Rotary Club of Mordialloc Inc. Reg No A0011994G PO Box 289, Mentone Vic 3194 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Club meets at Mordialloc Sporting Club 528 Main Road Mordialloc (Cnr. Epsom Rd) Tuesday 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm District Governor 2014-15: Tony Monley Meeting 2104 31 March 2015 Assistant Governor: Claire Button THIS WEEK’S MEETING Vocational visit to the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Royal Parade, Parkville, adjoining Royal Melbourne Hospital. The visit will commence at 7.00 pm and include a tour of the research laboratories and a talk about diabetes research. The visit lasts about one hour and we will then have dinner at a nearby hotel. Those attending the visit should gather no later than 5.45 pm at the Mordialloc Sporting Club for final briefing and then car pool for travel to Parkville. Those members not driving their cars to the city can use the car park at Mordialloc Sporting Club RI theme 2014-15 Message from President Carol Dear Friends Saturday began damp and cool and develops into a sunny autumn day as I start this report. A sunny day is predicted for our Gnome and Fairy festival and, with all hands on deck, it starts as early as 7am at the Peter Scullin Reserve, Mordialloc. The peaceful park area is transformed into a festival atmosphere and the gnomes and fairies come out to play. Here I am 24 hours later, having closed up what has been an amazing day with gnomes and fairies of every size all over the reserve. What a delight it has been to see families come together to paint gnomes, play with animals, jump on the bouncy castle and enjoy many more activities. The day was opened by Mayor Geoff Gledhill from the City of Kingston and proceeded with great enthusiasm. The community come together with the local Girl Guides from Mentone/Carrum and the Life Saving club of Mordialloc. Parkdale Secondary College students told stories and made gnome and fairy garden pots with the children, the students from Elizabeth Murdoch College managed the animal farm engaging with the youngsters feeding and patting the animals. Two parades of gnomes and fairies marched around the reserve and proudly showed off their outfits. Thank you to all the parents for supporting the event. Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 31/03/2015 We saw teenagers engaging with younger children to ensure the youngsters had fun. It was a culmination of community and businesses combining to support Rotary to provide a very successful day. The funds raised will enable the club to continue to support our many local projects. Thank you to the organising committee, the Rotarians and friends who have worked throughout the day and our sponsors who supported the event both financially and in kind. We hope to see you all in 2016. Please visit our Facebook page (Rotary Gnome and Fairy Festival 2015) to see photos of the great day. Reflecting on last week we enjoyed the photos from India shared by Georgie Mattingly. Her talk enlightened us about traditions and customs in different areas of India and the influence of the contemporary age on traditional rituals. This week we head into town as a group to The Walter and Eliza Institute where we will learn more about stem cell research and diabetes. Quote: “Luck is when an opportunity comes along and you’ve prepared for it”. - Denzel Washington Have a good week Carol 1 Last meeting, No 2103 – 24 March, at Mordialloc Sporting Club. Attendance: 19 members, 1 guest Apologies: Clem Quick, Kay Gordon, Drew Libbis, Cliff Riley, Damian West, Bob Travers, John Hoffmann. Make-Up: Carol Quayle and Brian Foley (District Foundation Grants seminar) Director and member announcements Jeff Needham) ran the final update session and member briefing session for the gnome and fairy festival. Staffing requirements for the major activities were confirmed and various questions answered. Locations of various stalls will be marked out on Friday. Some members are requested to be present from 7.30 am on Sunday to begin erecting tents and other equipment. Secretary Brian Schauer has flyers for the Mentone Mordialloc Art Group Visitors: Georgie Mattingley (guest speaker) Sickness: Max Crimmins has moved to a transitional care program for 12 weeks at Homewood Nursing Home in Hallam. Re-opening of 2014 Annual General Meeting President Carol adjourned the regular meeting and reopened the 2014 AGM to deal with one item of unfinished business. She then read the following recommendations for club officers and directors for the 2015-16 Rotary year: President: Brian Foley Immediate Past President: Carol Quayle President-Elect and Vice President: David Brunt Secretary: Carol Quayle Treasurer: Graeme Bruce Directors: Len Dawson, Bob Travers, Jeff Needham, Jack Cooper, Kay Gordon These nominations were agreed Moved Paul Taranto, seconded Glenyse Cooper. The normal meeting then resumed. President’s announcements President Carol welcomed all present and announced the following: The final briefing for the gnome and fairy festival would be held that evening A summary of decisions made at the March board meeting. These were detailed in the last bulletin The club operational plan for 2014-15 has been formally approved by the board. The 2016 District 9810 conference will be held 18 to 20 March in Shepparton. A preliminary accommodation booking has been made. The club has the date of Sunday 24 May to run a barbeque at Bunnings. Jack Pyziakos will coordinate this and needs volunteers. A reminder of the Jean Hailes Foundation women’s health seminar on 29 April at Parkdale Secondary College. A flyer is in preparation. The board had agreed to confer honorary membership on Max Crimmins in recognition of his long and dedicated service to the club Chloe Newrick, who was proposed for club membership, has returned to New Zealand for personal reasons and will not be joining us. David Brunt (vocational) spoke of this week’s visit to the Walter and Eliza Hall Research Institute. Those attending are to assemble at Mordialloc Sporting Club no later than 5.45 pm. Car pooling is desirable. Brian Foley (international) announced that the club would donate two Aquaboxes to provide fresh water supplies to cyclone affected areas in Vanuatu. This is an interim measure and further help could be considered. Barry Donaldson gave an update on the Interplast golf Day to be held on Friday 17 April. There has been a good response from both players and sponsors. Jack Cooper spoke again about the visit to the desalination plant on Monday 13 April. He will distribute specific instructions to those attending. Sergeant-at-Arms Sergeant Tim ran his usual quiz with chocolate frogs as the prizes. ------------------Guest Speaker – Georgie Mattingley “Travels in India” Georgie has a background in visual arts and works partly as an artist. She become fascinated with the colours and customs of India and has visited there on several occasions, the most recent being in August 2014. In her travels in India, Georgie has stayed in various family houses, sometimes known as “couch surfing”. This has provided a good insight into Indian people and customs, especially marriages. In one case, the father of a family with whom she stayed asked her to help him choose a wife for his son. In India, arranged marriages are still the norm and factors taken into account in the selection include: religion, caste, horoscope compatibility, income, personal appearance and family values. Georgie than told of an Indian couple she became friendly with, one a Muslim and the other a Christian, who dated for 2½ years without the parents knowing. Eventually they were allowed to marry after much family negotiation and Georgie attended the wedding. She showed a range of pictures illustrating the highly coloured and elaborate dresses and costumes and the separate stages of wedding ceremony that spread over four days. Georgie’s talk provoked a range of member’ questions. Len Dawson proposed the thanks. Brian Foley chaired the remainder of the meeting. Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 31/03/2015 2 Other announcements APOLOGIES FOR NON-ATTENDANCE Apologies for absences from this week’s visit to Walter and Eliza Hall Institute only should be directed to Glenyse Cooper by telephone or text on 0412782226 by 2.00 pm on 31 March. -------------------------Wheelchairs for Kids Please remember to put $2 in the box on each table each week to go to the “Wheelchairs for Kids” program. Every $150 contributed gives one child the freedom of mobility and also liberates a carer. ---------------.Where Other Clubs Meet This information is available via the club website via the following link: .------------A couple of pictures from the festival SUMMARY OF COMING EVENTS Please note the following dates and events in your diary. It is important that all members support the club in these activities. 31 March 3-6 April 13 April (Mon) 17 April (Fri) 25 April (Sat) 29 April (Wed) 30 April (Thurs) 17 May (Sun) 24 May (Sun) 27 June (Sat) 30 June 21 July 3 (Mon) to 9 (Sun) August Visit to Walter and Eliza Hall medical research facility. Easter Proposed club visit to the desalination plant. Depart Mordialloc Sporting Club at 9.30 am Interplast Golf Day – Woodlands Golf Club Anzac Day service at Mentone RSL sub-branch. Commences 8.45 am Women’s Health Forum at Parkdale Secondary College. Details to come. Rotary Club of Rowville Lysterfield business breakfast, Kingston Links Golf Course Function Centre. 7.00 am start District Assembly 8.00 am to 1.00 pm Parkdale Secondary College Rotary Club of Mordialloc is the host Bunnings BBQ 8 am to 4 pm District 9810 changeover dinner Rotary Club of Mordialloc annual changeover dinner District Governor’s official club visit Annual Art Show Southland Shopping Centre, Cheltenham Members on Leave Max Crimmins – until 30 April 2015 Barry Donaldson – 23 February to 26 March George Aivatoglou – 17 March to 21 April Jill Brear – 31 March to 2 June If you plan to be absent for three weeks or longer, please request leave of absence through the secretary. -----------------Bayside Kingston Prostate Cancer Support Group WHEN: First Monday of each month TIME: 9.30 to 11.30am WHERE: Beaumaris RSL 489 Balcombe Road, Beaumaris Melways Map 86 B5 Wives and Partners welcome, bookings not required Many more photos are available from the Facebook page Rotary Gnome and Fairy Festival 2015 Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 31/03/2015 For further information contact Bob Wilson 9589 4282 --------------------Club Committees The list of current committee membership is available on the club website at the link: 3 Forthcoming Meeting Program & Rosters The Object of Rotary Next meeting......... Date: Speaker Topic: Chairman: Duty Desk: Regalia: Fellowship: Bulletin Notes: 7 April Rebecca Harvison Mordialloc Community Centre Len Dawson Jillian Van, David Brunt Don Van, Jack Pyziakos Bob Travers Glenyse Cooper And the next.... Date: Speaker Topic: Chairman: Duty Desk: Regalia: Fellowship: Bulletin Notes: 14 April Carol Duggan Mentone Girls Secondary College Bob Travers Don Butler, Russ Hellier John Hoffmann, Barry Donaldson Cliff Riley Jeff Needham The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster: FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service; SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society; THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life; FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service. -------------- And the next.... Date: Speaker Topic: Chairman: Duty Desk: Regalia: Fellowship: Bulletin Notes: 21 April Lorraine Pirihi How to survive and thrive beyond 50. John Fowler Jill Van, Barry Donaldson Jack Pyziakos, Len Dawson Don Van Glenyse Cooper The Rotary Four-Way-Test 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?" TOASTS Australia: Please charge your glasses and assist me in toasting our Great country, Australia. (Pause) to our country: Australia. ---------- Rotary International: Please drink a toast to our organisation: Rotary International, (pause) Rotary International. ROTARY INVOCATION: For good food, for good fellowship and the opportunity for service through Rotary, We give thanks. Rotary Club of Mordialloc Bulletin 31/03/2015 4
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