HMNEH Beekeeping – AAP 2015-16 for Overall sustainable development of Agri. / Horti. (25th March, 2015) Dr. B.L. Sarswat Executive Director National Bee Board Why beekeeping? 1. Pollination 2. Honey 3. Beeswax and other products 4. Few resources are needed 5. Land ownership not essential 6. Nectar and pollen are otherwise not harvested 7. Different sectors and trades benefit from a strong beekeeping industry 8. Beekeeping encourages ecological awareness 9. Everybody can be a beekeeper 10. Generates employment- 3.75 lakhs man-days to maintain, 10,000 Bee colonies in hives. 11. Beekeeping is benign/gold mine Beekeeping generates income without destroying habitat. Encouraging beekeeping encourages the maintenance of Dr. Sanjeev Balyan, Hon’ble MOS(Agri) Beekeeping seminar at Muzaffarnagar, UP addressing HONEY BEE SPECIES Species Nature Foraging Avg. Honey range (km) yield (kg/yr) Indian bee, Domesticated Apis cerana (cerana,himalaya,indica) 0.8-1.0 10-12 /hive Western bee, Apis mellifera (ligustica, carnica) Domesticated 1.0-2.0 50-60 /hive Rock bee, Apis dorsata Wild - 50 /hive Little bee, Apis florea Wild - 0.25 /hive Trigona (can survive in high temperature) Stingless Few grams/ Colony Potential of benefits due to bee pollination, in the form of increase in yield, in various Orchard crops, Misc. crops and Vegetables. Orchard crops % incr. in yields Vegetables for seed/ fruits % incr. in yields Apple varieties 180 to 6,950 Radish 22 to 100 Pears 240 to 6,014 Cabbage 100 to 300 Plums 6.7 to 2,739 Turnip 100 to 125 Cherry 56.1 to 1,000 Carrot 9.1 to 135.4 Straw-berry 17.4 to 91.9 Onion 353.5 to 9,878 Raspberry 291.3 to 462.5 Brinjal 35-67 Persimmon 20.8 Cucumbers 21.1 to 411 Litchi 4,538 to 10,246 Miscellaneous crops Citrus varieties 7 to 233.3 American cotton 5 to 20 Grapes 756.4 to 6,700 Egyptian cotton 16 to 24 Squashes 771.4 to 800 Buckwheat 62.5 Guava 70-140 Coffee 16.7 to 39. 8 Papaya 22.4-88.9 Mosambi 36-750 Orange 471-900 This increase in yield is in addition to value of honey and other hive products. Bee pollination results not only in yield increase but also improvement in quality of produce. Shri Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary & Mission Director (NHM) & Member Secretary, NBB is inaugurating the honey processing plant of M/s. Hi-Tech Natural Products India Ltd at Beerakheri, Saharanpur, U.P. Potential of Yield increase in various oilseeds and legume crops due to bee pollination Oilseeds %increase in yields Legume seeds % increase in yields Mustard 128.1 to 159.8 Alfalfa 23.4 to 19,733.3 Rai 18.4 Vetches 39 to 20,000 Rape 12.8 to 139.3 Broad Beans 6.8 to 90.1 Toria 66 to 220 Dwarf beans 2.8 to 20.7 Sarson 222 Kidney beans 500 to 600 Safflower 4.2 to 114.3 Runner beans 20.6 to 1,100.l Linseed 1.7 to 40 Other pulses (Pigeon pea21to30%,etc.) 28.7-73.8 Niger 260.7 Berseem and other Clovers 23.4 to 33,150 Sunflower 20 to 3,400 • Bee pollination results not only in yield increase but also improvement in quality of produce. • Hence beekeeping should be treated as 5th input which regulates efficacy of other four inputs. • 10-15 Kg Honey / colony is produced per crop season. Opportunities: Diversified Agro- Climatic conditions provide great potential and opportunities; Potential & requirement for 200 million Bee colonies Employment to 215 lakh persons 10 million tonnes of honey, valued Rs. 12,00,000/- million Value of enhanced crop production Rs. 240,00,000/- million BK industry has great self-help potential for rural people, Tribals, M/F & S/F, land-less labourers, etc. and great opportunities as under: – Honey has great food value and provides cash income; – Beeswax which is twice as much costly as honey is in great demand; – Pollen, propolis, bee-venom &royal jelly are very high value products – Part time employment without sacrificing main occupation; – Providing bee pollination services to farmers for increasing crop production and productivity of honeybees – A double benefit service; and – Processing and value added products of Bee- products. Hon’ble AM and Secretary (A & C), Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India discussing the issues relating to beekeeping with the trainees/ beekeepers of Maharashtra who attended out of state training on beekeeping conducted by National Bee Board (NBB) for the farmers/ beekeepers of Maharashtra in U.P. Status of beekeeping in India & Zone /State-wise details of Bee Species in use. No. of bee colonies – About 18lakhs --- 12lakhs in 2006-07 Honey Production – 75-80000 MTs / year--- 45- 48000 MTs in 2006-07 No. of Beekeepers – More than 2 lakhs Scientific beekeeping had not been in practice before commencement of NBB. Production of Honey only, no other high value bee hive products are produced (a) North - Delhi, U.P.,Haryana, Punjab, H.P.- A.mellifera(A.mel.),U.khand &J & K. –A.cerana (A.cer.) (b) South – A.P., Karnataka, Kerala, T.N., Pondichery, Andman & Nicobar,etc.- A.cerana (c) East –Bihar &W B -(A.mel), Orissa, All NE States (8), Chhattisgarh, & J.khand, - A.cerana (d) West – Rajasthan- (A.mel), Gujarat, Maharashtra, M.P., Goa -A.cerana. National Bee Board, DAC Activity-wise physical and financial PR for activities of NBB under MIDH -2014-15 S.No. Name of activities Targets Phy. Fin. 1 2 Two days State level seminars 2 days District level Trainings/ Seminars 8 5 24.00 10.00 3 4 7 days Within the State Trainings* 7 days Out of State Trainings Within State Exposure Visit Out of the State Exposure Visit Development of Bee Breeder Development of Nucleuos Stock Distribution of bee colonies in Beehives 40 5 70.00 10.00 5 5 1 200 benf. 9.00 20.00 2.5 160.00 200 benf 16.00 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 Distribution of Bee equipments, containers Last year's commited liability/payments due and made Management Support Total Projects already sanctioned/under impint. for which payments are to be made Grand Total (Rs. in Lakhs) Achvts. Phy. Fin. Nos. 8 22.63 7 10.13 34 2 1 1 3 77.28 2.68 0.68 1.04 6.00 30 14.25 20.90 16.07 337.57 19.25 174.84 249.69 337.57 424.53 11 NATIONAL BEE BOARD, DAC Details of Activities conducted under (NHM) / HMNEH/TMNE) upto 2013-14. S.No. Name of the Activity 1 Seminar (2 days) 2 Trainings A. Farmers/ Beekeepers a) 7 days within State b) 7 days out of State c) Within the district B. Officers training (MTC) 3 Exposure Visit (5-7 days) a) within State b) Out of State 4 a) 3 Day Exhibition-cumConference - International Horti Expo b) Food Technology Expo/ Expo in Delhi Haat 5 Publications a) Qtly. Magazine Bee World b) Advisories on Good Beekeeping Practices 6 Devlp. of Bee Breeder 7 Devlp. of Nucleous Stock 8 Distribution of bee colonies & hives 9 TOTAL Total upto 2013-14 Number Beneficiary 57 23407 136 120 47 6 3401 3000 1576 134 22 28 550 700 3 2 3000 2200 16 4 12 2 2 16000 13500 1200 50 250 68968 Shri Harish Rawat, the then Hon'ble MOS (AGR&FPI) visiting beekeeping equipments in NBB’s stall kept in 7 days training on scientific beekeeping (21-27.07.2012) at Bhagwanpur, Rurkee, Uttarakhand. National Bee Board, DAC, M/o Agriculture , GOI S.No. A. 1. Item / Activity AAP of NBB for 2015-16 No. ofPhy. / bene- Total Assistance activities ficiaries cost (Rs. proposed proposed (in nos.) in lakhs) Components to be implemented at National Level National Seminars 1 (2 days) 500 6.00 5.00 2 Technical Support Group (TSG) for the followings ii Publications & Publicity- Qtly. magazine, pumplets, bulletins, certificates etc. 7(4+3) 15000 15.00 15.00 3 Development of Nucleus Stock 2 1000 50.00 40.00 4 Trainings/Study tours of Technical Staff/Field Functionaries i Outside India- 7 days 5 Development of Data Base on Beekeeping – 6 Evaluation /Impact Study on crops’ yield enhancement 1 2 6.00 6.00 1(North Region) 1 10.00 10.00 1 1 10.00 10.00 7 Disease diagnostic labs 1 - 20.00 20.00 8 Participatory planning & review exercises 2 25 0.25 0.25 9 Tackling of emergent requirements 2 20.00 20.00 137.25 126.25 /unforeseen 10 Sub Total B. Components to be implemented at State Level 11 Trainings/Study tours of Technical Staff/Field Functionaries i Within State ( 7 Days) 5 50 4.00 4.00 ii Outside the State-7 days 2 50 4.00 4.00 70.00 70.00 52.50 52.50 12 Trainings of farmers/ Beekeepers i Within State ( 7 Days) 40 1000 ii Outside the State( 7 days) 20 500 i Outside the State (7 days) 14 Seminars ( 2 days) 10 10 250 10000 17.50 30.00 17.50 30.00 15 Development of Bee Breeder 2000 colonies/ year 5 2000 50.00 20.00 13 Exposure visits of farmers/ Beekeepers. `16 Participatory planning & review exercises 2 25 0.25 0.25 17 Sub Total 228.25 198.25 18 Total A+B 365.50 324.50 19 Administrative/Management support & cost of Office Equipment etc. 16.23 20 Cost to be charged under MIDH 340.73 C. Components to be implemented at District Level 21 Per District for District level 192.08 117.68 22 Cost 6 Districts-For District Level Components. Details enclosed as 1152.48 Appendix- I 706.08 23 Total(A+B)-For National & State Level Components 365.50 340.73 24 Grand Total(A+B+C) 1517.98 1046.81 D. Project on Demonstns for impact of beekeeping on yield enhancement of crops. 60.00 60.00 E. Management Cost for activities in the States. 50.00 50.00 25 Grand Total(A+B+C) 1627.98 1156.81 10 250-300 Hects. *Efforts will be made to organiseFIGs/ SHGs/ FPCs/FPOs of all the trained farmers/beekeepers. 10 FIGs/ SHGs/ FPCs/FPOs each of 25 members will be formed/district and encouraged to adopt scientific beekeeping and 5 units each of 50 bee colonies in beehives with supers,etc will be arranged for each group (FIGs/ SHGs/ FPCs/FPOs ). It will sustain the project even post project period in sustainable manner. APPENDIX-I National Bee Board, DAC - District wise Action Plan -2015-16. S.No Item / Activity C Phy./ benfs (in nos.) (Rs. in lakhs) No. of Phy. Total Asst. activities targets cost proposed Components to be implemented at District Level 1 Seminars (2 day) 1 500 2.50 2.00 2 Formation of FIGs/FPOs/FPCs 10 250 5.00 2.50 3 Farmers Trainings -7 days i ii 4 Within the State Outside the State Exposure visit 10 5 250 125 17.50 13.13 17.50 13.13 i Outside the State 5 125 8.75 8.75 ii Outside India- 5 days 1 5 20.00 20.00 5 Development of Bee Breeder 1 2000 10.00 4.00 6 Distribution of Honeybee colonies- 50 50 units units each of 50 colonies of 8 frames 2500 50.00 20.00 7 Distribution supers etc. of Bee Hives, 50 units 2500 8 Distribution of Equipments etc. 50 units 50.00 20.00 50 10.00 4.00 9 Equipments/Bee Hives, frames, WFS, Bee veil, etc. manufacturing Unit 1 1000 5.00 2.50 (50% of total) 10 Participatory planning & review exercises 2 25 0.20 0.20 192.08 112.08 12 Sub Total 13 Administrative/Management support & cost of Office Equipment etc. 14 Total 15 Cost to be charged under the project for 6 Districts - 5.60 192.08 6 117.68 1152.45 706.07 Main projects initiated / formulated & implemented by NBB for overall sustainable development of scientific & robust beekeeping industry. A. Capacity building programmes on beekeeping: •National and State/ District level seminars, •Farmers / beekeepers trainings & exposure visits, •Officers trainings and exposure visits, •Model Training Course for officers of State Govts. B. Publications: Souvenirs in all seminars, quarterly magazine “BEE WORLD”, etc. C. Road Map for scientific beekeeping. D. Training Modules for various types of trainings on beekeeping, viz; (i) basics of beekeeping; (ii) scientific beekeeping; (iii) specialized beekeeping; and (iv) post harvest management of bee-hive products. E. Advisories on Good Beekeeping Practices (GBPs). F. Technically feasible and economically viable scheme for development of scientific beekeeping for NHM/ HMNEH, DAC prepared & got approved. G. Promotion of scientific beekeeping. H. Researchable issues / agenda for beekeepers driven research in beekeeping prepared & given to ICAR/ AICRP (HB & P)/ SAUs, etc. I. Project on setting up of World Class State-of-the-Art Honey Testing Laboratory ( deferred). Hon. Ajitdada Pawar, Deputy Chief Minister, Maharashtra releasing souvenir in State level Seminar at Baramati, Maharshtra. J. Project on skill development in beekeeping under the directions of National Skill Development Council. K. Project with National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS). L. Project on development of system for traceability of source of honey & other bee products: Helped in lifting ban of export of honey from India to EU. Registration will enable beekeeping industry to acquire recognition and become organized. M. PPP Project with QSI, Breman, Germany on “Sustainable Improvement of Quality and Development of Productivity of the Indian Honey Sector”. N. Initiatives for Integration of Beekeeping with other schemes of DAC and other Deptts. O. Projects on production of quality nucleus (pedigree) stock/ queen bees. P. Projects on production of Bee colonies by Bee Breeders by multiplying quality nucleus stock/ queen bees. Q. Setting up of IBDCs at National /State/ Regional levels. R. Developed a system to ensure timely availability of quality bee colonies & equipments in the states through member societies & Bee Breeders of NBB. S. Guidance to Authorities involved in fixing of Food Standards including standards of honey & other bee products and bee equipments, etc. T. Guidance to the concerned Deptts. of Govt. of India & State Govts. and other organizations / agencies on scientific beekeeping. U. Project on publishing 10 technical bulletins. Shri Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary & Mission Director (NHM) & Member Secretary, NBB, DAC, M/o Agriculture, Govt. of India addressing the participants of seven days training programme on scientific beekeeping organized by NBB under PPP Project for Quality Improvement and Increase of Productivity of the Indian Honey Sector in collaboration with QSI, Bremen, Germany at FICCI Research & Analysis Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi from 28th November to 4th December, 2011. Dr. Michael Guido Eich, Expert, Beekeeping, QSI, Bremen, Germany addressing the participants of seven days training under PPP Project for Quality Improvement and Increase of Productivity of Indian Honey in at FICCI Research & Analysis Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi from 28th November to 4th December, 2011. Categories of trainings and training modules (1)Basic trainings on beekeeping. (2)Trainings on scientific beekeeping (3) Specialized Trainings on beekeeping – (i) Trainings on production of high value beehive products viz., royal jelly, bee-pollen, propolis, bee wax, bee venom. (ii) Training on mass queen bees rearing. (iii) Trainings on artificial insemination of queen bees. (iv) Trainings on apitherapy. (4)Trainings on post harvest management of beehive products. 6 days training on scientific beekeeping by NBB under PPP Project for Quality Improvement and Increase of Productivity of the Indian Honey in collaboration with QSI, Bremen, Germany at FRI, Dehradun from 26.6.2012 to 1.7.2012 . ECONOMICS OF BEEKEEPING: UNIT - 50 BEE COLONIES IN HIVES Honey Bees: Apis mellifera -Man power required: Atleast one regular basis-plus two casual labour. S. No. Items Rate / per unit cost (Amt. in Rs. Total cost (Amt. in Rs.) A. One time cost for establishment / Fixed cost 1. 50 Beehives with supers 1200/- per set 60,000/- 2. 50 bee colonies each of 8 frames @ Rs. 300/- per frame 2400/- per colony 120000/- 3. 50 iron stands 100/- each 4. Honey extractor (SS) and other equipments, including food grade plastic containers, honey extraction net, tent, bee veil, etc. 5000/- Sub total of A. 25000/2,10,000/- B. Recurring cost / working capital per year 1. Comb foundation sheets (Wax Sheets) 100 Kg for one unit 300 per Kg 30,000/- 2. 2 50 Kg Sugar for feeding in dearth period 40 per Kg 10,000/- 3. Interest on fixed capital 12 % per annum 25200/- 4 Depreciation on fixed capital 10% per annum 21,000/- 5. Miscellaneous expenses including labour charges, migration cost, etc. per annum 1,00,000/- Sub total of B. 1,86,200/- C. Per year income from 50 bee colonies in beehives 1. Honey production @40 kg per colony Total production 2000 kg. 2. Cost/ sale price of bee colonies of 8 frame each multiplied during the year i.e. atleast 50 2400/- / colony colonies (50x300x8) – (15000x8) 2400/- per colony of 8frames 1,20,000/- 3. Production of bee pollen (250 kg) @ 5 kg/ colony 1,00,000/- D. 120 per kg 400 per kg 2,40,000/- Total income 4,60,000/- Net income per year (C-B) 2,73,800/- Shri A.K.Thakur, Additional Secretary, DAC & Vice Chairman, NBB and Chairman, MC, NBB, Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC), M/o Agriculture, Govt. of India visiting beekeeping equipments in the stall of NBB kept in 9th AGM of NBB held on 23rd November, 2011 at NHB Campus, Gurgaon. Shri Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary & Mission Director (NHM) & Member Secretary, NBB and other officials releasing souvenir in two day state level seminar on beekeeping at Dehradun, U.K. Practical training in beekeeping for officers of NE States conducted by NBB. Training on beekeeping Beekeeping seminar by NBB at Ludhiana, Pb. Dr. B.L.Sarswat, ED, NBB, Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation (DAC), M/o Agriculture, Govt. of India addressing the participants of seven days training programme on scientific beekeeping organized by NBB under PPP Project for Quality Improvement and Increase of Productivity of the Indian Honey Sector in collaboration with QSI, Bremen, Germany at FICCI Research & Analysis Centre, Dwarka, New Delhi from 28th November to 4th December, 2011. Officers of NE States learning procedure of honey extraction while participating in training in beekeeping conducted by NBB. Regional Seminar on Beekeeping at Barabanki (U.P.) on 8-9/06/07 Prof. Vijay Singh Tomar, Vice Chancellor, Rajmata Vijayraje Sindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya addressing the participants of two day State Level Senimar on Beekeeping organized by NBB, DAC under NHM at Gwalior, M.P. Shri Sanjeev Chopra, Joint Secretary & Mission Director (NHM) and Member Secretary, NBB and other officials releasing Souvenir in one day State level Seminar on Beekeeping at New Delhi. Participants of seven days ‘Within-the-State’ Training on Beekeeping conducted by NBB under HMNEH from 25th to 31st March, 2012 in Sikkim. Thanks
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