al., 1981). Recently, Moore et al. (1982) reported that pulsatile release of oxytocin-neurophysin and PGFM occurs in nonpregnant ewes during the period of luteolysis, but is suppressed during the comparable period of pregnancy. The possibility that oxytocin may be synthesized and secreted by luteal tissue and neurohypophysis (Sheldrick and Flint, 1981; Wathes and Swann, 1982) adds a new dimension to control of luteolysis in the ewe. McCracken et al. (1981) proposed that oxytocin initiates events leading to increased PGF2ol production by uterine endometrium and that the role of E is to induce oxytocin receptors on endometrial cells so that they can respond to oxytocin. They indicated that endometrial oxytocin receptor concentrations are lower in pregnant than nonpregnant ewes. Moore et al. (1982) suggested that a product of the conceptus may be acting to suppress the pulsatile release of oxytocin. Because oxytocin and neurophysin may be of posterior pituitary and(or) CL origin, further research is needed to indicate why oxytocin-neurophysin are suppressed in pregnancy. Data are not available to resolve the following questions relative to the mechanism of maternal recognition of pregnancy in the ewe. First, are PGE2 and(or) PGE1 luteotrophic as suggested by numerous investigators because PGE2 is produced by sheep blastocysts (See Bazer et al., 1981b). Second, is trophoblastin and(or) oTP1 the blastocyst luteotropic signal that is mediated via the uterine endometrium to prevent luteolysis. Third, is there a transient period of estrogen production, not yet detected, by ovine conceptuses that may be important in establishment and maintenance of pregnancy. Evidence for a factor emanating from the gravid uterus that affects the CL directly was reported by Mapletoft et al. (1975). Results of Pratt et al. (1977) indicated that CL of pregnant ewes were less susceptible to PGF2a than those of nonpregnant ewes. During the course of pregnancy in ewes, plasma P4 concentrations are similar to those found during the luteal phase of the estrous cycle up to about d 60 of gestation then increase between d 60 and 140 due to placental P4 production. After d 140, plasma P4 levels decline to time of parturition (145 to 150 d). Estrone concentrations in peripheral plasma are low from d 20 to 110 of gestation and then increase three- to fourfold by term (see Bazer et al., 1981b). Estradiol values follow the s a m e pattern, but are about 50% lower than those for El. Estrone sulfate is the major form of E in the pregnant ewe and the highest concentrations are present in allantoic fluid. Estrone sulfate concentrations in allantoic fluid increase from d 20 to a first peak on d 46, then decrease to d 55. A second EISOa peak occurs between d 100 and 120, which is followed by a decline to d 140. Mare. Equine embryos do not undergo a rapid elongation process. Rather, they remain spherical until around d 50, possibly due to the prominent yolk sac and fluids present by d 12 of pregnancy that do not regress until after d 25 or 30 of gestation when the developing allantoic sac and fluids began to fill the extra-embryonic coelom (see Ginther, 1979). Zavy et al. (1979) incubated equine conceptus membranes in vitro for 120 min and reported that El and E2 production increased from d 8 to 20. The possible effect of these E on the uterine luteolytic agent is worthy of further study. Maternal recognition of pregnancy signals are poorly understood in the mare. It appears that the primary CL of the mare must be "protected" from the luteolytic effect of the uterine endometrium if pregnancy is to be established. Kooistra and Ginther (1976) demonstrated that removal of the equine conceptus on d 24 of pregnancy results in an extended interestrus interval. Ovulation did not occur for 34.8 + 5.8 d after conceptus removal. This period of prolonged CL maintenance or pseudopregnancy of 50 to 60 d was shorter than CL life span for hysterectomized (70 to 140 d) or pregnant (140 to 210 d) Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION mares. It is possible that the equine conceptus protects the CL from a uterine luteolysin. Diethylstilbestrol (DES), was administered daily to three mares by Nishikawa ( 1 9 5 9 ) f o r 14, 15 or 20 d beginning either on d 7, 8 or 9 postovulation. Ovaries were removed either on d 24, 32 or 47 and contained CL believed to have been present at the time of initiation of treatment. Similarly, mares given 5.0 mg DES, but not .5 mg E2-1713 or vehicle alone, had prolonged interovulatory intervals (Berg and Ginther, 1978). Ginther and First (1971), Stabenfeldt et al. (1972) and Squires et al. (1974) have provided evidence to indicate that the primary CL is maintained for up to 140 d in bilaterally hysterectomized mares. In pregnant mares, the primary CL and accessory CL, i.e., CL formed between d 40 and 50, regress between d 140 and 210 of gestation, and primary CL weight at d 140 is greater for pregnant than for hysterectomized mares (Squires et al., 1974). The gestation period in mares is about 335 d. Progesterone or pregnanes of placental origin are adequate for pregnancy maintenance after CL regression. The hormone maintaining late pregnancy has not been established. The presumed equine luteolysin PGF2a causes luteolysis when injected into mares (see Allen and Rowson, 1973) in doses as small as 1.25 mg. This dose of PGF2t~ given on d 32 of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy is luteolytic (Kooistra and Ginther, 1976). Three independent studies indicate that endometrial production, uterine fluid content and uterine vein plasma concentrations of PGF are elevated when degeneration of the equine CL is occurring (Van Niekerk et al., 1975; Douglas and Ginther, 1976; Zavy et al., 1978) and plasma P4 concentrations are decreasing during the late luteal phase of the estrous cycle. Inferential evidence (Vernon, 1979) suggests that the embryonic signal for CL maintenance probably acts at the level of the uterus. First, endometrial production of PGF by the pregnant uterus in vitro increases steadily between d 8 and 20 of gestation and, therefore, PGF must be prevented from reaching the CL. Second, luteal-cell membrane PGF2a-binding capacity between d 14 and 18 of pregnancy is equal to or greater than that on d 12 of the estrous cycle, which also suggests that the uterine luteolysin must be prevented from reaching the CL of pregnancy. Both PGF in uterine venous 431 blood (Douglas and Ginther, 1976) and PGFM in peripheral blood (Kindahl et al., 1982) are lower in pregnant than in nonpregnant mares. Contrary to data of Vernon (1979), Berglund et al. (1982) reported lower recoverable PGF in uterine flushings of pregnant mares and indicated that the conceptus may reduce PGF production by the endometrium. Pregnant mare serumgonadotropin (PMSG) is produced by chorionic cells of the endometrial cups. It is detectable in maternal plasma by d 37, reaches peak values around d 60, and then declines to undetectable levels by d 140 of pregnancy. Kooistra and Ginther (1976) suggest that the longer period of CL maintenance in pregnant (140 to 210 d) compared with hysterectomized (70 to 104 d) and pseudopregnant mares (about 50 d) may be due to effects of PMSG. However, data are not available to suggest that PMSG is present between d 12 and 14 of pregnancy when CL maintenance must be established. Potential Role of Hormones of Conceptus Origin Prostaglandins. Prostaglandins may affect changes in blood flow through their effects on arterioles and the capillary bed supplying the uterus and ovary. Prostaglandin E1 and PGE2 are vasodilatory while PGF2~ causes vasoconstriction (see Ford, 1982). There is evidence for interactions between PG, E and norepinephrine. As reviewed by Ford (1982), E stimulates production of PG and PGF2a may cause release of norepinephrine, a vasoconstrictor, which would have a marked effect when P4 is high and neuronal stores of norepinephrine are high, but little effect when E levels are high and neuronal norepinephrine stores are low. The interplay between sex steroid, PG and catecholamines may allow regulation of uterine blood flow to the gravid uterus to meet conceptus needs as well as affect blood flow to ovarian structures during the esrous cycle and pregnancy. Uterine blood flow is known to increase to the gravid uterus of cows, ewes and pigs beginning early in gestation and during periods when E production by the conceptus membranes is increasing. Ford (1982)suggested that E2 may decrease t~-adrenergic receptor activity in the arterial vasculature to increase uterine blood flow after it is converted to a catechol estrogen that could interact with a-adrenergic rece~otors. Presumably, there is a progressive reduction in function of periarterial Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 432 BAZER AND FIRST adrenergic nerves that would eventually lead to maximum arterial vasodilation and uterine blood flow during late pregnancy. Prostaglandins may also affect changes in permeability of the endometrial vascular bed (Kennedy, 1980) and fluid and electrolyte transport across epithelia (Biggers et al., 1978) that would enhance nutrient availability to the developing conceptus. The conceptus may also be affected by PG since they promote cellular proliferation as mediated by cAMP (MacManus and Whitfield, 1974) and they stimulate steroid biosynthesis (Batta, 1975). Steroids. Estrogen and P4 have numerous effects on the hypothalamic pituitary axis and the pregnant uterus (see Clark et al., 1977). The patterns of change in these sex steroids have been described for each species and will be discussed further relative to potential involvement in specific aspects of conceptus development. The bovine conceptus produces primarily 53-reduced metabolites of P4 and androgens while the uterine endometrium produces primarily the 5t~-reduced metabolites of those steroids. These metabotites of P4 and androgens cannot be aromatized to E. Rather, there is evidence that 53-reduced metabolites have their own unique roles in stimulating erythropoiesis and hemoglobin synthesis in tissue forming blood and in suppressing uterine myometrial contractility (see Thatcher and Bazer, 1983). Placental Lactogen. Placental lactogen has been identified in the ewe and cow, but not the mare and sow. Ovine placental lactogen (oPL) and bovine placental lactogen (bPL) are produced by chorion (Martal and Djiane, 1977; Carnegie et al., 1982). This hormone has prolactin and growth-hormone activity (Martal, 1978; Reddy and Watkins, 1978). Martal and Djiane (1977) and Martal and Lacroix (1978) suggested that oPL may be a component of the "luteotropic" complex in pregnant ewes, but this has not been demonstrated. The oPL concentrations in maternal plasma are detectable by d 48 and increase about 400-fold by d 140 and then decrease to term. Although undetectable in plasma before d 45 to 50 with current assay techniques, oPL has been extracted from trophoblast tissue of d 16 and 17 blastocysts (Martal and Djiane, 1977) and detected by d 14 in trophoblast tissue by immunofluorescent microscopy (Carnegie et al., 1982). Bovine placental lactogen (bPL) is present in peripheral serum in concentrations less than 50 ng/ml before d 160 and then increases to approximately 1,000 ng/ml between d 200 and 285 of gestation (Bolander et al., 1976). Concentrations of bPL in serum were lower in beef (X - 6 5 0 ng/ml) than dairy (X -1,103 ng/ml) cows during the last trimester of pregnancy. Other studies using bioassay (Buttle and Forsyth, 1976) and radioreceptor assay (Kelley et al., 1976) indicate very low levels of bPL in the maternal circulation. Placental lactogens have been implicated in stimulation of mammary gland development, steroidogenesis by the ovary and placenta and fetal growth (see Talamantes et al., 1980). Because of the potential economic importance of bPL relative to milk production and oPL and bPL on conceptus development, considerable research is needed to define the role(s) of this hormone. Pregnant Mares Serum Gonadotropin. Pregnant mares serum gonadotropin (PMSG) is produced between d 40 and 160 of gestation by chorionic girdle cells of the endometrial cups. Ginther (1979) reviewed evidence for the likely stimulatory effects of PMSG on formation of accessory CL and production of P4 by primary and secondary CL, which may be essential to maintenance of pregnancy. He also noted that considerable PMSG is found in exocrine secretion from endometrial cups. A possible immunosuppressive role for PMSG has also been proposed (Allen, 1979). Tbyrotropic Hormone Acitivity. Avivi et al. (1982) reported extraction and purification of a thyroid stimulating hormone-like protein (thyrotropic protein) from bovine placenta collected between d 40 and 120 of gestation. This thyrotropic protein-bound TSH had membrane receptors and induced specific TSH biological effects, but it is structurally and immunologically distinct from TSH and pituitary and placental gonadotropins. This observation and those demonstrating synthesis and secretion of numerous proteins by ovine, bovine and porcine conceptuses suggest that we know very little about potential regulatory proteins of conceptus origin in farm animals. Maintenance of Pregnancy Pig. The CL appear to be autonomous until about d 14 after onset of estrus and then require only basal LH support until d 40 to 50. After that time, prolactin has been suggested to Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION assume an essential role in CL maintenance (see du Mesnil du Buisson and Denamur, 1968; Heap et al., 1973). However, recent data suggest that prolactin may not be required for CL maintenance during the last one-half of pregnancy. In an experiment with three sows (R. R. Kraeling, unpublished data), bromocryptine (CB154) was administered at doses up to 480 mg/d between d 75 and 80 of pregnancy, but none of the sows aborted and all had CL that appeared normal. In a related study Whitacre and Threlfall (1981) treated five sows with CB 154 for 10 d before farrowing and compared them with controls with respect to concentrations of prolactin and progesterone in peripheral plasma. Treated sows had lower mean plasma prolactin concentrations, no prolactin surge prepartum and they did not lactate. Progesterone concentrations were not different between control and treated sows. From these studies, it does not appear that reduced prolactin concentrations cause premature regression of CL in sows after d 70 of gestation. Sbeep. In sheep, LH and(or) prolactin are required for maintenance of pregnancy until about d 60 when the conceptus appears to assume the capability of maintaining the CL. This assumption is based on the fact that neither hypophysectomy nor ovariectomy lead to abortion in sheep if performed after d 50 of gestation (see Heap et al., 1973). Ovine placental lactogen (oPL) is produced from about d 14 of pregnancy, but its effect on CL maintenance is not known and trophoblastin is not produced beyond d 21 of gestation (see Bazer et al., 1981b). Therefore, the nature of the endocrine signals allowing pregnancy maintenance in hypophysectomized-ovariectomized ewes remains to be elucidated. Cow. In the cow, LH and, to a lesser extent, prolactin are considered to provide the stimulus for CL maintenance during pregnancy (see Heap et al., 1973). However, Anderson et al. (1979) indicated that luteal support and pregnancy were maintained to term in cows hypophyseal stalk-transectioned at midgestation. The effect of bovine placental lactogen on CL function is not known. Mare. The primary CL is necessary for the establishment of pregnancy and additional CL are formed around d 40 to 50 of gestation. All of these CL regress by d 150 to 180 and placental P4 or pregnanes acting locally on the pregnant uterus appear to be adequate for pregnancy 433 maintenance until term (about d 335 of gestation; see Heap et al., 1973; Ginther, 1979). There is a strong temporal relationship between CL function and PMSG production between d 40 and 150 to 180 of gestation (Ginther, 1979). Uterine Secretions During Pregnancy General. According to Amoroso (1952), Grosser (1924) introduced the term histotroph to refer to secretions (histopoietic material) and detritus (histolytic material) present within the uterine lumen for nourishment of developing conceptuses. In domestic animals, implantation is noninvasive and uterine endometrial gland secretion of histotroph appears to be required for a major portion of pregnancy. Uterine secretions comprise a complex nutrient-rich "culture medium" for the developing conceptus (Roberts and Bazer, 1980). Pig. The most extensively studied protein in uterine secretions of domestic animals is uteroferrin. Uteroferrin is a P4-induced glycoprotein secreted by pig uterine gland epithelial cells. The protein has a molecular weight of about 35,000, a pI of 9.7, acid phosphatase enzymatic activity and contains one molecule of iron. The primary role of this protein appears to be transport of iron from uterine glands to the conceptus (see reviews by Roberts and Bazer, 1980; Bazer et al., 1981c). Uteroferrin will be discussed with respect to how it transports a nutrient to the conceptus because it provides a model for study of other components of uterine secretion in pigs and other species. Uteroferrin is transported from uterine glands across the placental areolae by nonreceptor mediated (fluid phase) pinocytosis and released into the placental venous system (Renegar et al., 1982). Upon entering the umbilical vein it is transported to the fetal liver where ceils of the reticuloendothelial system bind and endocytose uteroferrin by a receptor mediated process involving coated pits, coated vesicles and receptosomes (Renegar et al., 1982). Binding of uteroferrin by endothelial and(or) Kupfer cells appears to depend upon the mannose residues in the carbohydrate portion of the molecule (P.T.K. Saunders, unpublished data). Presumably, uteroferrin is directed to lysosomes where the iron is released to ferritin and transferred to erythroblasts by a process called ropheocytosis (Policard and Bessis, 1958) for synthesis of hemoglobin. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 434 BAZER AND FIRST The fetal liver of piglets is the primary site of erythropoiesis throughout gestation. Uteroferrin not bound by liver is cleared through the kidney, into the fetal bladder and then into the allantoic sac via the urachus (Renegar et al., 1982). Allantoic f u i d is known to be a rich source of uteroferrin (see Bazer et al., 1981c). Buhi et al. (1982) reported that iron bound to uteroferrin was transferred to transferrin in allantoic fluid. Transferrin is then taken up by the allantoic epithelium and enters the fetal circulation (Ducsay et al., 1982) where it can provide iron for hematopoiesis and meet other metabolic needs for iron. Other transport proteins, e.g., (retinol and retinoic acid binding proteins), hydrolytic enzymes (lysozyme, cathepsin activities B, D and E, leucine aminopeptidase and proteases) and regulatory proteins (protease inhibitors) have been found in uterine secretions of ovariectomized pigs treated with progesterone. Glucose phosphate isomerase and plasminogen activator are the only proteins studied to date in pig uterine secretions that appear to be regulated by E (see Bazer et al., 1981c). Murray et al. (1980) and Moffatt et al. (1980) identified riboflavin as the compound causing pig uterine flushings collected between d 6 and 8 of either the estrous cycle or pregnancy to have a distinct yellow color. The high riboflavin content of uterine flushings occurs during the period of initial blastocyst expansion; however, the significance of this association is not understood because riboflavin may affect many aspects of cellular function. Active immunization of rats against a chicken riboflavin carrier protein results in reversibly suppressed embryonic survival during the preimplantation period (Murty and Adiga, 1982). Riboflavin transport protein, which may be essential for transplacental ribofavin transport, has also been described for the cow (Merrill et al., 1979). Glucose is found in uterine flushings of the pregnant pig, mare, cow and ewe and fructose is detectable after d 12 of pregnancy in gilts and mares (see Zavy et al., 1982). Both of these sugars increase in the pregnant uterus with advancing gestation. Glucose phosphate isomerase enzymatic activity is responsible for the interconversion of glucose-6-PO4 and fructose6-PO4 and appears to be modulated in endoinertial tissue by estrogen (Zavy et al., 1982). Fructose is produced by the trophoblast and chorion from glucose via sorbitol. Fructose may be important because it can be sequestered in the reproductive tract and it may be preferentially metabolized through the phosphogluconate pathway to generate NADPH H + and ribose sugars essential for biosynthesis in rapidly proliferating tissues (see Zavy et al., 1982). Ascorbic acid is also present in uterine secretions of pregnant gilts and mares and increases quantitatively as pregnancy advances (Zavy et al., 1982). Ascorbic acid is known to affect collagen synthesis, catecholamine and indolamine biosynthesis, iron absorption and metabolism and it has a sparing effect on B-complex vitamins and vitamins A and E due to its antioxidant role. Ewe. Sheep uterine milk collected from the nongravid uterine horn of unilaterally pregnant ewes on d 140 of gestation contains two basic polypeptides of 57,000 and 59,000 molecular weight. These proteins are P4-induced (see Bazer et al., 1981c) and may be immunosuppressive (Segerson et al., 1982). These proteins are not detectable in uterine flushings collected between d 0 and 16 of the estrous cycle. Roberts et al. (1976) reported activities of several glycosidases in sheep uterine flushings. These glycosidases were present in small amounts and are not likely to be uterine specific. Cow. Proteins secreted by bovine endometrial epithelium have not been well defined (see Bazer et al., 1981c). Dixon and Gibbons (1979) obtained uterine secretions from ovariectomized cows that received 300 mg progesterone daily for 2 to 3 mo. Total recoverable protein varied from 494 to 660 mg and appeared to contain at least nine "nonserum" proteins. Seven of these proteins were very minor, but two were major proteins determined to be an acid phosphatase and lactoferrin. Bovine acid phosphatase has a pI of 9.7, which is identical to that of uteroferrin from pigs. Lactoferrin may serve as a bacteriostatic agent in bovine uterine secretions. Roberts and Parker (1974a,b) detected a-L-fucosidase, /3-D-galactosidase, a-N-acetylgalactosamidase and ~N-acetylglucosaminadase in increasing amounts between d 0 to 3 and 19 to 21 of pregnancy in cattle uterine flushings. They suggested that the glycosidases may affect blastocyst development or the process of adhesion between trophoblast and endometrial surface epithelium. Horse. Equine uterine secretions contain a number of proteins similar to those found in Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION the pig, including uteroferrin (see Bazer et al., 1981c). This is of interest because both the pig and mare conceptus have diffuse, epitheliochorial placentae. Immunobiology of Pregnancy General. Beer and Billingham (1979) indi- cated that the dam and conceptus exist in a state of immunological coexistence or tolerance and suggested mechanisms whereby the maternal immune system may be influenced to allow immunological tolerance of the conceptus. One mechanism involves nonspecific immunosuppressive or immunoneutralizing properties of uterine and(or) trophoblast secretions. For example, sheep, pig and cow blastocysts secrete a large glycoprotein (Mr>660,000), which may coat the conceptus and prevent maternal lymphocytes from recognizing conceptus antigens (Masters et al., 1983). It has also been argued that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and PMSG may play an immunosuppressire role (see Allen, 1979). Beer and Billingham (1979) suggested that: (1) excess antigen shedding by trophoblast may lead to blocking of T and B cell immune responses; (2) antigen-antibody complex production during pregnancy may block T and B cell immune responses and (3) suppressor T lymphocyte production may be enhanced during pregnancy. Recent data suggest that uterine secretions of the cow (Roberts, 1977), pig (Murray et al., 1978) and sheep (Segerson, 1981) contain an irnmunosuppressive factor(s). In addition, porcine allantoic and amniotic fluid protein(s) is immunosuppressive. These conclusions are based on evidence that the immunosuppressive protein(s) inhibit phytohemagglutinin (PHA) induced mitogenic activity of maternal lymphocytes and increased mitogenie activity resulting from mixed lymphocyte cultures (Segerson, 1981). Segerson's (1981) data suggest that the conceptus enhances immunosuppressive activity of sheep uterine flushings. The ovine pregnancy associated antigens described by Staples et al. (1978) and Staples (1980) are possible candidates for immunosuppressive activity. In addition to immunosuppressive proteins of uterine and(or) conceptus origin, P4 may enhance immunological tolerance of the mother to the fetoplacental unit. Staples et al. (1982) described a complete utero-ovarian lymphatic network in sheep and reported P4 concentra- 435 tions in lymph to be 10- to lO00-fold higher than in jugular vein plasma between d 15 and 45 of gestation. These findings indicate that leucocytes in the lymphatic network of the reproductive organs and the lumbo-aortic and medial iliac nodes would be exposed to a high P4 concentration that may have an immunoprotective function relative to the conceptus allograft. Godwin and Webb (1980) reviewed evidence for regulation of the immune system by prostaglandins. Prostaglandins El, E2 and A, and F I ~ have been shown to inhibit[3H]thymidine incorporation into PHA stimulated human lymphocytes. Prostaglandins El and E2 may act as local feedback inhibitors of T-cell activation and prostaglandins of the E and F series appear to modulate hormonal immune responses such as 3-cell activation and antibody production (Godwin and Webb, 1980). Because the uterine endometrium and conceptus tissues produce prostaglandins of the F and E series, they may also play a role as immunoprotective agents. The Fetal-Placental Unit General. The embryological development of the fetal membranes of domestic animals has recently been reviewed by Perry (1981). Specialized structures on the epitheliochorial placentae include coytledons, areolae, chorioallantoic cysts and petrifactions (Amoroso, 1952). The placental cotyledons of the sheep and cow are assumed to be sites of transport of gases and small molecules from dam to conceptus, while the areolae are sites of absorption of components of glandular secretions or histotroph. The significance of chorioallantoic cysts and petrifactions, areas of deposition of calcium salts, has not been elucidated. Fetal fluids, i.e., amniotic and allantoic fluids, have been of interest for many years. It was originally thought that allantoic fluid was derived from the mesonephros and served as a reservoir for fetal waste. Neither of these notions are supported by available facts. First, the mesonephros does not produce water, but only redistributes that available to it. Second, the allantoic fluid of pigs contains a substantial pool of nutrients, including all proteins found in uterine secretions, glucose, fructose, water, minerals, electrolytes and vitamins (see Bazer et al., 1981a). Transport of nutrients across the placenta Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 436 BAZER AND FIRST may be by fluid-phase pinocytosis of macromolecules, e.g., proteins, as occurs within the areolae (Friess et al., 1981). Active transport processes, for water and glucose, may be modulated by El, P4 and(or) lactogenic hormones (see Bazer et al., 1981a). Increasing allantoic fluid volume between d 20 and 30 and 50 and 60 of pregnancy in pigs appears essential for expansion of the chorioallantoic membranes and support of their apposition to the uterine wall. Amniotic fluid is also important in that it allows the embryo/fetus to develop symmetrically in a liquid environment independent of the forces of gravity (see Bazer et al., 1981a). The general roles of fetal fluids, as described for the pig, appear to apply to all domestic animals. Research is needed to: (1) define the hormonal regulation of placental transport mechanisms, (2) determine environmental effects, e.g., those causing hyperprolactenemia, on fetal fluid volume and placental surface area, (3) define rates of turnover of nutrients in fetal fluids and (4) determine when placental-fetal fluid nutrient reserves are deposited and extensively utilized by the fetus. Embryonic-Fetal Mortality General. The classic studies of Hammond (1914, 1921) indicated that the number of potential offspring, as indicated by the number of corpora Iutea, was much greater than that realized at term. Since that time, effects of environment, nutrition, genetics, age, disease and endocrine factors have been studied in relation to embryonic death (see Boyd, 1965 and Wrathall, 1971). There has been no single factor identified that can be manipulated to consistently alter embryonic survival. This should not be surprising because successful establishment and maintenance of pregnancy represents the results of many endocrinological, morphological, physiological and immunological events. Within the last 10 yr it has become evident that the developing conceptus may, in part, control its own destiny through production of chemical agents. Perry and Rowlands (1962) reported that most embryonic mortality in pigs occurs before d 12 of gestation. We now know that the pig blastocysts begin to produce E on d 11 of pregnancy and that these E stimulate a synchronized secretion of histotroph from the uterine gland epithelium by a mechanism that may be calcium-mediated (Geisert et al., 1982a,c). In addition, there is an increase in uterine blood flow in response to either the E2 or PGE2 produced by the conceptus (Ford and Christenson, 1979). In the past, emphasis has been placed on the possibility that a "hostile" uterine environment leads to pregnancy wastage. However, it now seems likely that blastocysts of domestic animals must develop and elongate at a rate adequate to ensure that they produce their signals, e.g., E on a critical day to ensure CL maintenance (Bazer and Thatcher, 1977) and nutrient availability (Ford and Christenson, 1979; Geisert et al., 1982a,b). This concept suggests that pregnancy wastage is a function of conceptus deficiencies rather than maternal deficiencies in untreated females mated in a conventional manner. The concept is consistent with the fact that synchrony must exist between conceptus and endometrium to ensure that embryonic signalling occurs after the uterine endometrium has acquired the ability to produce histotroph, but before it begins releasing luteolytic material into the uterine venous drainage. Also it allows for the fact that some embryos survive while others die within the same uterine environment of the pig, cow and sheep having multiple embryos. In monotocous species, failure of conceptus development is represented by a return to estrus without substantially lengthening the estrous cycle (see Northey and French, 1980). Genetic Factors. Genetic abnormalities appear to account for only a small percentage (0 to 4%) or embryonic mortality in domestic animals (Boyd, 1965). In humans, however, about 90% of spontaneous abortions occur before the eighth week of pregnancy and, of these, about 62% have abnormal karyotypes (see Short, 1979). Monosomy, trisomy and triploidy represent the most common genetic defects in human embryos that are aborted. Genes affecting early embryonic development have been identified recently (see Goldbard and Warner, 1982). Goldbard and Warner (1982) reported that genes both within and outside the H-2 complex influence the rate of blastomere cleavage and, therefore, the rate of embryonic development. They found that an H-2 associated gene named Ped (preimplantation embryo development) controlled either fast or slow embryonic development. Goldbard and Warner (1982) reported a gene interaction in BALB.K mice in which the background genes from the BALB/c strain and the slow H-2 associated gene from the H-2 k haplotype combined to produce Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCYAND PARTURITION "superslow" developing BALB.K embryos. Studies similar to these for mice may have great potential in livestock in determining immunohistocompatability factors associated with conceptus development and perhaps embryonic survival. Another aspect of genetic factors affecting conceptus development and the maternal system during the prepartum and postpartum periods has been reviewed recently by Thatcher et al. (1979). Because the genotype of the fetus and its membranes is determined by genotype of the dam and sire, both parents influence production of protein and steroid hormones by the placenta. These hormones influence conceptus development and survival in utero, maternal adaptations to pregnancy, mammary gland growth and lactation and postpartum events related to uterine involution and resumption of the reproductive cycle. Future research may indicate how the use of certain sire-dam matings will lead to a high level of fertility, birth of viable offspring and maximum production of milk to ensure a high rate of development of offspring from birth to weaning. Parturition Parturition is initiated by the fetus. This was established by designed experiments following observations in the 1960's that defects of the fetal brain or adrenal glands prolonged gestation in sheep, goats and cattle. These observations led to pioneering studies in sheep and goats followed by confirming studies in cattle, swine and horses to identify the sequence of coordinated hormonal signals originating with the fetal brain and terminating in maternal behavior, expansion of the birth canal, parturition and lactation. The extent to which these processes are understood and occasional differences in one or more of the messages differ for each species. For example, mechanisms terminating progesterone (P4) production differ between species where P4 is produced by the placenta in sheep and by the ovaries in pigs and goats. Recent investigations have focused on the hormone relaxin and its role in expansion of the birth canal, as well as on the contraction of uterine smooth muscle and the way in which the endocrine and nervous systems influence this contraction. From the applied view, studies of the past 15 yr have resulted in ways to control the day or hour of delivery, an understanding of the age 437 limits in each species for induction of premature delivery and they may someday result in ways to prevent stillbirth and retained placentas. Because there are differences between species each will be considered separately in terms of description of parturition and application of methods for induction of parturition to the livestock industry. They will be compared in terms of hormonal mechanisms initiating parturition, uterine contraction and cervical expansion. A Description of Parturition Swine. The length of gestation in swine is reasonably precise, being approximately 112 to 116 d depending on the breed, size of litter and season (Cox, 1964; Bichard et al., 1976; Aumaitre et al., 1979). Parturition occurs slightly more frequently in late afternoon and at night (Bichard et al., 1976; Boning, 1979). The entire parturition process requires 2 to 5 h with piglets being delivered at approximately 12 to 16 min intervals (Sprecher et al., 1974). Piglets are delivered randomly from the two uterine horns (Dziuk and Harmon, 1969; Taverne et al., 1977). They sometimes pass each other in birth order (Taverne et al., 1977) and the placentas are delivered either in part after the emptying of one uterine horn or within approximately 4 h after the last piglet is delivered (Jones, 1966). This is at a time when plasma levels of oxytocin are elevated (Taverne et al., 1979a). Parturition is normally preceded by udder edema, attempted maternal nest building and a milk ejection response (First and Bosc, 1979). Parturition is not without complications. Body temperature increases 13 + 4.1 h before delivery of the first piglet, reaches a peak of .6 to 1.2 C above normal of 38.3 + .3 C and in healthy sows returns to near normal within 24 h (Elmore et al., 1979). Not all piglets survive farrowing; at least 6% are born dead (Randall, 1972; Sprecher et al., 1974; Leman et al., 1979) and the last piglet in each uterine horn has less than a 50% chance of survival (Bevier and Dziuk, 1976). Factors influencing piglet survival were reviewed recently by Leman et al. (1979) and Dziuk (1979), who indicated that pre- and postpartum losses of piglets may be as high as 20 to 25%. Understanding the birth process and mechanisms controlling parturition should result in Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 438 BAZER AND FIRST ways o f reducing this loss and o f controlling the m o m e n t of delivery so that attendants might be present. The presence of an attendant and resuscitation of piglets has been shown to save as many as one additional piglet per litter (Milosavljevic et al., 1972; Hammond and Matty, 1980). Synchronization of the m o m e n t of farrowing also results in increased efficiency of production b y allowing management of groups rather than individual litters. Sheep. The length of gestation in sheep depends on breed, age of dam and litter size. The gestation period is approximately 149 to 151 d for fine wool breeds, 144 to 147 d for down breeds and 142 to 145 d for high litter size breeds such as the Finnish Landrace. The standard deviation within breeds is approximately 2 d. Gestation length is shorter for twins than singles and increases with age of the dam. Lambing occurs at all times of the day or night (Terrill, 1968). Intrauterine contraction waves increase in frequency about 12 h before delivery (Hindson and Ward, 1973) and at about the time the ewe begins to show uneasiness and isolates herself from others. Delivery normally lasts for 20 to 30 rain for single births and 40 to 60 rain when twins are born. The placenta is usually expelled 2 to 4 h after birth. In lie-de-France sheep, Bosc (1973) found that 17% of the lambs die at birth if birth is unattended whereas the loss is only 4% when birth is assisted. This difference may not be so great for ewes on range. The most common difficulty is malpresentation of the lamb for singles and twins and low weight, weak lambs if triplets or quadruplets are born. Cattle. The length of gestation in cattle ranges from 270 to 292 d. It depends on the number, breed and sex of fetuses in utero. Twins cause gestation to be 3 to 6 d shorter than the usual single birth and male calves are carried 1 to 2 d longer than female (Jainudeen and Hafez, 1980). When embryos of short gestation breeds are transferred into recipients of long gestation breeds, gestation is of a length identical to the breed of the embryo. The reciprocal transfers produce a long gestation in cows of short gestation breeds (Lampeter et al., 1980; King et al., 1982). There is little evidence that cows normally give birth to calves at one time of day more frequently than at others. However, in one study the frequency of calves delivered between 0600 and 2200 h was increased from 57 to 79% b y feeding the cows at 2200 h rather than at 0900 h (Lowman et al., 1981). The most frequent birth related problems in cattle are dystocia and retained placentas. Approximately 6.4% of the potential calves die around the time of parturition (Bellows et al., 1979). Most of these, 72%, die from dystocia (Anderson and Bellows, 1967). This is usually due to disproportion between the size of calf and cow and occurs most commonly when the sire or transferred embryo are of a large breed or the dam is a heifer (Price and Wiltbank, 1978). Because the unborn calf at the end of pregnancy is increasing in weight by at least .5 to .7 kg/d (Lasley, 1981), one solution to dystocia is to induce parturition preterm when calves are smaller; however, this solution leads to retention of placentas. In fact, the frequency of retained placentas is high whenever gestation is shorter than normal. The frequency of cows with retained placentas when parturition is induced can be as high as 50 to 75% (First, 1979; Chew et al., 1979a,b). Parturition in cattle can occur within a few hours or as long as a day after the cow becomes restless and attempts to seclude herself from the herd. The first stage of labor lasts 2 to 6 h. The period of delivery is approximately 30 to 40 min and the placenta is normally shed 2 to 6 hr after delivery is completed, but retention for as long as 12 h is considered normal. Horses. The length of gestation in horses is highly variable, between and within breeds, ranging from 330 to 335 d in ponies to 338 + 5 d in light and heavy horses. Mares foal predominately at night (Jeffcott, 1972; Rossdale and Ricketts, 1980) and have the ability to delay parturition for several days when disturbed or constantly observed. In spite of this, late pregnancy is precariously maintained and small increases in oxytocin during the last week will induce delivery (Pashen, 1980). Impending parturition is usually preceded by colostrum oozing from the teats as a wax-like material 2 to 3 d before foaling. Parturition in mares, as in other domestic animals, can be divided into three stages. In the mare, the first stage is characterized by restlessness and abdominal pain and is likely comparable to the period of increased uterine contraction described for sheep and swine. The second stage is delivery of the foal and begins with straining by the Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 439 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION mare followed b y appearance and rupture of the amnion and expulsion of the foal covered by amnion and with the umbilical cord still attached. The cord breaks as the foal and mare move. The third stage is expulsion of the placenta (see Ginther, 1979). The first and third stages of labor each last approximately 1 h while the second or delivery stage requires only 10 to 15 min (Jeffcott, 1972). Parturition in mares is usually without complication. However, occasional malpresentation or prolonged retention of the placenta will occur. Initiation of Parturition and Hormonal Changes Associated with Parturition Parturition in farm animals is initiated b y the fetus, however, in some cases such as horses the mother possesses the ability to postpone delivery until undisturbed, although, she cannot prevent eventual delivery. The exact hour of delivery can also be influenced by light in rats and feeding in sheep and cattle. Models for the sequence of events and endocrine controls initiating parturition in swine, a species with pregnancy maintained by the ovaries and, sheep, a species with pregnancy maintained by the placenta, are shown in figures 1 and 2. The specific mechanisms will differ slightly between species, and the existence of some steps or mechanisms may be unknown for one or more species. The reader is encouraged to compare the domestic species. In general, the hormonal changes associated with parturition are those involved with final maturation of the fetus, termination of pregnancy, expansion of the birth canal, initiation of uterine contraction, maternal behavior, HYPOTHALAMUS F E T A L ANTERIOR~PITUWA~ ACTH+ ~, ADRENALCORTEX ~ CORTISOL+ PLAC~ENTA 1 M A T E R N A L POF =/ GRAVID UTERUS POSTERIOR PITUITARY PGF2oc+ f OVARIES (CL) PROGESTERONE OXYTOCI + -N~ ' ~ ~ MYOMETRIUM (CONTRACTION AND DELIVERY'} RELtXIN CERVIX Figure 1. A suggested sequence of events leading to and associated with parturition in the pig. Hormones having a stimulatory effect on a target are designated with a (+); unknown steps or compounds are indicated by a (?). From First and Bose, 1979. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 440 BAZER AND FIRST synthesis of milk and the ability to eject milk. These events are normally coordinated by the endocrine system with the perfection of a great symphony. The mechanisms differ slightly depending largely on differences between species in the way in which pregnancy is maintained. A profile of hormonal changes preceding parturition in swine is shown in figure 3 and for cattle in figure 4. For extensive reviews of the hormonal changes and mechanisms controlling initiation of parturition the reader is referred to reviews by First et al. (1982) and Taverne (1982) for swine; First (1979), Challis (1980), Challis and Mitchell (1981) and Evans et al. (1981b) for sheep; Thorburn and Challis (1979) and First (1979) for goats; Hoffmann et al., (1979a), First (1979) and Johnson (1981) for cattle and First (1979), Rossdale and Ricketts (1980) and Allen and Pashen (1981) for horses. There is strong evidence that signals initiating parturition in goats (Thorburn and Challis, 1979) sheep (Challis, 1980) swine (First et al., 1982) and cattle (First, 1979 and Hoffmann et al., 1979a) originate in the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. This evidence comes from absence of parturition when the fetuses have congenital pituitary defects or after ablation of the fetal pituitary gland (First, 1979). Studies in sheep, swine and goats either involving ACTH administration to fetuses and premature birth or ACTH replacement after fetal hypophysectomy in sheep (Jones et al., 1978) suggest that the essential pituitary product is ACTH. Its target is the fetal adrenal gland where it is known in sheep and swine that ACTH initially causes growth of the fetal adrenals followed by a stimulated change in adrenal steroid production from other steroids to production of cortisol SHEEP HYPOT~LAMUS ANTERIOR PITUITARY A~H§ F E ADRENAL CORTEX COR,~I~OL+ " T AL PLACENTA PROGESTERONE ( ~ O G s M GRAVID UTERUS ' ~ A RN A L \ OXYTOCIN § " ..... II MYOMETRIUM (CONTRACTION AND DELIVERY) CERVIX (SOFTENING) Figure 2. A suggested sequence of events leading to and associated with parturition in sheep. From First, 1979. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION 441 parturition is less clear and the appropriate experiments are yet to be done. T h e r e is good evidence in sheep (Flint et al., 1975, J o h n and Pierrepoint, 1975; A n d e r s o n et al., 1978a,b) and f r o m f e t e c t o m y experiments in rabbits (Chiboka et al., 1977) that the target for fetal cortisol in initiation of parturition is the placenta. Here the mechanisms initiating parturition appear to differ across species ( G l i c k m a n and Challis, 1980; Lohse and First, 1981; Lohse and Nara, 1982; Rose et al., 1982). Cortisol or its synthetic analogues effectively initiate parturition w h e n administered in large doses to the m o t h e r in all five domestic species or by infusion or fetal administration of small doses in three o f these species where studied (First, 1979). F o r horses the role of the fetal brain and adrenals in initiation of ENDOCRINE CHANGES PRECEDING PARTURITION IN SWINE IO0 -- nglml CORTICOSTEROIDS 80- A~ MATERNAL 0 I pq/ml ~ I I .L I I I I .~ ........~...~,:~ ~ 20 T % "" ., OESTRADOL cpq x.a3/m~'/...~ \'~ _j 15 ~ ,.~---.-A," _...,m uJ > i LU . I0 ..~TOTAL OESTROGENS < (P9 X333/mD (h < / n ",.\~ OESTRONE" (pgXIOO/mD ~, 5-0 I I I ng/ml I I I I 145 6 n(:j/ml @ 9 TIT RELAXIN : / (X2)~ ~'~ 25- / ZO- PROGESTERONE / // - ,o_ _ METABOLITE -7 I -6 -5 I. Nt',d" .._ I ~J~ I /X _ _ %'. ~J ......-- I I I I ~ UDDER EDEMA-UI~\\X\K\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~I MILK EJECTION -4 -3 -2 -I DAYS PERIPARTUM ,,t 0 ..FI Figure 3. Endocrine changes preceding parturition in pigs. (a) Corticosteroids: - o - o - o - fetal cortisol, - -a- -A- -A- - maternal corticoids; (b) --m--B--I-- total estrogens (pg X 333/ml), - -a--A--a-- estradiol-173 (pg • .33/ml), e . . . 9 9 estrone (pg X 100/ml); (c) . . 9 9 .. 9 relaxin (X2) - R - i - m - progesterone and - -a- -a- -a- - PGFz~ metabolite. From First et al., 1982. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 442 BAZER AND depending on the way in which pregnancy is maintained and the mechanisms for reversing the maintenance. In the sheep where pregnancy is maintained by placental P4, cortisol stimulates the rate limiting enzyme 17~ hydroxylase and causes the placenta to secrete predominantly E rather than P4. Complete decline of maternal P4 is not essential for parturition in sheep; however, delivery progresses to the second stage only if P4 is reduced FIRST (Currie, 1977). The elevated E also stimulates secretion of PGF20~ and development of receptors for oxytocin. In species requiring the corpus luteum for maintenance of pregnancy, swine, goats and cattle, its production of P4 must be terminated for parturition to occur (First, 1979; First et al., 1982). Cortisol causes elevation of maternal PGF2~ resulting in regression of the corpora lutea, but how this is accomplished is less clear (First et al., 1982). CHANGES P R E C E O i N G PARTUIIITION IN CATTLE ENDOCRINE BOVINE MATERNAL PLASMA gl I ] I MATERNAL PLASMA 300 2SO PROGESTERONE E 20O if. 71 ~ 6 150 I00 O B. a. 4 SO l.S 1.0 2 LN O.S 1 26 ,, ~; 642o DAYS PRECEDING PARTURITION DAYS PRECEDING PARTURITION BOVINE FETAL PLASMA BOVINE MATERNAL SERUM 2S00 '2DO0 80 E 1500 ~ 70 iooo ~_ ~ so 20 30 IS 25 M M 4DO .". ~s 80 ,o 300 ~- ~. 30 200 20 100 10 20 ~" is 0 20 19 9 6 4 2 0"2"4"6"8 DAYS PERIPARTUM 26 19 9 6 4 2 0 DAYS PERIPARTUM Figure 4, Endocrine changes preceding parturition in cattle. From First, 1979. Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCYAND PARTURITION Increased maternal concentrations of E from the placenta occur in response to the fetal cortisol and maternal concentrations of PGF2a increase in response to E in cattle and goats but not in swine. In swine and sheep experiments involving inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis and replacement with a glucocorticoid or PGF2a have shown that luteolysis and uterine contraction depend on elevated PGF2~ and that glucocorticoids cause parturition by causing increased concentrations of PGF2~ (First, 1979; Nara and First, 1981a,b). In swine there is evidence that the elevated PGF2a causes pituitary release of oxytocin and prolactin as well as ovarian release of relaxin (First et al., 1982). In horses the mechanisms are less clear, in part because the appropriate ablation and replacement experiments have not been done and because pregnancy maintenance and hormonal changes associated with parturition differ from other species (First, 1979; Allen and Pashen, 1981). Ovarian P4 is not required for maintenance of equine pregnancy after about d 50 (First, 1979; Ginther, 1979). The principal progestational hormones of late pregnancy are three pregnanes and especially 20a-dihydroprogesterone. The equine placenta produces increasing amounts of E in late pregnancy, but apparently from dihydroepiandrosterone derived from the fetal gonad, rather than a placental precursor (Allen and Pashen, 1981). As in the other species maternal blood levels of PGF2a increase rapidly at parturition in association with uterine contraction (First 1979; Allen and Pashen, 1981). If the foal does initiate its own birth, the mare may have the ability to modulate this fetal influence. Mares are known to foal when secluded and undisturbed, and they foal predominantly at night (Rossdale and Short, 1967; Jeffcott, 1972; Bain and Howey, 1975). Circumstantial evidence that the equine fetus can control initiation of parturition comes from study of the length of gestation for donkey-horse crosses. In these cases, length of gestation is near that of the paternal component of the fetus (Rossdale and Ricketts, 1980). On the fetal side, there is evidence that fetal adrenal glands undergo rapid hypertrophy immediately before parturition (Comline and Silver, 1971). Fetal plasma cortisol concentrations increase slightly near term (Nathanielsz et al., 1975), and a greater increase occurs in cortisol content of amniotic fluid (Pashen and Allen, 1979). However, no spectacular rise occurs as seen in the other 443 domestic species just before birth (Bassett and Thorburn, 1969). Plasma concentrations of glucocorticoid in the mare remain unchanged before parturition. The most positive evidence for involvement of a product of the fetal adrenal gland in initiation of parturition in the mare comes from the observation that administration of a large dose of dexamethasone induces premature parturition and milk ejection (Aim et al., 1974, 1975). Prostaglandin F2a (Sharma, 1975; Barnes et al., 1978; Pashen and Allen, 1979) and oxytocin (Barnes et al., 1978; Pashen, 1980) appear to be involved in delivery of the fetus, but are not required for luteolysis because the ovaries can be removed without interfering with delivery. Rapid increases in plasma levels of these two hormones occur during parturition, but not before. There is likely synergism in their action and exogenous oxytocin causes a rapid increase in PGF2a metabolites in blood (Pashen, 1980). Hormonal control of gap junction formation and oxytocin receptors are unknown for the mare. Because the mare has four progestins at the end of pregnancy and four E their specificity in affecting myometrial oxytocin receptors and gap junctions should be determined. It may be that alteration of the E:P 4 ratio to promote oxytocin receptor and gap junction formation is achieved by conversion of P4 to its inactive 20a-dihydro metabolite that becomes the predominant progestin at parturition (Seren et al., 1981). This shift in E:P4 ratio may also be enhanced by increases in E2 in maternal blood (Barnes et al., 1975) while the other E, El, equilin and equilenin are falling. Uterine Contraction Parturition depends on the coordinated rhythmic contraction of uterine smooth muscle and on involuntary contractions of abdominal muscles as well as on softening or opening of the birth canal. The physiology of uterine contractions at parturition has not been extensively studied in domestic animals. Drawing on information from several species, including rodents it is apparent that unstimulated uterine smooth muscle undergoes spontaneous arythmic uncoordinated contractions during late pregnancy, which consist of irregular episodes of prolonged activity in uterine segments containing a fetus, and relative inactivity in empty parts of the uterus (reviewed by Liggins, 1979). With approaching parturition, Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 444 BAZER AND FIRST the frequency, amplitude, propagation and coordination of electrical impulses associated with uterine contractions increase and seem to be brought about through establishment of intercellular electrical coupling by formation of nexuses or gap junctions (Garfield et al., 1979a, 1982). Gap junctions provide low resistance coupling for communication between cells (Peracchia, 1980). In rats, uterine gap junctions increase dramatically on the day of parturition (normally d 21). In pregnant rats, ovariectomized on d 16 and treated with E, premature delivery on d 18 was accompanied by an increased number of gap iunctions, but both events could be prevented by P4 administration (Garfield et al., 1982). In ovariectomized, postpartum rats, either E or uterine distension with a balloon increased numbers of gap junctions somewhat, but both treatments together were required to increase gap junctions to parturition levels (Wathes and Porter, 1982). In sheep, the number of gap junctions is also correlated with the prepartum decrease in maternal P4 and increase in E (Garfield et at., 1979b). Gap junctions form spontaneously in myometrium cultured in vitro and their formation is increased by E, but reduced by P4. In addition, E given to immature rats in vivo increases the number of gap junctions formed by their uteri in vitro. Gap iunction formation is prevented by inhibitors of RNA or protein synthesis (Garfield et al., 1980b), inhibitors of PG or thromboxane synthesis and by the prostacyclin (PGIz) analog earbacyclin. The effect of the PG synthesis inhibitor indomethacin (that inhibits synthesis of all PG's, thromboxanes and prostacyclin) could be overcome by the PG precursor arachidonic acid, or by a stable endoperoxide of PGH2, but not by PGE, PGH2, PGF2c~ or thromboxane B2 (Garfield et al., 1980a). Oxytocin had no effect on gap junction formation, but the /~ adrenergic analog isoxuprine decreased their number and increased their size. Dibutyryl cAMP, but not monobutyryl eGMP also increased gap junction size (Garfield et al., 1980b). Garfield et al. (1980b) proposed that steroid hormones regulate synthesis of gap junction proteins, called connexine, that gap junction assembly may depend on connexin crossqinking by PG and that gap junction function is further regulated via cAMP and(or) calcium. Contraction of smooth muscle involves an increase in intracellular free calcium, which causes formation of a calcium-calmodulin complex. This complex binds to and activates myosin kinase, which phosphorylates myosin, enabling myosin to interact with actin to cause contraction (reviewed by Adelstein and Eisenberg, 1980). Ionized calcium (Ca 2+) can be either liberated from intracellular binding sites or it may enter the cell from the extracellular fluid. Mitochondria can act as a Ca 2 + sink that binds Ca 2+ when cytoplasmic concentrations are high. The sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum and vesicles associated with the inner surface of the plasma membrane also bind some Ca~ + at lower concentrations (Janis et al., 1977). Uterine smooth muscle in which the contractile mechanisms have been developed by exposure to E contracts rhythmically and spontaneously. The rhythmicity of these contractions is due to slow fluctuations in the magnitude of the electrical potential across the cell membrane, often referred to as pacemaker potentials. In relaxed muscle, the pacemaker potentials remain below a threshold whieh, when exceeded, cause a burst of spike potentials superimposed on the pacemaker potentials. The spike potentials are associated with a sharp increase in intracellular Ca: + resulting partly from influx through pores in which the resistance to Ca 2+ falls with each burst of spike potentials and partly from liberation of Ca2+ bound to surface vesicles. During relaxation Ca2+ is both pumped out of the cell through the pores and bound again at the various intracellular sites. Hormones that influence smooth muscle activity act on either or both of the mechanisms regulating intracellular Ca 2+ concentrations. Oxytocin lowers the threshold potential for initiation of action potential activity and also has a direct action on the rate of Ca ~ + influx. Prostaglandins act mainly by liberating Ca2+ from intracellular binding sites, but in addition to having this effect on tonic contraction, they cause a slow membrane depolarization that increases the frequency of bursts of action potentials and phasic contractions (Liggins, 1979). Uterine contractions forcing delivery in domestic species are likely initiated by increased intracellular Ca2 + in myometrial smooth muscle and by the formation of gap junctions, but the factors causing the change in Ca 2+ and gap junction formation are not well understood for these species. Similar patterns of myometrial electrical activity seem to exist prior to parturition in the Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION sheep (Naaktgeboren et al., 1975a,b; Prud' homme and Bosc, 1977; Krishnamurti et al., 1982); cow (Taverne et al., 1979a) and goat (Scheerboom and Taverne, 1981). In sheep, increased electrical spike activity coincided with increasing uterine pressure prior to parturition. Until 10 d before parturition, uterine electrical activity consisted of irregular trains of action potentials of variable amplitude, but predominantly low. This is considered to be the pattern of response expected from uncoordinated contraction of isolated groups of cells. Long bursts of spike activity with high amplitude are considered to represent coordinated and rhythmic activity of several groups of cells and usually occur after the formation of gap junctions (Garfield et al., 1979a). The long bursts of spike activity increased 48 h preparrum and at a time when P4 withdrawal and E and PGF2~ increases are seen in blood plasma. This activity increased even more rapidly from 12 h before parturition until parturition, a time when ewes exhibit external signs of impending parturition and uterine pressure increases (Hindson and Ward, 1973). These patterns were reversed after parturition. Bursts of electrical activity first appeared at the uterotubal junction. The existence of uterine cells that increase in activity before others and act as a uterine pacemaker has been proposed (Sakaguchi and Nakajima, 1973). In the pig, myometrial activity during late pregnancy has been shown to consist of irregular episodes of prolonged activity in those uterine segments containing a fetus, while empty parts of the uterus remain relatively inactive (Taveme et al., 1979a). At this time, plasma concentrations of oxytocin remain below 1.3 /~U/ml and plasma concentrations of Pa and E remain unchanged (Forsling et al., 1979; Taverne et al., 1979a). Between 24 to 10 h before expulsion of the first piglet, when concentrations of P4 have significantly decreased and E has increased, myometrial activity is still similar to that recorded on the previous days. Only between 9 and 4 h before birth of the first piglet does myometrial activity increase in all parts of the uterus. This increase in myometrial activity coincides with elevated concentrations of oxytocin in peripheral plasma. Uterine contractions are most frequent during delivery when oxytocin concentrations are highest (Taverne et al., 1979a). Release of oxytocin seems to be related to decreased concentrations of P4 as well as increased levels of E (Forsling et al., 445 1979). Multiple implantation of intrauterine catheters (Zerobin, 1968) or surface electrodes (Taverne et al., 1979b) demonstrated that myometrial contractions in all segments of a sow's uterine horn are synchronized during delivery. Unlike the sheep (Krishnamurti et al., 1979, 1982), contractions were initiated preferentially at both ends of the uterine horn and subsequently propagated in either a tubocervical or cervicotubal direction. These contraction waves echoed to return in the opposite direction upon reaching the end of the horn (Taverne et al., 1979c; Taverne, 1982). Cervicotubally-directed contractions stopped when a horn was emptied and they seemed to be related to the presence of piglets close to the cervix. Taverne (1982) proposed that this bellows effect shortens the distance traveled by succeeding piglets and prevents piglets from piling up at the cervix where placental attachments might be disassociated and cause fetal anoxia and death. In support of this idea, it is known that piglets dying in the process of delivery are predominantly the last ones born (Randall, 1972) and usually the last piglet in each uterine horn (Bevier and Dzink, 1976). It is also known that surgical inversion of the uterine horn impairs normal expulsion of piglets from that horn (Bosc et al., 1976). Little is known about the synchrony of contraction of the two horns except that expulsion of piglets from the two horns is random (Dziuk and Harmon, 1969; Taverne et al., 1977). Little attention has been given to possible influences of the nervous system on uterine contractions in domestic animals. Beta-2 sympathetic blocking drugs will temporarily block uterine contraction and delivery (Zerobin and Kundig, 1980; Grunert and Verhulsdonk, 1980; Greene, 1981). Studies of their function suggest that oxytocin and PGF2ct should be capable of inducing labor. In intact animals they do and they can act separately or in concert (Chan, 1977). This interaction is made more complex in the whole animal by evidence that PGF2~ causes release of oxytocin in swine (Ellendorff et al., 1979a) and that increased plasma levels of PGF2a or its metabolite are present after administration of oxytocin (Mitchell et al., 1975; Chart, 1977; Mitchell and Flint, 1978b). Oxytocin is not effective until uterine receptors for oxytocin are developed. Oxytocin Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 446 BAZER AND FIRST receptors are developed in rats and guinea pigs by a shift in the E:P 4 ratio. This shift is accomplished prior to parturition in rats predominantly by luteal regression and termination of P4 production (Alexandrova and Soloff, 1980a,b) whereas it occurs in the guinea pig due to a dramatic increase in E (Alexandrova and Soloff, 1980c). The effect of steroid hormones on oxytocin receptors and the impact of development of oxytocin receptors on parturition in domestic animals needs to be established. Oxytocin receptors do exist in the pig uterus in late pregnancy (Soloff and Swartz, 1975). Each species seems to first respond to oxytocin administration with uterine contraction and delivery at approximately the same time that milk can be ejected or streams from the nipples. The existence and hormonal control of uterine oxytocin receptors needs to be established for the other domestic species. Species differences and sometimes differences within species exist regarding the ability of P4 to suppress uterine contractions and whether parturition can occur while plasma levels of P4 are elevated. In goats, swine and cattle, where pregnancy maintenance is dependent on functional CL, plasma levels of 14 normally decline to minimal levels during the 2 d preceding parturition (First, 1979). Parturition is prevented if plasma P4 is sufficiently elevated without the major daily fluctuations often caused when P4 is administered once per day, or when administration is started before oxytoein receptors are developed. Such is the ease for swine, goats and cattle. Prevention of luteolysis and uterine contraction with inhibitors of PG synthesis also prevents or delays parturition in swine (Nara and First, 1981a,b; Gooneratne et al., 1982; Taverne et al., 1982). This is untested in cattle and goats. In sheep, where pregnancy is maintained by P4 from the placenta, P4 decreases at parturition but the absence of P4 from blood plasma does not seem to be essential for parturition (Liggins et al., 1973), and inhibition of PG synthesis interferes with delivery in sheep with only partial reduction in plasma levels of P4 (Mitchell and Flint, 1978a). Presumably the effect of the inhibitors is on PG stimulation of uterine contraction either directly, by stimulation of oxytocin release or both. One may speculate that development of receptors for oxytocin in ewes is dependent on elevated plasma levels of E as in the guinea pig. In the mare exogenous P4 does not prolong gestation (Alto et al., 1975), and maintenance of late pregnancy may not be dependent on P4, (see Moss et al., 1979; First, 1979; Rossdale and Ricketts, 1980). The hormonal regulation of development of receptors for oxytocin is unknown for the mare. In spite of the need in some species for elevated E levels to develop oxytocin receptors, the situation in sheep may be different. It is known that E levels are elevated prepartum in ewes (Nathanielsz et al., 1982) and exogenous E causes premature delivery (Bosc et al., 1975; Hindson et al., 1967). Elevation of E alone may not be prerequisite for formation of oxytocin receptors or parturition in sheep because immunization of ewes against E did not prevent parturition or alter levels of P4 or PGF2a (Rawlings et al., 1978). It is possible that immunization against E was not complete. In estrual sheep E promotes a high frequency of uterine contractions and causes contractions to originate in the posterior uterus (Croker and Shelton, 1973; Hawk, 1975a,b; Rexroad, 1980). This E stimulation of uterine contractions requires protein synthesis and is not blocked by inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis with indomethacin (Rexroad, 1980). The initiation of parturition by the fetus culminating in uterine contraction would be a futile effort unless the birth canal was prepared to allow exit of the fetus. Expansion of the Birth Canal The cervix presents a formidable block to expulsion of fetuses until its connective tissue becomes soft and capable of distension. This softening or increased distensibility is regulated hormonally. Softening of the cervix is dependent on changes in the structure of its connective tissue. The principal changes at the time of parturition are a separation or scattering of tightly packed collagen fibers, and an increase in the proteoglycan intercellular matrix and in water content. The principal component of the proteoglycans that increases at this time in humans is keratin sulphate (Danforth et al., 1974) although an increase in total glycosaminoglycans also occurs (Danforth, 1980). There is also a softening of the collagen fiber network. This appears to result from physical separation or proteolytic depolymerization of collagen because collagenase does not increase (Veis, 1980). Little is known about the biochemistry of Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION cervical softening in domestic animals. More is known about the hormones influencing cervical distensibility and the necessity for development of distensibility before parturition. This is best evidenced for swine from experiments of Kertiles and Anderson (1979) and Nara et al. (1982). Kertiles and Anderson (1979) found that injections of relaxin caused premature dilatation of the cervix in late pregnant gilts. Removal of CL on d 110 resulted in premature delivery and prolonged parturition whereas relaxin therapy to gilts without CL resulted in premature deliveries, but parturitions of short duration and with cervical dilatation. Nara et al. (1982) used P4 to maintain pregnancy in ovariectomized gilts and found that in the absence of the source of relaxin, i.e., the CL, delivery was prolonged and there was a high incidence of stillborn piglets. Relaxin therapy resulted in plasma concentrations of relaxin, duration of delivery and frequency of live births comparable to that of ovary intact gilts. Several hormones including E, PG, oxytocin and relaxin have been implicated in stimulation of cervical distensibility. Species differences appear to exist in describing the hormonal stimulator. However, our base of information from experiments designed to directly determine hormonal interactions and the sequence of hormonal signals preparing the cervix for distension is insufficient to draw conclusions across species. Certainly species such as the cow, ewe and mare in which the ovaries can be removed before parturition without interfering with birth raise questions about the source or essentiality of relaxin for cervical distension (cow: Estergreen et al., 1967; Chew et al., 1979a,b; Hoffmann et al., 1979b; Wendorf et al., 1983), (ewe: Casida and Warwick, 1945; Denamur and Martinet, 1955) and (mare: First and Aim, 1977). It has been suggested that relaxin may act to maintain late pregnancy in some species by suppressing uterine contraction (Taverne et al., 1979a; Porter, 1979). However, there is, as yet, no definitive evidence for this effect in domestic animals. Swine. In swine where relaxin seems to be the principal hormone promoting cervical distensibility, the source, synthesis and control of relaxin are best understood. This hormone, its structure, source and functions in swine have been reviewed recently by Sherwood (1982) and Anderson (1982). The porcine CL of late pregnancy is a rich source of relaxin (Fevold et al., 1930, Hisaw 447 and Zarrow, 1948), and the absence of release of relaxin into the blood plasma after ovariect o m y indicates that the CL is the principal organ producing relaxin in this species (Nara et al., 1981, 1982). Relaxin is secreted by lutein cells of CL (Belt et al., 1971; Kendall et al., 1978). It is stored and concentrated in CL throughout pregnancy (Anderson et al., 1973b). This accumulation is not dependent on pregnancy because CL of gilts hysterectomized early in pregnancy are maintained and accumulate relaxin through 124 d (Anderson et al., 1982). Additionally, in the absence of mating, relaxin was accumulated in CL that had their life span prolonged by exogenous E (Anderson et al., 1973b). Relaxin is released into the blood as sustained surges starting approximately 2 d before parturition with peak release at 14 to 22 h before parturition and this activity is rapidly lost after parturition (Sherwood, 1982). Release is dependent on PG synthesis and is stimulated either directly or indirectly by PGF2a (Sherwood et al., 1979; Nara and First, 1981b). While normally associated with luteolysis, the release of relaxin by PGF2a is not dependent on luteolysis (Nara et al., 1982). In fact, there is evidence based on hysterectomy that the timing of relaxin release may be dependent on the life span of CL and not on pregnancy or parturition (Anderson et al., 1982). This is supported by the observation that sows containing decapitated (Sherwood, 1982) or hypophysectomized (Kendall et al., 1980) fetuses have prolonged gestation and release relaxin into their blood on random days around the time of expected parturition. It may be that the release of relaxin induced by PGF2a is actually caused by oxytocin after stimulation of oxytocin release by PGF2&. If this is the case, small changes in either hormone extrinsic or intrinsic to CL could cause release of relaxin. Prostaglandin F2a is known to cause oxytocin release at the same time that release of relaxin occurs (Ellendorf et al., 1979a). Nevertheless, the specificity of PGF2a activity needs to be tested with the ovary isolated in vivo or in vitro or CL isolated in vitro. Relaxin appears to be associated with increased distensibility of the cervix in rodents as evidenced by ovarian ablation and relaxin replacement. The effectiveness appears dependent on prior exposure to E or P4 followed by E (see Sherwood, 1982). Zarrow et al. (1956) reported that relaxin would cause cervical Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 448 BAZER AND FIRST dilatation, increase water content and cause depolymerization of cervical glycoproteins when injected into E-treated ovariectomized nonpregnant gilts. As previously indicated, Kertiles and Anderson (1979) found that relaxin therapy prepartum stimulated cervical distensibility in ovariectomized gilts, and cervical diameter of intact gilts increased when relaxin release into blood occurred. While E or E and P4 may aid in preparing the porcine cervix to respond to relaxin (Zarrow et al., 1956), P4 does not inhibit release of relaxin (Sherwood et al., 1978). Research is needed in swine to identify the effects of relaxin on specific components of cervical softening such as changes in specific glycosaminoglycans. Research is also needed to establish the interaction of relaxin with other hormones and the sequence of cervical events and hormonal controls required to prepare the cervix to respond to relaxin. Relaxin therapy alone or in combination with steroids has been shown to cause cervical changes in humans, monkeys and cattle (see Sherwood, 1982). Cervical changes in the other domestic species may be more dependent on hormones other than relaxin. Cattle. In cattle, relaxin also has been isolated from CL during late stages of pregnancy (Wada and Yuhara, 1960; Fields et al., 1980) and from bovine placenta (Wada and Yuhara, 1960). The activity is much less than in the pig. Small amounts were identified in blood from cattle of late pregnancy by biological assay (Wada and Yuhara, 1961), but not by the porcine RIA (Sherwood et al., 1975). Little is known about hormonal regulation of cervical distensibility or changes in the cervix of cattle at parturition. Sheep. There is no RIA for ovine relaxin. Using a porcine relaxin RIA Chamley et al. (1975) found episodic bursts of relaxin throughout the estrous cycle. They found a rise in plasma relaxin and prolactin just before parturition and observed correlated changes in both hormones. Both hormones were present and again exhibited correlated, abrupt increases within 1 to 5 min after initiation of machine milking. Relaxin levels dropped within 2 min, but prolactin remained elevated. Similar changes occurred when Iambs suckled ewes (Chamley et al., 1976). This release of relaxin may be caused by oxytocin, because infusion of oxytocin to Pa-E primed anestrous ewes stimulated release of relaxin (Chamley et al., 1976), or by PG, which were stimulated to be released into the blood by oxytocin. The source of relaxin must be other than CL or placenta of ewes because they are not present during lactation. Infusion of PGF2a directly into the cervix of sheep has been reported to cause cervical softening (Fitzpatrick, 1977). However, Fitzpatrick and Liggins (1980) suggested that it may be a prostacyclin rather than a PG that promotes cervical softening. The activity of prostacyclins in the cervix may be from their local synthesis. The prostacyclin 6-oxo-PGF1 is produced in the cervix of sheep and in increased quantity at labor (Ellwood et al., 1980; Evans et al., 1981a,b). Estrogens have been shown to promote cervical softening or dilatation in ewes during late pregnancy (Stys et al., 1980; Fitzpatrick and Liggins, 1980). This effect of E on cervical softening occurred even though P4 levels were elevated. In fact, administration of 200 mg of P4/d failed to inhibit the prepartum cervical softening of ewes with parturition induced by dexamethasone (Stys et al., 1980). Experiments involving maternal hypophysectomy, ovariectomy and fetectomy are needed to isolate and allow replacement of the hormones suspected of influencing cervical softening. Horses. Little is known concerning the regulation of cervical dilatation in horses. Relaxin from the placenta is present and elevated in the blood of mares before parturition (Stewart and Stabenfeldt, 1981; Stewart et al., 1982). The Induction of Parturition Knowing the steps and hormonal messengers involved in the initiation of parturition, it should be possible to administer one or more of these messengers to cause early and perhaps precisely timed delivery. Indeed such can be done. The most effective hormonal messenger differs some among the species. Unfortunately parturition cannot be induced much before term in some species without interfering with birth weight and survival of the offspring. These critical periods are less than 3 d for swine, 5 to 7 d for sheep, 1 wk for horses and for cattle. Sheep. From the practical point of view, parturition can be induced in sheep most effectively by either glucocorticoid or E administration. Parturition can be induced by ACTH infusion or by continuous infusion of cortisol after approximately d 120 (Liggins, 1968), and Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION abortions can be caused even earlier by E (Hindson et al., 1967); however, practical systems for induction of parturition require that the hormones be used at a stage when postpartum fetal survival and growth will be normal. The efficacy and limitations of glucocorticoid, estrogen and prostaglandin induction systems for sheep have been reviewed by Bose et al. (1977). Swine. If the proposed model for the steps and mechanisms initiating parturition in swine is valid, it should be possible to induce parturition before term by exogenous hormones which elicit the sequence of events leading to parturition. This is possible for four hormones: ACTH to the fetus (Bosc, 1973); cortisol analogues to fetuses or the mother (North et al., 1973; First et al., 1982); PGF2a and its analogues to the mother (First et al., 1982); and within the last 12 h of gestation, oxytocin to the mother (Welk and First, 1979). This knowledge has provided the basis for development of methods for the induction of parturition. The potential benefits derived from induced parturition in swine at a precise time are: a) more efficient use of farrowing facilities and labor, b) avoidance of parturition on weekends, holidays or at late hours of the night, c) more efficient cross-fostering of litters, d) more uniformity in the time of estrus for lactating sows after weaning and in the age and weight of piglets in feedlots and e) reduction in the length of gestation. Unfortunately, the latter is of limited feasibility. Attempts to cause delivery before d 109 have resulted in death of the piglets by d 1 postpartum (Wierzchos and Pejsak, 1976; N. L. First, unpublished). Piglets born as late as d 110 (Jainudeen and Brandenburg, 1980) or in some cases d 111 (Bosc and Martinat-Botte, 1976; Hammond and Carlyle, 1976; Gilchrist-Shirlaw et al., 1978; Aumaitre et al., 1979) have reduced survival and reduce birth and weaning weights. However, piglets born 2, and in some experiments, 3 d before term have normal survival and normal birth and weaning weights (Aumaitre et al., 1979). The most effective, efficient and widely accepted method to date for inducing parturition in pigs is an im injection of PGF2a or one of its analogues. Experiments involving the use of PGF2a to induce parturition in swine have been reviewed and summarized recently (First et al, 1982). There have been two attempts to develop 449 methods for making the time of PGF2cx-induced parturition more precise. When oxytocin was injected on the expected day of cloprostenolinduced parturition and at a time when milk could be ejected, the interval from injection of PG to delivery of the first piglet was 27.2 + 2 h and the variance in time of delivery was significantly reduced from that due to cloprostenol alone (Welk and First, 1979). This combination of drugs allows synchronization and supervision of farrowings during a specified half day. Long acting oxytocin preparations are now available (Veznik et al., 1979), but they are untested for that purpose in swine. In a second attempt, the treatment involved daily administration of 100 mg of P4 on d 112, 113 and 114 and 200/lg of cloprostenol on d 115 (Goonerame et al., 1979). Here 80% of the sows farrowed between 0800 and 1700 h on d 116. A precise time of parturition, 25.4 -+ 1 h, after injection of cloprostenol was achieved. Although this study was without a control group in which cloprostenol alone was used, the initiation of lactation, piglet survival and weight, and postpartum reproductive performance of the sows were not different from untreated controls. Cattle. There are several reasons for considering the induction of parturition as an aid in management of calving. A successful method could be used to 1) advance the calving date in late conceiving cows, 2) condense the herd calving interval, 3) group parturition at a precise time so that attendants, shelter and care could be provided at parturition, 4) shorten the length of gestation thereby reducing the size of the calf and incidence of dystocia and 5) terminate pregnancy if desired. The greatest use of methods for induction of parturition has been in dairy cattle of New Zealand where parturition has been induced in over one million cows (Welch and Scott, 1979). It has been used there primarily to synchronize the beginning of lactation with the beginning of lush pasture without great regard for stage of pregnancy or survival of the offspring. Parturition in cattle has been induced prematurely in a number of experiments by a single im injection of either a glucocorticoid or PGF2a and sometimes by E (see First, 1979; Hoffmann et al., 1979a; Johnson, 1981). When parturition is to be induced after maternal plasma levels of E are elevated, the effective drugs are either glucocorticoids or PGF2 a, Glucocorticoids used include dexa- Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 450 BAZER AND FIRST methasone (Day, 1977; Davis et al., 1979), dexamethasone trimethyl acetate (Welch et al., 1977; Welch et al., 1979), flumethasone (Davis et al., 1979) and betamethasone (Diskin, 1982). The prostaglandins most commonly used are the tham salt of PGF2~ (Lauderdale, 1975; Henricks, et al., 1977; Diskin, 1982) and the PGF2~ analogue, cloprostanol (see Johnson, 1981). The frequency of cows calving has been increased, the frequency of dystocia and retained placentas reduced slightly and the interval from treatment to parturition shortened by the use of two separate drugs. Most commonly, this has involved an initial treatment with a long acting glucocorticoid, followed 8 to 11 d later in cows not calving by a short acting glucocorticoid or a PGF2~ preparation (MacDiarmid, 1980). Retained placentas commonly occur when cows are induced to calve before full term gestation is completed. The frequency seems reduced, the closer to term calving occurs (Welch et al., 1977, 1979; MacDiarmid, 1980; Johnson and Jackson, 1980). Estrogens have been used with glucocorticoids to reduce retained placentas, but without much effect (Barth et al., 1978; Davis et al., 1979). The frequency of retention does seem to be reduced slightly by the use of a short acting glucocorticoid after initiation of events leading to parturition by a long acting glucocorticoid (Davis et al., 1979). The success with oxytocin for induction of parturition has been varied and sometimes less than desirable (Adams, 1969). More recently for cows previously treated with a glucocorticoid or cows 1 or 2 d prepartum, a long acting carboanalog of oxytocin has effectively induced labor and delivery (Veznik et al., 1979). It may be that the effectiveness of oxytocin in cattle is only for cows with well developed oxytocin receptors and safely only after the cervix has softened. For cows beginning labor, and with cervical distension, long acting drugs that stimulate B2 adrenergic receptors, such as clenbuterol, delay delivery for at least 5 h (Arbeiter and Thurnber, 1977; Grunert and Verhulsdonk, 1980; Zerobin and Kundig, 1980; Greene, 1981). Effective methods for inducing early parturition in cattle are available. Unfortunately calf survival is reduced if calving is induced more than approximately 1 wk preterm. More research is needed to determine the physio- logical mechanism involved in retention of placentas associated with early delivery and to develop ways to prevent placental retention. Horses. Parturition can be induced in mares by glucocorticoids, PGF2~ or oxytocin. The preferred method for mares close to term is a low dose of oxytocin. A dose of 100 mg of dexamethasone/d for 4 d was required to induce parturition in large saddle-type mares. These mares gave birth to live foals 6.5 to 7 d after initiation of dexamethasone treatment (Aim et al., 1974, 1975). The same treatment regimen applied to p o n y mares resulted in a more immediate response, with most mares foaling between the third and fourth days of dexamethasone injection. When treatment started on d 321, five pony mares foaled on d 324 + .1 compared with d 334 + 1.2 for seven controls. All foals were born live and survived, and their mothers produced adequate milk (First and Aim, 1977). Prostaglandin F 2 a will also cause premature parturition and abortion in the mare. While in ponies a single dose as low as 1.25 mg induced abortion in early pregnancy, a dose of 2.5 mg administered every 12 h for approximately 2 d is required to cause abortion at later stages of pregnancy (Douglas et al., 1974). A larger dose of PGF20t may be required in saddle and draft mares, in which multiple doses of P G F 2 a were not consistently effective (Aim et al., 1975), but a single dose of the potent analog Fluprostenol was effective (Rossdale et al., 1976, 1979). Estrogen treatment alone does not cause premature parturition (Aim et al., 1975). When combined with oxytocin, however, E has caused dilation of the cervix and facilitated the birth process (Hillman, 1975). When signs of impending parturition were obvious, i.e., udder enlargement, presence of milk, and cervical distension, oxytocin has induced parturition. When administered im, 20 IU of oxytocin induced parturition, but more slowly than doses up to 188 IU (Hillman, 1975). However, Pashen (1980) found that small doses of 2 to 10 IU were effective and suggested a second treatment, when the first fails, may be more effective than a high dose. While there is much to be learned yet about mechanisms controlling parturition in the mare, it is evident that pregnancy can be terminated at early stages with an appropriate dose of PGF2a. Parturition can be induced after d 320 with a P G F 2 a analog or dexamethasone and after signs Downloaded from by guest on June 11, 2014 PREGNANCY AND PARTURITION o f p a r t u r i t i o n are evident, o x y t o c i n will i n d u c e hbor. T h e s t a t u s o f o u r p r e s e n t k n o w l e d g e conc e r n i n g t h e w a y in w h i c h p r e g n a n c y is initiated, recognized, m a i n t a i n e d a n d t e r m i n a t e d a n d aspects of t h e s e processes n e e d i n g f u r t h e r s t u d y have received t h e p r i n c i p a l f o c u s of this review. A p p r o x i m a t e l y 35% o f fertilized eggs in f a r m a n i m a l s do n o t result in live b i r t h . R e l a t e d to t h e s e processes, b u t n o t discussed in detail in this review, are t h e p r o b l e m s o f early e m b r y o n i c d e a t h loss, genetic a n d e n v i r o n m e n t a l i n f l u e n c e s o n e m b r y o survival a n d d e v e l o p m e n t a n d i n f l u e n c e s o f t h e f e t u s o n t h e d a m ' s m i l k production. Literature Cited Adams, W. M. 1969. The elective induction of labor and parturition in cattle. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. 154:261. Adelstein, R. S. and E. Eisenberg. 1980. 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