METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a INTERNATIONAL STUDENT APPLICATION FORM SVP NON-SVP STUDENT DETAILS Family Name First Name (s) Date of Birth ___ / ___ / ___ Gender Male Female Country of Birth Nationality Passport Number Passport Expiry Date ___ / ___ / ___ USI No. (if applicable) CONTACT DETAILS (HOME COUNTRY) Street City / Town Province Country Postcode Email Mobile Telephone CONTACT DETAILS IN AUSTRALIA (if known) Street Suburb State Queensland Country Australia Postcode Email Mobile +61 Telephone +61 NEXT OF KIN Name Relationship Address Email Mobile ENGLISH TEST TAKEN (Please Tick and attach result) International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Score Academic General Training Pearson PTE Academic Score Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-based Test Score Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) from Cambrisge ESOS Test Score Other Form of Test : ______________________________ Score QUALIFICATIONS 1. What is your hisghest completed school level? Year 12 or Equivalent (Tick one box) Year 11 or Equivalent Year 10 or Equivalent Year 10 or Equivalent Year 8 or Equivalent Year 8 or Below Never attended school – Go to Employment Details 2. In which year did you completed that school level? 3. Are you still attending secondary school? Yes No 1 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a 4. Have you succesfully completed any other qualifications? 5. If YES, then tick applicable boxes Please attach certificate copy of proof for each qualifications obtain EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Employment Status STUDY REASON Purpose of Study Statement of Purpose Please provide a brief summary outlining your reasons for studying the courses chosen and future benefits in your career. VISA DETAILS Do you hold current Visa? If yes, Please attached a copy of your current visa No Go to Employment Details Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Degree Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree Diploma or Associate Diploma Certificate IV or Advanced Certificate Certificate III ir Trade Certificate Certificate II Certificate I Other Certificates Full-time employee Part-time employee Self-employed – not employing others Employer Employed – unpaid worker in family business Unemployed- seeking full-time work Unemployed- seeking part-time work Not Employed – not seeking employment Please attach current C.V Yes To get a job To develop my existing business To start my own business To try different career To get a better job or promotion It is a requirement of my job I wanted extra skills for my job To get into another course of study For personal interet or self-development Other reasons : _________________________ Yes No Student Visa Subclass 574 (Post Graduate) Student Visa Subclass 573 (Higher Education) Student Visa Subclass 572 (VET) Student Visa Subclass 570 (ELICOS) Working Holiday Visa Tourist Visa 2 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a Expiry Date Working Visa 457 Bridging Visa Other _______________________________ Does this Visa Allow you to Study? Yes No ___ / ___ / ___ ENROLMENT DETAILS International Courses (Please tick) BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business 080542G 27 weeks BSB50207 Diploma of Business 073641G 22 weeks BSB51107 Diploma of Management 073704G 27 weeks BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management 073706F 27 weeks FNS40611 Certificate IV in Accounting 086150G 31 weeks FNS50210 Diploma of Accounting 074602F 29 weeks FNS60210 Advanced Diploma of Accounting 082767G 29 weeks CHC30212 Certificate III in Aged Care 080543F 36 weeks CHC40108 Certificate IV in Aged Care 075566G 39 weeks CHC30312 Certificate III in Home and Community Care 080544E 36 weeks CHC50612 Diploma of Community Services Work 080545D 70 weeks CHC60312 Advanced Diploma of Comm. Sector Management 086148B 54 weeks CHC30408 Certificate III in Disability 080862B 36 weeks CHC40312 Certificate IV in Disability 080863A 39 weeks CHC50108 Diploma of Disability 080864M 70 weeks CHC60112 Advanced Diploma of Disability 082765J 66 weeks CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care 081863D 34 weeks CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support 081864C 43 weeks CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care 081865B 70 weeks HLT61107 Advanced Diploma of Nursing (EEN/DIV2) 082766G 34 weeks HLT40312 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice 082763M 60 weeks HLT50307 Diploma of Remedial Massage 082764K 61 weeks SIT50313 Diploma of Hospitality 080870B 51 weeks SIT60313 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality 086149A 104 weeks SIT30813 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery 080868G 52 weeks SIT40413 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery 080869F 80 weeks SIT40713 Certificate IV in Patisserie 081866A 90 weeks FDF30510 Certificate III in Retail Baking (Cake & Pastry) 075563M 42 weeks FDF30610 Certificate III in Retail Baking (Bread) 075564K 34 weeks FDF30710 Certificate III in Retail Baking (Combined) 075565J 57 weeks 3 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a SVP applicants MUST reach Advanced Diploma Level Proposed Intake (Please tick) February June _________________ _________________ October Other _________________ ___ / ___ / ___ OVERSEAS STUDENT HEALTH COVER (OSHC) DETAILS OSHC Required? Yes No Single Dual-family (Please attach Dependent’s Passport) Multi-Family (Please attach Dependent’s Passport) Self-organised Existing OSHC Policy No. ___________________ Expiry Date: _________________ If yes, College Organised SPECIAL NEEDS Do you consider yourself to have disability, impairment or long-term condition? Hearing / Deaf If yes, please indicate the areas of disability, Learning impairment or long term condition Medical Condition Yes No Physical Intellectual Mental Illness Vision Acquired Brain Impairement Other __________________ Special Equipment Physical Access Interpreter Note Taker Taped / Large print materials Other __________________ Special Assistance STANDARD 3 REFUND POLICY 1. Overseas Students Metro has a fair and equitable refund policy and procedure that is compliant with AQTF and ESOS requirements. This policy is provided to students prior to any contract being written, Agreement signed OR prior to any payment of the course (whichever happens first). Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd acknowledges that Government Legislation requires tuition fees and application fees to be refunded in full if: The course does not start on the agreed starting date which is notified in the Offer Letter The course stops being provided after it starts and before it is completed The course is not provided fully to the student because the college has a sanction imposed by a government regulator If the College defaults, refunds will be granted in accordance with the provisions of the ESOS Act 2000 and the ESOS Regulations 2001 Refunds under the above conditions (provider default) will be paid in full to the student within 14 days after the default). Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd may arrange for another course, or part of a course, to be provided to students at no (extra) cost to the student as an alternative to refunding course money. Where the student agrees to this arrangement, the College will not be liable to refund the money owed for the original enrolment. Circumstances where no REFUND will be provided • A refund will NOT be provided in any circumstances where the student has supplied fraudulent, forged or deliberately misleading documentation. • A refund will NOT be provided where the student has had their enrolment terminated due to either academic or behavioural misconduct. In making a contract to enroll in a course(s) at the MCT the Applicant acknowledges: 1. That the information provided by the Applicant in their application is complete and correct. 2. Agrees to be bound by the College rules and regulations and any amendments made to the rules and regulations. 3. Agrees to undertake a testing requirement prior to any course entry, if deemed necessary by the College. 4. Agrees to update the College on any change of contact details as soon as practicable. 5. Agrees to observe Department of Immigration and Border Protection student visa requirements. 6. Agrees to pay all fees required on or by the due date as notified in writing by College or as per the invoice. A penalty of $100 per month applies for late payment. 7. The College will access these fees in accordance with the procedures established by the State Government and DEEWR. 4 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a 8. Changes or variations to the student contract will attract a $30 administrative fee for each requested change. This fee is also applicable to changes requested on issued CoEs prior to and after the commencement dates of the relevant courses, as per the CoEs. 9. The College reserves the right to accept or reject any application for enrolment at its discretion. 10. The College reserves the right to cancel any course prior to the commencement date of the course should it deem it necessary and in that event, shall refund all payments received from the Applicant. 11. Refunds are made in accordance with the policy below and full refunds of amounts owed to the student will be made within 28 working days. 2A. Deposit of Fees (Course Money) – Streamlined Visa Processing (SVP) A deposit of 25 % of the tuition for the first course plus, a deposit of 10% of the tuition fees for each subsequent courses is payable to secure a place in a course under the SVP program at Metro College. SVP courses must include at least one Advance Diploma Qualification. If your application for a student visa is rejected or Metro is unable to offer the course/s there will be a REFUND as per College Policy. (Please familiarise yourself with the Refund Policy) The term “Overseas Student” includes an intending overseas student 2(B) Deposit of Fees (Course Money) – Non SVP Applicants A deposit of 25 % of the tuition fees for the first course is payable to secure a place in a course at Metro College. Tuition fees are refunded in full if you are originally NOT a holder of a student visa (which includes student bridging visa) and your application for a student visa is rejected or Metro is unable to offer the course. The term “Overseas Student” includes an intending overseas student If your application for a student visa is rejected or Metro is unable to offer the course/s there will be a REFUND as per College Policy. ( Please familiarise yourself with the Refund Policy) The term “Overseas Student” includes an intending overseas student 3. Refund Conditions Metro College of Technology does not charge an application fees but charge an administration fees to cover all its administrative charges involved in the processing of applications. Administration Costs of Fee $250 Non-Refundable TUITION FEES Visa refusal prior to course commencement Withdrawal minimum 10 weeks prior to agreed start date no visa granted Withdrawal minimum 28 days prior to agreed start date with visa granted Withdrawal less than 28 days prior to agreed start date where visa has been granted Withdrawal after the agreed start date and visa has been granted Visa cancelled due to students own actions Course withdrawal by Metro College Provider (Metro) unable to deliver course Compulsory Student Health Insurance Homestay/Accommodation Booking Fees Airport Pick-Up Service Full Refund less $250(enrolment fees) or the lesser of 5% of Course money deposited prior to default date Full Refund less $250 or lesser of 5% of course fees deposited No Refund No Refund No Refund No Refund Full Refund payable including Enrolment Fee (Course fees plus Enrolment fees) Full Refund as above Refer to OSHC provider Metro College will promptly advice OSHC in relation to any applicable refund Metro does not offer this service Metro College of Technology does not offer this service but can refer students to Agents. 5 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a Metro reserves the right to withhold granting the Award attained by the student, if student tuition fees remain outstanding. Please review your offer letter prior to acceptance as this will indicate the SVP non-refundable deposit. 4. Application for refund form • If a student wishes to withdraw their enrolment, they are required to complete a Metro Application for a refund form and forward it to The Registrar. If the reason for withdrawal is due to Student’s default, your application will be processed within 28 days of the application being received. • The application should arrive at Metro prior to course commencement (see Refund Conditions for details of expected refund amounts). • If MCT is unable to offer the course, the refund will be processed within 14 days. • If Metro defaults the student is covered by the provisions of the ESOS Act 2000 and the ESOS regulations 2001. Please note this before making payment to Metro or signing the offer letter. 5. Provider default. In the unlikely event that Metro is unable to deliver your course in full, you will be offered a refund of all course monies you have paid to date or alternately, Metro will offer you the opportunity of studying in an alternative course at no extra cost to you. Students may choose preferred option. Students will be required to sign an agreement outlining preferred options co-signed by the Chief Executive Officer. Should students choose the refund option, the refund will be paid with 14 days of the day on which the course ceased being provided. If Metro is unable to provide a refund or place you in an alternative course the Commonwealth Government Tuition Protection Service (TPS) will place you in a suitable alternative course at no extra cost to you. Finally, the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager will attempt to place you in a suitable alternative course or, if this is not possible, you will be eligible for a refund as calculated by the Fund Manager 6. Student rights “This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the student to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.” Agreeing to the Refund policy does not remove the right of the student to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws or to pursue other legal remedies. Please see Metro’s Complaints /Appeals Policy. The processes in the Metro’s Complaints/ Appeals policy do not circumscribe the student’s right to pursue other legal remedies. When giving a student a refund Metro will provide a written statement that explains how the amount has been worked out, as required in sub-regulation 3.19 of the ESOS Regulations. 7. Protection of fees paid All monies received are placed in a separate holding account and are not accessed until the course commences. A relevant proportion of the fees for the course will remain in that account until the course is completed to ensure pro-rata refunds are available for eligible students. Metro College offers “Student Payment Plan” to assist students to spread the payment load. This plan is tailored to suite individuals after commencing at the College. However, an application for “Student Payment Plan” is required prior commencement. An administration fee of $100 (non-refundable) is applicable. Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd undertakes not to charge more than 50% of the course fees prior to commencement. 8. Recipient of refund Metro will pay the refund to the person who enters into the contract with the Registered Training Provider, unless the person gives a written direction to Metro to pay the refund to someone else – (The legislation does not allow the refund to be paid to an agent.) The refund will be paid in the same currency in which the fees were paid unless this is impractical. All bank transfer refund will incur bank fee charges. The refund will be paid no later than 28 days after it is lodged with Metro. 6 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a 9. Provision of refund information to students The refund policy will be given to students in their handbook prior to enrolment (signing of contract) and made accessible on the Metro College’s website. It will also be explained at induction and orientation so that it is clearly understood by overseas students. Course deferment, suspension of studies, or cancellation (Procedure for application for deferment is available in the student information guide) 10. Grounds for deferment or Suspension or Cancellation Metro may grant deferral of commencement of studies or suspension of studies for students who request such a change to their enrolment status on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances. These include but are not limited to: • serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes; • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible, a death certificate should be provided); • major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the student’s studies; or • a traumatic experience which could include: involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident; or witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports) • where Metro was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit; or • inability to begin studying on the course commencement date due to delay in receiving a student visa • student failure to meet unit prerequisites, • unavailability of units/subjects, • non-payment of fees • student behavior 11. Student release prior to completion of six months into the Principal Course • Standards 7 and 8 of the National Code provide the grounds upon whish a student maybe released. • Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd may not release a student if the application for release is inconsistent with the standards in the National Code. • A copy of the National Code is available on request. ARRIVAL AND ORIENTATION If you have enrolled in any course, it is advisable to arrive at least one week prior to course commencement for enrolment and orientation. Class shifts are determined on a first-come-first-served basis. Orientation is held on the Friday before your commencement date. Privacy Statement Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd will meet the requirements of the Privacy Act 2001 in relation to the protection of student information. Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd is required under the ESOS Act 2000 to inform Department of Immigration and Border Protection about changes to enrolment details and breaches to visa conditions. Information supplied by the student may be made available to Commonwealth and State Government Departments or their agencies and the Fund Manager of the ESOS Assurance Fund pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code 2007 Student Declaration To be completed by the Applicant, I have read and understand the information provided on this form and other College publications relating to my proposed studies at Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd. I declare that the information and documents supplied by me are true and correct in every detail. All financial information provided by me is true and correct. Any misleading statement or information provided in the documents supplied by me may lead to disqualification or rejection of my application. I declare that I am a Genuine Temporary Entrant and a Genuine Student as defined by Department of Immigration and Border Protection and I am sincere and fully intend to complete all my courses listed in the application to the best of my ability and do not intend to use my student visa for any other purposes. 7 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS METRO COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY PTY. LTD. RTO Code: 31226 CRICOS Code: 02726a I also certify that I have read the Student Handbook – Pre enrolment for 2015 and the information contained in this application form, in particular the Refund Policy, and I agree to be bound by the terms and conditions stated therein. I fully understood that Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd or the Australian Government is NOT obliged to provide me with financial assistance. I agree with the Refund Policy as stated above. I have read, understood and accept the above conditions. I understood Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd is not an Employment Agency. Signature : ________________________________ Print name : ________________________________ Date : ________________________________ I authorize the College to use my photograph/ testimonials for advertorial and promotional purposes. Applicant Signature : _____________________________ Please send this Application Form for SVP International Students together with the non-refundable administration fee of AUD$250 to Metro College of Technology Pty Ltd. Student Checklist: Current Resume/CV Health Insurance Certified copy of Passport Personal Statement English Test Result Academic Transcript and Qualifications Other Related Documents Note: Failure to submit the above requirements may delay your application For SVP applicants please complete and include the GTE Statement/Eligibility Checklist and Financial Declaration Form at the acceptance of offer (LOO). 8 Metro College of Technology Pty. Ltd. 478 Logan Road, Greenslopes, Brisbane QLD 4120 | [email protected] | +61 7 3847 0600 CRICOS 02726a | RTO Code 31226 | ABN 83 1133 733 81 VER3. S:\FORMS\2015 FORMS\INTERNATIONAL\APPLICATION FORMS
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