publication list

Dr. Manuela Coci
Last update November 2014
Articles in peer-review journals
Eckert E.M, Fontaneto D, Coci M, Callieri C. (2015) Does a Barcoding Gap Exist in Prokaryotes?
Evidences from Species Delimitation in Cyanobacteria. Life, 5: 50-64.
Corno G, Coci M, Giardina M, Plechuk S, Campanile F. Stefani S.(2014) Aggregation as effective
resistance mechanism against antibiotics in aquatic bacteria. Front. Microbiol. 5:297
Callieri C., Coci M., Eckert EM, Salcher MM, Bertoni R. (2014). Archaea and Bacteria in deep
lake hypolimnion: in situ dark inorganic carbon uptake. Journal of Limnology Vol 7: 47-54
Callieri C., Coci M., Corno G., Macek M., Modenutti B., Balseiro E., Bertoni R (2013).
Phylogenetic diversity of non-marine picocyanobacteria. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 85: 293301
Coci M., Nicol G., Pilloni G.N., Schmid M., Bodelier P.L.E., Laanbroek HJ. (2010). Quantitative
assessment of ammonia-oxidizing bacterial communities in the epiphyton of submerged
macrophytes in shallow lakes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76: 1813-1821
Coci M., Bodelier P.L.E, Laanbroek H.J. (2008). Epiphyton as a niche for ammonia-oxidising
bacteria: detailed comparison with benthic and pelagic compartments in freshwater shallow lakes.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74: 1963-1971
Coci M., Riechmann D., Bodelier P.L.E., Stefani S., Zwart G., Laanbroek H.J. (2007). Effect of
substratum on the diversity and stability of ammonia-oxidising communities in a constructed
wetland used for wastewater treatment. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 103: 1442-1452
Coci M., Riechmann D., Bodelier P.L.E., Stefani S., Zwart G., Laanbroek H.J. (2005). Effect of
salinity on temporal and spatial dynamics of ammonia-oxidising bacteria from intertidal freshwater
sediment. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 53: 359-368
Cebron A., Coci M., Garnier J., Laanbroek H.J. (2004) Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
analysis of ammonia-oxidizing bacterial community structure in the lower Seine river: impact of
Paris waster water effluent. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 70: 6726-6737
Other publications
Curatorship. 1st EMBO conference on Aquatic Microbial Ecology-SAME13:Abstract book.
September 2013, Stresa, Italy. English language. ISBN: 9788890971419
Author. Thesis of the International Master in Science and Technology for Bioremediation of
Contaminated Sites. Gli Indicatori Ecologici nella Direttiva Quadro 2000/60/CE sulle Acque.
November 2011, Rome, Italy. Italian language. ISBN: 9788890971402
Author. PhD Thesis. Niche differentiation between ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in aquatic habitat.
October 2007, Utrecht, The Netherlands. English language. ISBN: 9789039347065
Invited lectures for national/international seminars, workshops or conferences
Seminar. The project Enveurope: Objectives, problems, products and opportunities for a final
balance. 20 Jan 2014, CNR-ISE Verbania, Italy
Invited lecture. Lithotrophic Bacteria and Archaea in aquatic environments. IV Workshop of the
Italian Astrobiology Society. 20-09-2012, Perugia, Italy
Invited lecture. Bacterial and Archaeal diversity in nitrogen cycle: recent discoveries and future
challenges. XX Congresso Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia (AIOL). 06 July
2011 Lecce, Italy
Plenary lecture. Molecular technique to study aquatic microbial communities: case studies. 03
December 2009. Technischen Universitat Dresden, Germany
Plenary lecture. Microorganisms and global climate changes: makers and victims at the Santander
Summer School, 09 July 2009, Catania, Italy
Seminar. I batteri ammonio-ossidanti come modello di studio in ecologia microbica. Workshop
“Ecologia Microbica: Valutazioni comparative di metodologie e modelli di studio. 15 November
Dr. Manuela Coci
Last update November 2014
2007, CNR-ISE Verbania, Italy
Presentations at International Conferences (peer-review of abstract)
Corno G, Coci M, Plechuk S, Giardina M, Campanile F. Adaptations to Semi-synthetic antibiotics
drive drastic changes in aquatic bacterial communities. 1st EMBO Conference on Aquatic Microbial
Ecology-SAME13. 8-13 September 2013, Stresa, Italy (Poster).
Callieri C, Coci M., Bertoni, R. Phylogenetic diversity of non-marine picocyanobacteria. 1st EMBO
Conference on Aquatic Microbial Ecology-SAME13. 8-13 September 2013, Stresa, Italy (Poster).
Callieri C and Coci M. Thaumarcheota and Bacteria in the deep hypolimnion of subalpine lakes: in
situ dark [14C] bicarbonate uptake and cell abundance. XXXII Congress International Society of
Limnology (SIL ). 4-9 August 2013, Budapest, Hungary (Oral by the co-author).
Coci M and Enveurope partners. Correspondence trials between fresh and marine waters:
opportunities from the Enveurope-Long Term Ecological Research network. 12th Congress of
European Ecological Federation (EEF). 25-19 September 2011, Avila, Spain (Oral)
Coci M. Ammonia-oxidising Bacteria and Archaea in deep water of an oligotrophic subalpine lake.
12th Symposium of Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 28 Aug - 2 Sept 2011, Rostock, Germany (Poster)
Coci M. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in shallow freshwater lakes. 10th Symposium of Aquatic
Microbial Ecology. 3-7 September 2007, Faro, Portugal (Oral)
Coci M. Ecology of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. 5th Symposium of European Freshwater Science.
8-13 July 2007, Palermo, Italy (Oral; First prize)
Coci M, Bodelier PLE, Kamst M, Nicol GW, Laanbroek HJ . Ammonia-oxidising bacteria in the
benthic, pelagic and epiphytic compartment of shallow freshwater lakes. 11th International
Symposium of Microbial Ecology (ISME), 20-25 August 2006, Vienna, Austria (Poster)
Coci M, Bodelier PLE, Laanbroek HJ . Niche differentiation of nitrifying bacteria in shallow
freshwater lakes. 9th Symposium on Aquatic Microbial Ecology (SAME), 21-26 August 2005,
Helsinki, Finland (Oral)
Coci M, Bodelier PLE, Laanbroek HJ . Epipthyic nitrifying bacteria on submerged macrophytes in
shallow freshwater lakes. 10th International Symposium of Microbial Ecology (ISME), 22-27 August
2004, Cancun, Mexico (Poster)
Coci M, Bodelier PLE, Riechmann D, Laanbroek HJ . Niche differentiation of ammonia-oxidising
bacterial communities along a salinity gradient in microcosm experiment. 1St FEMS
Congress, 29 June - 03 July 2003, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Poster, Fems attendance grant)
Coci M, Cafiso V, Stefani S. Biological Filter: a model for studying microorganisns able to
metabolize ammonia nitrite and nitrate in aquatic environment. 8th Symposium of Aquatic Microbial
Ecology (SAME), 25-30/ October 2002, Taormina, Italy (Oral)
Presentations at National Conferences (peer-review of abstract)
Coci M, Oggioni A, Pugnetti A et al. Analysis of phenological trends based on the aquatic
environments of the European Long Term Ecosystem Network (LTER). XXI Congresso dell’
Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia (AIOL), 23-26 September 2013, Lignano
Sabbiadoro, Italy (oral by co-author)
Callieri C, Coci M, Eckert W. Salcher M. Thaumarcheota and Bacteria in the deep hypolimnion of
subalpine lakes: in situ dark [14C] bicarbonate uptake and cell abundance. XXI Congresso dell’
Associazione Italiana di Oceanologia e Limnologia (AIOL), 23-26 September 2013, Lignano
Sabbiadoro, Italy (oral by co-author)
Coci M. Ammonia-oxidising Bacteria and Archaea in deep water of an oligotrophic subalpine lake.
XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE), 10-13 September 2013 Alessandria, Italy
Coci M. Archaeal nitrifiers in deep water layer of an oligotrophic subalpine lake. XXI Congresso
della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE). 3-6 October, Palermo, Italy (Oral)
Dr. Manuela Coci
Last update November 2014
Coci M, Lupo A, Corno G, Stefani S. Role of mutations in the antibiotic resistance development in
Pseudomonas fluorescens strains isolated from an impacted river system. XX Congresso della
Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE). 27-30 September 2010, Roma (Poster)
Coci M. Diffusione della resistenza agli antibiotici in ambienti naturali: un esempio della comunità
microbiche acquatiche. XIX Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE). 1-18 September
2009, Bolzano, Italy (Poster).
Coci M. Differenziazione di nicchia di batteri ammonio-ossidanti in ambienti di acqua dolce.
XVIII Congresso della Società Italiana di Ecologia (SItE). 1-3 September 2008, Parma, Italy (Oral)
Coci M, Pilloni G.N, Stefani S, Laanbroek HJ, Nicol G, Schmid M. Ammonia.oxidising bacteria as
a model in microbial ecology. 35° Congresso Nazionale Società italiana Microbiologia 30 Sept – 3
Oct, 2007, Catania, Italy (Poster)
Gorra R Coci M, Laanbroek HJ, Ambrosoli R, Zanini E. Activity and distribution of ammoniaoxidizing bacteria in a constructed wetland for cheese making waster water treatment. XXIII
Congresso della Società Italiana Chimica Agraria (SICA). 20-23 September 2005, Turin, Italy (oral
by a co-author)
Coci M. Mesocosm experiments to study the dynamic of Ammonia-oxidising bacterial
communities. Annual meeting Dutch Society of Microbiology, 15-16 April 2003 (Poster)
Other products
Web tools: ECOPAR, database of indicators, parameters and corresponding methods for
ecosystem monitoring and research; DEIMS , International Ecological Information Management
System web client interface for metadata collection and search