STRESS FRACTURES A Review M. fifty and and B. DEVAS OF THE of Fifty Cases and R. SWEETNAM, From the Middlesex FIBULA in Athletes LONDON, ENGLAND Hospital Stress fractures of the lower part of the fibula are common in athletes. This paper reviews such injuries and discusses the natural history, signs, symptoms, radiographic appearances treatment. All were seen in the Athletes’ Clinic at the Middlesex Hospital between 1952 1955, at which they represented an approximate incidence of 3 per cent of new patients seen. An excellent summary of the literature was given by Burrows (1948), who recorded twenty-four stress fractures of the lowest third or middle third of the fibula, and a larger number in the uppermost third. Since then ten more have been published, eight in children, by Griffiths has not (1952) been noted and two by Richmond and Shafor CLIMCAL Table The I gives circumstances The high were confirmed (1955). incidence in athletes before. details in of the present which they MATERIAL series. occurred All the have we been have been be traced. not the during from the Five same stress period, fractures but conditions of investigated running not patients remainder of the whom could fibula in athletes, sport (Table hard on and are was factor state and the II), surfaces important believe, we radiologically. in the thirty-one follow up. The seen excluded series. The were fractures studied able to it most the in of is training apparent that common and, etiology. HiSTORY The ten patients days within and groups The divided the III). Those (Table severe themselves of symptoms, hours. this experienced presented onset twenty-four insidious, two usually the after onset series was an felt painfully came into aged I A marathon runner aged thirty-eight felt a sudden pain in his leg at the twenty-second mile. He had sustained a stress fracture in the mid-shaft of the fibula. The downward and inward direction of the fracture line is unusual. FIG. 818 at thirty-eight the end insidious no a crippled. this who of onset particular or was rather pain abrupt mile in had the series runner acute (Fig. pain 1). There symptoms became above the common. the onset marathon a sudden more when a or into the patient normal and man was experienced twenty-second increasing after oldest he his moment gradually during The category; abrupt sharply suddenly and behind the outer side of the ankle; no doubt that at one moment he was next about occasionally was quite with which pain but started apparent An was but either activity. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS The tender pain spot was well malleolus. frequently Walking upstairs caused was pain at OF of as being behind spoken back to the FRACTURES of the possible the fibula. with site Sometimes a greater of the DETAILS OF of STRESS or lesser Football . 46 2 rackets FRACTURES of limp, OF THE Male . . Female . . on hard roads Running on FIBULA 46 3 IN jumping* rackets (One or going . . 26 Right . . 22 ATHLETES FOLLOW-UP 16 . 9 . . . . . . 2 2 bilateral) . Out of training This athlete 30 . Usual 1 . was normally ONSET OF . a middle 12 . 29 sport 2 distance runner. III THIRTY-ONE . sport Unusual TABLE Abrupt AT on soft ground. case In training OF running the lateral ATHLETES Left THIRTY-ONE SEEN hard surfaces football Running but the II IN FRACTURES Running Squash located above Site TRAINING STRESS Playing patient Bilateral AND wrru the noticed fifty fractures) TABLE MODE degree 1 CONDITIONS * and was Sex . Long ankle I athletes: sport Running Squash the fracture. (Forty-nine Type 819 FIBULA a swelling TABLE CLINICAL THE STRESS Insidious FRACTURES . . 19 DIAGNOSIS Stress history fractures and of physical the signs fibula are be can recognised without difficulty if the characteristic appreciated. Clinical examination always shows an area of tenderness, usually just above malleolus, and pain is elicited at this site by pressing the fibula towards the tibia. the is present at becomes VOL. 38 B, at this bony NO. level hard 4. after NOVEMBER in severe a time. 1956 and in The appearance late cases, and, although of the swelling soft is shown and tender in Figures lateral Swelling first, it 2 and 3. M. B. DEVAS 820 AND R. SWEETNAM 1’ FIG. Figure lateral 2-Only malleolus by comparing be seen with both ease. 2 ankles with the legs internally rotated Figure 3-The radiographs show the after the onset of symptoms. FIG. 3 can the swelling above the right stress fracture clearly five weeks FIG. 4 In a radiograph taken two weeks after the onset of symptoms a slight periosteal reaction could be seen when the film was held to a naked bulb. At four weeks (above) the typical appearances of a stress fracture are seen. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS The radiographic is seen ten days changes of stress fractures after the onset of symptoms, weeks (Fig. 7) the periosteal Nine VOL. 38 B, NO. 4, weeks NOVEMBER FRACTURES OF THE of the fibula frequently appear late. In Figure 5 no abnormality and in Figure 6 at four weeks the changes are slight. At six new bone and the fracture are seen more clearly. FIG. 8 after this stress fracture occurred visible and callus is consolidating 1956 821 FIBULA the fracture about it. line is clearly M. B. DEVAS 822 9 could FIG. Figure 9-This fracture AND R. SWEETNAM FIG. be seen buttressing clearly two weeks after the onset. can still be seen at the fracture site. 10 Figure 10-Three years later 9, More than one appears normal FIG. 11 projection may be required but an oblique view (Fig. to show a stress fracture. 12) shows a small mass diagnosis. Here of new THE FIG. 12 the antero-posterior view (Fig. 11) bone which confirmed the clinical JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS The two the fibulae It ankles is they be seen compared be realise seen seen may postero-lateral not to be clearly that easily OF when THE the 823 FIBULA legs are rotated a little that for four six weeks only just visible aspect of unless the the 4). the onset some just two above is inspected changes (Fig. after after fibula film radiological weeks against late, and 5 to 7 show of symptoms. weeks the are Figures is a inferior hazy In most patch of tibio-fibular a naked bulb, of the has ankle (Fig. In and a fracture few C the the patients there show stages line 38 B, that because fibula is, visible of necessity, and the line be first on thin the callus radiographs 14 radiographs seen the bone This Later, may typical in which patients new in routine “over-exposed.” fracture the do not when running the callus through the 8). may early of it is clearly occasionally views VOL. part consolidated, cortex the this so example joint. 13 FIG. centred (Fig. 13) may show the fracture when normal (Fig. 14). Here both are reproduced in relative sizes. carefully often an FIG. A macrograph inwards in profile. cannot were will most seen important appearance change are are FRACTURES NO. a a or fracture were traces fracture ‘ 4, NOVEMBER callus 1956 was clearly it many visible not macrograph” a little line of in visible seen from the later (Figs. 9 and over the antero-posterior carefully not years centred on ordinary onset, projections tender non-magnified or 10). a few Oblique (Figs. area films days later, and lateral 11 and will often (Figs. 12). In reveal the 13 and 14). 824 M. B. DEVAS THE Stress fractures of the fibula AND LEVEL have R. SWEETNAM OF FRACTURE been classified according to the level, but in this series it was impossible to distinguish between fractures of the lowest third and middle third from the history of the mechanism of injury, and apart from the actual site of the lesion the symptoms and signs were identical. could be identified the bone (Fig. 15). Analysis accurately of shows forty an radiographs No are stress region have with this that the from seen are gave fractures centimetres fracture but one indication that onset from oblique above line, an 19 to this badly 22). the this instance coordinated exertion. untoward or violent of the fracture lowest third in this series muscle violence None radiographs of a careful Between these the obliquity whatever the ran upwards, of contraction abrupt. The than academic, varied. inwards at the With and one patient showed and with not stress had preceded difference between for the latter may not. and common only there in this one muscular contraction of the athletes muscular extremes, but history damage, whereas stress fractures are low fractures tended to be transverse malleolus, level, from study; In muscular the lateral absence of periosteal reaction not always complete and did The obliquity is well illustrated is included fractures had been insidious or muscle violence is more considerable tissue in this series that (Figs. from sudden repetitive with 16 to 18. level in the athletes. of the fibula patients excluded in Figures whether the and fractures with noticed third Several were from and any fractures be associated It was uppermost shown occurred symptoms, stress the been condition injury in the in the literature. long-continued fractures his fracture recorded many of fracture the preponderance 15 in forty FIG. Level in which overwhelming the site, exception forwards. higher about The six (Fig. 1) frequent on the inner side of the fibula suggests that the fracture was not involve the medial cortex (Figs. 8, 11 and 12, and 21 to 24). in the patient with bilateral stress fractures (Figs. 23 and 24) THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS FRACTURES OF THE FIBULA 825 FI(;. 17 With no other injury than making an awkward but violent kick at football the player felt a severe pain in his calf. The initial radiographs showed no abnormality (Fig. 16) but at two and four weeks the callus and fracture line can be seen (Figs. 17 and 18). This is not a stress fracture but a fracture from muscle violence. and soft-tissue damage may he considerable. FIG. VOL. 38 B, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 1956 18 826 M. B. DEVAS AND R. SWEETNAM FIG. 19 FIG. 20 Figure 19-At one week a fracture line is seen running upwards and inwards. Figure 20 shows the appearance at three weeks: both cortices have been involved. This was among the lowest of the fractures, being 35 centimetres from the tip of the malleolus. FIG. A high, long, oblique (Fig. 21) and at twelve 21 FIG. 22 stress fracture running upwards and medially is shown at four weeks weeks (Fig. 22). There is nothing to suggest that the medial cortex of the fibula has been involved. THE JOURNAL OF BONE AND JOINT SURGERY STRESS which the occurred painful within ankle a week strapped, FRACTURES of only each OF other. to sustain He 827 THE FIBULA had attempted a similar injury on to the continue opposite running with site. MECHANISM We have commonly shown from (Table running II) on that hard stress fractures surfaces. On TABLE SEASONAL INCIDENCE OF of hard the fibula ground FRACTURES IN FIFTY to is better winter months When stress VOL. 38 B, protect . . . . 4 October . . . 5 May . . . . 4 November . . . 4 June . . . . 3 December . . . 6 July . . . . 1 January . . . 5 August . . . 2 February . . . 9 September . . . 1 March. . . 6 himself (Table one ankle fractures. NO. from 4, over IV) when the the road 1956 “on or grass his . jar of foot. 35 each footfall, This may running whereas explain as a form FIG. 23 became painful an athlete tried to The upward and medial direction and medial cortices, NOVEMBER most land Winter April distributed occur to ATHLETES 15 weight athletes tends IV STRESS Summer toes” in a runner “ the on high of training a soft seasonal is most track incidence the in the common. FIG. 24 run it off” with a result that both fibulae had of the fracture line, which involves both lateral is shown well. 828 M. lt could long toe the fracture. of the be flexors To legs a strong that the transmits, discover of healthy by strong recurrent their the effect first thrust holding DEVAS through subjects, downward prevented B. and of this the foot ball of Comparison of approximates the shadows (Fig. the the the 26). in the radiographs fibula corresponding alteration to the exactly, It is suggested that shows tibia. the in altered the foot. the fibula, the plantar stress that radiographs secondly while the radiographs thrust. The of normal radiographs and produces were they of of powerful these the are of the the tibia and were leg taken exerting and foot was there legs were taken with were superimposed fibula. contraction films toes near of extra Movement positions position fibula, the point of greatest stress being most frequent site for a stress fracture. the 25). 25 leg lengths, downward on the running on and (Fig. that When fibula, pull relative contraction the resting, frame FIG. any rhythmical muscle the in a wooden SWEETNAM from By means of a wooden frame adjustable for different the calf muscles first at rest and then exerting a strong to show R. origin with through them AND of the superimposed shaft of the flexor fibula the tibial is clearly is a “to-and-fro” inferior muscles with seen movement tibio-fibular joint, and of this is TREATMENT Without athlete suitable Immediate off” treatment, who tries treatment results rest pain and disability usually continue for three to six months and the to continue training without a period of rest will lose a whole season. With we have found six weeks to be the average time away from athletic activities. from in continued sport is essential; pain, longer the incapacity all too and common marked THE advice of the radiographic JOURNAL OF trainer to “run changes. BONE AND JOINT SURGERY it STRESS Adhesive elastic heads to below there is no reason tinued until there being the previously fibula towards tender the Provided on there roads is methods less satisfactory. continuation and that intensity of lactic of no on pain then a soft is allowed; regimen on six return pressure of weeks is the strapping surface is con- firm compression about from discarded resumed. of symptoms, activity is two or three weeks until the training programme, but running treatment Both sport, of symptoms indication This or 829 FIBULA the metatarsal tenderness area, THE forbidden. is Other the work. any gradually increased during athlete is back to his normal on walking off Only training from normal tibia-usually of symptoms. gentle OF is applied and is no longer the and knee for over the onset strapping the FRACTURES prolonged thick pain it measure have below-knee in supportive the been disability. rubber-soled but There running but although it has not recommended been tried found walking plasters and the strapping, aggravated may shoes be is some reduce a useful as the prophya form of treatment. FIG. 26 Superimposed radiographs of a normal leg taken in the manner shown in Figure 25. The tibia and lateral malleolus fit exactly, but there is an obvious double shadow of the shaft of the fibula. A powerful contraction of the flexor muscles of the calf has approximated the fibula to the tibia. FIG. 26 SUMMARY I. 2. An account is given of fifty The characteristic symptoms, details 3. of treatment The and mechanism experimental stress fractures signs and of the fibula radiological which occurred in athletes. appearances are described, with prognosis. of the injury has been suggested on clinical grounds and supported by methods. We would like to express encouragement Mr M. Turney photographs. our gratitude to Mr Philip Wiles and Mr P. H. Newman in both the clinical investigations and the preparation and other members of the Photographic Department of this report. We of the Middlesex for their advice and also wish to thank Hospital for the REFERENCES H. J. (1948): A. L. (1952): D. A., and BURROWS, GRIFFITHS, RICHMOND, Journal, VOL. Fatigue Fractures of the Fibula. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 30-B, 266. Stress Fractures of the Fibula in Childhood. Archives of Diseases of Childhood, 27,552. SHAFOR, J. (1955): A Case of Bilateral Fatigue Fractures of the Fibula. British Medical i, 264. 38 B, NO. 4, NOVEMBER 1956
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