Chapter 21 Lipid Metabolism 生化科 吳嘉霖老師 第一醫學大樓0859室 校內分機:5159 Lipid metabolism and hibernation (冬眠)� 棕熊在冬眠6個月時會消耗掉100萬大卡的卡路里,相當於1個美國 人1年所需的熱量 Lipids are Involved in Generation and Storage of Energy • The oxidation of fatty acids (FA) in triacylglycerols are the principal storage form of energy for most organisms • The energy yield per gram of fatty acid oxidized is greater than that per gram of carbohydrate oxidized Lecithin! Catabolism of Lipids • Lipases catalyze hydrolysis of bonds between fatty acid and the rest of triacylglycerols • Phospholipases catalyze hydrolysis of bonds between fatty acid and the rest of phosphoacylglycerols (生物膜 主要成份) Fatty Acid Activation • Fatty acid oxidation begins with activation(活化) • A thioester bond is formed between the carboxyl group of the FA and the thiol of CoA-SH 脂肪酸 Acyl-CoA! Liberation of Fatty Acids from Triacylglycerols The Role of Carnitine in Acyl-CoA Transfer (活化的脂肪酸必須送到粒線體內進行分解)� acyl-CoA crosses the outer mitochondrial! acyl group is then transferred to carnitine carried across the inner mitochondrial membrane, and transferred to mitochondrial CoA-SH Carnitine translocase" ! Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase (CPT-1) has specificity for acyl groups between 14 and 18 carbons long β-Oxidation Cleavage of the carbon chain by a reverse Claisen reaction! Oxidation of the α,β carbon-carbon single bond to a carboncarbon double bond! Oxidation of the β-hydroxyl group to a carbonyl group! Hydration of the carboncarbon double bond! β-Oxidation Gives Rise to Nine 2-Carbon Units Stearic acid 18 個碳: 8次 β-oxidation, 產生9個二碳單位Acetyl-CoA ! Energy Yield from FA Oxidation • The energy released by the oxidation of acetyl-CoA formed by β-oxidation of FA can be used to produce ATP • Eight cycles of β-oxidation are required for the oxidation of Stearic acid to acetyl-CoA Stearic acid (18碳)需經8次β-Oxidation 產生9個Acetyl-CoA! 進入TCA cycle! TCA cycle 1 Acetyl-CoA產生: 1FADH2+1GTP+3NADH Energy Yield from FA Oxidation • The overall equation for oxidation of stearic acid can be obtained by adding the equations for β-oxidation, the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation Energy Yield from FA Oxidation 8X2.5=20" 27X2.5=67.5" 8X1.5=12" 9X1.5=13.5" 1 莫耳NADH進入電子傳遞鏈可產生 2.5莫耳ATP 1 莫耳FADH2可產生 1.5莫耳ATP 活化態 糖類、脂肪和蛋白質等物質在生物體內完全氧化會產生代謝 水。每100克糖氧化時可產生55毫升水,每100克脂肪可產生107 毫升水,每100克蛋白質可產生41毫升水 Catabolism of Odd-Numbered FA • Odd-numbered FA are not frequently encountered, but do also undergo βoxidation • The last β-oxidation cycle of a fatty acid with an odd number of carbons gives propionyl-CoA(三個碳) • Propionyl-CoA can be converted to succinyl-CoA, which plays a role in the citric acid cycle Oxidation of an Unsaturated FA • A cis-trans isomerization is needed to convert unsaturated FA to acetyl-CoA • This enzyme is known as an isomerase • Oxidation of unsaturated FA does not generate as much ATP relative to saturated FA with the same # of carbons Oxidation of an Unsaturated FA Ketone Bodies(酮體)� • Formation of ketone bodies occurs when the amount of acetyl-CoA produced is excessive compared to the amount of oxaloacetate available to react with it • Intake high in lipids and low in carbohydrates • Diabetes not suitably controlled • Starvation TCA cycle Ketone Bodies acetyl-CoA! • If an organism has an excess of acetylCoA, it produces ketone bodies. • Ketone bodies are: acetone, βhydroxybutyrate, and acetoacetate --formed principally in liver mitochondria --can be used as a fuel in most tissues and organs(心肌,腎臟 缺乏葡萄糖時的大腦) • This situation can arise from an excessive intake of fats compared to carbohydrates, or from diabetes. Q&A Fatty Acid Biosynthesis(脂肪酸合成)� • Biosynthesis is not exact reversal of oxidation • Biosynthetic reactions occur in the cytosol(細 胞質)� 只有Citrate可以穿過粒線 體內膜,因此Acetyl-CoA 在粒線體內先轉變成citrate 再送出粒線體至細胞質內。 Fatty Acid Biosynthesis • Carboxylation of acetyl-CoA occurs in the cytosol • Catalyzed by acetyl-CoA carboxylase • Biotin is the carrier of the carboxyl group • Malonyl-CoA is key intermediate that is produced Acetyl-CoA carboxylase reactions Acetyl-CoA" Malonyl-CoA" Biosynthesis of Palmitate from Acetyland Malonyl-CoA ACP: Acyl carrier protein" 此步驟為β氧化作用逆反應 6個Malonyl-CoA再分別加入 細胞質內脂肪酸合成 酶最多只做到C16, 之 後的碳鏈加長在內質網 (ER)及粒線體內 進行,此反應不需ACP C16" Fatty acid synthase ACP! Sites of Fatty Acid Metabolism in an Animal Cell Summary • Acetyl-CoA is transported to the cytosol and converted to malonyl-CoA • The biosynthesis of FA proceeds by the addition of 2-carbon units to the hydrocarbon chain. The process is catalyzed by the fatty-acid synthase complex Comparison of FA Degradation and Biosynthesis! Triacylglycerol Biosynthesis • Lipids, such as, triacylglycerols, phosphoacylglycerol s, and steroids are derived from FA and metabolites of FA Biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine in bacteria Phosphatidylethanolamine is found in all living cells, composing 25% of all phospholipids. Biosynthesis of phosphatidylethanolamine in eukaryotes The interconversion of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine in mammals In human physiology it is found particularly in nervous tissue such as the white matter of brain, nerves, neural tissue, and in spinal cord, where it makes up 45% of all phospholipids." Biosynthesis of Sphingosine/Ceramide • Require starting materials palmitoyl-CoA and serine Cholesterol Biosynthesis • All carbon atoms of cholesterol and steroids synthesized from it are derived from the two-carbon acetyl group of acetyl-CoA • Involves many reaction steps • Involvement of isoprene units (C5H8) are key to the biosynthesis of steroids and other biomolecules known as terpenes (C5H8)n Overall View of Cholesterol Biosynthesis C5! C2! C6! C30! C27! Cholesterol Biosynthesis • Synthesis begins with the condensation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA HMG-CoA synthetase" • Next, condensation with a third molecule of acetyl-CoA HMG-CoA" 抑制 lovastatin! Mevalonate The Conversion of Mevalonate to Squalene C6! C6! C5! C5! C15! C30! Squalene to Cholesterol The synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol Cholate and Clycocholate(bile acids, 膽汁酸): 使脂肪乳化 成微滴,增加了脂肪酶 的作用面積,幫助脂 肪分解與吸收。 Cholesterol is the precursor for a number of steroid hormones Role of Cholesterol in Heart Disease • Lipids are transported in the blood stream by lipoproteins • Cholesterol and its fatty acid esters are packaged into several classes of lipoproteins for transport The LDL Particle The Fate of Cholesterol Atherosclerosis (動脈粥狀硬化)� Q&A
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