MIDLAND SKI CLUB MINUTES 25 February 2015 Item 1 Apologies: John Arnold, Rob Weeks Present: Bryan Thomas, Roger Crombleholme, Gerry Elmore, Mike Thomas, Catherine Frankenburg, Hilary Cox, Jeff Elmore, Bryan Arnott, Diana Horth 2 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed 3 Matters arising: Agenda items 4 Social events 50th Anniversary Flyers to be drafted for circulation at Ackers Event to be posted on Facebook Action BT RW Committee agreed that the cost to younger members in full time education should be discounted to £20 5 Chair to contact Time Fawke, Jeremy Eaton, Ryan Grewcock and Ackers to invite guests. BT Hilary will contact older members, BT to provide email addresses to HC of people on his original list HC/BT Reports: Secretary – nil Treasurer - £14,002 balance and accounts have been prepared for audit. Some overspends on equipment and SSE membership (the latter should balance out in the next update). Ackers have been slow to invoice MSC so this year’s accounts show an overspend of 2 x £550. Membership – new members include 2 junior, 5 adults and 2 families (6 people). Racing – Ollie Weeks to be applauded on his successes in this year’s Alpine championships. He is now the under 14’s English champion. Winter series has finished, Shaun Hemming and all volunteers to be congratulated. Coaching – RC underlined the shortage of coaches. MSC’s pool of qualified people must expand. Catherine suggested that Clem write an article for newsletter. Roger also happy to write something up to encourage skiers to undertake coaching qualifications. Nordic – Committee would like to see an update of activities 6 Snowmark Gerry reported that there are still a few gaps before documentation can be completed. Roger has circulated a request for coaches to provide evidence of their current coaching qualifications. The club’s development plan was circulated to both RSG and main committee for comment. It was agreed that this should be presented to the Snowmark audit as a living document. The Welfare Officer post was now vacant after Ruth had resigned. GE to liaise with new post holder. Documents relating to committee posts will be reviewed and presented to the AGM. Codes of conduct: Juniors – amended to include adults; Skiers – changed to state that winners should be present at the award ceremonies; Coaches – amended to reflect that coaches must take action if they have cause for concern about the behaviour of an adult towards a child by reporting to CWO. Parents – some parents are not members and the committee discussed how they should behave. GE to talk to Ryan Grewcock about how other clubs deal with this situation. It was agreed that the document should be updated to reflect parent rights. Welfare Officer (CWO) – updated; Equity/Equality – updated. N.B. At the next meeting the committee will formally approve and accept Snowsafe 6th edition and the SSE Equality policy 2nd edition Sept 2013. Development plan will be agreed. BT and GE will meet w/c 2 March and agree a date to meet Ryan Grewcock. ALL 7 Club Development and succession planning Posts: Membership secretary - so far only one expression of interest has been received from Gerry Elgy. Gerry was thanked and welcomed. She will not take up the post until the Snowmark documents are complete. Welfare Officer – Jo and Shaun Hemming may be possible candidates for this role. PR and communications - Amy Middleton has volunteered. Committee agreed that the club should fund a comms course for Amy. Committee agreed that Rob and Amy’s roles should be clearly defined. It was proposed that Rob should continue to hold the website management, newsletter and all internal comms. Amy’s role would be more geared to external comms/PR. Codes of Conduct should be drawn up for both posts. Depth discussion of club development to be discussed at next meeting. 8 Any Other Business Committee agreed to offer life membership to Fern Cates Fold out brochures – under development. Suggestion that a map of Hollyfields could be included for social events. Gerry Elgy now organising GSRL. BT RW 9 Date of next meeting – Wednesday 15th April 2015
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