Prehypertension 3:1 A. Muruganathan, Tirupur ABSTRACT The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and treatment of High Blood Pressure suggested a new classification for high-normal BP levels-the PreHypertension. Normal blood pressure systolic <120 mmHg and diastolic <80 mmHg Prehypertension — systolic 120 to 139 mmHg or diastolic 80 to 89 mmHg. Prehypertension is often associated with multiple additional cardiovascular risk factors, such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and inflammatory markers, and evidence of organ damage for example, microalbuminuria, retinal arteriolar narrowing, increased carotid arterial intima-media thickness, left ventricular hypertrophy and coronary artery disease. Nonpharmacological treatment with lifestyle modifications such as weight loss, dietary modification and increased physical activity is recommended for all patients with prehypertension. Where as pharmacological therapy is indicated for some patients with prehypertension who have specific co-morbidities, including diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease and coronary artery disease. Because of its high prevalence and long-term complications, prehypertension has been estimated to decrease the average life expectancy by as much as five years. Unfortunately, current preventive strategies, although admirable from both individual and societal perspectives, are weak. INTRODUCTION The term ‘prehypertension’ was coined in 1939 in the context of early studies that linked high blood pressure recorded for life insurance purposes to subsequent morbidity and mortality . Long-term follow-up of patients destined to develop essential (primary) hypertension demonstrates that blood pressure (BP) readings gradually increase over time. DEFINITION Prehypertension, defined as the blood-pressure range of 120 to 139 mm Hg systolic or 80 to 89 mm Hg diastolic, the condition heralds arterial hypertension and thus may be considered a starting point in the cardiovascular disease continuum. The seventh report of the Joint National Committee (JNC 7) published in 2003 proposed the following classification based upon the average of two or more properly measured readings at each of two or more visits after an initial screen (Table 1). The European Society of Hypertension and the European Society of Cardiology (ESH_ESC) guidelines for the hypertension consider prehypertensive to be categorized into, Normal blood pressure” (systolic blood pressure SBP,120 to 129 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure DBP, 80 to 84 mmHg) and High Table 1 : Blood Pressure Classification JNC-7-2003 BP Classification Normal SB-P mmHg* DBP mmHg LSM Drug Therapy** <120 And < 80 Encourage No Pre hypertension 120-139 Or 80 – 89 Yes No Stage 1 Hypertension 140-159 Or 90-99 Yes Single agent Stage 2 Hypertension > 160 Or >100 Yes Combo *Treatment determined by highest BP category: ** Consider treatment for compelling indications Regardless of BP Normal. JNC 7 Express. JAMA 2003 Sep 10; 290 (10); 114. 105 Medicine Update 2012 Vol. 22 High-Normal Blood Pressure and CVD Risk: Framingham Study Ischemic Heart Disease Mortality Rate in Each Decade of Age 256 128 128 64 64 32 IHD mortality 16 (floating 8 absolute risk and 95% CI) 4 32 2 2 1 1 DBP Age at risk: 80-89 y Men 70-79 y 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 60-69 y 50-59 y 16 40-49 y 8 4 120 140 160 180 Usual SBP (mm Hg) High normal 130-139/85-89 mm Hg Normal 120-129/80-84 mm Hg Optimal <120/80 mm Hg Cumulative incidenc (%) 256 SBP 70 80 90 100 110 Usual DBP (mm Hg) Women P<.001 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (years) IHD, ischemic heart disease. Prospective Studies Collaboration. Lancet. 2002;360:1903-1913. 10 8 6 4 2 0 P<.001 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Time (years) Vasan et al. N Engl J Med. 2001;345:1291-1297. Fig. 1 : Ischemic heart disease-related mortality rates with blood pressure in individuals aged 40-89 years. Permission obtained from Elsevier Ltd lewington, S. et al. Lancet 360, 1903-1913 (2002). normal blood pressure SBP, 130 to 139mmHg or DBPES to 89 mmHg. In 2007, the ESC Committee decided not to use the term ‘prehypertension’. The term pre hypertension is more likely to create anxiety in a large subset of population and Hence IHG (International hypertension Guidelines) does not recommend the use of the term “pre hypertension”. Despite the fierce opposition the new terminology was adopted at the strength of scientific research showing that previously considered normal and high normal blood pressure levels still contained a significant risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Experts noted that by introducing this new categorization of hypertension there was progress in bringing prehypertension to the attention of doctors and the general public for better hypertension prevention. When we use of the term high normal blood pressure, the word ‘high’ is often ignored and ‘normal’ is overvalued (Figs. 1 & 2). Meta-analysis of approximately 1 million individuals from 61 long-term epidemiological studies demonstrated that for each 20 mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure or 10 mmHg increase in diastolic blood pressure over 115/75 mmHg, there was a two-fold increase in mortality associated with coronary artery disease and stroke. RESONS FOR CREATING A CLASSIFICATION OF PREHYPERTENSION: • Increase awareness of lifetime risk of hypertension. • Increased awareness of reduced risk of cardiovascular complications. • Identify individuals in whom early intervention by lifestyle modifications could lower blood pressure. Fig. 2 : Effect of high-normal blood pressure on risk of cardiovascular disease. Cumulative incidence of cardiovascular events in a|men and b|women without hypertension according to blood pressure category at baseline examination. Vertical bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Optimal blood pressure <120 mmHg and a diastolic pressure <80 mmHg. Normal blood pressure is a systolic pressure of 120-129 mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 80-84 mmHg. High-normal blood pressure is a systolic pressure of 130139 mmHg or a diastolic pressure of 85-89 mmHg. If the systolic and diastolic pressure reading for an individual were in different categories, the higher of the two categories was used. With permission from Vasan, R. S. et al. N. Engl. J. Med. 345, 1291-1297 (2001) Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. • Decrease the rate of progression to hypertension with age prevents hypertension entirely. • Enable insurance coverage for treatment of prehypertension. EPIDEMIOLOGY Data from the 1999 and 2000 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) suggested that the prevalence of prehypertension among adults in the United States was approximately 31%. The prevalence was markedly higher among men than women (39 and 23 percent, respectively). The prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular disease is rapidly increasing in India. A survey conducted in nine States of India by the National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau reported the pooled estimate of prehypertension in rural men to be about 45 %.A few studies from different regions of India(e.g. Dr. Mohan cures study at Chennai) have also indicated the prevalence of prehypertension in the range of 40-60%. Ongoing nutrition transition with progressive shift to a westernized diet may further accentuate the risk. It turns out that a huge number of people in any given population are actually people with pre-hypertension. The prevalence of prehypertension is clearly higher than that of high blood pressure itself. Individuals who are overweight or obese are at risk of 106 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 31.2 32.8 34.7 31.5 23.1 JNC 7 Class: N=3488 39.0 28.9 Total 20-39 40-59 Age ≥60 Male Female Gender White Black Hispanic Ethnicity Age 37 26 30 35-64 yrs 65+ yrs 18 16 20 10 5 0 JNC VI Class: A report from the Framingham Heart Study examined the incidence of hypertension (defined as blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg or use of antihypertensive agent) over a four year period among patients who initially had optimal (less than 120/80 mmHg), normal (120-129/80-84 mmHg) or high-normal (130-139/85-89 mmHg) blood pressures . A progressive increase in the frequency of development of hypertension was observed in these three groups; 5, 18, and 37 percent, respectively, under age 65; and 16, 26, and 50 percent, respectively in older subjects (Fig. 4). The differential incidence of isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH, blood pressure <140/≥90 mmHg) and isolated systolic hypertension (ISH, blood pressure ≥140/<90 mmHg) was examined in another report from the Framingham Heart Study with a mean follow-up time of 10 years. Patients started on antihypertensive therapy were censored. The following findings were noted: Among patients who initially had optimal (less than 120/80 mmHg), normal (120-129/80-84 mmHg) or high-normal (130-139/85-89 mmHg) blood pressures, the incidence of new onset IDH was 3, 8 and 10 per 1000 person-years at risk, and the incidence of ISH was 6, 23 and 35 per 1000 persons years at risk. The inci- Normal 120-129/80-84 mm Hg High Normal 130-139/85-89 mm Hg Vasan, et al. Lancet 2001;358:1662-86 Fig. 4 :4 Year progression to Hypertension the Framingham Heart Study dence of systolic and diastolic hypertension was intermediate. PROGRESSION TO SUSTAINED HYPERTENSION As a result of the rise in BP with time, the incidence of hypertension increases from approximately 10 percent at age 30 to 30 percent at age 60. A rise in BP with aging is relatively common in normotensive subjects. Predictors — the rate at which new onset hypertension occurs varies importantly with the blood pressure at baseline. The magnitude of this effect is illustrated by the following observations: Optimal <120/80 mm Hg pre-hypertension condition progressing faster to hypertension stage 1 or stage 2. Also surprisingly yet satisfactorily explainable, elderly members of society aged above 60 are less likely to have pre-hypertension. The explanation is that by this age most of the people would have already developed hypertension (Figs. 3 & 4). • 50 40 Fig. 3 : Prevalence of prehypertension • Prehypertension 50 23.1 Greenland KJ, et al Arch Intern Med 2004;164:2113-2118. • Normal 31.7 Percent Prevalence (%) Prehypertension • Predictors of IDH were younger age and increased body weight, and there was a high probability of progression to systolic and diastolic hypertension at 6.7 years (55 percent, adjusted hazard ratio 23.1), suggesting that IDH is not a benign condition. Predictors of ISH were older age and increased body weight. ISH appeared to arise more commonly from normal and high-normal blood pressure than from “burned out” diastolic hypertension. PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY Prehypertension is one step towards hypertension, hence the same factors are involved in both. RISK FACTORS Elevated concentrations of creative protein, Tumor necrosis factor – (α) alpha homocysteine, oxidized low – density lipoprotein, gamma-glutamyl transferase, micoalbuminuria, and other inflammatory markers are associated with higher blood pressure. Prehypertension also accelerates the development of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy and diastolic dysfunction. ATTICA STUDY Toika et al illustrated evidence of sub clinical atherosclerosis, by measuring intima-media thickness of the carotid and brachial arteries in healthy men with borderline hypertension. prehypertension males and females had 31% higher CRP , 32% higher TNF α 15% higher oxidized LDL 9% higher amyloidal, 6% higher homocysteine levels and10% higher WBC counts compared to normotensives. Thus inflammation plays a significant role in prehypertension also. Subject with prehypertension have clinical characteristics of the insulin resistance. An autonomic imbalance shifting with 107 Medicine Update 2012 Vol. 22 augmented sympathetic tone and a significantly impaired parasympathetic activity is seen in prehypertension. The increased CV risk with prehypertension is smaller than the risk associated with having diabetes but is greater than that associated with smoking. hypertension stage 2. This is precisely the reason why there are more people with pre-hypertension than hypertension itself in many societies. The only way to detect pre-hypertension is to frequently take blood pressure measurements even at home using a home blood pressure monitor. In the cohort of 60,785 women enrolled in the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), important cardiovascular risk factorsincluding age, BMI, and prevalence of diabetes mellitus and Hypercholesterolemia- increased- across rising categories of blood pressure. Some reports presents headache and blurred vision amongst others as symptoms of pre-hypertension. However, these symptoms and signs may be caused by other things which are not necessarily high blood pressure. Therefore they are not reliable signs and symptoms of pre-hypertension. A study of 36,424 Israelis, of whom 51% of men and 36% of women had prehypertension, demonstrated that, compared with normotensive individuals, those with prehypertension had higher levels of blood glucose, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, higher BMI, and lower levels of HDL cholesterol. BMI was the strongest predictor of prehypertension. Prehypertension is also more prevalent in individuals with diabetes mellitus than in those without. In a 12 year follow-up study of 2,629 American Indians who were free from hypertension at baseline examination, the prevalence of prehypertension was significantly higher in those who subsequently developed diabetes mellitus than in those who did not. NON PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT SUBCLINICAL DISEASE AND CARDIOVASCULAR MAKERS Accordingly, the Rotterdam Study, a prospective, populationbased study with 1,900 participants (≥55 years of age, including 739 with normal blood pressure and 1,161 with prehypertension), found that individuals with prehypertension had significantly smaller arteriolar and venular diameters and arteriolar-venular ratios than normotensive individuals, indicating the presence of microvascular damage. MICROALBUMINURIA An organ- specific manifestation of generalized endothelial dysfunction that is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease- is more common in individuals with prehypertension than in those with normal blood pressure. There is also an association of serum uric acid levels in prehypertension as in establish that hypertension. PSYCHOSOCIAL FACTORS A study of 2334 middle aged men, in the US with prehypertension showed that men with high trait anger scores, revealed a modest association with progression to hypertension and CHD. The study also showed that long term psychological stress in persons with prehypertension, is associated with development of combined CHD and CHD related deaths. SYMTOMS No symptoms at all until high blood pressure advances even to Lifestyle modification There is much evidence pointing to the benefits of treating the condition using lifestyle changes such as dietary modifications, weight loss and reduction in sodium intake. The effects of these modifications when put together produce substantial results. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating plan, which uses a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and low – fat dietary products and low saturated fats, induced a significant lowering of BP, which was reduced even further when dietary sodium was restricted. It is well recognized that higher salt intake is associated with higher blood pressure and reduction in salt intake lowers blood pressure (Table 2). A follow -up study of the PREMIER trial demonstrated that multicomponent behavioral interventions with and without the DASH diet - produced significant reductions in the 10 year risk of coronary heart disease. The Optimal Macro Nutrient intake trial to prevent Heart disease (Omni Heart) tested the effects of diets rich in carbohydrate, protein (half from plant sources) or unsaturated fat (predominantly monounsaturated fat) for 6 weeks. This study demonstrates that a variety of healthy diets can effectively lower cardiovascular risk factors and overall risk of cardiovascular disease. In a study by Engelhard et al consumption of tomato extracts, which contain carotenoids such as lycopene, beta carotene and vit E led to significant reduction in the levels of systolic and diastolic BP. Thus natural antioxidants could reduce BP levels in patient with mild hypertension or prehypertension. A 10-15 year follow-up of the Trials of Hypertension Prevention 1 and 2 studies (TOHP and 2) assessed the remote effects of dietary sodium reduction for 18 months (THOP 1) or for 36-48 months (TOHP 2) on risk of cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary revascularization, or cardiovascular-related death) in middle-aged individuals with prehypertension. Risk of a cardiovascular event was 25% lower the intervention group than in the placebo group (Figure 5). 108 a 0.20 Cumulative incidence of CVD Prehypertension 0.16 Table 2 : Lifestyle intervention for blood pressure reduction Sodium intervention Control Intervention 0.12 Maintain ideal body 5-20 mm Hg per 10 kg mass index below23 weight loss kg/cm2 DASH eating plan Consume diet rich in 8-14 mm Hg fruits, vegetables ,low –fat diary products with reduced content of saturated and total fat 0 Cumulative incidence of CVD b 0.10 Dietary sodium restric- Reduce dietary sodium 2-8mm Hg tion intake to<100 mmol/ day (2.4 g sodium or6 g sodium chloride ) TOHP II 0.08 0.06 Physical activity Engage in regular 4-0 mm Hg aerobic physical activity ,for example ,brisk walking for at lead 3o min most days Alcohol moderation Men’s < 60ml per day 2-4mmHg twice a week Women <60 ml per day twice week Tobacco Total abstinence 0.04 0.02 0 0 2 ed systolic blood pressure reduction Weight reduction 0.08 0.04 Recommendation 4 6 8 10 Follow-up (years) 12 14 16 Fig. 5 : Incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) following dietary sodium reduction. Cumulative incidence of cardiovascular disease by sodium intervention group in a| TOHP 1 and b| TOHP 2, adjusted for age, sex, and clinic. Reproduced from BMJ, Cok, N. R. et. 334, 885 (2007) with permission from BMJ Publishing Group Ltd. PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT Good strategy is to manage the condition with the main aim of lowering blood pressure to within normal range, preventing a rise in blood pressure with age, careful monitoring for signs of end-organ damage and also to prevent blood pressure related cardiovascular diseases. TROPHY In this trial Participants with prehypertension were randomly assigned to receive candesartan cilextil or placebo for 2 years, followed by 2 years of placebo for all participants. In addition, all participants received instructions for lifestyle modification. During the first 2 years, the risk of developing hypertension was reduced by 66.3% in the participants who received candesartan cilexetil compared with placebo group; the magnitude of risk of risk reduction decreased to16% by year 4, but was still statistically different from placebo. PHARAO TRIAL Participants with prehypertension were randomly assigned to receive ramipril or placebo and were followed for 3 years. The study showed statistically significant 34% reduction in risk for the ramipril group. CAMELOT TRIAL Patients underwent coronary intravascular ultrasound examination at baseline and after 2 years of amlodipine, _ enalapril maleate, or placebo therapy. Patients who received active treatment and who achieved blood pressure values within the prehypertensive range had no major change(0.9 mm3) in atheroma volume, where as those who became or remained hypertensive had a 12.0mm3 increase, and who achieved normal blood pressure values had a decrease in atheroma volume of 4.6mm3, Further study is required to determine the role, if any, of pharmacotherapy in prehypertension among individuals without other indications for such therapy (e.g., chronic kidney disease, heart failure). CONCLUSION Individuals with prehypertension have an increased risk of full-blown hypertension, target organ damage and cardiovascular-related morbidity and mortality. If there is a future for drug treatment of prehypertension, we need to learn who should be treated for how many years, and with which drug and at what dose. 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