ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-1 09:00-09:15 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140475 Multi-model assessment of mercury cycling in the atmosphere as a part of GMOS Mercury Modeling Task Force Oral Oleg TRAVNIKOV Meteorological Synthesizing Centre - East of EMEP June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-2 09:15-09:30 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140226 Oral Ian Michael HEDGECOCK Italian National Research Council June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-3 09:30-09:45 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140493 On the Distribution of Atmospheric Mercury Species in the Tropics, and the North – South Divide: results from GMOS measurements and models Understanding mercury dynamics in Arctic ecosystems using model Oral Ashu DASTOOR Environment Canada June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-4 09:45-10:00 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140316 Multi-model diagnostic evaluation of atmospheric mercury oxidation reactions on the regional scale Oral Johannes BIESER Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-5 10:00-10:15 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140584 Estimation of Trans-boundary Mercury in North East Asian Countries Using Emission Data and CMAQ-Hg Model Oral Seong-Heon KIM Yonsei University June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-6 10:15-10:30 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140353 Oral Amanda GIANG Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-O-7 10:30-10:45 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140427 Quantifying primary and secondary anthropogenic influences on mercury deposition to the Great Lakes and their uncertainty Historic bioaccumulation of methyl mercury in tidal wetlands of San Francisco Bay, California Oral Steven SCHWARZBACH USGS June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-PO-1 10:45-10:50 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140048 Mathematical Modeling As A Tool To Understanding Hg0 Removal From Natural Gas Streams In A Fixed Bed Adsorber Poster + Oral Neuman Solange DE RESENDE Federal University of Rio de Janeiro June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-PO-2 10:50-10:55 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140088 Top-down constraints on mercury emissions at global and regional scales: combining atmospheric observations and modeling Poster + Oral Shaojie SONG Massachusetts Institute of Technology June 18(Thu) 18M-G04-PO-3 10:55-11:00 (G04-I) Mercury modeling 140122 Understanding oxidized Hg transformation and fate using collocated measurements of wet deposition and speciated Hg concentration Poster + Oral Shaojie SONG Massachusetts Institute of Technology ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation Use of sulfur isotopes to assess mercury bioaccumulation and biomagnification in freshwater biota from lower- and higherlatitude lakes in Canada Seasonal Dynamics of Inorganic Mercury and Methylmercury in the Plankton of Long Island Sound (USA) Oral Gretchen LESCORD Laurentian University Oral Robert MASON University of Connecticut Dartmouth College June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-1 09:00-09:15 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140416 June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-2 09:15-09:30 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140425 June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-3 09:30-09:45 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140451 Effects of climate related environmental factors on methylmercury bioaccumulation in estuarine organisms Oral Celia Y. CHEN June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-4 09:45-10:00 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140495 Oral Gustavo A CHIANG Meimoyu Ecosystem Research Institute June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-5 10:00-10:15 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140647 A coastal aquatic food web in Chilean Patagonia: evaluating mercury biomagnification in a Southern Pacific isolated environment Mercury and selenium in seston, marine plankton and fish (Sardinella brasiliensis) as a tool for understanding a tropical food web Oral Isabel MOREIRA PUC-Rio June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-6 10:15-10:30 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140806 Oral Zoyne PEDRERO ZAYAS Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-7 10:30-10:45 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140211 Tracking bioaccumulation pathways and fate of mercury species in zebrafish by combining mercury stable isotopic fingerprint and speciation approaches Assessing Mercury Fate, Transport and Bioaccumulation in Captive and Wild Aquatic Apex Predators Oral Erik RIFKIN Rifkin and Associates June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-8 10:45-11:00 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140075 Mercury levels in animals of different trophic levels near rice paddies in a mercury-mining region of southwestern China. Oral Kasun Sameera ABEYSINGHE June 18(Thu) 18M-G12-O-9 11:00-11:15 (G12) Mercury bioaccumulation and tropic transfer 140077 Mercury and methylmercury trophodynamics in the food chains of native and introduced fish from a Northwest Patagonia lake. Oral Sergio Ribeiro GUEVARA Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Menglun, Yunnan, China. Centro Atómico Bariloche June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-1 09:00-09:15 (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries 140109 Total Mercury Levels and Exposure Assessment in the General Korean Population Oral Myung-Sil HWANG Ministry of Food and Drug Safety ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-2 09:15-09:30 June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-3 09:30-09:45 June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-4 09:45-10:00 June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-5 10:00-10:15 June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-6 10:15-10:30 June 18(Thu) 18M-S16-O-7 10:30-10:45 June 18(Thu) 18M-G01-O-1 09:00-09:15 June 18(Thu) 18M-G01-O-2 June 18(Thu) June 18(Thu) Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-I) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140669 Seasonal variation of blood mercury levels and Consumption of Live-Fish Oral Choonghee PARK National Institute of Environmental Research 140093 Exploring the distributions of population exposure to methyl mercury integrated multiple data in the Urumqi catchments, Central Asia Methylmercury in breast milk of Japanese mothers and lactational exposure of their infants Oral Xu ZHOU Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences Oral Miyuki IWAISHIMADA Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tohoku University 140506 Concentration and risk assessment of mercury in raw food materials Oral Kyung Su PARK Korea Institute of Sciecne and Technology 140682 Tissue residue criteria for mercury and fish consumption advisory for freshwater and marine fishesin Korea Oral Jong-Hyeon LEE NeoEnBIz Co. 140683 Safety Management of Mercury in Fish Oral Min YOO Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 140058 Nanogold-assisted direct and reagent-free ultra-trace determination of total dissolved Hg in pristine waters Oral Jessica HUBER University of Ulm 09:15-09:30 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140169 Analytical Aspects of Mercury Emission Measurements in Coal-Fired Power Plants Oral Janusz GOLAS AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow 18M-G01-O-3 09:30-09:45 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140671 Using blood spots to assess mercury exposure in humans and wildlife Oral Marie PERKINS McGill University 18M-G01-O-4 09:45-10:00 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140275 Identification of mercury chemical species in coal combustion flue gas with GC-MS and HPLC-AFS Oral Fengyang WANG Tsinghua University 140587 ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation June 18(Thu) 18M-G01-O-5 10:00-10:15 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140351 A novel method for direct and reagent-free determination of mercury traces in human urine using nanogold-coated silica Oral Maria SCHLATHAUER University Ulm June 18(Thu) 18M-G01-O-6 10:15-10:30 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140166 Who can methylate mercury? Using next generation sequencing to identify mercury methylators Oral Jingying XU Uppsala University June 18(Thu) 18M-G01-O-7 10:30-10:45 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140439 Imaging differential mercury and selenium species bioaccumulation by glass eels using isotopic tracers and laser ablation Oral Mathilde MONPERRUS UMR 5254 CNRS UPPA June 18(Thu) 18M-G01-O-8 10:45-11:00 (G01) Advances in analytical methodologies 140185 Oral ChristophCornelius BROMBACH University of Aberdeen June 18(Thu) 18M-S03-O-1 09:00-09:15 (S03) The Health Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining 140549 Determination of Methylmercury in Rice Using Liquid Chromatography Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry (HPLC-CV-AFS) with Automatic Online Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Preconcentration Mercury contaminated rice causes severe mercury intoxication - case reports a smallscale gold mining village – Cisitu / Indonesia Oral Stephan BOSEO'REILLY University Hospital Munich June 18(Thu) 18M-S03-O-2 09:15-09:30 (S03) The Health Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining 140636 Human health impacts of small-scale gold mining in Ghana: Results of an Integrated Assessment Oral Nil BASU McGill University June 18(Thu) 18M-S03-O-3 09:30-09:45 (S03) The Health Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining 140432 The Delphi technique for developing responses to artisanal and small-scale gold mining Oral Rachel LONG University of Michigan June 18(Thu) 18M-S03-O-4 09:45-10:00 (S03) The Health Impacts of Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining 140744 An overview of the health impacts and interventions in artisanal and small-scale gold mining Oral Paleah BLACK MOHER Artisanal Gold Council/University of Victoria June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-1 09:00-09:15 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140354 The Impact of Mercury on Oil and Gas Operations; Upstream, Midstream and Downstream Oral James H VICKERY Mercury Experts, LLC June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-2 09:15-09:30 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140101 Novel process for the removal of Mercury from Process/Produced water Oral Vince ATMA ROW Johnson Matthey June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-3 09:30-09:45 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140385 Examination of Phase Changes of Mercury: Impact on Oil and Gas Oral Hal ALPER MYCELX Technologies Corp. ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-4 09:45-10:00 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140472 Important considerations for process decontamination operations Oral Patrick Louis LAINE Mercury Experts, LLC June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-5 10:00-10:15 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140604 Mercury Decontamination: A Thai Industrial Services Perspective Oral Varoon VARANYANOND Valence Corporation June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-6 10:15-10:30 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140856 Accuracy and Uncertainties of Mercury Fractionation in Crude Oil, Natural Gas Condensates and Naphtha using Cold Vapour Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry Oral Bin CHEN P S Analytical June 18(Thu) 18M-S13-O-7 10:30-10:45 (S13) The Impact of Mercury in Oil and Gas 140861 Oral Ryan OWINGS Texcom Environmental June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-1 15:00-15:15 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140204 Identification of Mercury Contamination in Petrochemical Process Equipment via Handheld X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) Tracing The Carbon Source Of Methylmercury Trough Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis (Δ13C-Ch3Hg) Oral David POINT UMR GET, Institute for Research and Development (IRD), University of Toulouse June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-2 15:15-15:30 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140295 Mercury Isotopes for Source Apportionment Study of Atmospheric Particle Bound Mercury (PBM) in an Urban Setting Oral Reshmi DAS NANYANG TECNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-3 15:30-15:45 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140456 Oral Takaaki ITAI Ehime University June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-4 15:45-16:00 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140407 Oral Sae Yun KWON University of Michigan June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-5 16:00-16:15 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140814 Oral James HURLEY University of Wisconsin-Madison June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-6 16:15-16:30 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140426 Regional variation of total mercury level and stable isotope ratio in skipjack tuna from western North Pacific Ocean Isotopic study of mercury sources and transfer between a freshwater lake and adjacent forest food web Mercury Isotopes in Lake Trout among the North American Great Lakes: New Insights into Source Apportionment, Pathways, and Trends The Application of Mercury Stable Isotopes to Lake Erie: Improving Our Understanding of Mercury Sources, Cycling, and Processes Oral Ryan LEPAK University of Wisconsin-Madison ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-7 16:30-16:45 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140489 Mercury isotope compositions in North American forests Oral WANG ZHENG University of Toronto June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-8 16:45-17:00 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140481 Isotopic Characterization of Mercury in the South River, VA Oral Spencer John WASHBURN The University of Michigan June 18(Thu) 18A-G02-O-9 17:00-17:15 (G02-I) Mercury stable isotope biogeochemistry 140029 Oral David AMOUROUX UMR 5254, CNRS & University of Pau June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-O-1 15:00-15:15 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140527 In situ exploration of processes controlling Hg biogeochemistry in Lake Titicaca hydrosystem (Bolivian Altiplano) Seasonal changes of mercury speciation in the coastal sediments Oral Jacek BEŁDOWSKI Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-O-2 15:15-15:30 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140367 Influences of temperature and carbon loading on methylmercury bioavailability in estuaries Oral Vivien Frances TAYLOR Dartmouth College June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-O-3 15:30-15:45 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140046 Four decades (1970-2010) of EDGARv4 global gridded anthropogenic mercury emissions: trend analysis, spatial distribution, speciation and evaluation with GEOS-Chem model Oral Marilena MUNTEAN Joint Research Centre, European Commission June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-O-4 15:45-16:00 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140364 Modeling the Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Mercury to the Great Lakes Oral Mark COHEN June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-O-5 16:00-16:15 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140816 Oral Shiliang WU June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-O-6 16:15-16:30 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140448 Impacts of climate change and land use/land cover change on atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury Historical Records of Mercury Isotopes in Tibetan Lakes and Lake Michigan: Implications for Climate Studies U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Michigan Technological University Oral Runsheng YIN University of Wisconsin-Madison June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-PO-1 16:30-16:35 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140055 Long CHEN Peking University June 18(Thu) 18A-G04-PO-2 16:35-16:40 (G04-II) Mercury modeling 140821 Torunn BERG . Differences in Decadal Trends of Atmospheric Poster + Oral Mercury between the Arctic and Northern Midlatitudes Suggest A Decline in Arctic Ocean Mercury Hg and dissolved organic material in rivers at Poster + Oral Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation (S16-II) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-II) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-II) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-II) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-II) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S16-II) Mercury exposure, health effects, and integrated strategy for mercury risk mitigation in asian countries (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140718 Mercury biomonitoring in Korea (1st stage of Korean National Environmental Health Survey) Oral Suejin KIM National Institute of Environmental Research 140652 Current Exposure, the Risk Population of Mercury in Korea Oral Young-Seoub HONG Dong-A University 140289 Mercury levels in maternal and cord blood and attained weight through the 24 months of life Oral Eunhee HA Ewha Womans University 140199 Study for the effects of mercury exposure on the schoolchildren in China Oral Tian LIN School of Public Health, Peking University 140038 Effect of prenatal mercury exposure on cord blood mercury levels during pregnancy Oral Jia CAO Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine 140120 Minamata disease seems to have spread across the Shiranui Sea from Minamata Oral Shigeru TAKAOKA Minamata Kyoritsu Hospital 140344 Linkage between the chemical speciation and biogeochemical transformations of mercury under low sulfidic and natural organic matter rich conditions in soils and sediments Oral Ulf SKYLLBERG Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences June 18(Thu) 18A-S16-O-1 15:00-15:15 June 18(Thu) 18A-S16-O-2 15:15-15:30 June 18(Thu) 18A-S16-O-3 15:30-15:45 June 18(Thu) 18A-S16-O-4 15:45-16:00 June 18(Thu) 18A-S16-O-5 16:00-16:15 June 18(Thu) 18A-S16-O-6 16:15-16:30 June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-1 15:00-15:15 June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-2 15:15-15:30 (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140198 Microbial DNA records historical delivery of anthropogenic mercury Oral Alexandre POULAIN University of Ottawa June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-3 15:30-15:45 (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140798 Mobilisation and methylation of mercury along an Oxisol-Gleysol toposequence in a tropical forest soils ( French Guyana) : impact of autochthonous Iron- and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Oral Noureddine BOUSSERRHINE IEES-Paris. UPEC; Equipe DIIM ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date Code Time Session Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) Name Affiliation June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-4 15:45-16:00 (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140635 Geochemical mercury pools’ contribution to methylmercury formation and bioaccumulation in benthic invertebrates Oral Sofi JONSSON University of Connecticut June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-5 16:00-16:15 (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140460 Coupled mercury (Hg)-cell sorption, reduction, and oxidation on microbial Hg uptake and methylation Oral Baohua GU Oak Ridge National Laboratory June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-6 16:15-16:30 (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140663 Coupling redox homeostasis to mercury cycling in phototrophs Oral Daniel Steven GRÉGOIRE University of Ottawa June 18(Thu) 18A-S15-O-7 16:30-16:45 (S15) Effects of coupled microbiological and geochemical interactions on Hg speciation, uptake, and methylation 140546 Methylation of mercury in frequently flooded soils under changing redox conditions Oral Jörg RINKLEBE University of Wuppertal June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-1 15:00-15:15 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140017 Sorbents injection for coal-fired power plant in China Oral Yongsheng ZHANG North China Electric Power University June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-2 15:15-15:30 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140067 CuO/TiO2 photochemical catalysis for Hg0 Photocatalytic in the Coal-fired Derived Flue Gas Oral Jiang WU Shanghai University of Electric Power June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-3 15:30-15:45 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140107 Mercury control after coal gasification Oral Jinsong ZHOU Zhejiang University June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-4 15:45-16:00 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140117 Mercury emission and control from iron and steel industry in China Oral Wenqing XU Chinese Academy of Sciences June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-5 16:00-16:15 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140133 Catalytic Oxidation of Elemental Mercury and Slip ammonia over Ru modified Ce-Zr Solid Solution and Mechanism study Oral Naiqiang YAN Shanghai Jiao Tong University June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-6 16:15-16:30 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140205 The Mercury and SO2 removal method from non-ferrous metal smelting flue gas Oral Zan QU Shanghai Jiao Tong University June 18(Thu) 18A-S09-O-7 16:30-16:45 (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared 140288 Development and Application of Non-carbon Mercury Sorbent in a Coal-fired Power Plant in China Oral Yuqun ZHUO Tsinghua University ICMGP 2015 Oral Session Schedule 09:00 - 11:00 / 15:00 - 17:00 Date June 18(Thu) Code 18A-S09-O-8 Time 16:45-17:00 Session (S09) Mercury control technologies in China and the lessons that can be shared Paper No. Abstract Title P.Type(Final) 140611 Bimetallic Pd-Ce/γ-Al2O3 Sorbents for the Removal of Elemental Mercury from the Coal Derived Fuel Gas Oral Name Fan LI Affiliation Taiyuan University of Technology
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