Wisdom from the Premier Urgent Notice: Moorish Science Temple of America and those that claim- On the Terrorist List. On our recent conference call and at the Clock of Destiny Order meeting in March we have announced that the Moorish Science Temple of America is now on the Terrorist list. This has been reported to the Premier by a federal officer in the order and a high ranking police of NYPD who is also a member of the Clock of Destiny. On the conference call the Premier asked that if you are in doubt to ask a ranking officer you know for verification. We have direct resources. Clock of Destiny is NOT the Moorish Science Temple of America and never was. We do not claim to be a member or affiliated. We know that some of you had a concern. Duly note this does not concern you unless you are also a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America. A member in the Order mentioned, ‘but aren’t we one, and should it involve us? The answer is NO! That was the reply that the Premier gave, and no members opposed it. The Premier expressed that they have a Supreme Grand Body and that they are responsible for protecting its brand and membership from imposters and subversive operators. They do not have a vetting process to determine membership requirements. Therefore, they will be subject to infiltration, and many criminal minded folks that mean no good to that organization. Their Supreme Grand Officers from the several Grand Bodies should meet on this matter and address federal Law Enforcement and State Police. A lot of this confusion in the Moorish Science Temple of America is due to new and old moors mixing paper work, credentials, and symbols and advocating patriot materials. They appear not to have ANY interest in building the nation or adding any value. They are doing more bad then good. – beware! CLOCK OF DESTINY: We are not involved in any of the above concerns. All Clock of Destiny members are Ambassadors of the Clock of Destiny and we know the value of positive branding and how to protect that brand. One major reason we were started was to target professional Asiatiatics. Non professionals and those that seek not to improve their economic and social life will commonly attract to matters that add no value. We realized that there are people of black, brown, yellow, red and even white hue that desire our studies, but wish not to participate in the above scrutiny. Often times it’s because they have their personal brand that they must protect. Becoming a member of the Clock of Destiny should raise your brand and not take from it. Therefore, dear moors, we strive to attract the best and develop the best in all our members. April 25th Convention: I hope to see many of you at our next convention April 25th 2015. Please send an email to [email protected] and confirm your attendance ASAP. Even if you already registered. We have had conventions for three years so far and our turn out is fair but can be better. I encourage every one of you to attend this meeting even if you have to car pool. Especially the Sisters because you have a special mission. If you are going to bring a quest please include it in your email. I have watched the Masons and Eastern Stars and the Divine 9. Their membership is strong and when they show up to a convention it’s in the thousands. Even the Memphis Rite Masons have conventions once and even twice a year with strong attendance. But the Moors that claim to have such high knowledge are not able to have a full convention. If you know of the conventions that Alpha Phi Alpha has, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Zeta, Delta, Omega, Sigma etc. they don’t have nearly our knowledge, but they can meet in the thousands once and twice a year. But we are not able to have even 100 in attendance. Why, what are we missing? What happened to us? Are we only Skype and internet convention moors now? Is it because we don’t take it serious and with a sacrifice of time and money? Moors call the people Negros, state property and other legal claims, but they have been very successful in their careers and they can come together once a year in the numbers, and fellowship and plan their next agenda for the following year. I just wanted to express my disappointment in our participation. On the other hand I would like to thank all members that have supported the Clock of Destiny, attended our conventions with a sacrifice, provided donations for several reasons, and for those college members that kept a steady direction with their College studies and law course. When the Prophet said that he is calling on all faithful Moors, I ‘m glad that we have a few faithful Moors today in the Clock of Destiny. CLOCK OF DESTINY-LIGHT: There are three ways via the Clock of Destiny you can solve or improve your economic and social life. 1. via the 49 lessons and our monthly conference call guidance.2. The 12 Signs of the Zodiac. 3. Regarding your career, you can find it in my book “Your Master Key to Civilization, page 39, The Seven Cycles. Every member and student should attend to one or all three in their daily life. The Seven Cycles are ancient and are practice by many adepts of their hue. I decided to pass it to you, whereby you may rise to the occasion. At my April Senate meeting, Egyptian Adepts mentioned that one must be able to control their thoughts and think positive. By doing so you will be able to direct your thoughts based on your desired effort. I read a section as their sublime National Commander, “As adepts we had forethought and was able to speak on prophesies” Materials from the Senate. Our 49 lessons assist us in such practice. The 12 Signs of the zodiac also allows you to determine the pass, present and future events. It helps to adjust your schedule for your benefit, family and friends. The above teachings are available for you. Continue to study and improve yourself in the Clock of Destiny. Represent the Clock of Destiny and continue to distinguish yourself from those that may not be deserving of our Mystic Circle. I look forward seeing you all at our convention in April. Premier Hon. Nakiim Bey, 3rd, 33/60/95 360 Degree, Egyptian Adept. April 6th
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