Stormwater treatment Issue 3 Photo courtesy of the Geological and Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratory of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez. Contents Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) 2 Improving stormwater quality 3 Pollutant removal 3 Primary treatment 4 HumeGard® Gross Pollutant Trap 4 System operation 5 Independent verification testing 5 Options 6 Design information 7 Installation 7 Maintenance 7 Secondary treatment 8 HumeCeptor® hydrodynamic separator 8 System operation 9 Independent verification testing 10 Options 10 Design information 13 Installation 13 Maintenance 13 Tertiary treatment 14 JellyFish® filter 14 System operation 15 Options 17 Performance 18 Design information 18 Installation 18 Maintenance 18 References 18 Contact information 19 Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) Originating in the early 1990’s, Water Sensitive Urban Top: WSUD in practice Design (WSUD) was proposed as a method of designing urban developments to encompass all aspects of the urban water cycle. It aimed to integrate the stormwater, potable (drinking) water, and wastewater cycles to minimise the adverse impact of development. • protect water quality environmental values of surface and groundwater • minimise demand on the reticulated water supply system and utilise stormwater as a valued resource • minimise capital and maintenance costs of stormwater infrastructure and minimise sewage discharges to the natural environment Principles of WSUD are continually being refined, yet generally include the following: • protect existing natural features and ecological processes • integrate public open spaces with stormwater drainage corridors • maintain natural hydrologic behavior of catchments and preserve the natural water cycle 2 Stormwater treatment • integrate water into the landscape to enhance visual, social, cultural and ecological values. Source: Dept. of Environment Resources and Management 2010. For Humes and its parent company, Holcim Ltd, sustainable development is a key priority. Our stormwater treatment products demonstrate our commitment to protecting the environment. Stormwater treatment Improving stormwater quality Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation (MUSIC) Stormwater runoff from urban areas has been shown to contain a wide variety of pollutants from MUSIC software was developed as an assessment tool both natural and man-made sources, with key for designers and authorities to identify appropriate contaminants including: stormwater treatment measures to achieve the above WQO for new urban development proposals. • sediment/suspended solids • litter • nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) Pollutant removal • heavy metals • pesticides Treatment trains • hydrocarbons (oil and grease) • micro-biological organisms. To effectively treat stormwater runoff, it is necessary to utilise different treatment processes to target different To minimise the impact of pollutants on receiving pollutants; the combination of which is typically referred waterways many authorities have now set specific to as a ‘treatment train’. Water Quality Objectives (WQO) for the treatment of stormwater runoff from new developments. Due to the Figure 1 demonstrates how specific pollutants must be complexity and variability of stormwater runoff, and targeted by higher level treatment measures and how it climatic changes across Australia, many authorities is helpful to separate them into primary, secondary, and have different WQO with load reductions of 80% tertiary categories. Total Suspended Solids (TSS), 50% Total Nitrogen (TN), and 50% Total Phosphorous (TP) typical. Figure 1 – Treatment measure selection guide Table 2 – (adapted Volume fi lterEcological selectionEngineering 2003) from Hydraulic Particle size grading Treatment measures loading (Qdes/Afacility) Gross solids 1,000,000 m/yr >5,000 µm 100,000 m/yr Coarse to medium 50,000 m/yr sized particulates 5,000 m/yr 5,000 µm - 125 µm Fine particulates 2,500 m/yr 125 µm - 10 µm 1,000 m/yr Very fine/colloidal 500 m/yr particulates 50 m/yr 10 µm - 0.45 µm Dissolved particles 10 m/yr < 0.45 µm Primary Secondary Tertiary Stormwater treatment 3 Primary treatment HumeGard® Gross Pollutant Trap The HumeGard® system is a Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT) that is specifically designed to remove gross pollutants and coarse sediments ≥ 150 microns, from stormwater runoff. A wide range of models are available to provide solutions for normal and super-critical flow conditions. The patented HumeGard® GPT incorporates a unique • It has low operational velocities floating boom and bypass chamber to enable the Flow velocity in the storage chamber is <0.2 m/s to continued capture of floating material, even during peak ensure the comb self-cleans and improves settling of flows. The configuration also prevents re-suspension coarse sediment. and release of trapped materials during subsequent storm events. The HumeGard® GPT is designed for residential and commercial developments where litter and sediment are the target pollutants. It is particularly useful in retrofit • It retains floating material even in bypass All GPTs bypass at high flows. The patented floating boom will capture and retain floating materials even when bypass occurs. • It provides cost effective treatment for litter and applications or drainage systems on flat grades where coarse sediments low head loss requirements are critical, and in high The system’s large capacity and long maintenance backwater situations. intervals reduces the overall lifecycle costs in comparison with other treatment measures. The value of the HumeGard® GPT has proven it to • It can reduce the footprint of the stormwater be one of the most successful treatment devices in treatment train Australia today: Installation of a HumeGard® GPT prior to vegetated treatment measures can assist in reducing their • The system provides high performance with negligible head loss The HumeGard® GPT has a head loss ‘k’ factor of 0.2, important for retrofit and surcharging systems. • It captures and stores a large volume of pollutants For pollutant export rates reported by Australia Runoff Quality (1 m3/hectare/year), the HumeGard® GPT is sized for maintenance intervals up to annual durations. • It uses independently proven technology The system was developed and tested by Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, in 1998, to demonstrate compliance with operational criteria from the Victorian EPA. 4 Stormwater treatment overall footprint. • It maximises above ground land use The HumeGard® GPT is a fully trafficable solution, so it can be installed under pavements and hardstands to maximise land use on constrained sites. • It is easy to maintain Cleanout of the HumeGard® GPT can be performed safely and effectively from the surface using a vacuum truck. • It is made from quality componentry All internal metal components are made from 304 stainless steel or fibreglass, and the system undergoes rigorous quality control prior to dispatch. Stormwater treatment System operation Figure 2 – HumeGard® system operation during design flow conditions The HumeGard® GPT utilises the processes of physical filtration and floatation/sedimentation to separate the litter and coarse sediment from stormwater runoff. It incorporates an upper bypass chamber diverting treatable flows via a floating boom (refer to Figure 2), and a lower treatment chamber for settling and filtering coarse pollutants from the flow. For more details on the operation of the HumeGard® GPT refer to the technical manual. Independent verification testing Laboratory and field testing of the HumeGard® GPT for hydraulic performance and litter capture was conducted in Australia by Swinburne University of Technology, during 1996 and 1998. Laboratory and field testing (Waste Management Council of Victoria 1998, Trinh 2007, Woods 2005, Swinburne University of Technology 2000) has proven the performance outlined in Table 1 below. Table 1 – HumeGard® GPT performance summary Pollutant Removal efficiency Details Gross pollutants (litter, vegetation) 90% Annually Sediment 99% Prior to bypass, for >150 micron particles 85% Annually (including bypass) Hydrocarbons 90% In an emergency spill event Nutrients (TN, TP) 20% Particulate-bound Notes: 1. Nutrient removal is influenced by individual catchment characteristics and partitioning between dissolved and particulate nitrogen. 2. For further details on performance testing contact Humes. 3. Gross pollutant traps are not specifically designed to capture hydrocarbons, though may do so during emergency spill events. When this occurs, maintenance is required immediately. 4. The unique design of the HumeGard® floating boom allows it to be modified to treat higher flows and capture more gross pollutants and sediment on request. Stormwater treatment 5 Options • Angled HumeGard® GPT – designed to replace a 45° or 90° junction in a drainage network. A wide range of sizes are available to suit catchment • Dual outlet HumeGard® GPT – designed to divert the pollutant generation rates and Water Quality Objectives Q3mth to downstream natural Water Sensitive Urban (WQO). Table 2 below presents the standard units, Design (WSUD) elements such as wetlands and their dimensions and the total storage volume. bio-retention whilst bypassing excess flows through a second outlet. We recommend that designers contact Humes for • Inundated applications – the HumeGard® GPT can be detailed sizing on each project and for advice with modified to accommodate temporary and permanent larger units. inundation of the drainage network. For more details on the variants and their application Variants refer to the HumeGard® GPT technical manual. A number of additional innovations have been made to the HumeGard® GPT to facilitate their effective operation in a wider range of applications: • Super-critical HumeGard® GPT – designed to operate under supercritical flow conditions in steep, high velocity drainage networks. Table 2 – HumeGard® model range and dimensions Pipe diameter or box culvert width (mm) Width (m) Length (m) Depth from pipe invert (m) Total pollutant capacity (m3) HG12 300 - 375 1.8 2.0 1.39 2.0 HG15 450 - 525 1.8 2.0 1.36 2.0 HG18 525 - 675 2.0 2.1 1.10 2.5 HG22 675 - 825 2.5 2.5 1.25 6.0 HG24 600 - 825 2.7 2.5 1.70 6.8 HG27 750 3.0 2.5 1.60 6.7 HG30 750 - 900 3.4 2.5 2.20 10.6 HG30A 900 3.4 2.5 1.90 9.7 HG35 900 3.9 2.5 2.00 11.3 1,050 3.9 2.5 1.80 10.2 900 4.4 2.9 2.00 14.5 HG40A 1,050 4.4 2.9 1.80 13.2 HG40B 1,200 4.4 2.9 1.60 8.9 HG45 1,200 4.9 2.9 2.10 18.3 HG45A 1,350 4.9 3.2 1.90 18.0 >1,500 5.3 3.5 2.00 >20.0 HumeGard® model HG35A HG40 HG50 and larger Note: The unique design of the HumeGard® floating boom allows it to be modified to treat a wide range of flowrates. Contact Humes for details on the model to suit your project. 6 Stormwater treatment Left: HumeGard® Gross Pollutant Trap To design a system suitable for your project it is necessary to review the configuration of the stormwater system, the location and purpose of other stormwater management (WSUD) controls, the catchment area and the hydrology. Refer to the HumeGard® GPT technical manual for a step by step process or contact Humes for assistance. MUSIC/pollutant export model inputs Many local authorities utilise MUSIC or other pollutant export models to assist in stormwater treatment train selection, and recommend generic inputs for GPTs. Considering these against the independent research results, the following conservative removal efficiencies Construction sequence (refer to Table 3 below) are recommended for the HumeGard® GPT on an annual basis (i.e. no bypass). Table 3 – MUSIC inputs for the HumeGard® GPT Pollutant The HumeGard® unit is installed as follows: 1. Prepare the geotextile and aggregate base. 2. Install the main treatment chamber section. 3. Install the main bypass chamber section/s (if required). Removal efficiency Gross pollutants (litter, vegetation) 90% TSS 50% Nutrients (TN, TP) 20% 4. Fit the stainless steel comb (if required). 5. Connect the inlet and outlet pipes. 6. Place the main chamber lid. 7. Install the frame and access covers. Maintenance Installation The design of the HumeGard® GPT means that The installation of the HumeGard® unit should conform maintenance is best performed by vacuum trucks or to the local authority’s specifications for stormwater baskets (available upon request), both of which avoid pit construction. Detailed installation instructions are entry into the unit. dispatched with each unit. Stormwater treatment 7 Stormwater treatment Design information Secondary treatment HumeCeptor® hydrodynamic separator The HumeCeptor® system is a patented hydrodynamic separator, specifically designed to remove hydrocarbons and suspended solids from stormwater runoff, preventing spills and minimising non-point source pollution entering downstream waterways. The HumeCeptor® system is an underground, precast Right: HumeCeptor® system concrete stormwater treatment solution that utilises hydrodynamic and gravitational separation to efficiently remove Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and entrained hydrocarbons from runoff. First designed as an ‘at source’ solution for constrained, commercial and industrial sites it has been improved and expanded to service large catchments, mine and quarry sites, inundated drainage systems, and capture large volume emergency spill events. The system is ideal for hardstands/wash bays, car parks, shopping centres, industrial/commercial warehouses, petrol stations, airports, major road infrastructure applications, quarries, mine sites and production facilities. Independently tested, and installed in over 30,000 projects worldwide, the HumeCeptor® system provides effective, and reliable secondary treatment of stormwater for constrained sites. • Each device is sized to achieve the necessary Water Quality Objectives (WQO) on an annual basis Utilising the latest build-up and wash-off algorithms, • The system reliably removes a high level of TSS ensures that the device chosen achieves the desired The HumeCeptor® system was developed specifically WQO (e.g. 80% TSS removal) on an annual basis. to remove fine suspended solids and hydrocarbons from stormwater, and has been certified to achieve high pollutant removal efficiencies for TSS (>80%) and Total Nutrients (TN) (>30%) on an annual basis. • It captures and retains hydrocarbons and TSS down The HumeCeptor® system’s technology has been assessed by independent verification authorities including the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), The Washington Department of Environment (USA), and by the Each system is specifically designed to maintain low Canadian Environmental Technology Verification treatment chamber velocities to capture and retain TSS program (ETV). oils from stormwater. 8 • Its performance has been independently verified to 10 microns down to 10 microns. It also removes up to 98% of free PCSWMM software for the HumeCeptor® system and hydrocarbons Stormwater treatment Stormwater treatment • The system is proven System operation The HumeCeptor® system was one of the first stormwater treatment devices introduced to Australia, The HumeCeptor® system slows incoming stormwater and now after 30,000 installations worldwide, its to create a non-turbulent treatment environment popularity is testament to its performance, quality and (refer to Figure 3 below), allowing free oils and debris value for money. to rise and sediment to settle. Each HumeCeptor® • High flows won’t scour captured sediment system maintains continuous positive treatment of TSS, The unique design of the HumeCeptor® unit ensures regardless of flow rate, treating a wide range of particle that as flows increase and exceed the treatment flow, sizes, as well as free oils, heavy metals and nutrients that the velocity in the storage chamber decreases. attach to fine sediment. • Nutrients are captured along with the sediment The effective capture of TSS results in the capture of particulate nutrients shown to be >30% of TN and Total Phosphorous (TP). • Designs allow for emergency spill storage, directional The HumeCeptor® system’s patented scour prevention technology then ensures pollutants are captured and contained during all rainfall events. For more detail on the operation of the HumeCeptor® system refer to the technical manual. change, multiple pipes and tidal inundation A new range of HumeCeptor® systems are now available, built specifically to manage emergency spills (50,000 L storage), change of pipe directions, the Figure 3 – HumeCeptor® system operation during design flow condition joining of multiple pipes, or to manage high tail water levels as a result of tides or downstream water bodies. • Fully trafficable to suit land use up to Class G The HumeCeptor® system is a fully trafficable solution, it can be installed under pavements and hardstands to maximise above ground land use. Stormwater treatment 9 Independent verification testing of Environment Protection (NJDEP) and Washington Department of Environment (WDOE). The HumeCeptor® system has been extensively researched by more than 15 independent authorities A number of agencies have conducted independent to validate its performance; it has now gained studies; their results from these studies (over 100 test Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) events) have been summarised in Table 4. certificates from ETV Canada, New Jersey Department Table 4 – HumeCeptor® systems performance summary Pollutant Average removal efficiency Details TSS 80% Laboratory and field results, stable, hardstand, roads, commercial and industrial sites TN 53% Field results TP 37% Field results Chromium 44% Field results Copper 29% Field results TPH 65% <10 ppm inflow concentration 95% 10 ppm - 50 ppm inflow concentration (typical stormwater) 99% >500 ppm inflow concentration (emergency spills) Note: Detailed reports are presented in the HumeCeptor® system technical manual. Options There are a number of HumeCeptor® systems available to meet the requirements of various WQO maintaining catchments and local hydrology. The standard range is detailed in Table 5 below. Table 5 – HumeCeptor® model range and details HumeCeptor® model STC 2 (inlet) Pipe diameter (mm) 100 - 600 Device diameter (mm) Depth from pipe invert* (m) Sediment capacity (m3) 1,200 1.70 1 1.68 2 2.13 3 3.03 5 2.69 6 3.69 10 3.44 14 4.04 18 3.84 20 STC 3 STC 5 1,800 STC 7 STC 9 STC 14 STC 18 STC 23 STC 27 100 - 1,200 2,440 3,060 3,600 Note: *Depths are approximate. Larger inlet pipe diameters can be accommodated - contact Humes for further information. 10 Stormwater treatment Oil capacity (l) 350 Total storage capacity (l) 1,740 3,410 1,020 4,550 6,820 1,900 9,090 13,640 2,980 18,180 22,730 4,290 27,270 Stormwater treatment Variants Figure 4 – HumeCeptor® STC 2 (inlet) model Continual improvement over the last 14 years of HumeCeptor® systems installation has provided a number of enhancements to address specific treatment and design requirements. • HumeCeptor® STC 2 (inlet) model This model features a grated inlet to directly capture runoff from hardstand areas, replacing the need for a stormwater pit (refer to Figure 4). • AquaCeptor™ model This model has been designed with a weir extension and high level secondary inlet to increase the level at which flows bypass the treatment chamber, and accommodate downstream tail water levels or periodic inundation (e.g. tidal situations). Figure 5 displays Figure 5 – AquaCeptor™ model the AquaCeptor™ model - these are available in the same sizes as the standard HumeCeptor® units (refer to Table 5 on page 10). • MultiCeptor™ model The MultiCeptor™ model was developed to facilitate the replacement of junction pits while still providing the treatment abilities of the original HumeCeptor® system and reducing time and costs during installation. The MultiCeptor™ model is available in the same sizes as the standard HumeCeptor® units (refer Table 6 below) and a 2,440 mm diameter MultiCeptor™ unit is also available to accommodate drainage networks up to 1,800 mm diameter. Table 6 – MultiCeptor™ model range and details HumeCeptor® model Pipe diameter (mm) Device diameter (mm) Depth from pipe invert (m) MI3 MI5 2 2.13 3 3.03 5 2.69 6 3.69 10 3.44 14 4.04 18 3.84 20 4,290 27,270 2.69 - 3.84 6 - 20 1,900 - 4,290 9,090 - 27,270 1,800 MI14 100 - 1,350 MI18 MI27 MI9 - MI27 (2,440) 2,440 3,060 MI23 3,600 100 - 1,800 2,440 top up to 3,600 base Total storage capacity (l) Oil capacity (l) 1.68 MI7 MI9 Sediment capacity (m3) 3,410 1,020 4,550 6,820 1,900 9,090 13,640 2,980 18,180 22,730 Stormwater treatment 11 Figure 6 – DuoCeptor™ model • DuoCeptor™ model The DuoCeptor™ model has been developed to treat larger catchments (2 Ha – 6 Ha) as some constrained developments can only accommodate a single, large device instead of several smaller devices. Figure 6 displays the DuoCeptor™ model and Table 7 details the range of capacities available. • HumeCeptor EOS™ model The HumeCeptor EOS™ (Emergency Oil Spill) system provides you with the maximum protection against hydrocarbon spills at petrol stations, highway interchanges and intersections. It combines the passive, always-operating functions of the HumeCeptor® system, with additional emergency storage to capture the volume of spill required by your road authority. • HumeCeptor MAX™ model The HumeCeptor MAX™ model was developed to meet the market need for a single, large, end-of-pipe solution for TSS removal. Utilising the HumeCeptor® system’s proven capture and scour prevention technology, it is ideal for very large commercial and industrial sites (>6 Ha) that need to achieve at least 50% TSS removal and hydrocarbon capture. The HumeCeptor MAX™ model can be expanded to almost any capacity required. For more details on the variants and their application refer to the HumeCeptor® system technical manual. Table 7 – DuoCeptor™ model range and details DuoCeptor™ model Pipe diameter (mm) STC 40 STC 50 STC 60 12 Stormwater treatment 600 - 1,500 Device footprint (L x W) 7,750 x 3,500 9,150 x 4,200 Depth from pipe invert (m) Sediment capacity (m3) Oil capacity (l) Total storage capacity (l) 3.41 27 10,585 42,370 4.01 35 10,585 50,525 3.89 42 11,560 60,255 Installation To design a system suitable for your project it is Installation procedures Stormwater treatment Design information necessary to review the configuration of the stormwater system, the location and purpose of other stormwater The installation of the HumeCeptor® unit should management (WSUD) controls, the catchment area conform in general to local authority’s specifications and the hydrology. Refer to the HumeCeptor® system for stormwater pit construction. Detailed installation technical manual for further details. instructions are dispatched with each unit. MUSIC/pollutant export model inputs Construction sequence Many local authorities utilise MUSIC or other pollutant The HumeCeptor® unit is installed in sections as follows: export models to assist in stormwater treatment train selection, and recommend generic inputs for GPTs and hydrodynamic separators. Considering these against the independent research results, and PCSWMM modelling used to size a HumeCeptor® unit, the following conservative removal efficiencies (refer to Table 8) are recommended on an annual basis (i.e. no bypass). 1. Prepare the geotextile and aggregate base. 2. Install the treatment chamber base section. 3. Install the treatment chamber section/s (if required). 4. Prepare the transition slab (if required). 5. Install the bypass chamber section. 6. Fit the inlet drop pipe and decant pipe (if required). 7. Connect inlet and outlet pipes as required. 8. Prepare the transition slab. 9. Install the maintenance access chamber section. (if required). Table 8 – MUSIC inputs for the HumeCeptor® system Pollutant 10. Install the frame and access cover/grate. Removal efficiency TSS 80% TN 30% TP 30% Maintenance The design of the HumeCeptor® system means that maintenance is generally conducted with a vacuum truck which avoids entry into the unit. Stormwater treatment 13 Tertiary treatment JellyFish® filter The JellyFish® filter is a tertiary stormwater treatment system featuring membrane filtration to provide exceptional pollutant removal at high treatment flow rates with minimal head loss and low maintenance costs. The JellyFish® filter uses gravity, flow rotation, and up-flow membrane filtration to provide tertiary treatment to stormwater in an underground structure. Using unique filtration cartridges, each JellyFish® filter provides a large membrane surface area, resulting in high flow rates and pollutant removal capacity. The JellyFish® filter efficiently captures a high level of stormwater pollutants, including: • Total Suspended Solids (TSS), median removal efficiency of 89%, including particles down to two microns • Total Nitrogen (TN), median removal efficiency of 51% • Total Phosphorous (TP), median removal efficiency of 59% • The system provides tertiary level performance with a small footprint The proven performance of the JellyFish® filter and high flow rate membranes enables water quality objectives to be met with a smaller footprint system than typical bioretention systems. • It has been independently researched and proven The JellyFish® filter has been independently researched under laboratory conditions in Australia and both laboratory and field conditions in the United States. In the United States, it has received verification under the stringent New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT) protocol. • It treats higher flow rates than most filters • Total Copper (Cu), median removal efficiency of 90% Each filter cartridge has an effective filter area of • Total Zinc (Zn), median removal efficiency of 70%. 35.4 m2 designed to treat 5 litres per second (L/s) through operational filters. Designed as a polishing device for constrained sites, the • Above-ground land use is maintained JellyFish® filter is available in a range of sizes to cater for The system is assembled within a fully-trafficable, both at-source and end-of-pipe solutions. precast concrete structure for underground installations on constrained sites, allowing maximum use for above-ground activities. • Maintenance is easy The filter backwashes after peak flows so it can self-clean several times in each storm event. Manual rinsing is recommended annually. When cartridge replacement is required (usually three to five years), it is a safe and simple process. 14 Stormwater treatment Stormwater treatment System operation Large, heavy particles fall to the sump (sedimentation) and low specific gravity pollutants rise to the surface As a tertiary treatment system, the JellyFish® filter (floatation) behind the Maintenance Access Wall is designed to be an “offline” structure, as part of a (MAW). Treatment begins when flow enters the system treatment train. For effective operation, the system through the inlet pipe (standard). Below-deck inlet pipes requires a difference in elevation between upstream and are offered as an option where pipe invert levels are downstream water levels. Typically, a minimum 455 mm already deep. of driving head is designed into the system. For more details, refer to the JellyFish® filter technical manual. Influent enters the MAW zone and passes through a large opening in the deck to the lower chamber. The large The JellyFish® filter uses gravity, flow rotation and deck opening and change in flow direction attenuate the membrane filtration treatment to remove pollutants influent flow velocity. Buoyant pollutants remain on the from stormwater runoff. These functions are depicted in surface in the MAW zone. Flow into the lower chamber Figure 9 below. must then pass tangentially around the separator skirt protecting the cartridges and increasing flowpath length. Gravitational forces remove coarse sediment (generally Coarse sediment settles out of the MAW zone into >50 microns), particulate-bound pollutants (nutrients, the sump. toxic metals, hydrocarbons), free oil and floatable trash and debris (that may bypass upstream primary As water flows tangentially around the separator skirt in treatment devices). the lower chamber, the large opening in the bottom of the separator skirt and upward change in direction Figure 9 – JellyFish® filter components and functions Maintenance access wall Outlet Inlet Backwash pool High-flow cartridges Cartridge deck Draindown cartridge Separator skirt Gravitational particles settling Flow rotation Stormwater treatment 15 further reduces flow velocity and enhances particle the backwash pool, the draindown cartridge provides separation. As a result, sediment settles in the sump. treatment at a reduced flow rate (2.5 L/s) and allows the treated water captured in the backwash pool to return Flows pass through the cartridge in the filtration zone. through the cartridges and balance water pressure as the Each filter cartridge consists of multiple tentacles. storm event ends. Uniform hydraulic pressure across the entire membrane surface causes water to penetrate the filtration tentacles. As particles build up on the external membrane surface, Water enters the membrane pores radially and deposits the pores progressively become smaller. This process, fine particulates on the exterior membrane surface. referred to as “filter ripening”, significantly improves Filtered water flows into the centre drain tube of each the removal efficiency relative to a brand new or clean tentacle, the water then flows upward and out the top. membrane. Filter ripening accounts for the ability of the JellyFish® filter to remove particles finer than the Water exiting the top of the tentacles combines under nominal pore size (20 microns) rating of the membranes. the lid, where the combined flow exits the cartridge through the orifice with a pulsating fountain effect into An animation of the JellyFish® filter operation and the backwash pool. maintenance is available on our website. For more detail on the operation of the JellyFish® filter, refer to the When the water level in the backwash pool exceeds JellyFish® filter technical manual. the weir height it overflows to the outlet pipe. Outside Figure 10 – JellyFish® filter offline arrangement without diversion weir JellyFish® unit outlet I.L. is 455 mm lower than I.L. of high flow bypass inlet Diversion chamber inlet Low flo w w Lo flo w High flow bypass Bypass inlet I.L. is 455 mm higher than JellyFish® unit outlet JellyFish® unit Diversion chamber Collection chamber Figure 11 – JellyFish® filter offline arrangement with diversion weir JellyFish® unit outlet I.L. is 455 mm lower than top of weir wall Diversion chamber inlet Low flo w w Lo flo w High flow bypass Top of weir is 455 mm higher than I.L. of JellyFish® unit outlet Diversion chamber 16 Stormwater treatment JellyFish® unit Collection chamber Stormwater treatment Options The JellyFish® filter can be customised to suit your project requirements. As each treatment train is unique and units are designed to match surface levels, contact Humes for assistance, however, Table 9 below can be used as a guide. Table 9 – JellyFish® filter model range and details JellyFish® model Number of highflow cartridges Number of draindown cartridges Inlet pipe diameters (mm) Treatment flow (L/s) JF1200-1-1 1 7.5 JF1200-2-1 2 12.5 JF1800-3-1 3 JF1800-4-1 4 JF1800-5-1 5 JF1800-6-1 6 32.5 JF2400-6-2 6 35.0 JF2400-7-2 7 40.0 JF2400-8-2 8 JF2400-9-2 9 50.0 JF2400-10-2 10 55.0 JF3000-11-3 11 JF3000-12-3 12 JF3000-12-4 12 70.0 JF3000-13-4 13 75.0 JF3000-14-4 14 80.0 JF3000-15-4 15 85.0 JF3000-16-4 16 JF3000-17-4 17 95.0 JF3000-18-4 18 100.0 JF3000-19-4 19 105.0 JF3600-20-5 20 112.5 JF3600-21-5 21 JF3600-22-5 22 JF3600-23-5 23 JF3600-24-5 24 JF3600-25-5 25 137.5 JF3600-26-5 26 142.5 JF3600-27-5 27 147.5 Nominal structure diameter (mm) 1,200 17.5 1 150 - 225 2 22.5 27.5 45.0 1,800 2,400 62.5 3 225 - 300 4 67.5 3,000 90.0 300 - 375 117.5 122.5 127.5 5 132.5 3,600 Note: Designers should allow for upstream and downstream bypass pits and a bypass pipe link in a triangular configuration as per Fig. 10 and 11. Stormwater treatment 17 Performance Design information The JellyFish® filter has been designed to provide tertiary To design a system suitable for your project it is necessary level treatment and should be combined with a Gross to determine the configuration of the stormwater Pollutant Trap (GPT) as part of a treatment train to ensure system, the location and purpose of other stormwater optimal performance. management WSUD controls, the catchment area and the hydrology. Tailwater conditions, bypass requirements and inlet level can also influence the selected design. Treatment efficiency Refer to the JellyFish® filter technical manual for further details or contact Humes for assistance. Extensive research of the JellyFish® filter has proven its performance under Australian laboratory and US field conditions. Field testing in the United States has received Installation independent verification under the stringent New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology (NJCAT) protocol. The JellyFish® filter can be installed by a civil or plumbing The results are summarised in Table 14 below. contractor in much the same way as a manhole or other stormwater drainage structure. It is supplied on-site in separate, easily identifiable components, with an Table 14 – JellyFish® filter performance summary Pollutant Median reduction upstream bypass pit and downstream junction pit. Note that these upstream and downstream pits are at an additional cost. TSS 89% TP 59% The JellyFish® filter is lowered into place by a crane or TN 51% excavator, the components interlock and the tapered Cu 90% surround can be rotated to match a surface grade (if the Zn 70% system is located in road pavement). The system arrives Total oil and grease 62% to the site with the internal parts fully assembled. Reference: University of Florida (2011). Maintenance Maintenance of the JellyFish® filter is performed via an eduction truck to remove the sediment. When required, the depleted cartridges are manually removed and replaced. References Reports and research papers have been published to substantiate the performance of the JellyFish® filter; these are available at 18 Stormwater treatment Stormwater treatment Contact information National sales 1300 361 601 [email protected] Head Office New South Wales Tasmania 18 Little Cribb St Grafton Launceston Milton QLD 4064 Ph: (02) 6644 7666 Ph: (03) 6335 6300 Ph: (07) 3364 2800 Fax: (02) 6644 7313 Fax: (03) 6335 6330 Fax: (07) 3364 2963 Newcastle South Australia Ph: (02) 4032 6800 Queensland Fax: (02) 4032 6822 Adelaide Ipswich/Brisbane Sydney Ph: (08) 8168 4544 Ph: (07) 3814 9000 Ph: (02) 9832 5555 Fax: (08) 8168 4549 Fax: (07) 3814 9014 Fax: (02) 9625 5200 Rockhampton Tamworth Ph: (07) 4924 7900 Ph: (02) 6763 7300 Fax: (07) 4924 7901 Fax: (02) 6763 7301 Western Australia Gnangara Ph: (08) 9302 8000 Sunshine Coast Ph: (07) 5472 9700 Fax: (08) 9309 1625 Victoria Perth Fax: (07) 5472 9711 Echuca Ph: (08) 9351 6999 Townsville Ph: (03) 5480 2371 Fax: (08) 9351 6977 Ph: (07) 4758 6000 Fax: (03) 5482 3090 Fax: (07) 4758 6001 Northern Territory Melbourne Ph: (03) 9360 3888 Darwin Fax: (03) 9360 3887 Ph: (08) 8984 1600 Fax: (08) 8984 1614 Stormwater treatment 19 National sales 1300 361 601 [email protected] A Division of Holcim Australia This publication supersedes all previous literature on this subject. As the specifications and details contained in this publication may change please check with Humes Customer Service for confirmation of current issue. This publication provided general information only and is no substitute for professional engineering advice. No representations or warranty is made regarding the accuracy, completeness or relevance of the information provided. Users must make their own determination as to the suitability of this information and any Humes’ product for their specific circumstances. Humes accepts no liability for any loss or damage resulting from any reliance on the information provided in this publication. Humes is a registered trademark and a registered business name of Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd. HumeGard and HumeCeptor, are registered trademarks of Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd. StormTrap is a registered trademark of StormTrap LLC. JellyFish is a registered trademark of Imbrium Systems Inc, Canada and is used in Australia under license. JellyFish is registered pursuant to Australian Patent Application No. 2008286748 (PCT/US08/73311), US Patent Application No. 11/839,303 and 12/014,888 and International Publication No. WO 2009/023832 A1. © May 2014 Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 87 099 732 297. All rights reserved. This guide or any part of it may not be reproduced without prior written consent of Holcim.
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