Easter at CCMV From Stephen`s Study Guest Oboist

Whatever things are
think on these things
Vol. 64, No. 3
March 20, 2015
Easter at CCMV
This year, we will celebrate the Easter season in
grand style. The Palm Sunday service will be at 10
a.m., and you can read a bit about our music that
Sunday in the following article in this newsletter.
Then, on Easter Sunday, for the first time in quite
awhile, we will have a small group of members
who are planning to return to the location of the
past “Sunrise Services” of the church (on our property in the open space) to watch the sunrise, share a
bit of scripture and song and, mostly, fellowship in
the presence of nature on that important day. If you
would like to join this group – and there is some
hiking involved, so be aware that it takes some
agility – they are leaving from the church on Easter
morning at 6:30 a.m. Dora Ford will be leading the
small worship component, and all you need to do is
bring a grateful heart and open eyes.
Guest Oboist
CCMV will be graced with the presence of Shandra
Stiemert on Palm Sunday and Easter morning.
Originally from Seattle, Shandra moved to Boston
to pursue her career as an oboist. She received her
Bachelors degree from the Boston Conservatory in
2013, where she studied with Kyoko Hida-Battiglia
and Robert Sheena. She then moved to the Bay Area to continue her education. Ms. Stiemert will be
graduating from the San Francisco Conservatory
with her Masters in Oboe performance this May.
Shandra currently works as a freelance musician,
and has had the opportunity to work with many different organizations throughout the Bay Area. She
also has a private teaching studio, and has worked
as an instructor for the Oakland School for the Arts.
“Guest Oboist” continued on page 4.
Barbara Strader Sitkin
From Stephen’s Study
On Saturday, March 7, over twenty of us met in
Tamalpais Hall to have our second retreat of this
spring. It was a wonderful turnout.
And I hope I speak for all when I say it was a productive experience. We were joined by Jerrod
Shappell, who came over from San Francisco to
share with us his knowledge of the possibilities of
church in today’s world, and we also spent time
looking at new models concerning the purpose of
the church in a changing environment.
I shared some thinking from a new book by Jeffrey
D. Jones, Facing Decline, Finding Hope. In it,
Jones – a professor of ministerial leadership at
Andover Newton Theological School – outlines
that in today’s world, the church needs to replace
what has been, for centuries, its dominant way of
defining its purpose. Traditionally, we have seen
success and failure in churches by looking at membership numbers. Our main emphasis has been to
find new members, teach them our polity, and then
incorporate them into committee work, before making sure we retain them. Underlying this approach
has been the idea that all people would benefit by
church membership, and that the church is the only
place where their salvation can be worked out.
From Stephen’s Study” continued on page 3.
In This Issue
News from the Board, January Financials 2
In Memoriam, If You Need Us, Giving Tree 3
Homeless Shelter in Winter AND Summer?
HAC News
Updated Directory Published in April
April Birthdays,Calendar of Upcoming
Church Events
Initial plans for the annual pledge drive were laid.
The Sunday after Easter (April 12) will be pledge
Sunday, at which point the pledge drive will begin.
The Board will be approving a budget setting the
pledge goal at its March meeting. Expect a call
from one of the Board members to gather your
thoughts about the direction of CCMV and your
participation/commitment in both time and money
in working toward that direction. The annual meeting of the Congregation will be held June 7, by
which time we want to be able to celebrate a successful pledge drive.
News from the Board
The Church Board held its monthly meeting on
February 22. We heard a very encouraging report
from our interim minister Stephen Hinerman regarding the first congregational retreat as well as
the Ash Wednesday service held for the first time at
The Redwoods. Folks there for whom coming to
CCMV is difficult were able to attend this service.
This represents an important component of our
ministry to the elderly, a major theme for CCMV
ever since our role in establishing The Redwoods
back in the early 1970s.
The repairs to the organ have begun. It is expected
that by the time you read this, those repairs will
have been completed. Kevin is already ramping up
the music program for the Lent/Easter season.
Speaking of The Redwoods, Claudia Lowder has
resigned from The Redwoods Board due to health
reasons, and the Board appointed Suzanne IrwinWells to her position. Suzanne has already attended
one Redwoods Board meeting, and with Keith Phillips is now representing CCMV on The Redwoods
Happy Easter everyone.
- Daniel Bikle
President, CCMV Board of Directors
January Financial Report
Claudia Lowder brought us up to date regarding the
proposed expansion of Old Firehouse School (OFS)
into the nursery of our Church. This expansion has
been approved by the Board contingent on OFS
obtaining the necessary permits from the City and
other agencies including the Fire Marshall. Any
expenses required to make this happen will be
borne by OFS. The Board approved a letter to OFS
indicating our commitment to the expansion but
stipulating the conditions for this final approval and
amendment to the existing lease. This promises to
be a win-win for CCMV and OFS.
Year to date receipts were $204,183 compared to a
budget of $110,696. Year to date expenses were
$89,636 compared to a budget of $110,683. This
resulted in an income of $114,547 compared to a
budgeted income of $13. At this point in the year,
prepaid pledges push the receipts above the budgeted receipts. Receipts were also boosted by some
substantial outside gifts. Savings are looking
healthier than they have for a couple of years
thanks largely to these unanticipated gifts.
The Community Church of Mill Valley
United Church of Christ
An Open & Affirming Congregation
8 Olive Street, Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone 415/388-5540
e-mail: [email protected]
Interim Pastor: Stephen Hinerman
Minister Emeritus: Jack Bartlett
Minister in Covenant: Jacquie Hoffman
Seminarian In-Care (Discernment): Arn Lou Mutia
Worship Musician: Kevin Manz
Executive Editor: Barbara Strader Sitkin
Facility Operations Manager: Aaron Young
Sunday Morning:
8:30 a.m. (September—May)
Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary
11:30 a.m. 2nd Choir Rehearsal, 1st & 3rd Sunday
10:00 a.m. Worship Service, Sanctuary
11:15 a.m. Coffee Hour in the Tamalpais Hall
All are welcome
Of Good Report is published monthly. The deadline for submissions is the first Monday of the month. Publication follows on Friday.
If You Need Us…..
From Stephen’s Study” continued from page 1.
Success of pastors has been measured by looking at
both membership numbers and budget figures.
Sometimes, members of churches just don’t want
to be a “bother” so, when they aren’t doing well
(physically or spiritually or otherwise) or have a
friend who isn’t doing well, they think: “I don’t
want to burden the pastor or the office because they
are busy enough.” And therefore, we are often the
last to hear about their concerns. But we want to
While Jones says this model of ministry has some
advantages (it is good to have enough money to
operate, and it is good that if someone wants to join
the church, that they have that opportunity), it is
not a model that works today in the mainstream
church. Just look at the declining numbers across
the country. So he suggests we replace this model
with one that emphasizes mission and service. In
this model, people come to the church in times of
change in their lives. Our job in the church is to
help them through that change, and aid them in discovering their own gifts, personally and for ministry. We need to then empower those people to go
out and do ministry aiding the reign of God in the
communities around us. Success in this model is
not based on how many members you have, but on
the work you do in the world for God.
So this is just a reminder that we have a church full
of people who want to be of help to you when you
are in need. Therefore, if you find yourself not doing well, or know someone who isn’t, don’t assume
we all know. Call or email Stephen or the office
and let us know. If you want to call Stephen, his
number is 925/989 2599 or you can email him at
[email protected]. Or just call Barbara at the office (415/388-5540) and let her know.
Again, we really want to hear! That way, we can
truly be church for one another.
There are many possibilities that this opens up that
we discussed, including: finding where God is at
work in Mill Valley, using our building to serve
community needs, and partnering with those who
have similar aims. It was, to me, an inspirational
discussion, one of the most moving I have been a
part of since arriving here at CCMV.
Giving Tree Giving
Last month I delivered a $305check to Aprendiendo
Juntos, “Learning Together” These proceeds from
our holiday “Giving Tree” will help support this
Canal Area agency which serves Spanish speaking
families. Parents and children learn together the
skills which will help the children reach their full
potential in school. Children and families with special needs are linked with appropriate resources.
But we now need to move to our next step. What
might this mission look like here? What, given our
community survey, do we see as a need in the community that we might be helpful in addressing? Can
we be creative in using our assets to partner with
others in the community who share our values and
where we see God at work? Let’s get specific!
(This is in addition to questions about the role of
social media in our future and the general question
of what worship should look like in the future.)
I also had the personal joy of donating two paintings of life in the San Miguel Allende area, painted
by my mother on one of her frequent visits there.
The paintings were in the hall near my office at the
Reentry Center but have been in storage since I retired. The canvases were not framed, and I had
been unsure whether or not to offer them, but it
happens that a man who creates picture frames is
part of their community. It feels good to know the
paintings have gone to a good home.
We will work on these questions in our final retreat
of the Spring, which is scheduled for April 25 at
9 a.m. to 12:30. Please put it on your calendar, as
we move forward into the unknown, but missiondriven, future.
I enclosed a letter with the check, explaining the
tradition of our Giving Tree. Like all such agencies
they are underfunded. I feel confident our money
has gone to a good home. I am glad we were able to
make it possible.
In Memoriam
Sydney Brown
September 29, 1922 - March 17, 2015
Love, Dora
of this winter shelter season are: Jack Bartlett,
Betsy Bikle, Linda Clever, Dora Ford, Harriet Kostic, Judy Reneau, Maureen Simon, Linda and Rinny
Homeless Shelter in
Winter and Summer?
“Guest Oboist” continued from page 1.
On Friday, March 13, CCMV volunteers again
served dinner at the women’s shelter, our final
shelter meal for this winter season. Twenty hungry
people gathered at the table, 16 homeless women, 1
staff person and our three volunteers. The women
were very appreciative, thanking us for coming and
bringing food, and complimenting all the dishes on
our menu: vegetarian soup, salad, chicken, rice and
mushroom casserole, hot rolls, chocolate cake,
fresh fruit and cookies.
Shandra is currently a student of James Moore III.
Our choir will join Shandra in offering inspirational
literature as we celebrate the Passion and Resurrection. Palm Sunday's anthem, the most famous choral work of Paul O. Manz that sets a text by his
wife, Ruth, was composed while their young son
was hospitalized. It reflects the human desire for
God's presence in times of trial and rejoicing. The
Easter anthem, Martin Shaw's "With a voice of
singing", gives praise to God for delivering humanity into God's dominion.
Although the winter shelter season is drawing to a
close, MarinREST organizers have announced an
8-week pilot program for this summer to test the
feasibility of a year-round emergency shelter.
With the renewed condition of our organ, we
will participate in enhanced hymn accompaniments
and major works during the postludes. On Palm
Sunday, we will hear the Tocatta in B minor by Eugene Gigout. On Easter morning, we will conclude
worship with Buxtehude's Gigue Fugue.
The Marin Organizing Committee (MOC) has advocated a year-round shelter for several years and
has been actively searching for a location for a permanent year-round shelter. Unable to find a suitable location to rent or lease, MOC is now considering purchasing property and building an appropriate shelter. But before taking that giant step, MOC
leaders need answers to several important questions: Will the homeless come to a shelter during
the summer? Would the churches, synagogues and
non-profits continue their support throughout the
year? How would a year-round facility be funded?
Can the number of volunteers be expanded to serve
a year-round emergency shelter?
Peace, Kevin
HAC News
Thank you for the support you are giving to the
children in Hope for African Children through our
sponsorship program. You are making a difference
in their lives and the communities they live in.
We are making some changes to our sponsorship
program to improve the communication between
sponsors and their children. We realized that we
have been having trouble getting the letters to
sponsors in time and the costs of mailing letters to
US is a bit expensive. So now a child you sponsor
will write a letter in Uganda and it will be scanned
and sent to my email address and then I will forward it to you, the sponsor. Sponsors who are interested to write back to their kids or send pictures
may send an email back to my email address which
will be forwarded to Uganda for the kid to reply.
For sponsors who don’t have time to write letters to
their kids, now can just send an email. The maximum letters to be sent to a child will be one per
quarter. The letters (emails) sent to the child will
be replied to in the next quarter.
In order to answer these questions, the Summer
Pilot Program will run from June 8-Aug. 3. During
these 8 weeks, homeless men will be housed each
night at the St Anselm Catholic School Gym in San
Anselmo and the women will stay at the countyowned Marin Health and Wellness Center in San
Rafael. Volunteers will provide the evening meals
at both sites.
CCMV has been asked to provide one dinner for
the women’s shelter during the summer pilot program. Our tentative date is Friday, July 17. If any
of our regular volunteers know they will be out of
town that day, please notify Linda Xiques so our
scheduled date can be changed.
CCMV volunteers who contributed to the success
- Keneth Kiyija [email protected]
We’re all settled into the Interim Ministry now
and will be (finally!) publishing an updated Directory in April.
This is your chance to be included in the Member/Friend Directory
or to update your contact info if you are currently in the directory.
If you aren’t sure what’s in the current directory, don’t hesitate to fill out the form
send an email to the church office at [email protected]
Don’t delay! Tell us today!
Community Church
Directory Information
New Listing
Change/Add Information
(Circle One)
Please note your updates below.
Family Name
Home Phone #
City & Zip
Your Name
Spouse/Partner Name
Work Phone
Work Phone
Children (Under 18
(Include last name if different from family name above.)
The Community Church of Mill Valley
United Church of Christ
8 Olive Street
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Return Service Requested
April Birthdays
April 14
April 25
Pam Shortridge
Dan Bikle
Upcoming Church Events
This Week
Wed. Mar. 25
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
No Choir Practice
Board of Directors Meeting, Chapel
Worship Service
Coffee and Conversation, Tam Hall. All are welcome!
2nd Choir Rehearsal
1:00 p.m.
Lenten Book Study Group continues #4/5, Foster Room
Sun. Mar. 29
Wed. Apr. 1
Thu, Apr. 2
Sun. Apr. 5
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
11:30 a.m.
6:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
Wed. Apr. 8
Wed. Apr. 22
Sat. Apr. 25
11:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
Palm Sunday, Communion Sunday
Guest Musician, Oboist Shandra Stiemert
Christian Life Team, Foster Room
Lenten Book Study Group continues #5/5, Foster Room
Lunch for the Hungry, Westminster Pres
Easter Sunrise Service on Mt Tam (Meet in front of the church
at 6:30 to carpool to the site. Please wear shoes with good tread.
Walking sticks might be useful. Bring something to sit on.)
Easter Sunday Celebration Service
Guest Musician, Oboist Shandra Stiemert
Men’s Lunch, Moylan’s, Novato
Transition Team, Foster Room
3rd All Church Retreat, Tam Hall