Motilal Nehru Public School Jamshedpur Yearly Syllabus (VII A,B,C) 2015-2016 ENGLISH LITERATURE FIRST TERM UT-1 The Bangle-Sellers Docter Dolittle Learns Animal Language (Prose) It couldn't be done (Poem ),The Mind reader (Prose) The little match seller (Prose) SECOND TERM UT-2 Project Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening (poem) Tanu and the donkey (Prose), The Ghost(Poem), A hero(Prose), Sayonara(Prose) FINAL TERM UT-3 The mystery unfolds(Prose) Huck meets the Duke and the king(Prose), A mid summer night's dream(Prose), Nine Gold Medals(Poem) The West wind( poem) & Portion of UT-III. ENGLISHLANGUAGE FIRST TERM UT-1 Speaking & Listening skills Subject-Verb agreement (ch -10), Tense(ch-12,14), Active and passive voice (ch -22) Preposition (ch 23 & 24)Essay- Narrative, Letter writing-Formal and Informal Comprehension passage 7 and 8 SECOND TERM UT-2 Project Work Phrases(Ch-30), Clauses(ch-31), Proverbs, synonyms, Tense (ch 15,16,17) Comprehension passage 9 and 10, Letter writing-Formal and informal Essay-Descriptive FINAL TERM UT-3 Listening and speaking skill Tense (11-17) Direct and Indirect speech ch -40 Conjuction ch-25 Comprehension passage -11 and 12 Letter writing- Formal and Informal, Essay- Picture composition, Essay based on proverb Portion covered in 1st term and 2nd term. HINDI FIRST TERM UT-1 Prayaschit,shabdh Vichar Prayaschit, Rahim ke Doha, Premchand mere Pita, Chota Jadugar, Khel chalta rahe. Shabdh Vichar, Sangya Sangya key Vikarak Tatva (Ling, Vachan, Karak), Patra Lekhan-2, Nibandh Lekhan-2, SECOND TERM UT-2 Project Lal angaron ki muskan, Hum apnkshi unmukt gagan ke, Manchaha kala pani, samay par na milne wale, mera sabse pyara olympic padakPrakritic vyayam,Sarvanam, Viavavyay,Kriya,Patra Lekhan-2, Apathith Gadyansha-2,Nibandh Lekhan-2. FINAL TERM UT-3 Vartani tatha Vakya sambandhi asoodhi shodan BHAKTI PADAWALI Bhakti padawali, Dabli babu, Shor- Ek badta sankat, Anyay ka virodh, rakhi ki chounati Annyan ke birodh mei,Kashi raj Ka nayaya,KriyaVisheshon,viram chinah,muhavrahey, Nibandh Lekhan-2,Apathith Gadyansh-2, Patra Lekhan-2, Vartani tatha Vakya sambandhi asoodhi shodan HISTORY & CIVICS UT-1 The Medieval world FIRST EXAM The Medieval world,The Delhi Sultante The Turkish invasion SECOND EXAM UT-2 Project work Life under the sultanate period, Coming of mughals & Developments in Europe FINAL EXAM UT-3 Akbar the great Akbar the great,The Mughal empire after Akbar and The fall of mughal empire GEOGRAPHY FIRST TERM UT-1 Latitudes and Longitudes Latitudes and Longitudes,Motions of the Earth Lithosphere, Hydrosphere,Weathering SECOND TERM UT-2 Project work North America,Case Studies-Silicon valley,The Automobile Industry,Lumberjacks of Canada The Atmosphere And Biosphere FINALTERM UT-3 South America(Land) South America(Land,Climate),Case Studies-Pastoral Industry Coffee Fazenda,Guano Islands,The Motion of the Earth Antartica-The White Continent The Atmosphere And Biosphere Motilal Nehru Public School Jamshedpur Yearly Syllabus (VII A,B,C) 2015-2016 MATHEMATICS UT-1 Number systems ,Power & Roots FIRST TERM H.C.F & L.C.M,Fractions,Fundamental concepts,Product, Decimal fraction,Lines and angles,Set theory, Portion covered in1st Unit Test UT-2 SECOND TERM Project : Decimal Fraction. Unitary Method,Speed,Distance and time,Ratio &proportion Percent & Percentage,profit , loss & discount,simplification Equation,problems based on simple equation,triangles. FINAL TERM UT-3 Formula and Indices Portion covered in 3rd Unit Tests,Simple Interest Averages,Perimeter and Area,Volume and Surface area Collection & tabulation of data,Construction of Triangles, Revison Chapters:Equation,Formula and Indices Fundamental concepts. PHYSICS FIRST TERM UT-1 Measurement Measurement with units, Motion,Sound SECOND TERM UT-2 Project on Light Light- Basic Ideas and Shadows,Reflection of Light-Plane Mirror Reflection of Light-Spherical Mirrors. FINAL TERM UT-3 Electricity Electricity,Heat,Sound,Reflection of Light-Plane Mirror Table from Estimation & units Std.IX CHEMISTRY FIRST TERM UT 1 Elements and Compounds Elements and Compounds, Physical and Chemical changes Acids UT-2 Project Work on Air SECOND TERM Bases and Salts, Air and its Constituents FINAL TREM UT 3 Water Water,Useful elements and compounds, Man-made substances. BIOLOGY UT-1 Introduction to biology FIRST TERM Introduction to Biology,Living ,non living &dead,Cell,Organisation of living things (Plant Tissue) , UT-2 Project on Life Under Microscope SECOND TERM Movement in Animals &plants,life under microscope, Organisation of living things (Animal Tissue) ,Nutrition in Plants &Animals FINAL TERM UT-3 Ingestion, Digestion, Absorption and Assimilation Ingestion, Digestion ,Absorption and Assimilation Respiration and Transpiration. Excretion in animal & plants,Increasing population-its impact on the environment COMPUTER UT-1 Computer Fundamentals FIRST TERM Computer Fundamentals,Computer Languages, Let & Input statement,Paragraph formatting in MS Word Page formating in MS Word UT-2 Project SECOND TERM Exploring windows,Excel-working with formulae Basic If-Then-Else,Connecting to the internet, UT-3 Computer virus FINAL TERM Mail marge in MS Word,Computer virus BASIC entire portion & logical operators GK UT-1 Chapter 1,2,Telekids- march,Current affairs FIRST TERM Chapter 1 to 12,Telekids-April,May Current affairs, logical and reasoning test UT-2 Project work SECOND TERM Chapter 13 to 25,Telekids-July August.,Current affairs logical and reasoning test UT-3 Chapters 26 to28,Telekids-October,Current affairs. FINAL TERM Chapter 26 to 33,Telekids-Oct ,Nov,Dec,Current affairs,logical and reasoning test
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