Montgomery Auburn Club (MAC) Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament June 15, 2015 | Wynlakes Country Club Mailing Address: Montgomery Auburn Club P.O. Box 231 Montgomery, AL 36101 Sponsorship Opportunities (Please select sponsorship level) $1,000 Hole Sponsor: Entitles sponsor to golf foursome including carts, prizes, lunch and awards ceremony $ 500 Tee Sponsor: Entitles sponsor to golf twosome including carts, prizes, lunch and awards ceremony BOTH Sponsorship levels also include: MAC golf shirts and gift bags for each player in your foursome (hole sponsor) / twosome (tee sponsor) Special recognition at the clubhouse and individual signage at your tee Recognition on the MAC website For more information, contact Ronda Beesley (334-538-5187) or Andy Waid (334-462-8488) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please complete and return this form as soon as possible to the mailing address at top of page, along with your sponsorship check made payable to ‘Montgomery Auburn Club.’ If you are not sure of your golfers yet, return the form and payment; we will contact you to obtain names / other golfer info.) MAC appreciates your generous support! 2015 MAC Scholarship Golf Tournament | Sponsor Information Sponsor Name (please provide the name exactly as you would like it to appear on signage): Contact person: _____________________________ Phone #: Email Address Sponsorship Level Hole Sponsor (4 players) Tee Sponsor (2 players) Golfers’ Names Shirt size Handicap 1. ___________________________________________________________________ ________ _________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ ________ _________ 3. ___________________________________________________________________ ________ _________ 4. ___________________________________________________________________ ________ _________ Preferred tee time* *Every effort will be made to accommodate your tee-time preference; however, ‘Hole Sponsors’ will be given first priority.
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