Large N Graviton Scattering, Black Hole & String Production and Some Comments on String Geometry DIETER LÜST (LMU, MPI) Simons Center, 6. May 2015 1 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 I) Introduction Outline: II) Large N graviton scattering amplitudes at high energies in Gravity and String Theory (Black Hole Production) Work in collaboration with Gia Dvali, Cesar Gomez, Reinke Isermann and Stephan Stieberger, arXiv: 1409.7405 III) T-duality and Non-commutative & Non-associative Geometry (volume uncertainty) 2 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 I) Introduction Quantum mechanics: • Complementary picture: Wave N particles • Heisenberg‘s uncertainty: phase space quantization: [x, p] = i~ ) Semiclassical limit: x p ~ = const. , Quantization of area in phase space. ~ N !1 Distances can be still arbitrarily short. In quantum gravity and in string theory some of these statements have to be refined. 3 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 High energy string scattering: [Amati, Ciafaloni,Veneziano (1987); Gross, Mende (1987)] Refinement of Heisenberg relation: x ~ 0 +↵ p p x Smallest possible distance: ) x p ~↵0 = xmin What about smallest possible volume? 4 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 p In particular two questions and puzzles: • What is the quantum nature of Black Holes microscopic understanding of black hole entropy? Two (interconnected ?) claims: Solve these problems (partially) within Einstein gravity! Classicalization & the black hole N-portrait • What is the high energy behavior of graviton scattering amplitudes ? Unitarity at tree level ? Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 5 Classicalization & the black hole N-portrait: • Are described by IR physics, [G. Dvali, C. Gomez, .....] .. where there is no need to modify gravity in the IR Quantization of gravity in IR semiclassical regime. However there remain still some UV problems: • Precise coefficient coefficient in black hole entropy: S = 1 4 A L2P • Renormalization, UV finiteness of loop amplitudes New UV degrees of freedom ➮ 6 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 String theory ! Unitarity and classicalization: hµ⌫ hµ⌫ ⇠ sL2P hµ⌫ hµ⌫ It is known that tree level graviton scattering amplitudes grow like s (center of mass energy). 2 Violation of unitarity at s = MP One possible solution: Wilsonian approach: Amplitude is unitarized by integrating in new weakly coupled degrees of freedom of shorter and shorter wave lengths (at higher and higher energies). 7 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 However it is expected that black holes will be produced in particle scattering processes with high energies of the order p s 1 < Rs ⌘ p sL2P [´t Hooft (1987); Antoniadis, Arakani-Hamed,Dimopoulos, Dvali (1998); Banks, Fischler (1999); Dimopoulos, Landsberg (2001);Yoshino, Nambu (2002); Giddings, Thomas (2002); Eardley, Giddings (2002); Giddings, Rychkov (2004); ...] Classicalization: Amplitudes get unitarized by classical black hole formation. [G. Dvali, C. Gomez (2010); G. Dvali, G. Giudice, C. Gomez, A. Kehagias (2010)] (Gravity protects itself at high energies by black hole formation.) So we need a better understanding of how black holes are formed in graviton scattering amplitudes. 8 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 2 parts of this talk: (i) New look at graviton scattering at trans-Planckian energy • New kinematical regime, relevant for black hole production: 2 ! N with N ! 1 • The results are in agreement with with unitarization via classicalization and the corpuscular picture of black holes. • The scattering process is still IR in the sense that the gravitons in the final state are soft and possess sub-Planckian energies. 9 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Crossing the UV barrier: The 2 → N string amplitude exhibits an interesting transition property: • Soft final gravitons: Unitarization by black holes. • Hard final gravitons: Unitarization by string Regge states. New trans-Planckian cross-over energy scale: E IR/UV = N Mstring (ii) Some remarks about possible string geometry in the UV: Use stringy symmetry: T-duality & fluxes Non-commutative Non-associative 10 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 } geometry for closed strings II) Large N Graviton Scattering Amplitudes Black hole corpuscular N-portrait: Quantum black hole = (talk by C. Gomez) Bound state of N gravitons (Bose-Einstein condensate) [G. Dvali, C. Gomez (2011 - 2014); G. Dvali, C. Gomez, D.L. (2012)] Relevant properties: • N is large and the gravitons are soft. • Interaction strength among individual gravitons is small: L2P ↵ = 2 << 1 R ( R ... graviton wave length) • Collective (`t Hooft like) coupling: = ↵N • Black holes are formed at the quantum critical point: =1 11 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 (R = p N LP ) [G. Dvali, C. Gomez, arXiv:1207.4059; Flassig, Pritzel, Wintergerst, arXiv:1212.3344] Black hole bound state (at • Mass and size: MBH = 1 ): p = N MP , RBH = p N LP • Exponential degeneracy, entropy: S ⇠ N • Semiclassical behavior: positive Bogoliubov energy levels frequencies, system of N free gravitons | {z black hole } weakly coupled graviton Bose-Einstein condensate 1 z N !1 Bogoliubov modes become gapless, degeneracy of states excluded region }| { = ↵N complex Bogoliubov frequencies, no viable S-matrix state Can we reconcile this picture in graviton scattering processes (expressed 12in terms of N and )? Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 2 ! N graviton amplitude with high center of mass s: We want to have soft gravitons in the final state. k2 k1 sij = (ki + kj )2 ⇠ kN kN 1 Classicalization limit: pin ⇠ s ! 1, Double scaling limit: N ! 1, ✏= 1 ( > > > > : i, j 2 {1, N } , s N 2 s (N 2)2 , i 2 {1, N } , j 2 / {1, N } , , i, j 2 / {1, N } . s and pout ⇠ 2 N p N s 2 !0 small impact parameter) s ! 1 (s >> MP ) with 13 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 p 8 > s, > > > < = s MP2 N 6= 0 (i) Field theory To compute the graviton scattering amplitudes we use on-shell methods, KLT techniques and scattering equation. [Kawai, Lewellen, Tye (1986)], N-point gravity tree level scattering: MN = ✓ 2 ◆N 2 S[ (2, . . . , N X , 2S(N AN (1, (2, . . . , N 2), N 1, N ) 3) 2), (2, . . . , N 2)]N 1 AN (1, N • S[. . . , . . . ] is called momentum kernel, 1, (2, . . . , N S⇠ N sij 2), N ) 3 • AN (. . . ) color ordered MHV Yang-Mills amplitude: 14 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 The amplitude including its combinatorics can be [Cachazo, He,Yuan (2013)] obtained via the scattering equations: MN ⇠ Z dN Vol SL(2, C) ✓ Y X a b6=a sab a b ◆ (N-3)! solutions determine positions of N points on sphere. These equations are hard to solve for arbitrary kinematics. Simplifies in classicalization regime: [see also Kalousios (2013)] MN = ⇥ N 3 2 2 2 8 + a N 2 b N 2 1+ N s ! N! 2 N N !1 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 N s [(N 2 N b 2 a 1 2 3)!!]2 a+b 2 2 a+b N 2 15 a 2 1+ 3 b N 1 N +a+b + 2 2 2 a N b 1 a+b 3 2 2 2 HN (a, b)2 To obtain the physical probability, i.e. the S-matrix element, we have to consider d|h2|S|N 2i|2 = 1 (N 2)! N Y1 i=2 dp4i |MN |2 4 (Ptotal ) p Full cross section by integrating over momenta and p s summing over helicities: ( pin ⇠ s , pout ⇠ N 2 ) Physical 2 ! N 2 perturbative, scattering probability in classicalization regime: |h2|S|N 2i| = 2 ✓ L2P s N2 Collective coupling ◆N N ⌘ ↵N = 16 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 N! = ✓ ◆N N! ⇠ e 2 s/MP N N N Connection to non-perturbative black hole bound state: The perturbative amplitude is suppressed by e N . This is just the inverse of the degeneracy of states of a black hole with entropy S ⇠ N . Therefore this suppression factor is compensated at the N critical point = 1 by e from the degeneracy of black hole states: ABH ⇠ X j |h2|S|N i|2p |hN |BHij |2np ⇠ N e N |p ⇥ eN |np pert. amplitude projection on black hole bound state (This was cross checked by a semiclassical calculation.) So, black hole is exactly dominating at 17 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 = 1. For large s unitarization occurs if N increases appropriately: This bound implies that N & Ncrit = 2 sLP This is the core of the idea of classicalization! N should be larger than the corresponding entropy of a black hole with mass equal to the center of mass energy. Increase energy s 2 −→ N − 2 18 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Region of System of N perturbative essentially free unitarity, energy levels gravitons black hole | {z } weakly coupled graviton Bose-Einstein condensate 1 excluded region z }| 19 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Unitarity Formationblack of threshold, black hole, hole production exponential with extra nondegeneray of perturbative statesfactorr entropy { Forbidden Region thatregion, violates no viable S-matrix unitarity state ↵N = However there remain still some UV problems: What is happening in the regime where N < Ncrit = sL2P 20 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 >1 ? (ii) Closed string theory 21 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 High energy behavior of open/closed string amplitudes shows exponential fall off due to Regge modes. [Veneziano (1968); Amati, Ciafaloni,Veneziano (1987); Gross, Mende (1987), Gross, Manes (1989] Example: 4-point graviton amplitude ( ↵0 4 s) ↵0 ( 4 s) ↵0 ( 4 t) ↵0 ( 4 t) ↵0 4 u) ( M4 ⇠ K ↵0 ( 4 u) ⇢ 0 ↵ 2 2 0 st !↵0 !1 |A4 | ⇥ 4⇡↵ exp (s ln |s| + t ln |t| + u ln |u|) u 2 Square of YM-amplitude Momentum kernel String form factor (Note: this was basically the state of the art before our paper.) 22 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Generalization to arbitrary (large) N: High energy limit: 2 2 L L s >> L2P , gs 2 = 2s >> 1 ) ↵0 s >> 2s >> 1 LP LP N 2 2 MN = |AY M (1, . . . , N )| FN String form factor, comprises all stringy physics. MN can be computed again via scattering equations and zeroes of Jacobi polynomials: MN = (4⇡↵0 )N 3 N Y3✓ ⌫=1 0 FT ⇥ MN + O (↵ s) ⌫ ⌫ (↵ + ⌫)↵+⌫ ( + ⌫) +⌫ (↵ + + N 3 + ⌫)↵+ +N 3+⌫ 1 23 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 ◆ ↵40 s Two different energy regimes: p (i) s < Ms : () N < N gs2 „infrared“, field theory regime Field and ST theory amplitudes agree. This was already conjectured for the MHV case up to 5 points by [Cheung, O´Connell, Wecht (2010)] MN = Fp N =1 s 2 (ii) > Ms : () > N gs N FT MN „ultraviolet“, string theory regime MN ⇠ N 2 ↵ 0N 3 se ↵0 2 (N 3) s ln(↵0 s) String states dominate. Amplitude gets tamed by string states (Regge modes). 24 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 black holes z weakly-coupled gravitons }| excluded region { z 1 field theory z }| }| { string theory { z N gs2 N Ms }| { p s Transition occurs at E IR/UV = N Mstring Gravitons in final state become hard: Ef inal > Ms 25 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 black holes excluded region field theory z }| { z 1 field theory z }| }| { z N gs2 }| { string theory { z N gs2 Consistency for all 26 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 string theory }| 1 { What is happening at the point = N gs2 = 1 ? Here the F.T. amplitude agrees with the string amplitude at the critical point = 1 . This the point where the string effects match the amplitude from the F.T. black hole formation. 1 gs = p N String - black hole correspondence: black hole can be described by a state of strings. [Horowitz, Polchinski (1996); Dvali, D.L. (2009); Dvali, Gomez (2010)] Here the IR is meeting the UV. 27 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 What about loop corrections or higher order gravity (UV) corrections? They should correspond to 1/N corrections to what we ✓ ◆g ✓ ◆g computed: 1 1 Ag loop ⇠ , AR g ⇠ N N g There is some recent interest in higher order R gravity: Z p 4 2 Scale invariant gravity: S ⇠ dx gR [Alvarez-Gaume, Kehagias, Kounnas, D.L., Riotto, Toumbas] - propagating, ghostfree spin-2 only on curved backgrounds (de Sitter or anti-De Sitter). - flat backgrounds: only scalar mode, no gravitational interaction. Non-trivial 28interplay between UV/IR ! Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 As we have seen, the gravity amplitudes can be expressed as sums over Yang-Mills amplitudes. But we never used the information about the number of colors Nc . • Relation between open and closed string coupling: gs = 2 gopen p • At point of string-bh correspondence: gs = 1/ N • Planar limit of gauge theory: 2 gopen = 1/Nc N= So naively we get: 2 Nc What is the interpretation of this relation? 29 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 III) T-duality and Non-commutative & Non-associative Geometry Closed strings on a circle of radius r: T-duality: r ↵0 $ r˜ = r p $ p˜ ˜ (Dual) space coordinates: X $ X (Dual) momenta: ˜ : (X, X) doubled geometry Shortest possible radius: r rc = p ↵0 At short (substringy) distances it is „better“ to use the dual description of the geometry (string geometry). Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Double field theory: W. Siegel (1993); C. Hull, B. Zwiebach (2009); C. Hull, O. Hohm, B. Zwiebach (2010,...) • O(D,D) invariant effective string action containing momentum and winding coordinates at the same time: Z 2D 2 0 SDFT = d X e R X M = (˜ xm , xm ) Strong constraint Standard SUGRA Geometric backgrounds Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Violation of strong constraint SUGRA D. Andriot, O. Hohm, M. Larfors, D.L., P. Patalong (2011/12); R. Blumenhagen, A. Deser, E. Plauschinn, F. Rennecke (2012); D. Andriot, A. Betz (2013); F. Hassler, D.L. (2014)) Non-geometric backgrounds (L-R asymmetric) consistent string backgrounds 31 Non-geometric backgrounds & non-geometric fluxes: - Non-geometric Q-fluxes: spaces that are locally still Riemannian manifolds but not anymore globally. (Hellerman, McGreevy, Williams (2002); C. Hull (2004); Shelton, Taylor, Wecht (2005); Dabholkar, Hull, 2005) Transition functions between two coordinate patches are given in terms of O(D,D) T-duality transformations: C. Hull (2004) Q-space will become non-commutative: - Non-geometric R-fluxes: spaces that are even locally not anymore manifolds. R-space will become non-associative: [X i , X j , X k ] := [[X i , X j ], X k ] + cycl. perm. = = (X i · X j ) · X k X i · (X j · X k ) + · · · 6= 0 32 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Non geometric torus, metric is patched together by a T-duality transformation. 33 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Non geometric torus, metric is patched together by a T-duality transformation. 34 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Closed string boundary conditions in doubled space: M X M ( + 2⇡) = UN (f lux)X N ( ) + 2⇡P I X M (⌧ + 2⇡) = VNM (f lux)X N (⌧ ) + 2⇡ P˜ M X M = (˜ xm , xm ) , P M = (pm , p˜m ) , P˜ M = (˜ pm , pm ) Closed strings move on a „D-brane“ in doubled space. Non-geometric backgrounds conditions Mixed boundary Non-commutativity/Non-Associativity (In analogy to open strings with D-N boundary conditions due to F-flux Non-commutativity.) 35 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 Consider deformations of toroidal backgrounds by (non)-geometric fluxes: UV IR Flat torus with H-flux Tx1 Twisted torus with f-flux j i [XH,f , XH,f ] =0 Tx2 Nongeometric space with Q-flux 1 2 [XQ , XQ ] Nongeometric space with R-flux Tx3 ' Q p˜ 3 1 2 3 They can be computed by [[XR , XR ], XR ]'R - world-sheet quantization of the closed string - CFT & canonical T-duality (Blumenhagen, Plauschinn; Lüst (2010); Blumenhagen, Deser, Lüst, Rennecke, Plauschin (2011); Condeescu, Florakis, Lüst (2012), Andriot, Larfors, Lüst, Patalong (2012); C. Blair (2014); I. Bakas, D.L. to appear soon) - Membrane action Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 (Mylonas, Schupp, Szabo (2012)) 17 Q-flux: 1 [XQ (⌧, 2 ), XQ (⌧, )] = ⇡2 3 i Q p˜ 6 winding number The non-commutativity of the torus (fibre) coordinates is determined by the winding in the circle (base) direction. Corresponding uncertainty relation: 1 XQ 2 XQ 3 Ls 3 Q h˜ p i The spatial uncertainty in the X1 , X2 - directions grows with the dual momentum in the third direction: non-local strings with winding in third direction. Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 37 R-flux background: Via T-duality in all three directions, it describes the high energy (short distance phase) of the H-flux background): 2 1 2 [XR , XR ] =) Non-associative algebra: 2 ⇡ 1 2 3 [[XR (⌧, ), XR (⌧, )], XR (⌧, )] + perm. = R 6 Use 3 [XR , p3 ] = ⇡ i R p3 6 =i Corresponding classical „uncertainty relations“: 1 XR 2 XR Volume uncertainty: 3 Ls R 1 XR 3 hp i 2 XR 3 XR L3s R (see also: D. Mylonas, P. Schupp, R.Szabo, arXiv:1312.1621) Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 38 Non-associative algebra: [x , x ] = ✏ i j ijk pk , [x , p ] = i~ i j ij , [p , p ] = 0 i j [x , x , x ] = [[x , x ], x ] + cycl. perm. = R i j k 3-product: i j k ijk R. Blumenhagen, A. Deser, D.Lüst, E. Plauschinn, F. Rennecke, arXiv:1106.0316 D. Mylonas, P. Schupp, R.Szabo, arXiv:1207.0926, arXiv:1312.162, arXiv:1402.7306. I. Bakas, D.Lüst, arXiv:1309.3172 (f1 43 f2 43 f3 )(~x) = ((f1 ?p f2 ) ?p f3 ) (~x) x x x iRijk @i 1 @j 2 @k 3 (f1 43 f2 43 f3 )(~x) = e This 3-product is non-associative. 39 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 f1 (~x1 ) f2 (~x2 ) f3 (~x3 )|~x Summary: • Exact computation of N-point gravity (string) amplitudes in trans-planckian energy region in closed form • We found evidence for classicalization and black hole production (black hole N-portrait) in field theory. • We found an interesting trans-Planckian transition between field theory and string theory: string black hole correspondence. Next steps: [Stieberger (2013/14); Cachazo, He,Yuan (2014)] • Mixed gauge boson (open)/gravity (closed) amplitudes: Bh N-portrait with matter [Dvali, Gomez, D.L. (2013)] • Bh N-portrait beyond tree level 40 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15 First steps in [Kuhnel, Sundborg (2014)] • Closed string geometry at very short distances is possibly non-commutative or even non-associative. Several question: What is the correct interpretation of this non-associativity? (On-shell fields in CFT still behave associative!) What about non-commutative/non-associative gravity? Do we have to extend quantum mechanics? How to represent this algebra? Similarity with Nambu mechanics (2 Hamiltonians)? Thank you very much! 41 Mittwoch, 6. Mai 15
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