Scientific Program Saturday, 26 April 2014 Terpsichore ABC Hall Time Clinical Symposium: Neuropsychiatric SLE Chairs: G. Tsivgoulis and F. Karassa 08.30 - 10.30 Spectrum and Outcomes. J. Hanly Attribution Models and Management. M. Govoni Imaging: MRI, fMRI, PET and Molecular Imaging. F. Papadaki 4 Selected oral presentations OP23 (A079) DYNAMIC SUSCEPTIBILITY CONTRAST MAGNETIC PERFUSION IMAGING (DSC-MRI) TECHNIQUE IN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (NPSLE): DIFFUSE HYPOPERFUSION IN NORMAL APPEARING WHITE MATTER (NAWM) AND DEEP GRAY MATTER (DGM) Papadaki E., Fanouriakis A., Kavroulakis E., Bertsias G., Sidiropoulos P., Maris T., Boumpas D.T., Karantanas A. OP24 (A104) HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE AND COGNITION IN SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Cavaco S., Martins Silva Ana A., Santos E., Moreira Ines M., Faria R., Marinho A., Almeida I., Farinha F., Vasconcelos C. OP25 (A103) EFFECT OF TWO DIFFERENT EXERCISE PROGRAMS ON CHRONIC FATIGUE IN SLE PATIENTS Avaux M., Fraselle V., Nieuwland-Husson S., Hoellinger P., Depresseux G., Houssiau F.A. OP26 (A069) POOR SLEEP QUALITY IN SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS: DOES IT DEPEND ON DEPRESSION? Tani C., Palagini L., Carli L., Signorini E., Vagnani S., Querci F., Gemignani A., Ciapparelli A., Bruno R.M., Ghiadoni L., Bombardieri S., Mosca M. Coffee Break Terpsichore D Hall 10.30 - 11.00 Poster viewing 15 Erato Hall th EUROPEAN LUPUS M E E T I N G April 23-26 2014 Hilton Athens Hotel, Athens, Greece Scientific Program Saturday, 26 April 2014 Terpsichore ABC Hall Time Clinical Symposium: Lupus and the Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) Chairs: H. Direskeneli and S. Rednic 11.00 - 13.00 Pathogenesis of APS. P. L. Meroni APS in SLE. M. Tektonidou Seronegative APS. M. Khamashta Catastrophic APS. R. Cervera 2 Selected oral presentations OP27 (A068) OUTCOME OF LONG-STANDING PRIMARY ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME: A SINGLE CENTER EXPERIENCE) Taraborelli M., Dall’Ara F., Reggia R., Andreoli L., Frassi M., Taglietti M., Franceschini F., Tincani A. OP28 (A107) SOCIAL SUPPORT AND HEALTH-RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE IN PATIENTS WITH ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID (HUGHES) SYNDROME Georgopoulou S., Efraimidou S., MacLennan S.J., Ibrahim F., Cox T. 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch Break Terpsichore D Hall 16 Scientific Program Saturday, 26 April 2014 Santorini Hall Time Clinical Symposium: Family Planning, Pregnancy and Neonatal Care Chairs: V. Hajiroussos and R. Ionescu 08.30 - 10.30 Family Planning and Fertility in SLE. P. Drakakis Lupus Pregnancy. A. Tincani Drugs in Pregnancy. M. Østensen Reproductive Health Concerns in Adolescents with SLE. E. Michala 2 Selected oral presentations OP29 (A099) RESOURCE USE IN PREGNANT WOMEN WITH SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS Petri M., Daly P., Pushparajah D.S. OP30 (A097) INFERTILITY AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES: OUR EXPIRIENCE IN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES Reggia R., Andreoli L., Lojacono A., Tincani A. Coffee Break Terpsichore D Hall 10.30 - 11.00 Poster viewing Erato Hall Clinical Symposium: Optimizing the care of SLE Chairs: Y. Sule, C. Yarboro and M. Kouloumas 11.00 - 13.00 Cost of illness and Burden on careers and productivity. M. Schneider Infections, vaccines and SLE. Y. Shoenfeld Lupus Charts and Quality Indicators. M. Mosca The Role of Nursing. S. Logan Lupus Care 2020: A patients’ perspective. M. Batziou 13.00 - 14.00 Lunch Break 14.00 - 18.00 Patient Related Activities Terpsichore D Hall Note Lectures: 20 min duration plus 5 min for questions. Oral Presentations: 8 min duration plus 2 min for questions. 17
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