Michigan District Royal Rangers Junior Leadership Development Academy PRESENTS: Rangers Training Camp and Junior Training Camp June 18—20, 2015 Loca!on: Connec!on Church, Canton, MI Costs: $75 by June 1st; $85 a(er June 1st, 2015 Rangers Training Camp (RTC) is a district camp for boys in the 3rd and 4th grades. The focus will be on team building through the Patrol Method. RTC is a Pre-Academy Training Event designed to help boys for Junior Academy Camps. This is not a pre-requisite for Junior Leadership Training Academy a6endance. Junior Training Camp (JTC) is the entry level junior camp designed to strengthen camping , leadership and soul winning skills of Royal Rangers. Rangers eligible to a6end this camp will be in the 5th grade or older and be recommended by their commander. Earning the camping merit prior to a6ending JTC is recommended. Applica!ons will be available soon on the Michigan District Royal Rangers website, michrr.com. To have an applica!on sent to you, contact District Training Coordinator Frank Fenbert at 734.777.5181 or at [email protected]. 2015 JUNIOR TRAINING CAMP MICHIGAN DISTRICT Thursday June 18th through Saturday June 20th, 2015 TRAINEE APPLICATION WHO: All Royal Rangers who are Discovery Rangers in the 5th Grade or older. WHERE: Connection Church 3855 S Sheldon Road, Canton, MI 48187 COST: Registration is $75.00 if sent in before June 1st, 2015 Registration is $85.00 if sent after June 1st 2015. Registration deadline is June 15th 2015. A limited number of Rangers will be allowed to attend this camp. The camp fee includes a special JTC hat for each camper, patches, food, supplies etc. Registration will be at 10:00am on Thursday morning and then camp classes will begin at 11am. Camp ends by 4pm Saturday evening. This will allow the boys to be home on Saturday night. REFUNDS: If for some reason you are not accepted for this camp, you will be notified by mail and your check will be returned. There are no refunds for this camp! Should you be accepted and then not show up, you may send a substitute in your place but they must have a completed application when they arrive. Otherwise your camp registration fee will be considered a donation to Royal Rangers. If the camp is canceled by the JTC Staff for any reason, your money will be returned. Name of Leader Attending Camp with Boys:_____________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT: Boys Name:____________________________ Address:_______________________________ City:__________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________ Church:_______________________________ City:________________________ State:_____ Outpost Number:________ DOB____/____/_____ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE NOTIFY: Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City:_____________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:_________ Home Phone: (___) _____-___________ Work Phone: (___) _____-___________ Relationship:_______________________ E-Mail __________________________________ PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION I understand that there is a certain degree of risk and possible injury by reason of the activities at this camp. I will not hold the local church, Royal Rangers or any of their staff, the Assemblies of God, nor Connection Church, or any of their agents or staff, responsible for accidents or injuries. I understand there will be an Emergency First Aid Station on location. In the event of an illness or accident, I do hereby give my consent to the staff to administer any medical treatment deemed necessary by licensed Physicians, Dentists or Emergency Medical Personnel serving during this event. I also give my permission for any pictures taken of my child to be used for promotional efforts for the JLTA. ___________________________________ ______/________/_______ (Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date) Trainee Medical History: Good Health ?____________ Allergies:_____________________________ Physical impairments (heart, epilepsy, etc.)_________________________________________________ Special medications required ?___________________________________________________________ Allergic to medications ?______ What types:___________________________________________ Health Insurance Provider Name:____________________________ Group Number________________ Doctor’s Name:_______________________________ Phone number: (____)______-______________ MAIL THIS APPLICATION AND CAMP FEE TO: (Make checks payable to Royal Rangers) (Write account # 42144 on the memo line of your check) RTC - C/O Frank Fenbert 20595 Richard Ave Brownstown, MI 48183 2015 RANGER TRAINING CAMP MICHIGAN DISTRICT Thursday June 18th through Saturday June 20th, 2015 TRAINEE APPLICATION WHO: All Royal Rangers who are Discovery Rangers in the 3rd or 4th Grade. WHERE: Connection Church 3855 S Sheldon Road, Canton, MI 48187 COST: Registration is $75.00 if sent in before June 1st, 2015 Registration is $85.00 if sent after June 1st 2015. Registration deadline is June 15th 2015. A limited number of Rangers will be allowed to attend this camp. The camp fee includes a special RTC hat for each camper, patches, food, supplies etc. Registration will be at 10:00am on Thursday morning and then camp classes will begin at 11am. Camp ends by 4pm Saturday evening. This will allow the boys to be home on Saturday night. REFUNDS: If for some reason you are not accepted for this camp, you will be notified by mail and your check will be returned. There are no refunds for this camp! Should you be accepted and then not show up, you may send a substitute in your place but they must have a completed application when they arrive. Otherwise your camp registration fee will be considered a donation to Royal Rangers. If the camp is canceled by the RTC Staff for any reason, your money will be returned. Name of Leader Attending Camp with Boys:_____________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT: Boys Name:____________________________ Address:_______________________________ City:__________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________ Church:_______________________________ City:________________________ State:_____ Outpost Number:________ DOB____/____/_____ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, PLEASE NOTIFY: Name:____________________________________ Address:__________________________________ City:_____________________________________ State:__________________ Zip:_________ Home Phone: (___) _____-___________ Work Phone: (___) _____-___________ Relationship:_______________________ E-Mail __________________________________ PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION I understand that there is a certain degree of risk and possible injury by reason of the activities at this camp. I will not hold the local church, Royal Rangers or any of their staff, the Assemblies of God, nor Connection Church, or any of their agents or staff, responsible for accidents or injuries. I understand there will be an Emergency First Aid Station on location. In the event of an illness or accident, I do hereby give my consent to the staff to administer any medical treatment deemed necessary by licensed Physicians, Dentists or Emergency Medical Personnel serving during this event. I also give my permission for any picture taken of my child to be used for promotional efforts for the JLTA. ___________________________________ ______/________/_______ (Signature of Parent or Guardian) (Date) Trainee Medical History: Good Health ?____________ Allergies:_____________________________ Physical impairments (heart, epilepsy, etc.)_________________________________________________ Special medications required ?___________________________________________________________ Allergic to medications ?______ What types:___________________________________________ Health Insurance Provider Name:____________________________ Group Number________________ Doctor’s Name:_______________________________ Phone number: (____)______-______________ MAIL THIS APPLICATION AND CAMP FEE TO: (Make checks payable to Royal Rangers) (Write account # 42144 on the memo line of your check) RTC - C/O Frank Fenbert 20595 Richard Ave Brownstown, MI 48183
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