M INNESOTA C ONTEMPORARY Q UILTERS NEWS M ARCH —A PRIL 2015 WWW.MNCONTEMPORARYQUILTERS.NET M ARCH 23 MEETING — R EADING H ISTORIC E MBROIDERY : T HE I NTERACTION OF L ITERATURE AND N EEDLEWORK IN R ENAISSANCE C ULTURE N ICOLE L A B OUFF , P H D, A SSISTANT C URATOR OF T EXTILES , D ECORATIVE A RTS , T EXTILES , AND S CULPTURE , M INNEAPOLIS I NSTITUTE OF A RTS 6:30 P . M . T EXTILE C ENTER The golden age of English embroidery coincided with successive waves of religious reform, the beginning of the scientific revolution, late humanism, and the diffusion of printed texts and literacy, yet needlework is often regarded as a uniquely feminine and domestic practice that was isolated from these broader cultural movements. This lecture reinterprets a famous set of embroideries jointly produced by Mary Queen of Scots and Bess of Hardwick, alongside related examples, demonstrating the ways in which the needle arts supported women’s reading of religious, classical, and scientific texts during a pivotal phase in history. As seen from this vantage point, the needle emerges as a literary aid, and decorative furnishings as material manifestations of thought. A PRIL 27 MEETING —D OMESTIC B LISS S UE H EINZ 6:30 P . M . T EXTILE C ENTER Excited about free-motion quilting on your domestic machine but perhaps a bit anxious about how to start? Come and see how having step-by-step instructions can equal future success. With over 25 years of domestic freemotion experience, Sue will share all of her favorite tools, tips, tricks and even some of her unique designs, to help get you on the right path towards achieving blissful quilting. Ahhhhhh! Sue’s presentation will take two hours, with her providing a hands-on demonstration of her techniques. The meeting time therefore will be extended. NEWS P AGE 2 MCQ Board CHAIR Tina Hughes 651-645-0945 [email protected] VICE CHAIR Zeeda Magnusson 612-825-4755 [email protected] PROGRAM Peggy Wright 651-698-2760 [email protected] EXHIBITS Barb Bonifas 763-568-7746 [email protected] Karrie Flater 612-868-2212 [email protected] Sally Mortenson 651-675-9836 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP– TREASURER Leah Doherty 651-636-5723 [email protected] WEBMASTER Peg LaSota 612-824-9460 [email protected] SPECIAL EVENTS Rose Allen 651-227-4708 [email protected] Joan Carver 651-649-1071 [email protected] F ROM THE MCQ C HAIR —T INA H UGHES I hope that everyone made it through the winter well. We can be thankful that we don't live in Boston, right? The winter can lead to creative time in the sewing room or studio–an hour or two of quilting or making beautiful things while drinking hot chocolate or tea and listening to favorite music. And now, spring is here all of a sudden! While out walking, I can feel the warm sun and smell the freshness of the wind. Warm weather and new inspiration is coming! I will change to iced tea while sewing and listening to spring tunes. At the February meeting Barb Bonifas showed her great "Inside, Outside, Upside Down" piece for our 2015 guild challenge. It was very clever and inspiring so I hope that your ideas are forming and that you've been able to start on a fun challenge piece. Mine is in progress. Forms will be due in March and your piece needs to be finished by the end of May. We are doing very well on our challenge to raise money to buy a new sewing machine for the Textile Center Summer Camp classes. According to Leah, our treasurer, we've raised more than $400 to get to the total of about $850. That's from the activities of just three meetings! Thanks to all of you! Zeeda Magnuson, our Vice-President, has been working on the Quilt Sister program which assigns veteran MCQ members to newer members who would like a partner for information about MCQ. Thanks, Zeeda, for organizing this! We've got some very interesting programs coming and fun two-bit bags. Show-and-tell will be fabulous, as usual, with challenge pieces starting to appear. We'll see you at the meeting! NEWSLETTER EDITOR Wanda Shelton 651-487-7197 [email protected] HOSPITALITY– RETREATS Nancy Condon 651-235-7820 [email protected] SECRETARY–SUNSHINE Janet Hovde 651-487-2744 [email protected] LIAISON TO TEXTILE CENTER Tina Hughes 651-645-0945 [email protected] Please send comments and submissions to [email protected] Next Board Meeting April 1st, 6:30 p.m. Leah Doherty’s house S PRING R ETREAT AT C AMP W APO —N ANCY C ONDON Spring is coming, and so is the MCQ Spring Retreat. The dates are March 27th through 30th. To date 27 campers have registered, so there will be plenty of room to sew and design. Massage therapists will be available on Saturday and Sunday. The registration deadline is the March meeting—the 26th. Hats Off to the small group 9/37 whose members have made four quilts to furnish a room at Camp Wapo. They will deliver the quilts at the spring retreat. M ARCH —A PRIL 2015 P AGE 3 F ROM THE T EXTILE C ENTER —T INA H UGHES Every year, MCQ donates money to the Textile Center library so that the librarian, Nancy Mambi, can purchase books for the MCQ collection which is housed in the library. Nancy buys books that are suggestions from MCQ members and from ideas that she gets through advance notices from publishers. Here are the books that will be added to our collection. [1] 100 Modern Quilt Blocks by Tula Pink [2] Gelli Plate Printing: Mixed Media Mono-printing without a Press by Joan Bess [3] Wabi-sabi Art Workshop: Mixed Media Techniques for Embracing Imperfection and Celebrating Happy Accidents by Serena Barton [4] Modern Appliqué Illusion: 12 Quilts Create Perspective & Depth by Casey York [5] Map Art Lab: 52 Exciting Art Explorations in Mapmaking, Imagination, and Travel by Jill K. Berry. [6] Lucky Spool’s Essential Guide to Modern Quiltmaking: From Color to Quilting:; 10 Workshops by your Favorite Teachers Compiled by Susanne Woods. [7] All my Thanks and Love to Quilts: Art Quilts Created by Keiko Goke. These books will be on display in the library at the March meeting and will available to be checked out then. *There are a couple of rules for the book debut, however.* You can check out only one book that evening and you must show it at our show-and-tell time. You can have it for only one check out period. You won't be able to renew it yet. After the books have been in circulation for the first month, the usual TC library rules will apply. Thank you, Nancy Mambi, for getting us these great books! Textile Center’s "Common Thread" exhibit ended on Feb. 26th and had beautiful work from a number of MCQ members. Congratulations to all of them! The current exhibit is Creepy Crawly: An Entomological Investigation of Textile Pattern. The catalog for the Summer Camp classes is out and maybe your children or grandchildren would love to participate. The catalogs are readily available at the TC and there is info online at the TC website, textilecentermn.org. S UNSHINE —J ANET H OVDE When I was sick, it was so nice to receive a fiber postcard, and later prayer flags, to let me know that my MCQ buddies wished me well. These pieces have a place of honor on my design wall. If you know of someone in our group who is coping with an accident, illness, challenge or loss, please let me know, so that I can send them a note from MCQ. I can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 651-487-2744. Above: Feed my People by Carol Hancuh P AGE 4 H ATS O FF ! NEWS H ATS O FF Zeeda Magnuson has a quilt (pictured at right) in the Wicked Cherrywood Challenge 2014. Hers is one of nine quilts selected to tour with the play Wicked. Cherrywood teamed with the Gershwin Theater in New York to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the play Wicked with eighty small quilts chosen to hang in the Gershwin Theater and in Brainerd and other venues. Zeeda also has a quilt, Nine Patch Carnival, in the New Quilts from an Old Favorite: Nine Patch exhibit which opened March 13 and closes May 19 in Paducah. It travels to five AQS shows and other museums including the Harlingen Arts and Heritage Museum in Harlingen, Texas. The book of the exhibit features a chapter on Zeeda and her quilt and will be sold wherever the exhibit is shown. Carol Hancuh’s quilt Feed my People quilt was exhibited at Eagan High School “The Last Stitch” Quilt Show in March. It is in an online exhibit through Visions Art Museum in San Diego, Calif. through March— visionsartmuseum.org. It was juried and accepted with eleven other quilts and is in the “Stories” exhibit. See if you can find the story behind all the quilts. The quilt itself will be shown at Blue Bamboo for two weeks beginning April 11th, and its next showing is at the Minnesota Quilters Show in Duluth in June. Carol has submitted it for entry into the International Quilt Festival in in the “Hands All Around” exhibit in Houston. She will keep us posted on its acceptance. Feed my People is a fund-raising quilt which has raised $150 and 154 pounds of food, $5.26 another time and $20 another time. Carol hopes viewers will take it to heart and donate to their local food shelf to help to feed all the people in our country. See the quilt on page 3. The American Quilter's Society prints a Quilt Art Engagement Calendar each year. Carol’s “My “Eyes of Africa” quilt will be one of 54 quilts pictured in the 2016 edition. Her website chancuhquilts.com shows almost all of her quilts. Peggy Wright is showing her work at the Dow Art Gallery which expanded to a large space next door. About 80 artists will be showing work in the gallery, in addition to the people already showing in his shop—2242 University Avenue West (at Hampden), St. Paul, Minnesota. Peggy’s piece Gladiolus is pictured left. 2015 C HALLENGE —I NSIDE O UTSIDE U PSIDE -D OWN —B ARB B ONIFAS , K ARRIE F LATER & S ALLY M ORTENSON Have you sat down to complete your Inside, Outside, Upside Down Challenge submission form? If not, it is available on our website. The entry forms are due by March 25th. Save yourself a stamp—bring yours to the March meeting. Your quilt is not due until May. We need the paperwork now to provide your information to the Minnesota Quilters special exhibits committee for their show book. Now that the weather is warmer, it's a great time to go outside and find some inspiration. Here is our new committee member Karrie Flater’s introduction: I have joined team Sally and Barb on the Exhibits committee. I was born in Elmhurst near Chicago, went to high school in New Jersey, and graduated from Michigan State University with a BA in Design. I have lived in the Twin Cities since 1973, and I currently live in Savage with my husband Rick. We have two grown daughters. I have been quilting since before the rotary cutter was available, and I am very happy to have joined MCQ, a wonderful, fun group! NEWS P AGE 5 ——————————————————————————————————————————————— W HAT ’ S N EW AT MCQ? Have you missed a meeting lately? MCQ has new energy and ideas in process for our members. Have you heard about these? Quilt Sisters—current members volunteer as Quilt Sisters for new members to welcome them and help them feel comfortable in belonging to the guild. No quilting expertise is needed to volunteer. New members may request to be matched with a Quilt Sister by contacting Zeeda Magnuson. Small groups are a friendly way to meet other quilters in your local area or to join others with similar quilting interests. Members of several long-standing small groups affirm the value of belonging to a small group. See Zeeda Magnuson or any board member for more information. Sewing Machine for Textile Center classes—MCQ is fundraising for this project. The Textile Center will purchase several identical sewing machines for classroom use, especially for youth classes in the Summer Camp program. MCQ has earmarked all Two-Bit Bag funds for this project until the goal of $850 is reached. The Sewing Machine Challenge has raised $444.92 to date. The MCQ board donated handmade items to the Two-Bit Bags in January, earning $65.42 toward the sewing machine purchase. Now the board challenges any small groups to select a month during which they will provide the Two-Bit Bag items and raise funds for the sewing machine. Contact Joan Carver to reserve a month for your small group’s participation! T IME TO R ENEW Please welcome these new members of MCQ—Judy Osbon and Cheryl Dauphin. Jenny Wilders rejoined—welcome back. Renewals are due from the following members. March Marilyn Agin Marilyn Bennett Barbara Bonifas Edith Dalleska Leah Doherty Carol Egan Karrie Flater Gail Hanson Brita Hedblom Andrea E Johnson Caron Lage Sandra "Sam" Lindquist Maureen Lynch Nancy Mambi Barbara Otto Ann Ribbens April Mary Bruckner Carol Hancuh Pricilla Handler Judy Ohannesian Do you have ideas for programs, special events or group projects? Contact any board member with your ideas and help shape the future of MCQ. Members at the MCQ shop party at Twin Cities Quilting Meeting reminders—Please wear a fiber nametag to be eligible for a prize to be given when the spirit strikes. Bring show-andtell items., including works in progress. Bring a quilting friend or neighbor to visit the guild and join the fun. Volunteer opportunities—MCQ is your guild—what is your role in it? Volunteer work is rewarding and fun! Be a board member and help steer the guild. To volunteer at the library, contact Nancy Mambi at the Textile Center to schedule training. Have an idea for a project or group? Contact any board member to discuss it. Free table—Unclaimed items you bring for the Free Table are still yours. Don’t force cleanup on the Textile Center or the members who leave last. Minnesota Contemporary Quilters Newsletter March - April 2015 M INNESOTA C ONTEMPORARY Q UIL TER S N EWS T EXTILE C ENTER , B OX 8 3000 U NIVER SITY AVENUE SE M INNEAPOLIS , MN 55414 The MCQ Challenge Exhibit Cycles is scheduled for the following venues: Roseville City Hall, Roseville February 28—April 11 Stillwater Hospital April 13—late May Quilts for exhibition can be dropped off at the Textile Center Library only when Nancy Mambi is there: Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. E VENTS & D EADLINES March 25th—Challenge entries for the 2015 Inside Outside Upside Down challenge are due. Forms are online. Quilts are due at the May meeting. Upcoming Meetings March 27-30,—MCQ Spring Retreat, Camp Wapo, Amery, WI July—5 x 5, five quilts by five MCQ members April 11—Textile Center Garage Sale August—Nancy Wick, lecture and demo, thread bowl Fall Wapo Retreat—October 2-5 September—Anna Carlson, using text September 2016—MCQ Workshop with Sue Benner Textile Center Librarian Hours May—Sandra Brick, redyeing fabric June—Marge Lindeman, hand-dyed silk, large collage pieces October—Jean Judd November—Schoolhouse, MCQ member demos MCQ meetings are held the fourth Monday (3rd Monday if fourth is a holiday) at 6:30 p.m. at the Textile Center, 3000 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis. No December meeting. Membership information: Annual dues are $30, or $35 if you receive the newsletter by postal mail. Renewals are due on the anniversary of when you joined. Make checks payable to Minnesota Contemporary Quilters and mail to Leah Doherty, 2110 Rosewood Lane S, Roseville, MN 55113. Email [email protected] with address changes or for membership assistance.
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