Festival Info Document - Mendocino Guitar Festival

Mendocino Guitar Festival
August 23 rd – August 29 th
Woodlands Camp, Mendocino, California
[email protected]
Festival Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 2
Festival Location ........................................................................................................................................... 2
Festival Schedule and Activities .................................................................................................................... 2
Student Skill Level ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Artist Roster .............................................................................................................................................. 2
Festival Schedule ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Class Content ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Open Mic Contest ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Camp Concert............................................................................................................................................ 4
Crown Hall Concert ................................................................................................................................... 4
Wilderness Recreation .............................................................................................................................. 4
Accommodations .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Guest Accommodations ............................................................................................................................ 4
Shared Accommodation ....................................................................................................................... 4
Private Accommodation ....................................................................................................................... 5
Private RV, Trailer, Tent Accommodation ............................................................................................ 5
Off Property Accommodation............................................................................................................... 5
Catered Gourmet Meals ............................................................................................................................... 5
Festival Workshop Fees ................................................................................................................................ 5
Transportation Information .......................................................................................................................... 5
Security Information ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Liability Information ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Contact Information...................................................................................................................................... 6
Mendocino Guitar Festival v1.7
June 18th, 2015
Festival Statement
The intent of the Mendocino Guitar Festival is to create a gathering of musical souls of all levels
celebrating solo guitar artistry in a gorgeous natural setting. We come here to expand our skills,
invigorate our interests, share our gifts, find gratitude in our hearts, and have a blast doing it!
Festival Location
The festival will be held at the Mendocino Woodlands camp in Mendocino, CA. The Mendocino area
features a gorgeous mix of wilderness and California coast. The hamlet of Mendocino offers boutique
shopping, fine dining, the health food store. The area is rich with B&B’s. Fort Bragg is nearby with its
lumber history and the coast makes for a perfect drive. With fall around the corner the time of the year
will be idea: not too hot and not too cold.
Festival Schedule and Activities
The festival will feature a series of 15 workshops over 5 days. 5 sessions are 2 hours long (morning) and
10 sessions after lunch are 1.5 hours long. Some teachers prefer to see you consistently and the morning
class is designed to be a main class however that is flexible. The afternoon classes are available for study
with other teachers. You can pick and choose your schedule every day! I would advise attending a
session with as many different artists as you can. Design your program as you see fit.
Student Skill Level
The festival is open for beginners to advanced students of guitar. Some teachers are advanced but there
are a couple of teachers who specialize with beginning students. I recommend spending time with each
teacher even if they appear to be too advanced for your skill level.
Artist Roster
For 2015 we have a stellar lineup of the great solo guitarists in the world. Some new artists and some
long time artists. I personally picked this lineup and I am absolutely delighted to have these artists come
and participate in our camp.
Ed Gerhard
Muriel Anderson
Tony McManus
William Coulter
Michael Chapdelaine
Macyn Taylor (tentative)
Maneli Jamal (tentative)
Together we will create a magic week of guitar, nature, and awesome food! Think of this event as the
guitar party of the year. And you are invited to join us!
Mendocino Guitar Festival v1.7
June 18th, 2015
Festival Schedule
The festival is made up of a series of daily classes providing a workshop aspect along with nightly shows
on the camp stage at the fire pit. The workshop sessions are designed to be long enough to gain depth in
a subject but short enough to provide ample time between classes to have a meal, rest, hike, swim,
practice, take private lessons, or attend any rehearsal for the camp show on Thursday night.
The festival schedule in Table 1 below represents activities that are planned for the week.
Table 1 Festival Schedule
Festival Day
Sunday 23rd
Saturday 29th
Festival Welcome
Settle in
Morning Class
Afternoon Class 1
Afternoon Class 2
Open Mic or Concerts
Good morning
2 hours
Quiet time
M-Th Camp stage
F – Crown Hall show
Good night
Ready for departure
Vacate camp
Continental style
Cleanup camp
Must be out at 11am
Camp stage
1.5 hours
Hike, swim, practice
1.5 hours
Class Content
Each teacher will introduce themselves and offer a sampling of what they will teach on Sunday night. In
general each teacher will provide exercises, tab and music, and information on composition, arranging,
and personal attention to you. We have a great line up this year.
Open Mic Contest
One of the goals of this experience is to allow festival participants to play before an audience. Every
night will have a music event and you are personally invited! Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night
there will be an open mic nightly where players can compete for the top 3 prizes of $100, $75, and $50.
On Thursday morning the winners of the open mic contest will be announced and winners will play a
short set to close the camp concert on Thursday night. All camp music gatherings will be at the fire pit
area which will have a PA system and a stage.
Mendocino Guitar Festival v1.7
June 18th, 2015
Camp Concert
The camp concert gives festival guests the chance to perform solo or in group setting at the festival.
Workshops that feature playing in a group setting will be given priority for the show. The winners of the
open mic will play a short set. We will also have a sign up list for the remainder of the show. It’s a
chance to be a part of the show. Priority will be given to those who have not previously played.
Crown Hall Concert
The Crown Hall concert is in Thursday night and features festival artists in concert in Mendocino. The
cost to attend this performance is determined at show time. This fee is not included in the workshop
seat fee. The show starts at 7:30 and carpooling to the show is highly recommended. Since camp must
be cleared by 11am Saturday morning you have the option to leave camp directly from the show.
Wilderness Recreation
The Mendocino Woodlands historic camp features miles of hiking trails, redwoods, and the best
swimming hole on the California coast. A big beautiful natural pool around 10 feet deep. The festival
website contains links to Woodlands and Karina’s catering services.
The Mendocino Guitar Festival home is the Mendocino Woodlands Camp in Mendocino, CA. There are 3
camps in the Woodlands Park and the festival will be held at Camp 2. This is simply one of the most
spectacular settings I have ever seen for a campground.
Guest Accommodations
Camp 2 has 130 beds total in a mix of cabins and houses. All cabins have screened windows. Every bed
has a mattress. Linens will be provided. We all share the showers, restrooms, and dining hall.
Camp Accommodations
I have a total of 39 private spaces; 38 with 2 or more beds. I am reserving a number of spaces for shared
occupation and offering the rest for private accommodation. Shared space is $695 to $995 depending on
whether the guest is attending classes. Private space is $1295. A private space may have 2 or 4 beds in it
but you will be the only occupant. This arrangement works for a ½ full attendance which is expected for
the festival this year.
Shared Accommodation
Shared cabins are available at $995. The goal is to have no more than 2 people share a 4 bed cabin. That
may change however we are not expecting it to this year. Couples will get their own cabin at the shared
rate. The rest of the shares are gender oriented.
Mendocino Guitar Festival v1.7
June 18th, 2015
Private Accommodation
There is a number of private cabins and rooms available. The rate for single private accommodation is
$1295. Space is limited. Please inquire.
Private RV, Trailer, Tent Accommodation
Small RVs, vans, or trailers are permitted on a limited basis. You can also car or tent camp or sleep under
the stars and redwoods. The shared rate of $995 is applicable for this class of accommodation.
Off Property Accommodation
Festival attendees may commute to the festival from off property accommodation. Mendocino is rich
with choices of B&B’s hotels, resorts, motels, and camping. The drive is 9.2 miles. It takes about 25-30
minutes to reach the festival. The road is gravel and dirt for 3 miles. So you know. The fee to the festival
for off property accommodation is the shared rate of $995. Use of the camp is a flat fee cost per day.
Catered Gourmet Meals
Karina’s of Mendocino will cater with her brand of healthy gourmet California cuisine. Expect a fine
dining experience among the guests of this festival in the main dining hall.
Festival Workshop Fees
The all-inclusive festival fee is $995 if you intend to go to guitar classes. If you are a partner of a player
the fee is $695 to attend without instruction. There are a few scholarships available at $695. We are
expecting to have 40-80 guests for this festival. Reservations can be made after Hune 1st with a nonrefundable $195. Full payment due is August 15th. If you need more time or want to split the payment
contact me. I prefer check however if you prefer to use Paypal add 3% to the total fee to cover costs.
All fees are paid by check to
Joe Thibodeau
PO Box 92
Forest Knolls, CA 94933
[email protected]
Transportation Information
It takes 4 hours to get to the Woodlands camp from San Francisco. You can view a map online by
googling Mendocino, California. To reduce the traffic footprint in the camp carpooling is recommended.
I will be getting people together with a car pool list to reduce your cost to the festival. If you intend to
rent a car I will put you in touch with people looking for a ride if you are open to sharing for a fee.
Mendocino Guitar Festival v1.7
June 18th, 2015
Security Information
We are all honest individuals who respect the privacy and belongings of another. There are lots of
guitars around at these events. Please be responsible for your instrument and likewise respect the
instruments of others. Respect shared spaces. Use secure spaces such as vehicles for additional
security. Contact staff to handle any issues that arise. In 10 years of camps I have never experienced a
Liability Information
The Mendocino Guitar Festival liability is limited to creating a successful event. We are not liable for
personal injury or property damage or acts of god beyond our control. Woodlands camp policies must
be respected. These camps are safe and fun. Festival staff will work hard to maintain a high level of
comfort for our guests as we all enjoy a wonderful week in the woods together.
Contact Information
Send an email to reserve your seat. Hope to see you at the festival.
Joe Thibodeau
PO Box 92
Forest Knolls, CA 94933
Email: [email protected]
Mendocino Guitar Festival v1.7
June 18th, 2015