WGHS P&C Newsletter [email protected] Uniform Shop Update School Hats March 2015 #2 (P&C Meeting 17th March 2015) Open Night The school held its annual open night for prospective families on 11th March. It was huge success with non-stop displays and performances in drama, dance and music together with school tours by the prefects. More than 500 people attended the evening. The P&C committee organised a new P&C pull up banner which can also be used for other community events in and outside school. Many thanks to the parents who ran a sausage sizzle as part of the tour to tempt and feed everyone on their way around the school – 700 sausages were cooked and eaten. Special thanks to Aria Pape and India Hearne, Year 7 students who spent the whole night turning sausages and filling up water jugs. The new school hats are now in stock in the uniform shop, for sale at $55 each. There was a rumour circulating that the costs had gone up but this is not the case. Many pre-ordered and prepaid hats are still awaiting collection. The girls have been seen out and about the school wearing them and they look fantastic with lots of comments from the wider community. Many thanks to the Uniform and P&C Committees as well as input from the SRC for making this happen. WGHS and WPS School developments As we all know there has been a growth in enrolments at our schools and they are facing a number of capacity and facility constraints. As a result of the WPS issues a WPS Parent action group has formed to help expedite the issues. I have recently met Gladys Berejiklian with the WPS Action Group and others to discuss these issues and how they can be addressed. Gladys was very receptive, helpful and well informed as to the situation. She has promised to assist going forward and had a number of helpful suggestions to try and avoid any delays. She has been a great friend to the school and I am sure this will continue. As the government is now in caretaker mode she was unable to commit to anything until after the election. I am happy to report that there is evidence that things have been moving along. The Department of Education has reconvened the project group for WGHS/WPS and I have been invited to be part of it. We meet next term with various parties including Principals, the P&C Presidents the Department of Education and the architects for a 1/2 day meeting. William Pape – P&C President The Uniform Shop committee is also looking at some minor updates to uniform as requested from last year’s student surveys. Shade Structure The new shade structure has proved to be very successful with students. Quotes are being obtained for a second structure to possibly go behind the library. P&C Sports Club News WGHS Netball Report WGHS Netball Club has registered 21 teams/194 players in the 2015 Winter Competition. We have 3 Ex- student teams, a great testament to wanting to play for their school after leaving year 12. 18 teams are within the current yrs 7-12 and there are 5 teams in Year 7. There are also 20 year 10/11 students and 4 ex-students who have taken on coaching roles, plus some parents and an experienced ex parent who’s also coaching a year 11 team. WGHS Netball takes pride in developing players, coaches and umpires to a level of excellence within the sport of netball. Vicki Jones, Convenor Netball Sub-committee WGHS Hockey Indoor Hockey (Term 1) There are currently 2 teams in the B and C divisions. The WGHS 2 team in C Division has made the semis with 1 round remaining, but the WGHS 1 team in B Division will not manage to make it to the finals. Field Hockey (Terms 2 & 3): We have approximately 27 players registered for Term 2 field hockey. This has allowed us to enroll 2 teams (1 x Junior Intermediate and 1 x Senior Social). We have confirmed the following training times in the holidays together with our new coach, Xanthe Dwyer. Training: WGHS Oval, Sat 11th April & Sat 18th April Times: 2-4pm Please can you confirm to the Convener if you are able to come to these sessions – senior students are still encouraged to help the junior ones and meet the new coach. John Kopsiaftis, WGHS Hockey Convenor P&C Committee Positions Executive Committee President: William Pape [email protected] Vice-President: Clayton Spence Secretary: Anne-Lise Daniel [email protected] Treasurer: Geraldine Mack Sub-Committee Office Bearers Communications: Liz Foster [email protected] Music: Feroni Suhood [email protected] Touch Football: Corinne Lodewijks [email protected] Netball: Vicki Jones [email protected] Basketball: Vacant Hockey: John Kopsiaftis; [email protected] Grounds: Katrina Ellis Grants: Corinne Lodewijks Uniform Shop: Ania Bokina WGHS P&C Grounds Committee The grounds in general are taking shape and are looking better, as a result of the ongoing maintenance by our new gardener, and the refurbishment of the tables and deck. With growing starting to slow down, this will give Peter a chance to get on top off things like weeding. We are looking at putting down mulch in some areas. We have also asked for the council to continue to maintain the oval so the grass does not grow out of control and then leave clumps when cut. P&C - Vacant Committee Positions Please consider volunteering for one of these roles if your daughter is involved in the activity. The clubs can’t operate without our involvement. Thanks! Band Committee – Treasurer. This role is extremely important and is currently vacant which means fees can’t be collected to run the program. Netball Year 7 teams – several are without Team Managers. Basketball Convener - Vacant P&C Assistant Treasurer – we need an assistant to start to learn the ropes as our Treasurer finishes at the end of the year. Contact [email protected] or the club convener if you have any enquiries about P&C executive or club contacts or are interested in volunteering for a sub-committee role. Dates Apr 2nd: Last day term 1 Apr 19th: Chamber and Senior Vocal performance, St Stephens Church Apr 24th: Chamber Anzac Day performance Apr 26th: 9-10am Weeding Bee Next meeting: May 19th
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