Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar, 2010 Findings from Selected Health Facilities in Unguja and Pemba Marya Plotkin Christina Lulu Makene Asma Ramadhan Khamis Sheena Currie Gaudiosa Tibaijuka Maryjane Lacoste Molly O’Bryan Authors: Marya Plotkin, M&E Advisor Christina Lulu Makene, M&E Officer Asma Ramadhan Khamis, Midwifery Advisor Sheena Currie, Senior Maternal Health Advisor Gaudiosa Tibaijuka, Senior Technical Manager Maryjane Lacoste, Country Director Molly O’Bryan, Program Officer The Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) is the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Global Health flagship maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) program. MCHIP supports programming in MNCH, immunization, family planning, malaria, nutrition and HIV/AIDS, and strongly encourages opportunities for integration. Cross-cutting technical areas include water, sanitation, hygiene, urban health and health systems strengthening. This study is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of the Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement GHS-A-00-08-00002-00. The contents are the responsibility of the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Cover photo credits: Sheena Currie Published by: Jhpiego Brown’s Wharf 1615 Thames Street Baltimore, Maryland 21231-3492, USA www.jhpiego.org March 2012 Table of Contents ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................................ VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................... VIII EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................ IX 1. INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND...................................................................................................... 1 2. STUDY DESIGN ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Sample and Sampling Strategies ...................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Data Collection ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Data Entry, Quality Control and Analysis........................................................................................... 3 2.4 Ethical Considerations ....................................................................................................................... 4 3. HEALTH FACILITY OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................... 5 4. FINDINGS ........................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1 Case Volume and Self-Reported Infrastructure for ANC and L&D .................................................. 6 4.2 ANC Inventory ..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Findings from ANC Consultation Observations ................................................................................ 8 5. LABOUR AND DELIVERY SERVICES ..............................................................................................12 5.1 Presence of Skilled Personnel......................................................................................................... 12 5.2. Availability of Essential Maternal and Newborn Supplies ............................................................ 12 6. FINDINGS FROM LABOUR AND DELIVERY OBSERVATIONS .........................................................13 6.1 Description of Clients in Labour and Delivery Observations ......................................................... 13 6.2. Initial Client Assessment ................................................................................................................ 13 6.3. Woman-Friendly Care during Labour and Delivery (Interpersonal Communication) ................... 14 6.4. Care during the Second and Third Stage of Labour ...................................................................... 15 6.5 Immediate and Essential Newborn Care ........................................................................................ 16 6.6. Harmful and Un-Indicated Practices .............................................................................................. 16 6.7. Infection Prevention ........................................................................................................................ 17 6.8. Use of a Partograph to Monitor Labour ......................................................................................... 18 7. PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF SELECTED MATERNAL AND NEWBORN HEALTH COMPLICATIONS .........................................................................................................................19 7.1 Prevention and Management of Postpartum Haemorrhage ......................................................... 19 7.2 Prevention and Management of Pre-Eclampsia/ Eclampsia, Including Screening ...................... 21 7.3 Complicated Cases Observed during Study ................................................................................... 22 8. HEALTH WORKER KNOWLEDGE ...................................................................................................23 9. DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................................................25 9.1 Prevention and Management of PE/E ............................................................................................ 25 9.2 Prevention and Management of PPH.............................................................................................. 26 9.3 Essential Newborn Care .................................................................................................................. 27 9.4 Other Issues of Note ........................................................................................................................ 27 9.5 Comparing Key Findings from Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania.................................................. 28 10. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................30 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar iii APPENDIX A. PHARMACY STOCK ......................................................................................................31 APPENDIX B. EQUIPMENT INVENTORY .............................................................................................32 APPENDIX C. PROVIDERS’ PE/E KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT SCORES ..........................................33 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................................35 iv Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar List of Tables Table 4.1 ANC and L&D Clients Observed................................................................................................... 6 Table 4.2 Cadre of Health Worker Providing ANC Services ........................................................................ 7 Table 4.3 Essential Supplies for Basic ANC, from ANC Inventory .............................................................. 7 Table 4.4 Key Services Provided to ANC Clients ......................................................................................... 8 Table 4.5 Screening for Pre-Eclampsia ....................................................................................................... 9 Table 4.6 Counselling on Preventive Treatments during ANC Consultation ............................................. 9 Table 4.7 Counselling on Birth Preparedness during ANC Visit ............................................................... 10 Table 4.8 Basic Content of First ANC Visit ................................................................................................ 11 Table 4.9 Discussion of Previous Pregnancies with Multigravida, First-Visit ANC Clients...................... 11 Table 5.1 Cadres of Health Care Providers Attending Observed Deliveries ............................................ 12 Table 6.1 Key Steps in Initial Client Assessment...................................................................................... 13 Table 6.2 Assessment of Previous Complications among Multiparous Clients ...................................... 14 Table 6.3 Woman-Friendly Care Components Observed during the Initial Assessment and First Stage of Labour ....................................................................................................................... 15 Table 6.4 Practice of Immediate and Essential Newborn Care ............................................................... 16 Table 6.5 Harmful and Un-Indicated Practices ......................................................................................... 16 Table 6.6 Infection Prevention Measures for L&D Clients ....................................................................... 17 Table 6.7 Partograph Use during Labour .................................................................................................. 18 Table 7.1 Uterotonics Administered for AMTSL ........................................................................................ 20 Table 7.2 Screening for Pre-Eclampsia during Labour, Initial Assessment ............................................ 22 Table 8.1 Provider Knowledge Scores on Maternal Health Topics.......................................................... 23 Table 8.2 Provider Performance on Newborn Resuscitation Simulation ................................................ 24 Table 9.1 Comparison of Study Findings: Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania .......................................... 28 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar v List of Figures Figure 2.1 Study Sites: Unguja and Pemba................................................................................................. 3 Figure 4.1 Counselling on Danger Signs (n=57) ....................................................................................... 10 Figure 6.1 Assessment of Danger Signs in Initial Assessment ................................................................ 14 Figure 6.2 Tasks for Management of Second and Third Stages of Labour............................................. 15 Figure 7.1 Proportion of Births Observed in Which AMTSL Tasks Were Performed Correctly ............... 20 Figure 7.2 Proportion of Deliveries with Correct Provision of AMTSL with Oxytocin ............................... 21 Figure 7.3 Proportion of Deliveries with Correct Provision of AMTSL with Any Uterotonic ..................... 21 vi Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Acronyms AMTSL Active management of the third stage of labour ANC Antenatal care BEmONC Basic emergency obstetric and newborn care CCT Controlled cord traction CS Caesarean section EDL Essential drug list EmOC Emergency obstetric care FIGO International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics HMIS Health management information system ICM International Confederation of Midwives IM Intramuscular IP Infection prevention IPTp Intermittent preventative treatment of malaria in pregnancy IU International units IV Intravenous L&D Labour and delivery MAISHA Mothers and Infants Safe Healthy, Alive MCHIP Maternal Child Health Integrated Program MDGs Millennium Development Goals MOH Ministry of Health PE/E Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia PMTCT Prevention of mother-to-child transmission PPFP Postpartum family planning PPH Postpartum haemorrhage SP Sulphadoxine pyrimethamine TT Tetanus toxoid USAID United States Agency for International Development WHO World Health Organization Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar vii Acknowledgements This study is part of a multi-country assessment of the quality of maternal and newborn health services. In Zanzibar, the study was conducted by Jhpiego with assistance from national lifesaving skills trainers. The data collectors (both Jhpiego and non-Jhpiego) included: Sheena Currie, Scholastica Chibehe, Hilda Nyerembe, Asma Khamis Ramadhan, John Ndombaro, Rita Nakua, Edna Ngoli, Douglas Maro, Khadija Mohamed, Emiliyan Mmakasa, Mary Mwakyusa, Eva Joseph Hongoli, Flora Lyimo, Wanu Bakari, Mary Mlay, Gertrude Anderson, Neema Kasembe, Agata Liviga, Hamida Mkata, Lydia Joseph Maro and Ndeshi Massawe We would like to express our appreciation to Dr. Mohammed Saleh Jidawwi (Principal Secretary) from the Zanzibar Ministry of Health (MOH) for his technical support and advice on data collection. In addition, grateful thanks to the health facility directors and health care providers for their participation and cooperation during the data collection. Thank you to Barbara Rawlins and David Cantor for outstanding support on the technical aspects of the study and the use of mobile phones. And finally, our appreciation to USAID for supporting this study through both the MAISHA and MCHIP programs. ABOUT THE MAISHA PROGRAM MAISHA, meaning “life” in Swahili, promotes the philosophy that building solid foundations for quality services will empower providers at all levels of the health care system across the country to deliver targeted interventions that will make a real difference in keeping mothers and their newborn infants, safe, healthy and alive. The USAID/Tanzania-funded MAISHA program is assisting the MOH with strengthening the platforms of focused antenatal care (FANC) and basic emergency obstetric and neonatal care (BEmONC) for addressing the prevention and treatment of postpartum haemorrhage and other key contributors to maternal mortality, and essential newborn care (ENC), including newborn resuscitation, prevention and treatment of sepsis and immediate warming and drying. MAISHA is supporting the MOH in developing national and district resources (guidelines, training package, trainers and supervision tools) for FANC and BEmONC and in advocating and coordinating with district health management teams, donors and other key stakeholders to ensure that funding is allocated for implementing quality FANC and BEmONC, including training service providers at district level (using the resources developed at national and district levels) throughout the country. MAISHA is also strengthening the platform of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV to address gaps in integrating maternal and newborn health (MNH) services for HIV-positive women and children. ABOUT MCHIP The Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program (MCHIP) is the USAID Bureau for Global Health flagship maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH) program. MCHIP supports programming in maternal, newborn and child health, immunization, family planning, malaria and HIV/AIDS, and strongly encourages opportunities for integration. Cross-cutting technical areas include water, sanitation, hygiene, urban health and health systems strengthening. This program and report was made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of the Leader with Associates Cooperative Agreement GHS-A-00-08-00002-000. The contents are the responsibility of the MAISHA program and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. viii Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Executive Summary The MAISHA Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services study in Zanzibar, conducted in November–December 2010, was an observational study conducted in nine health facilities in Pemba and Unguja. The aim of the study, which combined observations of service delivery with inventories, record reviews and health worker knowledge assessments, was to provide strong information on the quality of maternal and newborn health care in these facilities, as an indication of current practice in maternal and newborn care in Zanzibar. The results serve as a baseline for the MAISHA program and as an important source of information on quality of maternal and newborn care for policymakers and stakeholders in Zanzibar. KEY FINDINGS FROM ANTENATAL CARE Blood pressure was taken in 81% of the ANC observations, and a urine test for the presence of protein was administered in 86% of observations. Fifty-four per cent of ANC observations included counselling and testing for HIV and 38% of clients observed were counselled on postpartum family planning (PPFP). Among first-visit ANC observations, 48% included provision of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy (IPTp) and 52% included provision of iron and folic acid. Screening for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E) took place in 55% of observed ANC consults. The overall mean percentage score for counselling on danger signs in pregnancy was 65%. The overall average for discussion of previous pregnancy complications was 36%. The three main preventive treatments given to ANC clients (IPTp, iron and folic acid and tetanus toxoid injection) were administered fairly uniformly, with a mean score of 39%. Half of facilities assessed had iron or iron folate available at the time of the assessment, and sulphadoxine pyrimethamine (SP) was available in 63% of facilities at the time of assessment. The findings on ANC bring to the forefront areas of relative strength (provision of key services for ANC) as well as some significant weaknesses (counselling on danger signs and HIV, syphilis testing, anaemia testing, counselling for HIV-positive ANC clients and PPFP). Improving the quality of ANC in health centres and dispensaries should be a special focus, as these facilities typically have the highest ANC caseloads. KEY FINDINGS FROM LABOUR AND DELIVERY Assessment of danger signs of a woman in labour during the initial assessment was low, at 21%, while 60% of clients had their blood pressure was measured during their initial assessment. Among multigravida clients, there was a mean score of 29% who were assessed for complications during pregnancy. However, only 8% were assessed for a previous history of prolonged labour and 10% for a previous history of convulsions. Approximately 59% of the observed clients received woman-friendly care.Overall, 60% of deliveries observed had AMTSL performed (any uterotonic, within 1 minute of birth) and 91% of deliveries had AMTSL with a relaxed definition (any uterotonic, within 3 minutes of birth). However, AMTSL was provided according to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition (oxytocin, given within 1 minute) at only 20% of deliveries. Infection prevention measures were encouraging overall. Handwashing was observed 71% of the time during initial assessments and 64% of the time during the first stage of labour. Sharps disposal, decontamination and waste disposal were performed correctly 86%, 97% and 97% of the time, respectively. In the majority of cases the partograph was filled in at the beginning of labour (78%) and after delivery (100%). However, use of the partograph was very low for recording maternal Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar ix pulse, foetal heart tones and frequency and duration of contractions. Blood pressure was recorded every 4 hours on the partograph for less than half of the women observed (44%). Only 34% of newborns observed were dried immediately, although this is a key step in keeping the newborn warm. Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour also was low, observed in only 20% of births. Only two of the nine facilities had MgSO4 in stock in the pharmacy, and there was a severe deficiency of antihypertensive drugs: only three facilities had nifedipine (a recommended antihypertensive) in the pharmacy and none had hydralazine in the labour ward. The findings on labour and delivery illustrate that there is still much work to be done in order to strengthen the quality of service provision in Zanzibar. Specifically, particular attention must be given to proper and consistent use of the partograph, assessment of danger signs, use of AMTSL as per WHO guidelines, provision of immediate essential newborn care and acquisition of commodities to effectively manage PE/E. x Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 1. Introduction/Background Improving the quality of obstetric and newborn care in facilities is an essential strategy for reducing maternal and newborn deaths (Van den Broek and Graham 2009). The study described in this report measured key aspects of antenatal care (ANC), labour and delivery care and newborn care in selected health facilities in Zanzibar. The overall goal of the study was to collect sound information on maternal and newborn care in selected facilities by observing key maternal and newborn health interventions. The definition of “quality” used in the study is that services are correctly performed per globally and nationally accepted evidence-based guidelines. This study also serves as the baseline measurement for the USAID/Tanzania-funded MAISHA (Mothers and Infants Safe Healthy Alive) program in Zanzibar. The MAISHA program is a national service delivery strengthening program that has been working since 2008 to improve the quality of maternal and newborn health services by training health care providers, providing equipment and supplies and implementing quality improvement initiatives. MAISHA is being implemented in both Pemba and Unguja. There are known effective interventions for screening, preventing and treating obstetric and newborn complications in health care facilities. Improving the quality of facility-based care to prevent and treat frequent maternal and newborn complications is a critical component in the effort to reduce maternal and newborn deaths globally, and in helping countries meet their targets for Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. Facility based deliveries in Zanzibar range from 24% in parts of Pemba to 70% in parts of Unguja (Tanzania DHS 2010), so improving maternal and newborn care in health facilities could potentially dramatically reduce mortality. The most frequent cause of maternal mortality in Zanzibar is postpartum haemorrhage (26% of maternal deaths), followed by hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (16%), and rupture of uterus (12%). Sepsis and anaemia are both estimated to cause 3% of maternal deaths, and coagulopathies are noted to be a cause of maternal deaths (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2010). These percentages are similar to those in developing countries generally (Khan et al. 2006). This study looked specifically at life-saving practices related to the major causes of maternal death, including postpartum haemorrhage and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. The frequency of use and correct performance of interventions for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia (PE/E), postpartum haemorrhage, prolonged/obstructed labour and newborn sepsis and birth asphyxia are documented. The specific interventions assessed include screening and management of PE/E, partograph use, use of AMTSL to prevent postpartum haemorrhage (PPH), management of PPH, IP, and essential newborn care, including resuscitation. The methods used in the study were (1) observations of health care providers during ANC consultations and when conducting care in labour and deliveries; (2) health worker knowledge and skill assessments (including a demonstration of newborn resuscitation on a model); and (3) inventories of the ANC, maternity and general facility pharmacies. The results of this assessment will be used as a baseline from which to measure the progress and success of the MAISHA program in Zanzibar. The results will also inform national programmes and policies that address quality in ANC and maternity services in Zanzibar. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 1 2. Study Design The study used a combination of approaches, including observations of ANC and maternity clients; inventories in the ANC, maternity and general facility pharmacies; and knowledge and skills assessments of providers, including a simulated resuscitation of a newborn using a model. The following tools were used at the facility level: • Facility inventory: The facility inventory included documentation of infrastructure conditions and verification of the availability and storage conditions of medications, supplies and equipment. The inventory is conducted once per facility and also includes inventories of the general pharmacy and the ANC and maternity wards. • Record review: This tool captured the number of ANC consultations, births (live and stillborn), and maternal and newborn deaths at each facility for the last year, based on the routine data collection tools. Up to 24 individual patient charts from the past three months were also reviewed for partograph use and completeness. • Clinical practice observation of ANC and labour and deliveries: Structured clinical observation checklists were used for observation of ANC consults and vaginal deliveries in the facilities. The content of the checklists was developed based on international (WHOapproved) protocols for screening for PE/E in ANC; management of PE/E and PPH in labour and delivery (L&D); and other interventions in L&D (routine and correct use of partograph, routine and correct use of active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL), infection prevention behaviours, provider-client interaction/communication, immediate essential newborn care and newborn resuscitation). Minor revisions were made to ensure that the tools were tailored to Zanzibar policies. • Health care worker interviews: Health workers were asked a series of questions to test their knowledge of how to identify, manage and treat common maternal and newborn health complications. A simulated resuscitation using a newborn model was used to measure the health workers’ newborn resuscitation skills. 2.1 SAMPLE AND SAMPLING STRATEGIES All nine health facilities in Pemba and Unguja that are supported by the MAISHA program in Zanzibar were included in the sample. The study was powered on the number of deliveries to be observed. In order to achieve the power desired for analysis, it was determined that 214 deliveries should be observed. The number of deliveries to be observed was then used to establish a quota for each health facility, with lower-volume sites allocated fewer deliveries to be observed. The quotas were developed with the knowledge that weights would be applied to the values to adjust for the differences in volume. 2 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Figure 2.1 Study Sites: Unguja and Pemba Only data from the maternity observations were weighted. The findings on ANC presented in this report are not weighed, which means that the findings might be slightly biased towards the higher volume facilities. 2.2 DATA COLLECTION The 21 data collectors for the study were health care providers who were also national Life Saving Skills trainers. All data collectors had been part of data collection for the same study, using the same tools, for mainland Tanzania. Before the mainland data collection effort, the data collectors were given a two-day technical update in basic emergency obstetric and newborn care (BEmONC), which was followed by seven days of training in data collection, including two days of practice. The training covered research ethics and consent, familiarization with all of the tools, familiarization with the mobile phone technology (all data collection was conducted using smartphones), simulations with scoring, an inter-rater reliability exercise, and two days of practical application using the smartphone technology at hospitals in Dar es Salaam. Data collectors worked in teams of two to three people, depending on the size of the health facility. Fieldwork was conducted from November to December 2010. 2.3 DATA ENTRY, QUALITY CONTROL AND ANALYSIS The data collectors recorded survey data on smartphones using customized data entry programmes, which were developed with a package called PocketPC Creations running on Windows mobile. Logic, skip and consistency checks were built into the programmes. The data collectors were trained to review records for missing and/or inconsistent answers before they submitted the data. Depending on whether phone coverage was available at the study site, the data from each handheld device was either uploaded directly to a central database at the end of each day or backed up to a secure digital card to be uploaded when the data collectors returned from the field. Data was uploaded from the phones into a database on a secure network. Once in the database, data was entered into tables and made available for study team members via a website that was accessible only with a password. Analysis was conducted both by the study’s principal investigator and team in the United States and by the study team in Tanzania. Analyses were conducted using SPSS. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 3 2.4 ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS The study protocol was submitted to and approved by the Zanzibar Research Council in Zanzibar and the institutional review board of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH) in the United States. The JHSPH institutional review board ruled the protocol exempt from review under 45 CFR 46.101(b), Category (5). Informed consent was obtained from all participating health providers and patients as well as from facility directors. If a woman was incapacitated, consent was to be obtained from next of kin or a guardian. However, this circumstance did not occur in the course of the study. 4 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 3. Health Facility Overview The health facilities in the sample consisted of five hospitals and four health centres (n=9). Two of the health facilities were in Pemba and the other seven in Unguja. Six of these facilities provide comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care (CEmONC) services, three provide BEmONC services, and all provide ANC services. Table 3.1 displays basic infrastructure characteristics of the health facilities in the sample. Table 3.1 Facility Infrastructure Characteristics of the Sample HEALTH FACILITIES IN SAMPLE (n=9) FACILITY FEATURE n % 24-hour staff coverage (schedule observed or staff live onsite) 8 89 Emergency transport 7 78 Communication equipment 3 33 Patient room for ANC with auditory and visual privacy 8 89 Safe water source within 500 metres of facility 9 100 Electric power (grid or functioning generator with fuel) 9 100 Functional improved-type toilet 8 89 Ability to conduct surgery with general anaesthesia 4 44 < 50 4 44 51–99 3 33 100+ 2 22 Mean number of overnight beds per facility All eight out of nine facilities had 24-hour staff coverage, and seven facilities had emergency transport. Only four out of the five hospitals provided caesarean sections (CS); one hospital had not been upgraded to provide CS. The other four facilities were health centres that did not offer CS as a service. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 5 4. Findings 4.1 CASE VOLUME AND SELF-REPORTED INFRASTRUCTURE FOR ANC AND L&D The average annual client volume for ANC was 1,843 (with a range of 46–2,213), and the average annual client volume for labour and delivery was 1,345 (range of 137–11,831). The annual number of caesarean sections ranged from 11–564. ANC observations were conducted in all nine health facilities. The resulting sample of clients comprised 57 observations (range 1–10 clients observed per facility). 217 L&D clients were observed (range 1–6 clients per facility). Further details on the participants in the study (both ANC and L&D) are provided in Table4.1. Table 4.1 ANC and L&D Clients Observed OBSERVATIONS (n=57) ANC CLIENTS OBSERVED n % Unguja 31 54 Pemba 26 46 Total 57 100 Hospital 36 63 Health centres 21 37 Total 57 100 First visit 27 47 Follow-up visit 30 53 ≤ 20 weeks 17 30 21–36 weeks 34 60 ≥ 37 weeks 4 7 Unknown 2 4 Primagravida 13 23 Multigravida 44 77 Client goes home 32 57 Referred within facility 22 39 Admitted to facility 1 2 Referred to another facility 2 4 Unguja 139 64 Pemba 78 36 Total 217 100 Hospital 185 85 Cottage hospital 32 15 Type of ANC visit observed Gestational age at visit Gravida Outcome of visit L&D client observed Number of deliveries 6 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar OBSERVATIONS (n=57) ANC CLIENTS OBSERVED n % Primagravida 50 23 Multigravida 167 77 Gravida The mean time of an ANC consultation was 46 minutes for the first visit and 23 minutes for the subsequent visits. Nurse-midwives provided the majority of ANC services observed. However, in 16% of the ANC consultations observed, a maternal and child health aide (MCHA) provided the ANC services. MCHAs are a cadre that is not authorized by the MOH to provide ANC services at the facility level, although they may support staff in specific tasks such as weighing a patient. Table 4.2 Cadre of Health Worker Providing ANC Services OBSERVATIONS (n=57) n % Nurse-midwife 44 77 Maternal and child health aide 9 16 Other* 2 4 Unknown 2 4 Total 57 100 CADRE OF HEALTH PROVIDER *Cadres falling in the “other” category were not specified in the tool. 4.2 ANC INVENTORY Inventories of ANC clinic supplies and equipment and of pharmacy supplies were conducted. Table 4.3 Essential Supplies for Basic ANC, from ANC Inventory FACILITIES WITH FUNCTIONAL EQUIPMENT ESSENTIAL SUPPLIES FOR ANC n=8* % Blood pressure apparatus 8 100 Foetal stethoscope 8 100 Adult weighing machine 7 88 Vaginal speculum 8 100 Guidelines/protocols for ANC 6 75 Guidelines/protocols for management of PE/E 3 38 Guidelines/protocols for STIs 5 63 Disinfectant not yet mixed 5 50 Waste receptacle with lid and plastic liner 3 38 Visual aids for client 6 75 Availability of iron 4 50 Availability of SP 5 63 Availability of rapid plasma reagent (RPR) kits 8 100 *One facility had missing data for the ANC inventory. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 7 Although one facility’s data were missing for the inventory, all eight of the facilities assessed had working blood pressure equipment, foetal stethoscopes and speculums. Availability of iron or iron folate was low; only half of the facilities had them at the time of the assessment. SP was available at 63% of health facilities. Although many of the facilities had protocols and guidelines for ANC (75%) and STIs (63%), only three facilities had guidelines for management of PE/E. 4.3 FINDINGS FROM ANC CONSULTATION OBSERVATIONS Key Services in ANC Key services in ANC include weighing clients; measuring blood pressure; testing urine for protein and glucose (sugar); testing blood for anaemia, syphilis and HIV; administering intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy (IPTp) and tetanus toxoid; and counselling for birth planning, danger signs and family planning. IPTp should be given twice, at least four weeks apart, after 20 weeks of gestation—once during the second trimester and once during the third trimester. The two doses of IPTp are referred to as IPT1 and IPT2. Counselling on postpartum family planning (PPFP) is recommended at the third and fourth ANC visits, whereas birth preparedness counselling should occur (with updates as necessary) at every ANC visit. Table 4.4 Key Services Provided to ANC Clients OBSERVATIONS (n=57) KEY SERVICE n % Weight taken 51 89 Blood pressure taken 46 81 Urine test for protein 49 86 Blood test for anaemia 51 89 Blood test for syphilis* 19 70 SP for IPTp * 13 48 Iron and folic acid for first visit* 14 52 Counselling for family planning 21 38 Counselling and testing for HIV 31 54 Offered tetanus toxoid 37 65 Mean per cent score on provision of key ANC services 68% * Denominator was number of first visit clients (n=27) Blood pressure was taken at 81% of the ANC consultations observed, and urine was tested for protein occurred at 86% of the observed ANC visits. Performance was weaker on PPFP (38%), counselling and testing for HIV (54%), provision of IPTp (48% of first visit clients) and provision of iron and folic acid given (52% of first visit clients). Pre-eclampsia Screening Screening for pre-eclampsia can translate into saving women’s lives. Scores for provision of the components of screening for pre-eclampsia are presented below, individually and as a composite indicator. 8 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Table 4.5 Screening for Pre-Eclampsia OBSERVATIONS (n=55) COMPONENTS OF SCREENING n % Ask the client about headache or blurred vision 28 51 Ask the client about swollen hands or face 19 35 Take the client's blood pressure 46 81 Composite indicator for screening for pre-eclampsia* 55% *The composite indicator includes screening for either one of the first two danger signs and correctly taking the client’s blood pressure. Using the composite indicator, 55% of the observed ANC consults included screening for PE/E. Seven out of the nine facilities (78%) reported that urine is checked for protein as part of routine ANC. In the other two facilities reagent was out of stock. Although not part of the composite indicator, screening urine for protein is an essential component of detecting PE/E. Preventive Treatments in ANC Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria (IPTp), provision of iron/folate pills, and tetanus toxoid injections are three important components of preventive ANC services in Zanzibar. During the ANC visit, clients are supposed to receive 90 tablets of iron or iron folate, SP for IPTp after 20 weeks of gestation (first or second dose), and tetanus toxoid injections. Unlike mainland Tanzania, Zanzibar has no voucher system for insecticidetreated nets, in part because of the lower prevalence of malaria on the islands. The scores for the three preventive treatments were fairly uniform across the treatments, with a mean score of 39%. Availability of iron or iron folate was low, with only half of the facilities having these at the time of the assessment. However, testing blood for anaemia (measuring haemoglobin) was high. Many women are given iron folate supplementation as prophylaxis in pregnancy, so in the event that a woman is diagnosed with anaemia (Hb < 10.5gm/dl), it is not clear how or where the needed therapeutic iron supplementation would be given. SP was available at 63% of health facilities. In addition to providing preventive treatments, clients must be counselled on how and why to take these treatments. Table 4.6 presents findings on counselling on the preventive treatments. Table 4.6 Counselling on Preventive Treatments during ANC Consultation OBSERVATIONS (n=57) COUNSELLING TOPICS n % Explain the purpose of the treatment 21 57 Explain how to take 22 60 Explain possible side effects 1 3 14 48 Explain the purpose of the treatment 22 82 Explain how to take 26 96 Explain possible side effects 3 11 Counselling on iron/folic acid Counselling on tetanus toxoid injection Explain the purpose of the treatment IPTp counselling for first visit clients Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 9 There was a notable lack of explanation about side effects of both iron/folic acid and IPTp. Counselling on Danger Signs and Birth Preparedness Counselling on danger signs during pregnancy is an important part of ANC services, because it provides clients with relevant information on when to seek care urgently and can help prevent maternal, foetal or newborn deaths. All ANC clients should be checked for key danger signs at each visit. They should also be counselled on which danger signs (i.e., vaginal bleeding, swollen face and hands, severe headaches, convulsions, decrease in foetal movement) should prompt them to seek care at the nearest health facility. In addition, clients should be told to return for persistent cough. ANC counselling should also address birth preparedness, including deciding where to deliver and the importance of delivering with a skilled birth attendant, having the necessary supplies at home, and having some money available in case of emergencies. Figure 4.1 shows the proportion of clients counselled on danger signs. Figure 4.1 Counselling on Danger Signs (n=57) Return if vaginal bleeding 74% Return if swollen hands and face 54% Return if severe headache or blurred vision 74% Return if persistency cough 34% Return if severe abdominal pain 75% Mean pervcent score for counselling on… 0% 65% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% There was an overall mean score of 65% for counselling on danger signs for the ANC clients. While roughly three-quarters of clients were told to return if they experienced severe abdominal pain, headache, blurred vision or vaginal bleeding, only 54% were told to return if they had swollen hands and face and 34% were told to return if they developed a persistent cough. In addition to counselling on danger signs, ANC clients should be counselled on birth preparedness during their ANC consult. Table 4.7 Counselling on Birth Preparedness during ANC Visit OBSERVATIONS (n=57) COUNSELLING ACTION n % Ask client where she will deliver 34 60 Advise client to prepare for delivery (i.e., set aside money, arrange for emergency transport) 39 70 Advise client to use skilled health worker during delivery 35 61 Discuss with client what items to have on hand at home for emergencies (e.g., sterile blade) 35 61 Counsel on postpartum family planning 21 38 Mean per cent score on birth preparedness counselling 58% While 70% of ANC clients were advised to prepare for delivery, less than half (38%) of the clients observed were counselled about PPFP. 10 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar First ANC Visits The first ANC visit includes important services such history taking, examination, counselling and preventative/corrective treatments. Consultations with 27 first-visit ANC clients were observed for the study. Table 4.8 shows the basic information gathered from the client at the first visit. Table 4.8 Basic Content of First ANC Visit OBSERVATIONS (n=27) CLIENT INFORMATION COLLECTED n % Client’s age 22 82 Medications client is taking 6 22 Date of client’s last menstrual period 23 85 Number of prior pregnancies 22 82 History of Previous Pregnancies Documenting the history of any complications during previous pregnancies and deliveries is important because it can identify clients who may need special care. Nineteen of the 27 firstvisit ANC clients had previous pregnancies. Table 4.9 shows the discussions that took place during their first ANC visit. Table 4.9 Discussion of Previous Pregnancies with Multigravida, First-Visit ANC Clients OBSERVATIONS (n=19) TOPICS HEALTH WORKER ASKED ABOUT OR CLIENT MENTIONED n % Prior stillbirth(s) 11 58 Heavy bleeding during or after delivery* 10 56 Previous caesarean section(s) 13 68 Previous abortion(s) 11 58 Previous multiple pregnancies 3 16 Previous prolonged labour 2 11 Previous pregnancy-related hypertension 2 11 Previous pregnancy-related convulsions 1 5 Previous assisted deliveries (forceps, ventouse) 8 42 Anaemia 2 11 Prior newborn death(s) 11 58 Overall average of previous pregnancy complications discussed 36% Although the numbers of multigravida first-visit clients were relatively low, there was nevertheless a very low level of discussion of complications during previous pregnancies. For example, only 11% of multigravida clients were asked if they had previously had pregnancyrelated hypertension. This is an area of concern. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 11 5. Labour and Delivery Services 5.1 PRESENCE OF SKILLED PERSONNEL The availability of human resources for health and, in this context, the attendance of a skilled health care provider are critical factors for improving maternal and newborn health and reducing maternal and newborn mortality. In Zanzibar, all facility deliveries are supposed to be attended by a skilled birth attendant. Table 5.1 shows the distribution of health care provider cadres attending the deliveries observed in this study. A total of 217 deliveries were observed at the nine facilities (five hospitals and four health centres). The vast majority of deliveries (94%) were attended by nurses and midwives; four deliveries (2%) were attended by a medical attendant, which is a cadre not authorized to provide L&D services. Table 5.1 Cadres of Health Care Providers Attending Observed Deliveries OBSERVATIONS (n=217) CADRE OF L&D SERVICE PROVIDER n % 203 94 Medical attendant 4 2 Physician 2 1 Trainee 2 1 Other 6 2 Nurse/midwife 5.2. AVAILABILITY OF ESSENTIAL MATERNAL AND NEWBORN SUPPLIES Facilities were assessed for supplies and equipment using a standardized inventory tool. The resulting inventories of supplies and equipment for L&D are included in Appendixes A and B. Of note: • Only two health facilities had MgSO4 in stock at the pharmacy, but it was available in eight of the labour wards. • There was a deficiency of antihypertensive drugs: only three facilities had nifedipine in the pharmacy and none had hydralazine in the labour ward. • Although all facilities had the capacity for sterilization, only one facility had written protocols or guidelines for sterilization or disinfection. The lack of antihypertensive drugs has major implications for the management of hypertensive disorders (i.e., PE/E). The implications are addressed in the discussion section of this report. 12 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 6. Findings from Labour and Delivery Observations 6.1 DESCRIPTION OF CLIENTS IN LABOUR AND DELIVERY OBSERVATIONS Observations of women in labour were conducted in the maternity wards at all nine of the health facilities in the study. The resulting sample of 217 clients included 139 in Unguja (64%) and 78 (36%) in Pemba. Because clients were observed at different stages in their labour, the number observed at each stage varies. 6.2. INITIAL CLIENT ASSESSMENT When a woman in labour is admitted the provider has to undertake a full assessment to ensure that care is planned according to the woman’s needs and to detect and manage any problems. The initial client assessment is critical to identifying problems, especially danger signs that require immediate attention. Table 6.1 details some of the key steps in the initial client assessment and indicates whether the steps were conducted in the 102 deliveries in which the initial client assessment was observed. Table 6.1 Key Steps in Initial Client Assessment OBSERVATIONS (n=102*) INITIAL CLIENT ASSESSMENT ACTION n % Checks client card or asks for age, length of pregnancy, parity 87 85 Checks blood pressure 69 68 Takes temperature 70 69 Takes pulse 58 57 Asks client and/or notes amount of urine output 15 15 Checks fundal height 80 78 Checks fetal presentation with palpation of abdomen 91 89 Performs vaginal examination (cervical dilation, fetal descent, position, membranes, meconium) 90 88 Mean per cent score for initial client assessment 69% *Labour and delivery clients were not all observed at the same stage. Only 102 observations included the initial client assessment; the other observations were made at a later stage of labour or later in the service delivery process. Eighty-nine per cent (89%) of the initial assessments included checking the fetal presentation with palpation of the abdomen, and 88% included performing a vaginal examination. Only 57% included taking the client’s pulse, and only 15% included noting urine output. Assessment of Danger Signs Assessment of danger signs during the initial client assessment is critical in order to identify potential obstetric emergencies and, if necessary, triage clients to urgent care. Figure 6.1 details some of the key steps in the initial client assessment and whether they were conducted in the deliveries observed for the study. Most of the danger signs were assessed infrequently. Whereas 60% of clients were assessed for vaginal bleeding, only 2% were assessed for shortness of breath. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 13 Figure 6.1 Assessment of Danger Signs in Initial Assessment 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 60% 50% 40% 26% 30% 20% 24% 11% 10% 10% 15% 2% 0% Fever Foul-smelling Headache or Swollen hand Convulsion/ Shortness of breath discharge blurred vision and face loss of counsiousness Vaginal bleeding Assessment of Previous Complications in Multiparous Clients For multiparas, the initial assessment should also determine whether the client has experienced any previous complications (such a previous caesarian section), which might affect the management of her current labour. Table 6.2 details the assessment of previous complications for multiparous clients admitted into the maternity ward. The initial assessments of 52 multiparous women were observed in the study. Table 6.2 Assessment of Previous Complications among Multiparous Clients MULTIPAROUS CLIENTS ASSESSED (n=52) COMPLICATIONS ASSESSED BY PROVIDER n % High blo, lkiuod pressure 11 22 Convulsions 5 10 Heavy bleeding during or after delivery/haemorrhage 23 44 Caesarean section 27 52 Stillbirth 20 38 Prolonged labour 4 8 Newborn death 14 27 Abortion 23 44 Assisted delivery 9 17 Mean score for assessment of previous complications 15 29 The low assessment of clients for previous history of prolonged labour (8%) and convulsions (10%) is particularly troubling. 6.3. WOMAN-FRIENDLY CARE DURING LABOUR AND DELIVERY (INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION) The MAISHA program provides training, quality improvement initiatives and supervisory support to health care providers on improved interpersonal skills with clients. Provider attitudes are one of the most important determinants of a woman accessing facility-based care; it is critical to women’s and communities’ perceptions of quality of care (Kruk et al. 2009). Table 6.3 presents the findings from observations of components of woman-friendly care during the initial assessment and the first stage of labour. 14 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Table 6.3 Woman-Friendly Care Components Observed during the Initial Assessment and First Stage of Labour INITIAL ASSESSMENT n=104 % Greets client 91 88 Encourages presence of support person 23 22 Asks for questions 22 21 Explains procedures before performing them 65 65 Informs client of findings 66 66 FIRST STAGE OF LABOUR n=116 % Explains what happens in labour 52 45 Encourages client to consume fluids/food 73 63 Encourages/assists client with ambulating 84 72 Supports client in a friendly way 106 91 Mean percent score for woman friendly care 59% Overall, approximately 59% of the observed clients received woman-friendly care. The components observed most frequently were greeting the client (88%) and supporting the client in a friendly way (91%), while those observed infrequently included encouraging the presence of a support person (22%) and asking for questions (21%). 6.4. CARE DURING THE SECOND AND THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR Because the majority of maternal deaths occur during labour, childbirth and immediately postpartum (60% of maternal deaths occur in the first 48 hours following birth), it is vital that care provided during this time is optimal (WHO 2006a). Figure 6.2 shows the observation of essential tasks during the second and third stage of labour. Figure 6.2 Tasks for Management of Second and Third Stages of Labour 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 95% 91% 78% 52% Supports perineum as baby's head is delivered 45% Takes mother’s Palpates uterus Assesses for Assesses 15 minutes after vital signs 15 perineal and completeness of delivery of the placenta and vaginal lacerations minutes after birth placenta membranes Although the perineum was examined for vaginal tears in 95% of the labours observed, vital signs were taken 15 minutes after birth in 52% of the labours and palpation of the uterus was performed in only 45% of the labours observed. Information on active management of the third stage of labour (AMTSL) is included in section 7.1. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 15 6.5 IMMEDIATE AND ESSENTIAL NEWBORN CARE At the time of birth, the newborn has to make a rapid transition to extra-uterine life. Key care practices can facilitate this transition and, if they are performed effectively, minimize the complications that lead to newborn death and morbidity. These practices focus on clean childbirth and cord care, thermal protection through warming, and early and exclusive breastfeeding. All of the immediate newborn care interventions observed in this study are simple to perform and use minimal resources; yet the findings were variable. Table 6.4 presents findings on immediate newborn care practices. Table 6.4 Practice of Immediate and Essential Newborn Care LABOUR AND DELIVERY CLIENTS (n=203) NEWBORN CARE PRATICE n % Place newborn on the mother’s abdomen 146 72 Immediately dry baby with towel 69 34 Discard wet towel and cover newborn with dry towel 69 34 Cut cord with clean blade 203 100 Help initiate breastfeeding within one hour 41 20 Score for essential newborn care (all items correct) 12 6 The universal adherence to the practice of cord cutting with a clean blade is expected in all facility births, and this standard was met in all of the deliveries observed. Helping the woman initiate breastfeeding was not typically practiced (only 20% of deliveries). Initiation of breastfeeding is a key lifesaving intervention for newborns. Without it, both the baby and the mother are deprived of benefits, because early breastfeeding may also reduce postpartum blood loss. 6.6. HARMFUL AND UN-INDICATED PRACTICES A number of harmful and un-indicated practices were observed during the deliveries. Harmful practices are those that have been shown to have no benefit or to cause harm. Unindicated practices are those that should be used only with specific indications and that may otherwise be harmful or unnecessary. Table 6.5 shows the harmful and un-indicated practices observed in the study. Table 6.5 Harmful and Un-Indicated Practices NUMBER OF L&D CASES (n=205) % OF DELIVERIES Pubic shaving 1 <1 Applying fundal pressure 4 2 Slapping newborn 2 1 Holding newborn upside down 6 3 Stretching the perineum 27 13 No harmful practices observed 174 85 HARMFUL PRACTICES 16 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar NUMBER OF L&D CASES (n=205) % OF DELIVERIES Manual exploration of the uterus after delivery 1 <1 Routine use of episiotomy 8 4 Aspiration of newborn mouth and nose at birth 2 1 No un-indicated practices observed 196 96 No harmful or un-indicated practices observed 168 82 HARMFUL PRACTICES Un-indicated practices In 82% of the labours observed, no harmful or un-indicated practices were found. The most frequently observed harmful practice was stretching of the perineum (13% of cases). 6.7. INFECTION PREVENTION Infection Prevention Measures Use of standard infection prevention and hygiene measures is a core concept for the prevention of infection transmission in health care settings. Standard infection prevention practices recommended during delivery care are aimed not only at preventing maternal and newborn infections, but also infection of the health worker, other workers and the public. Table 6.6 presents infection prevention measures observed in the L&D cases. The number of observations for each stage of L&D varies based on the starting time of the observation of each client. Table 6.6 Infection Prevention Measures for L&D Clients OBSERVED CLIENTS INITIAL ASSESSMENT n=99 % 70 71 n=113 % Washes hands before examination during labour 72 64 Wears disinfected or sterile gloves for vaginal examination 110 96 Wears clothing to protect face, hands and body 31 28 n=205 % Safely disposes of all sharps 176 86 Decontaminates all reusable instruments in 0.5% chlorine solution 200 97 Safely disposes of all containment waste 198 97 Removes apron and wipes with 0.5% chlorine solution 40 20 156 76 Washes hands before any examination First stage of labour Immediate newborn and postpartum care Washes hands thoroughly with soap and water and dries them Mean per cent score for infection prevention 73% Correct handwashing practices were observed among 71% of providers at initial client assessments, 64% of providers during the first stage of labour and 76% of providers for immediate newborn care. Sharps disposal, decontamination and waste disposal were performed correctly most of the time (86%, 97% and 97%, respectively). Wearing an apron and/or other protective clothing was not commonly practiced. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 17 6.8. USE OF A PARTOGRAPH TO MONITOR LABOUR Partograph use is critical when monitoring maternal and foetal well-being and the progress of labour, as it allows providers to make appropriate decisions on when to take actions to save a woman’s and/or newborn’s life. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using a partograph to help birth attendants make better decisions for the diagnosis and management of prolonged and obstructed labour and to help detect foetal distress and other complications of labour (WHO 2000; WHO 2006a). Table 6.7 Partograph Use during Labour MATERNITY CLIENTS OBSERVED (n=208) PARTOGRAPH USE n % 120 58 Old WHO partograph* 35 77 New WHO partograph** 25 33 92 77 Frequency and duration of contractions correctly filled 46 38 Foetal heart tones correctly filled 72 60 Maternal pulse correctly filled 14 12 All three items filled in at least every 30 minutes during labour 8 7 Blood pressure recorded every 4 hours 62 52 Birth time correctly filled 120 100 Delivery method correctly filled 120 100 Partograph used during labour Partograph use by type (n=120) Correct completion of the partograph (among those who used partograph) Partograph initiated at the right time Partograph filled in every half hour with Partograph filled in after delivery with * Partograph includes latent phase of labour ** Partograph has no latent phase and active phase labour noted to begin 4cm cervical dilatation The partograph was used for 58% of the maternity clients observed. The majority of the time the partograph was filled at the beginning of the observation (77%) and after delivery (100%). However, providers did not consistently use the partograph for recording maternal pulse, foetal heart tones or frequency and duration of contractions every 30 minutes. 18 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 7. Prevention and Management of Selected Maternal and Newborn Health Complications 7.1 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF POSTPARTUM HAEMORRHAGE Postpartum haemorrhage is the main cause of maternal death globally, and in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, and many efforts to improve maternal health are focused on reducing mortality due to PPH. The most common cause of PPH is uterine atony, or failure of the uterus to contract after delivery. In Zanzibari health care facilities, AMTSL is recommended for all births as the standard practice to prevent PPH, and oxytocin is the drug of choice for AMTSL, followed next by ergometrine and then misoprostol. Active Management of the Third Stage of Labour Large-scale efforts in many countries have focused on prevention of PPH with AMTSL, which has three components: (1) administration of a uterotonic within one minute of birth (relaxed definition is a uterotonic within three minutes of birth); (3) delivery of the placenta by controlled cord traction (CCT); and (3) uterine massage (ICM/FIGO 2006). The uterotonic of choice for PPH globally is oxytocin, with a recommended dose of 10 IU administered intramuscularly (WHO 2006b). For optimal effect, oxytocin requires refrigeration, intramuscular injection, and administration by skilled providers. If oxytocin is not available, intramuscular ergometrine or syntometrine or oral misoprostol is recommended. The practice of AMTSL was assessed at the Zanzibar facilities based on the use of the three AMTSL criteria. The criteria were further defined to include both provision of a uterotonic (which could be oxytocin, ergometrine, syntometrine or misoprostol) and the timing of the provision (within one minute or within three minutes), controlled cord traction and uterine massage immediately follow placenta delivery. Overall, 60% of the deliveries observed included AMTSL with any uterotonic given within one minute, and 88% of deliveries observed included AMTSL with any uterotonic given within three minutes. AMTSL with oxytocin within one minute was correctly performed in 20% of deliveries observed. Figure 7.1 shows the proportion of births observed in which the individual components of AMTSL were performed correctly, not taking into account whether the other components were performed correctly. A uterotonic was administered within one minute of birth in 63% of births; CCT was performed in 81% of births and uterine massage was conducted following the delivery of the placenta in 62% of observed deliveries. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 19 Figure 7.1 Proportion of Births Observed in Which AMTSL Tasks Were Performed Correctly 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 88% 81% 63% 62% Provision of uterotonics Provision of uterotonics Controlled cord traction within 3 minutes* within 1 minute* Uterine massage *Uterotonics include oxytocin, ergometrine or misoprostol. A uterotonic was given during the third or fourth stage of labour for every delivery observed for this study. In 60% of the cases, the uterotonic was oxytocin, and in 40% of cases women were given misoprostol (prostaglandins). Ergometrine was used in only one delivery. Interestingly, the use of misoprostol is significantly more common in Zanzibar than on the mainland, where it was used in only 6% of observations. A uterotonic (oxytocin, ergometrine or misoprostol) was given within three minutes of delivery to 88% of women observed in the study. Table 7.1 Uterotonics Administered for AMTSL UTEROTONICS ADMINSITERED n % 120 60 Ergometrine 1 0 Misoprostol 80 40 Oxytocin Figure 7.2 shows the proportion of births observed in which different components of AMTSL were performed correctly, with a focus on the use of oxytocin rather than other uterotonics. The items are additive as the bars move from left to right, and the denominator changes for each bar as cases that do not meet the criteria are dropped. While uterotonics were used in 100% of the deliveries observed, only 59% of the clients received oxytocin IM (the correct route). Among them, 35% received it within one minute and 47% received it within three minutes. Using the globally accepted definition (with oxytocin), AMTSL was correctly performed in 20% of all deliveries observed. 20 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Figure 7.2 Proportion of Deliveries with Correct Provision of AMTSL with Oxytocin 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 88% 60% 59% 63% 56% 29% 20% Provision of any uterotonic within 3 minutes of delivery* Oxytocin used (+) Correct route (+) Correct dose and units (+) Correct timing (within 3 minutes) (+) Uterine (+) (+) Correct Controlled massage = timing (within 1 cord traction FIGO/ICM standard minute) AMTSL *Any uterotonic includes oxytocin, ergometrine and misoprostol. Figure 7.3 shows the use of any type of uterotonic during labour and delivery. The percentage of women receiving any uterotonic within three minutes of birth (relaxed definition) is much higher (50%) than the percentage receiving oxytocin within three minutes (47%). The low result for correct AMTSL with oxytocin given within one minute suggests a need to promote the use of oxytocin as the preferred drug for AMTSL, particularly at the lower-level facilities. Figure 7.3 Proportion of Deliveries with Correct Provision of AMTSL with Any Uterotonic 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 100% 59% 50% 36% 30% 20% Any uterotonic* (+) Correct route (+) Controlled (+) Correct (+) Correct timing (within 3 timing (within 1 cord traction minute) minutes) (+) Uterine massage = FIGO/ICM standard AMTSL *Any uterotonic includes oxytocin, ergometrine and misoprostol. 7.2 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF PRE-ECLAMPSIA/ ECLAMPSIA, INCLUDING SCREENING Preeclampsia and eclampsia (PE/E) are among the most dangerous complications of pregnancy. Eclampsia, the advanced stage of this disorder, is a major cause of maternal deaths. To date there is no conclusive evidence on interventions that can prevent the occurrence of PE/E. However, early detection and treatment of pre-eclampsia is beneficial as it permits clinical monitoring and prompt therapeutic intervention for severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, should they occur. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 21 Table 7.2 Screening for Pre-Eclampsia during Labour, Initial Assessment OBSERVATIONS (n=99) PROVIDER SCREENING ACTIONS n % Asks about signs of PE/E* 60 60. Checks blood pressure (initial assessment) 85 85. Conducts both PE/E screening elements 59 59. Tests urine for presence of protein 12 12 Records BP on partograph at least once every four hours during labour** (n=208) 60 29 *Asks about at least one of the following: headaches/blurred vision, swollen face/hands, convulsions/loss of consciousness **As long as diastolic is less than 90 mm Hg BP measurement at initial assessment was carried out for the majority of women admitted in labour (68%), but less than half (44%) of the women had their BP recorded on the partograph every four hours. Two key screening elements (asking about danger signs and checking BP) were performed for 59% of the women observed. In contrast to ANC, where 86% of women had their urine tested for protein, urine testing was only conducted for 10% of women during their initial assessment in labour. Magnesium sulfate (for prevention and treatment of PE/E) was available in the pharmacies of only two of the facilities studied. Eight of the facilities had magnesium sulfate in the labour ward. 7.3 COMPLICATED CASES OBSERVED DURING STUDY Three types of complications at birth were observed during the study: PE/E, PPH and birth asphyxia (newborn resuscitation). Only one case of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia was observed, and no treatment was administered. Mother and baby both survived the spontaneous vaginal delivery. One case of PPH was observed, and no treatment was administered. Twelve cases of newborn asphyxia were observed, and five of them were managed with a bag and mask. No newborns died, but one was referred to another facility. 22 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 8. Health Worker Knowledge Health care providers in ANC and maternity wards were given a knowledge assessment (by interview) after they gave informed consent. Table 8.1 presents the characteristics of the health care providers who participated in the knowledge assessment. A total of 51 providers (75% nurse/midwives, 8% MCHAs and 18% others) participated, of whom 25 were noted to be working in the delivery room. Scores were highest on procedures during labour and delivery (93%) and recording of observations and monitoring (96%). The providers achieved much lower knowledge scores on actions, tests and interventions to manage a woman with postpartum malaise (25%), actions to reduce mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) (33%), and actions, tests and interventions for retained placenta/products of conception (33%). Table 8.1 Provider Knowledge Scores on Maternal Health Topics SIGNS AND MANAGEMENT OF LABOUR AND DELIVERY MEAN SCORE (%) Observations and monitoring during labour and delivery 54 Recording of observations and monitoring 96 Routine procedures during labour and delivery 93 Actions to reduce PMTCT during labour and delivery 33 Signs to assess in woman with heavy postpartum bleeding 48 Likely location of tears and lacerations 49 Actions, tests and interventions for heavy postpartum bleeding from atonic/poorly contracted uterus 38 Actions, tests and interventions for retained placenta/products of conception 33 Signs of obstructed labour 35 Actions, tests and interventions for obstructed labour 39 Tests or evaluations for woman who presents 72 hours postpartum with general malaise 45 Actions, test and, interventions for woman who presents 72 hours postpartum with general malaise 25 Of concern are the low scores on actions, tests and interventions for heavy bleeding postpartum, which only 33% of providers answered correctly. Knowledge of signs and actions around obstructed labour were similarly low. Scores related to the provider’s knowledge of PE/E are presented in detail in Appendix C. Instead of a taking a knowledge test on newborn resuscitation, providers were observed conducting a simulated resuscitation on a model. Findings from the providers’ performance on the simulation are presented in Table 8.2. Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 23 Table 8.2 Provider Performance on Newborn Resuscitation Simulation STEPS IN SIMULATED RESUSCITATION (ALL MUST BE CORRECTLY PERFORMED) MEAN PERCENT SCORE (%) Stimulation procedures: drying the newborn; placing the newborn on warm clean surface with head in slightly extended position; suction with bulb or catheter in mouth or nose (all items) 60 Ventilation procedures: placing correct size mask over newborn’s chin, mouth and nose; squeezing bag appropriately with two fingers or hand; ventilating at 40 breaths/minute (all items) 40 Adjustment: Checking neck position, checking seal, repeating suction, squeezing harder (any proper adjustment) 80 Overall mean score for simulation 60 Provider performance on newborn resuscitation was low in the area of ventilation (40%). More than half knew how to stimulate (60%), and adjustment was observed in 80% of the simulations observed. However, it appears that updating in competencies for newborn resuscitation is needed. 24 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 9. Discussion Quality in antenatal care and labour and delivery is at the core of improving MNH services everywhere, and this study has identified both strengths and gaps in the provision of essential lifesaving maternal and newborn care in the facilities observed in Zanzibar. The MOH in Zanzibar is committed to ensuring improved access to quality care (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2008). Some urgency is needed in making improvements in care, as 2015, the year for review of the MDGs, looms. Zanzibar’s policy proposes that deliveries should be conducted at health facilities with the assistance of skilled birth attendants, but evidence shows that about 37% of deliveries occur at home with traditional birth attendants, family members or relatives (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2010). Where the quality of care is poor, women are less likely to access such care, despite its availability (Raven et al. 2011). To encourage women to access care and deliver in facilities, various aspects of the quality of care need to be addressed in Zanzibar. Zanzibar’s “Road Map to Accelerate the Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Mortality” highlights the need to address the three delays linked to maternal deaths (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2008). The third delay (the delay in receiving appropriate care once at the health facility) is attributable to: • Inadequate facilities, infrastructure, medical equipment, drugs, supplies and trained personnel • Poor training and poor attitudes amongst health personnel • Lack of finances These factors all surfaced in the findings of this study in Zanzibar to varying degrees. Postpartum haemorrhage and PE/E are the two main maternal complications reported in health facilities in Zanzibar (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2010). The focus of this discussion will be on these main areas as well as on newborn care. Although this study was small in scope, it is notable that neither of the complicated cases observed—one case of PE/E and one case of PPH—received care specific to the complication. 9.1 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF PE/E Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, including PE/E, are characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, from the twentieth week of pregnancy until 42 days after delivery. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, especially severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, are a major contributor to maternal mortality worldwide. They are the second leading cause of maternal deaths in Zanzibar. The majority of deaths due to PE/E are avoidable through timely and effective care, so optimizing health care to prevent and treat women with hypertensive disorders is a necessary step toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (WHO 2011). Clinical practice policies and guidelines for ensuring that cases of PE/E are managed according to the best and most recent evidence are in place in Zanzibar. However, the findings from this study suggest that provider practice is not at an appropriate level or in line with clinical guidelines, due to both supply issues in supplies and the gaps in knowledge and skills found in the provider scores on the PE/E case study. Antenatal Care ANC is an important factor in reducing maternal and newborn deaths, and since the development of Zanzibar’s road map to accelerate reduction of maternal mortality, ANC services have been given special focus. The findings of this study bring to the forefront areas of relative strength in ANC (such as provision of key ANC services) as well as some significant weaknesses (such as counselling on danger signs). One of the main goals of ANC is screening Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 25 for PE/E, but only 55% of observed ANC consultations included screening for PE/E (using a composite indicator). One positive finding was the high number of women (86%) whose ANC visit included a test for protein in the urine (Tanzania MOH/MCHIP 2011). Care in Labour Screening at the time of admission is secondary prevention of PE/E, and tertiary prevention includes recognition and effective management of complications such as rising blood pressure. There was an extremely low rate of assessment of danger signs when clients first arrived at the hospital. Both assessment for danger signs in the current pregnancy and asking about complications in previous pregnancies were both very low. This finding indicates that assessment of dangers signs, although it may be somewhat underreported, is practiced far less commonly than desired standards. Assessment of danger signs is extremely important in identifying women who need urgent attention and triage into care, and it contributes to addressing the “third delay” that leads to maternal deaths (Mbakuru 2009). Urine testing for protein during labour was virtually non-existent—only 3% of clients received a urine test. In addition, only about a third of the clients observed had their blood pressure recorded at least every four hours on the partograph. These are missed opportunities for screening and history-taking for PE/E danger signs. The partograph can be used both for monitoring the progress of labour and for monitoring the mother’s well-being, including detecting rapid onset of hypertension. Although providers have a good working knowledge of the partograph, it is nevertheless underused. Completing a partograph retrospectively (possibly with made-up data) defeats the partograph’s purpose and potential as a decision-making tool and also indicates poor accountability. A shortage of staff, especially midwives, can also contribute to poor use of the partograph (UNFPA 2011). A recent global review of the key interventions related to maternal, newborn and child health finds that antihypertensive drugs (to treat high blood pressure) and magnesium sulfate for eclampsia are high-impact best practices (Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health 2011). Magnesium sulfate, especially, is a lifesaving drug that should be available in facilities throughout the health system (WHO 2011). Magnesium sulfate was available in the labour ward in eight facilities and in the pharmacy of only two of the facilities overall, and it was also lacking in health centres/dispensaries (35%). Antihypertensives also were not widely available: only three facilities had nifedipine in the pharmacy and none had hydralazine in the labour ward. This finding suggests that there is a bottleneck in the supply chain management for both essential drugs. Magnesium sulfate is the drug of choice for the prevention and treatment of eclampsia, but it is underused as a result of barriers on multiple levels (Firoz et al. 2011). 9.2 PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF PPH Postpartum haemorrhage is the main cause of maternal deaths globally and in Zanzibar, and many efforts are focused on reducing it. WHO recommends that all women receive AMTSL, including administration of a uterotonic within one minute after birth, CCT to deliver the placenta, and uterine massage (WHO 2006b). Zanzibar instituted this practice some years ago. Although other factors can contribute to PPH, this discussion focuses on prevention of PPH using AMTSL. One of the strongest PPH findings was that all women received a uterotonic, which offers benefits even in the absence of other components of AMTSL. A uterotonic was given to the woman in the third or fourth stage of labour during all of the deliveries observed for this study. In 60% of the cases, the uterotonic was oxytocin, and in 40% of cases women were given misoprostol. Ergometrine was hardly used at all (provided in only one delivery observed), which is reassuring given its side effects. Misoprostol is more widely available in 26 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Zanzibar than on mainland Tanzania because of the advantage that it does not require refrigeration. Overall, 60% of the deliveries in which AMTSL was observed included a uterotonic given within one minute of birth, and 88% included a uterotonic given within three minutes of birth. AMTSL with oxytocin within one minute was correctly performed in 20% of deliveries. All facilities were noted to have oxytocin available, which is an important finding for both prevention and management of PPH. Data from health worker knowledge assessments indicate significant gaps in how to manage PPH. 9.3 ESSENTIAL NEWBORN CARE Simple interventions in the first few minutes and first hour of life can significantly improve newborn health (Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health 2011). These interventions include the provision of thermal care (immediate drying, warming, skin-toskin contact and delayed bathing) for all newborns to prevent hypothermia. Only one-third of newborns observed in the study were dried immediately after birth, and it is not clear whether this was the result of a gap in knowledge and skills or a lack of materials with which to dry the baby (e.g., clean towels and kangas). Initiation of breastfeeding within one hour was infrequent, observed in only 20% of births. This is a key lifesaving intervention for newborns, providing benefits to both the baby and mother, as early breastfeeding may also reduce postpartum blood loss (UNICEF UK 2008). It is worth noting that according to the Zanzibar’s Road Map, 54% of babies are breastfed within the first hour of life; it may be that the observation of breastfeeding is underreported in this study (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2008). 9.4 OTHER ISSUES OF NOTE Supportive care is highly valued by women and their families and increasingly is being recognized as a woman’s right. The importance of this issue is reflected in the recently released charter from the White Ribbon Alliance, Respectful Maternity Care: The Universal Rights of Childbearing Women, which includes the right to the woman’s “choice of companionship during maternity care” (White Ribbon Alliance 2011). During the initial client assessment in labour, a relatively small percentage of women observed in the study were encouraged to have a support person with them (22%). There is sound evidence that the presence of a support person during labour improves birth outcomes, and this presence is more important when staffing levels are insufficient to provide continuous care in labour (Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health 2011). Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV HIV/AIDS is increasing as a major cause of maternal death in sub-Saharan Africa (WHO 2010). However, the prevalence of HIV among pregnant women in Zanzibar is low and has dropped from 0.29% in 2009 to 0.16% in 2010. That said, only 54% of ANC observations included counselling and testing for HIV. Nearly half of all pregnant women are not being tested. Syphilis prevalence has risen from no cases in 2009 to 0.27% in 2010, indicating that sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, should be addressed in ANC and maternity services (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2010). Postpartum Family Planning The combination of a high fertility rate and a low contraceptive prevalence rate in Zanzibar increases the lifetime risk of maternal death. Zanzibar has a good family planning service infrastructure, with most of the population having access to services. However, use of these services is not increasing substantially (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2010). Counselling on family planning is a more recent component of focused antenatal care, but only 38% of the Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 27 ANC clients observed in this study were counselled on PPFP. Thus, this also is a missed opportunity. A recently released review of essential MNH interventions reinforces the need to scale up evidence-based, low cost, effective interventions (Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health 2011). However, scale-up of these interventions can only be effective if providers work within an enabling environment. Facilitating the enabling environment, including improving the integration of essential interventions and services such as family planning and PMTCT, should be a priority in Zanzibar. 9.5 COMPARING KEY FINDINGS FROM ZANZIBAR AND MAINLAND TANZANIA In July–August 2010, a study using the same tools and most of the same data collectors as those used in Zanzibar was conducted in 52 health facilities in 11 regions in mainland Tanzania. Comparative findings on a few key indicators are presented in Table 9.1. Table 9.1 Comparison of Study Findings: Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania Items in bold are statistically significant ZANZIBAR MAINLAND P-VALUE n % n % PE/E screening 30 55% 90 24% 0.000 (t= 4.80) Urine tested for protein 48 86% 153 40% 0.000 (t= 6.4) Preventative treatment for malaria 27 49% 160 68% 0.06 (t=1.84) Assessment of danger signs 20 21% 33 11% 0.01 (t=2.5) Assessment of prolonged labour in previous pregnancy among multiparas 14 30% 29 16% 0.03 (t=2.22) Assessment of hypertension in previous pregnancy among multiparas 8 16% 21 11% 0.33 (t=0.9) Provision of AMTSL (WHO definition, with oxytocin within one minute) 70 35% 170 41% 0.15 (t=1.43) Provision of AMTSL (with oxytocin within three minutes) 94 47% 278 67% 0.000 (t=4.76) Provision of AMTSL (with any uterotonic within three minutes) 174 88% 305 76% 0.0006 (t=3.45) Drying and wrapping of the baby 69 34% 377 90% 0.001 (t=14.9) Clean cord care 198 100% 419 100% 0 Breastfeeding initiated within one hour 42 20% 182 44% 0.000 (t=5.18) Handwashing (initial assessment) 70 71% 165 54% 0.0031 (t=2.98) Decontamination 200 97% 383 88% 0.0002 (t=3.69) ANC Maternity Newborn care Infection prevention The comparison shows that Zanzibari women were getting significantly more PE/E screening and urine testing for protein during their ANCE visits than women in mainland Tanzania, but provision of IPTp was less frequent in Zanzibar than on the mainland (not statistically significant). 28 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar During their maternity care, Zanzibari women more often were assessed for danger signs and multiparas were more often assessed for previous complications (though still low, at 21% and 30%, respectively) compared to mainland clients. The provision of AMTSL with any uterotonic using the relaxed definition of three minutes was significantly more common in Zanzibar than on mainland, while provision of AMTSL using oxytocin was less common (statistically significant); this is likely due to a higher prevalence of misoprostol use in Zanzibar than in mainland health facilities. In newborn care, drying and wrapping of the baby appears to be an area of real concern. This practice was observed three times more often in mainland health facilities than in Zanzibar facilities. Initiation of breastfeeding was very low in both Zanzibar and mainland health facilities. Infection prevention practices were more often observed in Zanzibar than on the mainland, with both decontamination and handwashing performed correctly more frequently (statistically significant). Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 29 10. Conclusion and Recommendations Increasing women’s access to quality maternity services is a focus of global efforts to reduce maternal and newborn mortality. Quality of care was recognized as a key element for improved health outcomes and efficiency in WHO’s widely adopted framework for health system strengthening in resource-poor countries (WHO 2007). This quality of care study in Zanzibar found major gaps in coverage and performance of key competencies in routine care in pregnancy, labour and delivery, and the management of some complications (notably, PE/E and PPH). The presence of a “skilled birth attendant” does not necessarily mean skilled care is being provided. To perform effectively, skilled providers need to work within an enabling environment. Shortages of skilled staff, equipment and supplies were observed in this study. Many of the critical challenges in reducing maternal, newborn and child morbidity and mortality are health system issues that need urgent attention. Features of quality of care that are specifically important for maternal and newborn health include a rights-based approach and evidence-based practices—themes that are echoed in Zanzibar’s Road Map (Zanzibar Ministry of Health 2008). It is now urgent that MOH leadership in Zanzibar ensure that resources are mobilized and actions taken to provide quality services to women and their families. The following recommendations can be made based on the findings from this study: • Encourage providers to perform a “quick check” at every contact with a pregnant or postpartum woman to identify complications quickly and thereby initiate appropriate care. • Ensure that all supplies for routine delivery care and management of complications are available—for example, magnesium sulfate and antihypertensive drugs for managing PE/E. All facilities should have emergency trays of available drugs, and these should be checked at least daily. Ward pharmaceutical assistants, hospital pharmacists and central medical stores should work closely and have a clear protocol for avoiding unnecessary stock-outs on the wards. • Improving the quality of ANC in health centres and dispensaries should be a special focus. This does not mean improving the frequency of visits but rather the quality of interventions such as counselling and preventative care • Allow for competency-based in-service/refresher training that can be conducted offsite, as well as more flexible on-the-job training. Training should include clinical simulations and other activities to encourage teamwork and improve efficiency in dealing with clinical emergencies. • Scale up quality improvement approaches to enable providers to apply and become confident in implementing best practices, especially after training • Ensure that up-to-date job aids are disseminated to all facilities, especially those linked to emergency situations such as managing eclampsia, newborn resuscitation and PPH. • Strengthen pre-service education of all health care providers to ensure competency-based approaches that lead to stronger performance and retention of knowledge and skills as well as evidence-based practices that respond to Zanzibar’s priority health care needs. • Address provider accountability in relation to their performance, delays in providing care and recording/reporting of information (e.g., use of the partograph). The professional associations and regulatory bodies (e.g., Zanzibar Nurses and Midwives Council and Zanzibar Nurses Association) have a key role to play. 30 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Appendix A. Pharmacy Stock # PRESENT IN PHARMACY # PRESENT IN L&D Ampicillin, injectable 0 2 Gentamicin, injectable 5 6 Magnesium sulfate 2 8 Oxytocin 6 9 Hydalazine or apresoline 4 0 Nifedipine 3 0 Labetolol 0 0 Ergometrine 1 9 Misoprostol 7 9 PHARMACY STOCK AND CONDITIONS # OF FACILITIES STOCK CARDS MATCH FOR KEY DRUGS No expired medicines 2 FEFO system 7 Physical conditions adequate Off the floor and protected from water 8 Protected from sun 9 Room clean of evidence of rodents/pests 7 Adequate control of stock Received routine supply within past 3 months 7 Always receive accurate orders (in past 3 months) 2 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 31 Appendix B. Equipment Inventory n=9 % OF FACILITIES Soap for handwashing 9 100 Water for handwashing 9 100 Piped water or bucket with tap 9 100 Soap and piped water/bucket with tap 9 100 Sharps container 9 100 Already mixed decontaminating solution 8 89 Clean (or sterile) gloves 9 100 Functioning electric autoclave 6 67 Functioning non-electric autoclave 1 11 Functioning electric dry heat sterilizer 5 56 Functioning electric boiler or steamer 0 0 Non-electric pot with cover AND functioning heat source 0 0 Functioning automatic timer 3 33 TST indicator strips 2 25 Functioning electric or non-electric equipment for sterilization 9 100 Functioning automatic timer or TST indicator strips 3 33 Written protocols or guidelines for sterilization or disinfection 1 11 Private delivery room with visual and auditory privacy 3 33 Functioning spotlight for pelvic exam (or flashlight/torch or exam light) 6 67 Table or bed for delivery 8 89 24-hour coverage for deliveries (staff present or on-call, schedule observed) 7 78 Guidelines for normal delivery 6 67 Guidelines for emergency obstetric care 8 89 Blank partographs 9 100 Private room with visual and auditory privacy 3 33 Shared room with audio/visual privacy 1 11 Visual privacy only 1 11 No privacy 4 44 INFECTION CONTROL ITEMS Sterilization items Capacity for sterilization Delivery room infrastructure and furnishings Other elements to support quality delivery Delivery room privacy 32 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar Appendix C. Providers’ PE/E Knowledge Assessment Scores PE/E Case Study Scores SECTION 1: EXAMINATION ACTIONS MEAN SCORE (%) Determine time of onset of present symptoms 25 Assess level of consciousness 23 Assess for any convulsions 38 Check vitals 81 Listen to/assess fetal heart tones 42 Check urine protein 58 Mean per cent score (exam actions) 44 Correct working diagnosis (severe pre-eclampsia) 80 Mean score for assessment/diagnosis 49 SECTION 2: INITIAL INTERVENTIONS Action to take Stabilize with magnesium sulfate and antihypertensive drug 67 Action to take if presented with convulsion Administer oxygen at 4–6 L per minute 17 Place in side-lying position 54 Protect from injury 48 Give magnesium sulfate 83 Provide antihypertensive drug 33 Mean per cent score (actions for convulsions) 47 Percent who answered correctly for all items listed above 6 Wrong answer: Give intravenous diazepam 27 Wrong answer: Actively restrain 2 Mean score for initial interventions 50 SECTION 3: ESSENTIAL EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES AT THE REFERRAL FACILITY IV with normal saline or Ringer’s lactate 72 Urinary catheter and urinary bag 72 Patellar hammer 13 Suction machine and catheter 60 Oxygen and adult mask 49 Injectable magnesium sulfate 79 Calcium gluconate 0 Injectable antihypertensive drug 38 Mean per cent score (equipment and supplies) 48 SECTION 4: ACTION TO TAKE ONE HOUR LATER Repeat magnesium sulfate 4 hours after last dose if reflexes and respiration are normal 58 Maintain diastolic blood pressure between 90 and 100 through antihypertensive 27 Monitor labour and begin partograph 44 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar 33 Ausculate lungs hourly 0 Record fluid intake and output hourly 50 Get and record respirations, reflexes and patellar reflexes hourly 10 Mean per cent score (actions to take one hour later) 32 Wrong answer: Arrange for immediate caesarean section 42 Wrong answer: Induce labour immediately 29 Case study score Mean per cent score (assessment/diagnosis, initial interventions, equipment and supplies, actions to take one hour later) 34 45 Quality of Maternal and Newborn Health Services in Zanzibar References Campbell O et al. 2006. 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