Clinical Brief Endoscopic Correction of Severe Laryngomalacia C. Venkatakarthikeyan, Alok Thakar and Rakesh Lodha 1 Departments of Otorhinolaryngology and 1Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India. Abstract. Tracheostomy for management of severe laryngomalacia is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Two cases are reported wherein the laryngeal abnormality was corrected by ary-epiglottic fold incision and CO2 laser supraglottoplasty. Stridor and respiratory obstruction were relieved and a long term tracheostomy avoided. Endoscopic correction of laryngomalacia offers significant benefits over conventional treatment with tracheostomy in terms of decreased morbidity and improved quality of life. [Indan J Pedlatr 2005; 72 (2) : 165-168] E-mail: [email protected]. Key words : Laryngomalacia; Tracheostomy; Morbidity and mortality; Endoscopic correction Laryngomalacia is the most frequent cause (60 to 70%) of stridor in both newborns and infants. 1 Approximately 90% of reported cases are mild 2and the symptoms resolve spontaneously by the age of two years. In 7 to 12% of children the condition is severe and potentially life threatening dyspnea may occur. In addition, there may be swallowing difficulties, failure to thrive, obstructive sleep apnea, cor pulmonale, 3 and even s u d d e n death. The severity of the above symptoms may make it necessary to resort to tracheostomy till a spontaneous improvement occurs. Tracheostomy in y o u n g children, however, carries significant m o r b i d i t y and m o r t a l i t y . 4.5 T r a c h e o s t o m y tube obstruction a n d accidental decannulation are common risks. The children are also prone to recurrent lower respiratory tract infections, subglottic stenosis, speech delay and a psychological dependence on the tracheostomy. These make its removal difficult even after improvement of the airway. The long term mortality from a pediatric tracheostomy, as reported from the US and Europe, ranges between 0.9% to 5%. 4~ Similar figures from India m a y well be higher. In addition, a tracheostomised child requires constant attention and supervision. The above m e n t i o n e d problems associated w i t h tracheostomy, underline the unsatisfactory nature of this t r e a t m e n t o p t i o n and the necessity of an a l t e r n a t e strategy. This report describes two young children with severe l a r y n g o m a l a c i a w h e r e i n the u p p e r a i r w a y obstruction has been treated by supraglottic surgery and a long- term tracheostomy avoided. CASE REPORT Case 1 A 20-day-old well-thriving female child was referred to Correspondence and Reprint requests : Dr. Alok Thakar, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology,All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi- 110029. Fax: 91-1126588663, 26588641 Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72--February, 2005 the o t o l a r y n g o l o g y service with inspiratory stridor manifesting from the early neonatal period. The child was born at full term by vaginal delivery at hospital. On examination, the child had inspiratory stridor, minimal suprasternal recession but no intercostal or subcostal recession. The stridor was exacerbated by crying, but was not significantly altered in the supine or prone position. The child weighed 3.5 kg. The respiratory rate was 42/min and heart rate 140/min. The oral cavity and oropharynx were normal. Laryngeal examination by a flexible nasopharyngoscope revealed the epiglottis to be omega-shaped and folded posteriorly so as to cap the anterior 2/3 ~dof the larynx. The arytenoids were tall and loose mucosal folds were prolapsing inwards with each inspiratory breath. The vocal folds were normal. These findings were suggestive of laryngomalacia. As the child did not have significant respiratory distress, it was decided to observe the child. Twenty-five days later, the child was brought to the clinic with worsening of stridor, significant chest retractions and two episodes of cyanosis. She had not been feeding well and weighed 2.45 kg. On examination, she had severe inspiratory stridor with suprasternal and intercostal retractions, a respiratory rate of 5 8 / m i n and a heart rate of 160/min. Fibreoptic flexible laryngoscopic (FOL) examination showed increased supraglottic collapse, in a d d i t i o n to the findings at previous visit. The child was immediately scheduled for a rigid endoscopy and probable tracheostomy u n d e r general anesthesia. The initial direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy, undertaken with the patient breathing spontaneously, confirmed the diagnosis of laryngomalacia (Fig. la). This also excluded other abnormalities in the tracheo-bronchial tree, particularly vocal cord paralysis and interarytenoid cleft. The child w a s then i n t u b a t e d and microlaryngoscopy undertaken. The short aryepiglottic folds (AE folds) were divided by a sharp scissors at a 165 Venkatakarthikeyan et al point approximately midway between the arytenoid and the epiglottis. Following this incision, the epiglottis was found to immediately spring forward and the laryngeal inlet was rendered more visible and open. The child was extubated after reversal of anesthesia. The stridor was significantly reduced and endoscopic e x a m i n a t i o n c o n f i r m e d decrease in the supraglottic collapse. Post-operatively she was nursed in the pediatric ICU w h e r e i n she r e c e i v e d antibiotics, n e b u l i z e d b u d e s o n i d e , a d r e n a l i n e , and nasogastric feeds. The stridor progressively decreased and subsided completely by the 3~ post-operative day. Oral feeds were started on the 6~ post-operative day and easily tolerated without aspiration. She was then discharged. At three weeks follow up, the child did not have stridor, was taking breast feeds adequately, and had gained weight. A repeat FOL evaluation (Fig. lb) demonstrated no supraglottic 4, i : ?. collapse. At one year follow up, she is completely free of stridor. Case 2 A 2-year-old male child presented with progressively increasing stridor since the first month of life which was now associated with respiratory distress. The child was born at full term in a hospital following an uneventful labor and was judged as normal at birth. The child had n o t b e e n f e e d i n g well a n d h a d p o o r w e i g h t gain. Examination revealed inspiratory stridor with suprasternal recession, a respiratory rate of 40/min, and a heart rate of 132/min. The oral cavity and oropharynx. were normal. FOL examination revealed omega-shaped epiglottis and prominent arytenoids with loose mucosal folds. The loose supraglottic tissues obscured the glottis preventing assessment of vocal cord mobility. Significant respiratory distress and incomplete clinic evaluation necessitated further endoscopic evaluation u n d e r g e n e r a l anesthesia. The initial e v a l u a t i o n undertaken without an endotracheal tube confirmed the diagnosis of laryngomalacia (Fig 2a). The cords were mobile, and the glottis, subglottis and trachea w e r e normal. The endotracheal tube was then passed and microlaryngoscopy undertaken; the short AE folds were divided bilaterally. The child was extubated on the first postoperative day. However, there was recurrence of stridor and respiratory distress. Therefore, a tracheostomy h a d to be u n d e r t a k e n . A r e p e a t FOL e v a l u a t i o n undertaken after a few weeks indicated the presence of p e r s i s t e n t supraglottic collapse c o n s e q u e n t to loose supraglottic tissues. Fig la. Preoperativephotograph of case 1 showing classicalfeatures of laryngomalacia: a tubular larynx, tall anteriorly prolapsing arytenoids, short AE folds and a posteriorly placed omega shaped epiglottis. Fig. 2a. The preoperative photograph of case 2 demonstrates the markedly tall and anteriorly prolapsing arytenoids with loose mucosa. Fig lb. Postoperative photograpl~0f'casel demonstrates the incised division in the left AE fold with a much improved laryngeal inlet and a normally positioned arytenoid and epiglottis. 166 A second surgery was scheduled wherein a complete supraglottoplasty was undertaken with a CO2 laser so as to excise the loose mucosa at the base of the epiglottis, AE folds a n d false cord. P o s t o p e r a t i v e p e r i o d was Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72--February, 2005 Endoscopic Correlation of Severe Laryngomalacia uneventful. The child was discharged with the tracheostomy, with detailed instructions to the parents regarding the care. Subsequent review at eight weeks with FOL, confirmed good healing, with a patent supraglottis devoid of any loose prolapsing tissues (Fig. 2b). The child was then successfully decannulated. t~ Fig2b. Same case after AE fold i n c i s i o n a n d a laser supraglottoplasty demostrating a much improved laryngeal inlet. DISCUSSION Severe stridor secondary to laryngomalacia has ominous implications and necessitates immediate diagnostic and therapeutic measures. A definitive diagnosis is best achieved by a rigid endoscopy under general anesthesia. The conventional treatment to relieve the stridor is a tracheostomy. U n f o r t u n a t e l y these have significant morbidity and occasional mortality in infants and young children. 4.s The two cases reported here represent the current approach to the diagnosis and t r e a t m e n t of pediatric stridor and laryngomalacia. Most cases of laryngomalacia are self-limiting or m a y improve with age, making observation an established modality. Rigid endoscopy poses a risk of precipitating a tracheostomy in patients wherein it could otherwise have been avoided. Instrumentation in the airway may precipitate local edema and laryngospasm, and also the general anesthetic m a y cause respiratory depression. These changes can push a mildly compromised but compensated airway towards a situation wherein a tracheostomy may become imperative. In our current practice we use FOL evaluation in outpatient clinic to select the cases wherein observation is persisted with and further rigid endoscopy deferred. Such an evaluation helps confirm supraglottic and glottic abnormalities and also facilitates a dynamic evaluationthis being especially relevant for laryngomalacia and vocal cord palsy. H o w e v e r , the e v a l u a t i o n of the subglottis and trachea is inadequate. This is important limitation as tracheobronchial anamolies are known to be Indian Journal of Pediatrics, Volume 72--February, 2005 multiple in 17.5 % of cases. 6 Approximately 10% patients with laryngomalacia require surgery to secure the airway 7 although figures upto 22O/o8 have been reported. Firm criteria for surgical i n t e r v e n t i o n are difficult to define. L a r y n g o s c o p i c appearance by itself is not used as the sole criterion to d e t e r m i n e the n e e d for s u r g e r y , t h o u g h c o m p l e t e obstruction of laryngeal inlet by supraglottic collapse is certainly significant. Other features which are specifically relevant include respiratory distress, apneic attacks, feeding difficulty, failure to thrive and cor pulmonale. The conventional surgical option of a tracheostomy to relieve the obstruction is unsatisfactory, because of the reasons already cited. Techniques, which directly improve the airway, such as, reported in this communication, are preferable in terms of their immediate efficacy and the lack of any significant long-term morbidity. The exact pathophysiology of laryngomalacia remains obscure. It is h o w e v e r established that it leads to a dynamic supraglottic collapse in inspiration, and the following three anatomical abnormalities have been chiefly implicated. a. short AE folds b. a long curled epiglottis which prolapses posteriorly c. bulky arytenoids with loose mucosa which prolapses forward on inspiration. These features may be seen in c o m b i n a t i o n or as separate entities. Endoscopic surgical correction of laryngomalacia seeks to correct these anatomic anomalies. The most consistent of these structural abnormalities is the short aryepiglottic fold9. It is believed that the short AE folds are responsible for tethering the epiglottis posteriorly. Incision of the folds midway along its length serves to release the epiglottis and allows it to move forward. Hasslinger, in 1928, is credited with the first description of such a procedure, and several authors (Table 1) have described it since then2,9llSuch division of the AE folds alone, is reported to be sufficient to relieve the airway obstruction in the vast majority of cases (90.6%).12We, therefore relied on AE fold division as the initial procedure in both our cases. The a l t e r n a t e surgical o p t i o n described for l a r y n g o m a l a c i a is s u p r a g l o t t o p l a s t y in w h i c h the obstructing supraglottic tissue is trimmed either with microlaryngeal instruments or vaporized with CO2 laser under suspension laryngoscopy. 13This was required in o n e of the two cases reported here, wherein simple division of the AE folds proved inadequate. Following such direct laryngeal manipulation, the resultant local inflammatory response to the surgical trauma may potentially cause transient compromise of the airway. Local edema and laryngospasm are everpresent dangers. The success of the procedure lies in limiting surgical t r a u m a a n d in the availability of pediatric intensive care facilities in the p o s t - o p e r a t i v e period. In our cases, while we selected to use conventional instrumentation for the AE fold excision, a CO2 laser was 167 Venkatakarthikeyan et al used for m o r e extensive supraglottoplasty. The CO2 laser allows for precise a n d atraumatic m u c o s a l s u r g e r y and m i n i m i s e s s u r g i c a l a n d t h e r m a l injury to the adjacent tissues. Complications inherent to the p r o c e d u r e are minimal, p r o v i d e d a d e q u a t e p r e c a u t i o n s a r e e x e r c i s e d . The i m p r o v e m e n t in a i r w a y t o o k 2 to 3 d a y s to be fully manifested. Presumably this was the result of local tissue e d e m a c o n s e q u e n t to b o t h the a n a e s t h e s i a a n d the surgical procedure. Also, AE fold incision alone p r o v e d i n a d e q u a t e in the s e c o n d case a n d a s e c o n d s u r g i c a l procedure with laser supraglottoplasty w a s called for. O u r results with b o t h the cases h a v e b e e n extremely gratifying, and the literature indicates that no further long term recurrence or morbidity is to be expected. As far as the review of literature from index journals is concerned, this is the first report of its kind in our country. The major benefit has been the avoidance of the potential morbidity and mortality of repeated intubation or tracheostomy. The relief in airway compromise has also helped in correcting for feeding difficulties and in facilitating n o r m a l growth. CONCLUSION We w o u l d like to e m p h a s i z e the utility of an initial FOL e x a m i n a t i o n in the o u t p a t i e n t setting for evaluation of children w i t h stridor. E n d o s c o p i c correction of severe laryngomalacia is efficacious a n d serves to significantly limit the morbidity and mortality that is inherent with the conventional treatment of tracheostomy. The success of the t e c h n i q u e h i n g e s on l i m i t i n g s u r g i c a l i n j u r y b y adequate instrumentation, and b y expert post-operative i n t e n s i v e care in an i n t e n s i v e care unit. C l o s e liason b e t w e e n the paediatric and o t o l a r y n g o l o g i c a l teams is called for. 168 REFERENCES 1. Holinger LD, Etiology of stridor in the neonate,infant ,and the child. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngo11980; 89 : 397400. 2. Lane RW,Weider DJ, Steinam C, Marin-Padilla, Laryngomalacia: A review and case report of surgical treatment with resolution of pectus excavatum. Arch otolaryngo11984; 110 : 546-551. 3. Zalzal GH,Anon JB,Cotton RT. Epiglottoplasty for the treatment of laryngomalacia. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1987; 96 : 72-76. 4. 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