lDgtdDt orTuDrrrrcfi ueboapodogorb edre#Bu'i / 6grbu edie5lBur'? ornSirq* en@fipigr auduglli: sro66!u[L qoouur-r.ir PAN (unor with Attestation at titp of the imag€ orr*66oerr66 erllugLb eur*duilor ourui' ungp arnird Esng qro@ruJ ornidulteh oarr66 JF$",froli IFSG code opg1rb MICR code ggirfluafiop 6Gp .56uuT6(q' eiafoi IFSC MICR 1. onLDq* enor,nil,alir Bs t 6g,rs$ uo6nDq onuqnci ueboeloriopa$$eb BriiqsuLrb I @Grbu grila5gFurb 6uoun4pg,t an$D5l oonefoip6,riidpmi erorE anewglp$ oipnirgsorGpor. 6utb: pnrft: ouu.li : u,Ocfl : ou1b0l6'l(Drb Olan*oooerr Ggrfle$ unri!;Sit, Ot6'rrri eoo6lu:nuut-b otsa' u$q au$p ot$onrfl (grp$eorqr-or) 2. do /$oro$. Goaloujlaneel.o / upr ,rf;rufagru uanfr* cnsry{lFLD lDgildDf am-oqneft uebsooriagadrrBe.il S'Lo$dur.b / Ot$rbu griLa5lBu.4b auiiEel6rb (et) OtgaJij gmpugGon orebogl otgar otnirdcngrb 6lu$p GoE o;igaopu"iGom uetldlqduetllbpo erorE sOtS a.EudarGpor. Oteborgrt ............ s-rBrurb S:...... ..,..... (eb) ...ory6.S glaogu$rb d$d;anglrb ongnggg elsgur eftdp$$dt uornqd8orGgmr. Otrguuaor- Omerllaoa:uurp q18.....,.......... (6) ............. tgG6u grirqg$urb ou,Dgr or6dorGpan. t. orrpuuaor- grirqgduro tD......:.:.:..... €raellloouurg @............. Outb: Einefu : , 3, uou, GDE..uJruuLb .....:::.'.......'....'......."..'........'.::"... o5duJ pnor rogaog onugncn uoboenodogra$Sd O$rbu griro4$ruib *eteihrnE gupOpOO. pnendqSpS,r 6ppneiroooy ngt SO'roqrrb o6dr6l6lon6honetik$aDo oorqrb 6'lcrir6ilSlsrTdiruneb e--flut gmopuJlrir ueboalo6ogabflbg opiluruu6$S;Goro, oanE$ u*OtS algdcgror. 6ub: pneft: eoe0u:nuud +. ,4Cuoamd ufrJrtt e_gFemnHfl (ono6$6rorp uriloaoodogo eeglurfl or ros6uro6ir 7 raosire6q'dr15 Lou$rb) .....:4.:,......:,.'.......,...j..............'.'.'.... €bdtu pnor r-o6eog anugno* uebaoar6opa$$ei: tgr6lbu grirq5aflrurb *oreilouE gtupOtgOtb. pnendOEgr QDOndroraof LDgt Sqql,eunrb ocd-rguaonetusneffrnano srme4r.b ocd.t6oonafulndr e-rflu gaoglu3rb uebearodogab$bA ogrflruriu@$grlGarorerorgrb e-UrS mrgrdGptrr. 6urb: gne.fi: oot8Otr apilliporeoguir$ Go@puurr- 6r-rb: pnrft : 6turuli upcfl : eflugrdoeh oo6lunuuD eeoangiglrb e-6wrot, ororE; anorpoflrird6D66r. 6DS6IlunUUlD : otsn u$q oufrp orpBonrn @)gg6DgqLcur) MADURAI KAMARAJ UNIVERSITY PENSIONER / F'AMILY PENSIONEN. LIFE CERTIFtrCATE P6nsiona/s Recent Photo with Atestation at.top PAN NUUBER of the image Name DETAILS OF BANK Name of the Bank Address Pensioner Number (in alphanumeric A/c.No. Phone tFsc Mobile MICR I - LIFE CERTI.FICATE Certified that I have seen the Pensioner / Family Pensioner. g,{ame in block letters) ofMadurai Kamaraj University and that he / she is alive on this date. Name Place: Date Signature ofthe Gazetted : Officer with Office seal Designation II - NON-EMPLOYMENT / RE-EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATE : : I,,,,..!i,,r,.,r,r,., Pensioner ofMadurai Kamaraj University declare that, i) I have not been serving in any capacity either in the State or Central Goverffnent. (or) ii) I have beenemployed/re-employedinthe offrce of .. which is apart ofthe State / Central Government andhave receivedthe followingmonthly rates ofcrnolurnents. Basic Paypermonth :Rs. iii) DeamessAllowance :Rs. 0f...,.... I have received the following monthly Pension in the office is the part ofthe State / Central Government. I) Basic Pension Rs.. . ..,. ..which D.A.Rs......... Place: Date: Signature III - CERTIFICATE OF NON - RE-MARRIAGE (Applicable to widows only) University hereby declare that I have not-re-married and I undertake to report such an event, if any hoppened, promptly to the University. Place: Date: Signature IV . CERTIFICATE OF' NON . M.{,RRIAGE (applicable only for the wards (son/daughter) of the University deceased staff) ............ of (Name in block letters), Family Pensiqnor I, Madurai Kamaraj University hereby declarqthat Ihave not married duringthepastyearand Iam now..1.,..,.,.,!....,.,...... years of old. Place: Date: Signature I certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the above declarations Place: : Date Name: Designation: are ooxreat. Signature of the Gazetted Officer 'with Ofiise seal
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