Bringing the Spa to You

Bringing the Spa to You
Anti-Aging from the Outside In
External factors such as
sunlight, pollution and
dryness age us every minute
of every day.
Factors such as stress, being
overtired, alcohol, fast foods
and fast-paced lifestyles further
accelerate aging and disease.
Anti-Aging is Big Business and Growing
Anti-aging is big business and growing rapidly.
– Almost $280 million was spent on anti-aging products based on
advanced technologies, with an average growth rate of over 12%*.
– According to “Industry Growth on the Horizon,” an article
published in Global Cosmetic Industry, the total amount spent in
the U.S. on the combination of cosmetics and cosmeceuticals to
improve the appearance of aging skin amounted $230 billion**.
*Anti-aging Products and Services. Business Communications Company 2005.
**Briney C. Industry Growth on the Horizon. Global Cosmetic Industry. 2005:41-42.
Sophia Loren, now aged 73
(born Sept 1934). Sophia has
used Galvanic Treatments for a
number of years.
Sophia Loren
Rejuvenate your complexion, Revitalize
your scalp, and Refine your body
Introducing Galvanic Spa™ II system
Programmable device with patented
self-adjusting galvanic currents and
interchangeable heads for face,
scalp, and body.
Works synergistically with specially
formulated products to assist in the
transport of key ingredients that
deliver revitalizing, restorative, and
rejuvenating benefits.
The History of Galvanic Current
The “galvanic current," used today for
cosmetic purposes to facilitate the
delivery of beneficial ingredients to
the skin, is named after an Italian
scientist Luigi Galvani.
Galvanic current is safe and effective
and has been used in medicine for
over a century.
What is a Galvanic Treatment?
For more than 50 years, spa and salon
professionals have used gentle
galvanic currents in customized
treatments to refresh and energize the
These treatments, through a gentle
massaging action, help to focus
cellular energy and enhance
Benefits of Galvanic Treatments
The benefits of Galvanic treatments
on the face are immediate as it
energises and refreshes even the
most fatigued complexion leaving it
visibly glowing and nurtured with
added moisture, appearing
smoother and more youthful.
Add to this, the ease of doing a
Galvanic regularly in between
Pre-treat Gel
Use the pre-treat gel with the
Galvanic Spa II Face
Conductor to help remove
skin impurities and let your
pores ‘breathe’.
It contains extracts of marigold
extract, sea kelp and vanilla
for their soothing effects.
Pre-Treat Gel
TEA Cocoyl Glutamate purifies
the skin.
Galvanic Action: Pre-Treatment
Galvanic Conductor
Galvanic Gel
During the Pre-Treat Cycle,
the Galvanic Spa instrument
is negatively charged and
the pre-treat gel is
negatively charged.
These negative charges repel
each other driving the PreTreat Gel into the skin.
The Pre-Treat Gel binds to
impurities in the skin.
Treatment Gel
Use the treatment gel with the Galvanic Spa II
Face Conductor to revive and invigorate
your skin.
Contains Arginine, an amino acid which helps
the skin to recover from stress
Magnesium is a necessary component that
promotes cellular energy.
Treatment Gel
Galvanic Action: Treatment
Galvanic Conductor
Galvanic Gel
• During the Treatment cycle, the
Galvanic Instrument and the
Treatment Gel are positively
• These positive charges repel each
other, helping to deliver the
beneficial ingredients to the skin.
• The positively charged instrument
attracts the negatively charged
impurities drawing them out of the
Clinically Proven to Make
Any Skin Care Regimen 70% More Effective
180 System
Cell Rejuvenation with Nano Technology
Amount of Active
Permeating the Skin
Clear Action Acne Treatment And Repair
Active "A" Delivery with Galvanic
No Treatment
Hours Post
Nutricentials Gentle System
Science of Youth Repairs Elasticity
Galvanic Spa: Facial Muscles - How To
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Kerry – ½ face Feb 2007
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Galvanic Spa: Facial Results
Galvanic Spa™ II System for The body
This gel contains powerful ingredients
that encourage the breakdown and
storage reduction of fat in the skin,
and to increase vitality, firmness
and even out dimples in the skin.
Theobromine (Theobroma cacao
extract) is shown to have an effect
on a certain enzyme in fat cells that
helps in fat breakdown.
Golden Chamomile (Chrysanthellum
indicum) extract is rich in
flavonoids, a class of antioxidants.
Testing indicates these flavonoids
may help inhibit the storage of fat.
Galvanic Spa: Body Results
After 4 months of treatment.
Galvanic Spa: Body Results
Sagging arms. Left arm after 2
weeks of treatment using Nu
Skin Galvanic Spa System with
Body Shaping Gel, compared to
right arm (no treatment).
Galvanic Spa: Body Results
Galvanic Spa: Body Results
The patient suffered with pitting edema in her ankles. After a single 5-minute treatment using the NU SKIN
Body Shaping Gel with the Galvanic Home Spa the edema disappeared and the color and feeling returned to
her feet. Edema means swelling caused by fluid in your body's tissues. It usually occurs in the feet, ankles and
legs, but it can involve your entire body.
Galvanic Spa: Body Results
Sagging tummy of 35 year old Korean woman.
She used the Nu Skin Galvanic Spa System
with Body Shaping Gel 20 times within 2
months. Each treatment she would spend 30 –
50 minutes. After each treatment she used Nu
Skin’s Dermatic Effects Body Contouring
Nutriol® Hair Fitness Treatment
Revitalizes and strengthens hair
Promotes hair that looks and feels
more abundant.
Increases the availability of active
nutrients and vitamins to the hair
Helps correct scalp and hair
imbalances, leaving hair healthylooking and shiny.
Nutriol® Hair Fitness Treatment
Nutriol® Hair Fitness Treatment is
formulated with Tricalgoxyl®, a
patented scalp nourishing ingredient
derived from polysaccharide-rich
seaweed that works with other
essential ingredients to remineralize the scalp and enhance
hair vitality.
Tricalgoxyl® was developed by a
European laboratory with over 40
years of experience in the field of
trichology (the study of hair and
scalp treatment).
Galvanic Spa: Hair/Scalp Results
‘Before’ photo taken 4th Dec 2005.
‘After’ photo taken 7th Feb 2006.
Washed hair with Nutriol Shampoo, then used Nutriol Hair Fitness Treatment with the Galvanic Spa.
Galvanic Spa: Hair/Scalp Results
Galvanic Spa: Hair/Scalp Results
‘Before’ photo taken
23rd Dec 2005.
‘After’ photo taken
28th Feb 2006.
Washed hair with Nutriol Shampoo, then used Nutriol Hair Fitness Treatment with the Galvanic Spa.
Galvanic Spa™ II System
Expand your home spa experience
With interchangeable conductors for the face,
scalp, and body, the Galvanic Spa™ System
II allows you to experience multiple spa
benefits—at home.
Face: Fights the signs of ageing.
Body: Helps combat cellulite.
Scalp: Helps stimulate circulation in the scalp
to thicken hair and reverse hair loss.
Key Benefits: Convenient
It is Convenient
User-selectable polarity increases
the number of products that can be
used with the Nu Skin® Galvanic
Spa™ System II.
Flexible program timing
accommodates a wider range of
applications: scalp, face, body.
Replaceable batteries eliminate
cords, adapters, and dependence
on electrical outlets.
Nu Skin
Key Benefits
Each product in this system plays an integral role in delivering the
following benefits:
a) Begins to reverse the effects of biological and environmental aging in
as little as seven days
b) Helps erase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
c) Works to firm the skin
d) Increases skin smoothness and radiance
e) Diminishes the appearance of pore size
f) Minimizes the look of age spots and discoloration
g) Repairs signs of past UV exposure and protects skin against future sun
Key Ingredients
Nu Skin 180°® Anti-Aging Skin Therapy System is a
comprehensive system that addresses multiple anti-aging
effects. Each product in the system contains key ingredients in
efficacious levels that are scientifically proven to help reverse
the signs of biological and environmental aging.
Polyhydroxy acids
Vitamin C
Di- and tri-peptides
Light activated photosomes
Alphahydroxy acids
Overall Radiance
Percent of Subjects Showing Improvement in
Clinical Grader Score (Radiance)
Percentage of participants exhibiting
improvement in overall radiance*
according to clinical grader assessment:
Week One: 36 Percent
Week Eight: 100 Percent
*composite of multiple attributes
Percent of Subjects Showing Improvement in Clinical
Grader Score
Wk 1
Wk 8
Areas of Improvement
•Texture: 100 Percent
Wk 8
•Wrinkles: 80 Percent
•Pores: 70 Percent
•Discoloration: 66 Percent
Percent of Subjects Showing Improvement in
Clinical Grader Score
Percentage of participants
exhibiting improvement
according to clinical grader
assessment at eight weeks:
Percent of Subjects Showing Improvement in
Clinical Grader Score (Discoloration, Pores,
Wrinkles(Fine Lines), Texture)
Nu Skin 180°® Products
Face Wash—Cleanse
Skin Mist—Tone
Cell Renewal Fluid—Treat
UV Block Hydrator SPF 18—
Night Complex—Hydrate
Sold Separately
AHA Facial Peel and
Neutralizer—Intense Treat
An Improved Appearance – Guaranteed!
Nu Skin 180°Anti-Aging Skin Therapy System
Or Your Money Back!
Benefits of Automatic Delivery Rewards
Automatic Delivery Rewards (ADR) exists to save time and money on every
purchase. When an ADR order is created, the products selected will be delivered to
the patient’s/client’s home every month on the day they choose.
• Receive significant savings on product purchases and save time
•Patients/Clients receive up to 30 percent back in free product purchase points
The great benefits of ADR:
‰ Product comes to doorstep every month
‰ Receive 5% off product price
‰ Reduced shipping rate
‰ Increased flexibility
‰ Manage account online 24/7
‰ Earn points toward FREE product based on 20% of total order price
‰ FREE product points increase to 30% after 12 months in program
‰ Earn up to 75 FREE product points per month ($900.00 max per year)
BioSCAN® & Anti-Aging Program Benefits
„ New Patient/Client ACQUISITION
„ Patient/Client RECALL
„ Patient/Client RETENTION
„ Patient/Client COMPLIANCE
„ Objective measurable RESULTS
„ Simple, time EFFICIENT
„ Lucrative New PROFIT Center
Income Projections and Getting Started
External Anti-Aging
Internal Anti-Aging
Galvanic Kit Contents
Spa Beauty at Home Package
Also includes 1 Galvanic Brochure,
1 Travel Case, and 1 Global Web Page
Book your in-home or on-site Spa
Event, setup ADR, and get $75 -
$126.00 of Free Product
1 Galvanic Spa System II (device), 3
Spa Heads for Face, Body and Hair
and 1 Galvanic Stand
$ 215.00
2 Galvanic Pre-Treatment and
Treatment Gels
$ 75.00
1 Galvanic Body Shaping Gel
$ 43.00
1 Dermatic Effects Body Contouring
Monthly ADR Auto-Delivery: 2 Face Gel Packs = $50.00/month
2 Face Gel Packs, 1 Body Shaping Gel & 1 Body Contouring
Cream = $105.00/month
$ 43.00
Host / Rep
$ 376.00
$300 / $250
$ 126.00
Galvanic Spa Start-Up Options
• Products @
• 20% rebate
•Referral Bonuses
• Purchase 1
Galvanic II
Spa Kit
• Purchase 5
Galvanic Spa
II Kits
• Set up ADR
for face
and/or body
gels each
• Set up ADR
for face and/or
• Set up ADR for
body gels
face and/or
each month
body gels each
Galvanic Spa System $250
Qualifying Executive Order $1250
Spa/Salon Executive Order $5500
• Purchase 22
Galvanic Spa II
Kits & 2
Packages of
Face Gels
Galvanic Spa Retail Projections
Galvanic Spa Treatments: Face, Body, Scalp - $75 to $150 per treatment
Galvanic Spa System Suggested Retail Price $375 - $500
$125 - $250 Profit per Unit at Retail
Option to enroll each client in the Automatic Delivery Rewards (ADR)
program for Facial Gels, Body Gels, and/or Hair Gels to create a Passive
Residual Income Stream
Client ADR Benefits & Incentives Include:
• Receive Products at 5% below wholesale
• Flexibility (Client may change ADR components)
• 20% to 30 % Free Product Credits each month
• Guaranteed results
Annual Profit Center Projections*
10 New Galvanic Spa System II Sales per Week (2 per day) = 40 Clients
per Month
40 Clients x 12 months = 480 Units Sold X $125 Per Unit
Unit Sales = $60,000 Annual Income
Aggregate Annual ADR Commissions, Based on 40 New ADR Clients
per Month
Recurring ADR Commissions = $46,000 Annual Income
Equals $100,000+ Income Potential the First Year
*Income projections: Not a guarantee of your income.
Assumes Executive Level Compensation.
Galvanic Referral Program
The following represents your earnings overrides by helping us place the
Galvanic Spa System II into high traffic locations - Medical Spas, Day
Spas and Salons (satisfied salon owners refer us to their colleagues – we
do the initial presentations and demonstrations and they earn the
Additional Monthly Income*:
10 Salons selling 40 units per month:
$ 4,000/mo.
20 Salons selling 40 units per month:
$ 8,000/mo.
50 Salons selling 40 units per month:
$ 20,000/mo.
100 Salons selling 40 units per month:
$ 40,000/mo.
*Projection assumes you are an Executive. Earnings conservatively based on 5% of total sales
volume. Does not include any ADR income or other bonuses.
1. Purchase
Healthcare or Spa Professionals Pkg.
2. Enroll
Auto Delivery Rewards (ADR)
3. Launch
Event in your Business/Practice
4. Implement
Program into your Daily Operation
History hasPredictor
been and will
of our Future
continue to be the
predictor of our future.
Galvanic Spa System
“The Wrinkle Iron”
Visible Results in 10 min.
2nd Wave Nu Skin Japan
$130 million to $500 million
Scanner Launch 60-day
Measurable Results
1st Wave Nu Skin USA
$40 million to $500 million
• Disruptive
• Proprietary
3-$20 Million Earners
15-$20 Million Earners
• Explosive
• International
Anti-Aging Solutions
Personal Care Anti-Aging
Wellness & Nutritional Anti-Aging