Nordic Asylum Law Seminar: Workshop schedule Workshops Thursday 7 May, 2-4.30 pm Discrimination in the asylum procedure Chair: Stephen Meili (room 11:128) • • • • • Deniz Akin: What can we learn from queer asylum seekers? Negotiating sexuality to be legible in Norway Hanna Wikström: Genuineness assessment: Parameters and Logics in Asylum Cases Concerning Religious Faith and Sexual Orientation Magdalena Smieszek: Reception vs. Rights: Conflicts and convergences in European and international jurisprudence concerning asylum-seekers’ economic and social rights Aleksandra Popovic: (Un)equal and (Ir)regular Maria Bexelius: Refugee law and the production of (in)equality Applicants with special needs Chair: Elina Pirjatanniemi (room 11:129) • • • • • Vladislava Stoyanova: ‘Vulnerable persons’ in the second phase of Common European Asylum System: Definition, Identification and Protection Andrew Molloy: Effective access to justice under the Refugee Convention in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Thoughts from a decision maker. Lisa Hallstedt: How can vulnerable groups meet the criteria in the asylum procedure? Erna Kristín Blöndal: Discrimination in the asylum system – multiple vulnerabilities Anna Bruce: The implications of the CRPD for the asylum procedure: Tightly circumscribed group based procedural accommodations for some or the seeds for general reform? Intolerable Differences? Dublin and Beyond Chair: Jens Vedsted-Hansen (room 11:130) • • • • Constantin Hruschka: The Dublin Dilemma – The principle of non-refoulement as a barrier of the EU accession to the ECHR Eleni Karageorgiou: Solidarity and sharing in the Common European Asylum System in light of the European Courts case law Roberta Mungianu: The EU’s refugee burden sharing: the potential of the Dublin system’s ‘sovereignty clause’ David Loveday: A tale of two systems – fundamental rights, mutual recognition and the Dublin question Discrimination and grounds for protection Chair: Michelle Foster (room 12:010) • • • • Heaven Crawley: (En)gendering international protection: are we there yet? Niels Erik Hansen: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the principle of Non-refoulement Janna Weßels: Discrimination or Discretion? The assessment of sexuality-based asylum claims in Germany, France and Spain Nora Honkala: (Mis)understanding Forced Marriage: the Domestic Application of the Refugee Convention in Asylum Seeker Women’s Claims in the UK Workshops Friday 8 May, 10.20-12.15 pm Violent conflict and grounds for protection Chair: Gregor Noll (room 11:128) • • • Rebecca Thorburn Stern: Children fleeing from armed conflict and generalized violence: Exploring the added value of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the context of complementary protection in Europe Jesper Lindholm: ‘Individualisation’ and the protection needs of Syrian refugees: developments in Danish law and practice Karolina Lindholm-Billing (invited paper on behalf of UNHCR): The International protection of persons fleeing situations of conflict and violence Normative conflict between IL, EU law and domestic law Chair: Vladislava Stoyanova (room 11:129) • • • Stephen Meili: Human Rights Norms and the Protection of Displaced Persons in Colombia and Ecuador: A Comparative Analysis Jens Vedsted-Hansen: Reception Conditions as Human Rights: pan-European Standard or Systemic Deficiencies? Matthew Scott: Natural hazards, human actors, serious harm: Bridging protection gaps through understanding the social construction of disasters Methods of decision-making in domestic procedures Chair: Mona Aldestam (room 11:130) • • • • • Blair Peruniak: Against Psychologism in Refugee Status Determination Alice Edwards (invited paper on behalf of UNHCR): The applicability of Article 1D of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees to Palestinian Refugees Mary Lynn De Silva: Stigma, Securitisation and Parliamentary Sovereignty in Australia and Sweden Livia Johannesson: Interpretations of Judicial Independence at the Swedish Migration Courts Linna Martén: Political Bias in Court? Lay Judges and Asylum Appeals 2
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